Nielsen was refusing to follow specific orders from her boss.

If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

Depends. If you are in the military, and someone gives you an order that you know to be unlawful, not only do they have the right to refuse to follow it, they also have the duty to refuse the order and report it.
Yes, but the military is not the Department of Homeland Security. It is a Department of the Executive Branch and the President is the boss. He can do what he wants there. If they won't follow illegal orders, good for them, but he still has the right to get rid of them and find some folks who WILL follow illegal orders..
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border
This is mostly conjecture and the reports are anonymous as to what Trump wants to do.
He has always hated "catch and release" so it shouldn't surprise anyone that he'd like to keep all these families detained. By law, the kids can't stay in jail. But last year when all this was front page news, the obvious solution was facilities where the parents and children could stay together while waiting for their hearings. Did that happen? I know there are a huge number of families coming right now, and it is a serious problem, but until Trump is able to get Congress to change the immigration laws, that is what he has to deal with.
Good for Trump for not putting up with anything less than tough border security.

Fuck the assholes that bring their children to commit a crime.

Fuck catch and release.

Fuck the Moon Bats for trying to import welfare queens to vote Democrat.
This is mostly conjecture and the reports are anonymous as to what Trump wants to do

I stand corrected. This is frightening.

U.S. Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles was fired Monday, and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Lee Cissna, DHS undersecretary for management Claire Grady and DHS general counsel John Mitnick are also leaving the administration. The officials' departures are part of a system-wide purge of senior management at DHS as top Trump adviser Stephen Miller looks to overhaul immigration-related policy and personnel.
Secret Service director and other top Homeland Security officials leaving in overhaul
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

Depends. If you are in the military, and someone gives you an order that you know to be unlawful, not only do they have the right to refuse to follow it, they also have the duty to refuse the order and report it.
Yes, but the military is not the Department of Homeland Security. It is a Department of the Executive Branch and the President is the boss. He can do what he wants there. If they won't follow illegal orders, good for them, but he still has the right to get rid of them and find some folks who WILL follow illegal orders..

So, in your opinion, it is okay for someone to break the law if they are following the orders of the president? I thought that one of the things that made this country great was that we are a nation of laws, and we follow them.
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
You guys tried that in the last election
Scary pictures of crime victims
Monster caravan headed for our border

You lost by nine million votes
No idea what you are talking about since we PICKED UP senate seats which are STATEWIDE races and lost tiny congressional districts which are obviously easier to win.
Never realized you were that politically inept

Dems had to defend 11 more Senate seats
So? What's gonna be excuse when they don't win the WH next year,lose even more senate seats AND lose the house?
We are looking at another blue tide in 2020
Oh do tell EXACTLY what senate seats you think the leftists are gonna flip please. Oh and what BRILLIANT moron is gonna defeat President Trump because as I see it you idiots are so far left a "moderate" in that Starbucks moron is gonna run as an independent and put the leftist candidate in THIRD!
...Hell no. This is an invasion by an army of turd world scum and they are destroying my country and EVERYTHING should be on the table to deal with them. Shoot a couple hundred maybe it will sink in for the rest.
Would that include the shooting of women and children?


I'm all in favor of halting all immigration for a generation or two and hunting-down and deporting the 11-12,000,000 already here.

We can probably flush most of 'em out by making their legal and economic conditions unbearable, so that they'll self-deport.

I am not, however, in favor of shooting them en masse at the border, for purposes of demonstration.

It is possible to go "too far" in such matters; do you not see that?
Nope there is no such thing as going to far when there is a literal invasion of my country. ANYONE who insists on trying to invade my country is an enemy combatant.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

Depends. If you are in the military, and someone gives you an order that you know to be unlawful, not only do they have the right to refuse to follow it, they also have the duty to refuse the order and report it.
Yes, but the military is not the Department of Homeland Security. It is a Department of the Executive Branch and the President is the boss. He can do what he wants there. If they won't follow illegal orders, good for them, but he still has the right to get rid of them and find some folks who WILL follow illegal orders..

So, in your opinion, it is okay for someone to break the law if they are following the orders of the president? I thought that one of the things that made this country great was that we are a nation of laws, and we follow them.
No, of course not. It just seems that is what we are dealing with.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

Depends. If you are in the military, and someone gives you an order that you know to be unlawful, not only do they have the right to refuse to follow it, they also have the duty to refuse the order and report it.
Yes, but the military is not the Department of Homeland Security. It is a Department of the Executive Branch and the President is the boss. He can do what he wants there. If they won't follow illegal orders, good for them, but he still has the right to get rid of them and find some folks who WILL follow illegal orders..

So, in your opinion, it is okay for someone to break the law if they are following the orders of the president? I thought that one of the things that made this country great was that we are a nation of laws, and we follow them.
No, of course not. It just seems that is what we are dealing with.

Hey, you were the one that said if they won't follow illegal orders, then Trump should find some who would follow illegal orders. Sure sounds like you are advocating for Trump and his minions to break the law.
...Nope there is no such thing as going to far...
"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."


My condolences.


I'm about as anti-Illegal Aliens as you can get, but even most hardliners will not condone the shooting of women and children.

The fact that you would support shooting border crossers indiscriminately as a demonstration speaks volumes about you.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Those were legal immigrants.

Amazing how CONservatives object to Judicial Activism only when it conflicts with their racist standpoint. They only support state's right when it doesn't conflict with their racists standpoint.

Otherwise they would be objecting to the gargantuan usurpation which occurred in the Chinese Exclusion Case wherein a racist SCOTUS USURPED the authority which the states' retained of controlling immigration within their borders.

If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Those were legal immigrants.

Amazing how CONservatives object to Judicial Activism only when it conflicts with their racist standpoint. They only support state's right when it doesn't conflict with their racists standpoint.

Otherwise they would be objecting to the gargantuan usurpation which occurred in the Chinese Exclusion Case wherein a racist SCOTUS USURPED the authority which the states' retained of controlling immigration within their borders.

Why is everything left-tards oppose "racist?"
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Could it be that white Europeans didnt bring children with them so they had a better chance of getting in?
Or maybe those white Europeans weren't prone to raping the children,or trafficking children?


What the fucketh?

Deflecting using a bullshit irrelevant pretext. At any rate:

Yo Vernon one of the most prolific pedophiles was Earl Brian Bradley , . What part of Mexico was he from?


If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

"we were just following orders" was the all too common refrain from the aryans who actually tossed jews into ovens!

You know....the aryan nazis who actually all got away with murder.....

"we were just following orders" (wink wink, nudge nudge)
No one is being sent to a concentration camp, you fucking dumbass.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Could it be that white Europeans didnt bring children with them so they had a better chance of getting in?
Or maybe those white Europeans weren't prone to raping the children,or trafficking children?


What the fucketh?

Deflecting using a bullshit irrelevant pretext. At any rate:

Yo Vernon one of the most prolific pedophiles was Earl Brian Bradley , . What part of Mexico was he from?


What's the acceptable number of pedophiles to admit into the country? How many children do they have to molest before we can bar them?
Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Those were legal immigrants.

Amazing how CONservatives object to Judicial Activism only when it conflicts with their racist standpoint. They only support state's right when it doesn't conflict with their racists standpoint.

Otherwise they would be objecting to the gargantuan usurpation which occurred in the Chinese Exclusion Case wherein a racist SCOTUS USURPED the authority which the states' retained of controlling immigration within their borders.

Why is everything left-tards oppose "racist?"

Have you read the Chinese Exclusion Case wherein SCOTUS USURPED the authority to detain and deport?

The alleged "emergency" that existed in 1899 was that the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines and employers preferred to hire them instead white Europeans.

It wasn't because the Chinese were on Welfare, or abusing Obama Hellcare or creating Chinese gangs such as MS13., or because they were nauseam

WHY DO REPUG-TARDS want to pretend that racism wasn't the issue?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Could it be that white Europeans didnt bring children with them so they had a better chance of getting in?
Or maybe those white Europeans weren't prone to raping the children,or trafficking children?


What the fucketh?

Deflecting using a bullshit irrelevant pretext. At any rate:

Yo Vernon one of the most prolific pedophiles was Earl Brian Bradley , . What part of Mexico was he from?



Give me something that makes sense.
They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Those were legal immigrants.

Amazing how CONservatives object to Judicial Activism only when it conflicts with their racist standpoint. They only support state's right when it doesn't conflict with their racists standpoint.

Otherwise they would be objecting to the gargantuan usurpation which occurred in the Chinese Exclusion Case wherein a racist SCOTUS USURPED the authority which the states' retained of controlling immigration within their borders.

Why is everything left-tards oppose "racist?"

Have you read the Chinese Exclusion Case wherein SCOTUS USURPED the authority to detain and deport?

The alleged "emergency" that existed in 1899 was that the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines and employers preferred to hire them instead white Europeans.

It wasn't because the Chinese were on Welfare, or abusing Obama Hellcare or creating Chinese gangs such as MS13., or because they were nauseam

WHY DO REPUG-TARDS want to pretend that racism wasn't the issue?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The date is 2019, not 1899. The fact that they were Chinese was only an issue because they were willing to work for half the wage as Americans.

Everything revolves around race, for dumbass leftists. In the real world, pay checks are the bottom line.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

"we were just following orders" was the all too common refrain from the aryans who actually tossed jews into ovens!

You know....the aryan nazis who actually all got away with murder.....

"we were just following orders" (wink wink, nudge nudge)
No one is being sent to a concentration camp, you fucking dumbass.

Here we go with the Orwellian Double speak !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next you will be telling us that they are being sent to the DHS version of Mar-A-:Lago

Neonazi, please

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