Nielsen was refusing to follow specific orders from her boss.

If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.

I back Trump 100% on WHATEVER it takes to remove illegals and stop them from coming to America. PERIOD.
Surely, your "whatever" lies within the bounds of legality and humane treatment, right?
Hell no. This is an invasion by an army of turd world scum and they are destroying my country and EVERYTHING should be on the table to deal with them. Shoot a couple hundred maybe it will sink in for the rest.
I think she left because she couldn't stop the illegals from flooding across. I'm pretty sure it was just a case of too many aliens getting away, and too many loads of heroin and fentanyl were getting across that are presently killing 300 Americans a week. A portable amount of fenatyl can kill 50,000 people.

Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator wannbe.

Trump's policies are driving the increase of people seeking asylum. Their fears that the borders may be permanently closed is causing them to flee their home countries in larger numbers. Cutting the foreign aid to these countries which was going to help local law enforcement fight the gangs, only makes the situations in these countries worse.

By driving more desperate people to the Southern Border, Trump is creating this crisis to help bolster the idea that America is under attack and the wall is necessary.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Ms. Nielsen doesn't work for Donald Trump. She works for the American people, and her oath is to uphold the Constitution, not to do Trump's illegal and unconstitutional, bidding. She should NOT have been separating young children from their parents in the first place, and she most certainly should not be following anyone's orders which have been shown to be illegal, and catastrophic to the families involved.

If Trump ordered her to shoot someone, would you expect her to follow that order too?
Yep.....and Trump is the only person in Washington that did something about this fake issue.
Congress was too busy introducing bills to impeach the president and sending foreign aide to our enemies.
He issued a EO ending the practice.......a practice that was by law a directive that was in place long before Trump decided to run for president.

Nice to see you've picked up Boss Trump's habit to telling big whopping lies.

There are NO BILLS OF IMPEACHMENT being introduced in the House. Nancy said "No" so that's a big fat lie.

Trump is NOT the only one who has done anything about immigration. But he is the one who has done the most to make the situation much much worse. Locking up tens of thousands of people who simply sought asyluum. Demonizing refugees and taking young children from their parents.

The rest of the world is watching and what you are doing is just as bad as ISIS, the Taliban and all of the terrorists you claim should be stopped. These are refugees being created by American policies. You should be ashamed.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Those were legal immigrants.
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Exactly, just like Pontius Pilate who stated that he was not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sent him to his death

Ms Nielsen objected to the nazistic policy wherein she was responsible for separating children from their families and thereby causing deaths and misery.


They separate them because you can't store adults and children together. They were not executing them.

Provide a Link showing that the children of WHITE EUROPEANS were separated from their parents at Ellis Island.


Could it be that white Europeans didnt bring children with them so they had a better chance of getting in?
Or maybe those white Europeans weren't prone to raping the children,or trafficking children?
If your boss tells you to do something and you say no, you typically get fired.

"Ms. Nielsen’s disagreement with the president’s desire to restart separations, fueled by her concerns about the policy’s legality, was the latest example of Mr. Trump becoming frustrated with her because he felt she was too willing to operate within the legal boundaries of the immigration system he wants to revamp."

Trump Is Pushing to Restart Family Separations at Border

Ms. Nielsen doesn't work for Donald Trump. She works for the American people, and her oath is to uphold the Constitution, not to do Trump's illegal and unconstitutional, bidding. She should NOT have been separating young children from their parents in the first place, and she most certainly should not be following anyone's orders which have been shown to be illegal, and catastrophic to the families involved.

If Trump ordered her to shoot someone, would you expect her to follow that order too?
Yep.....and Trump is the only person in Washington that did something about this fake issue.
Congress was too busy introducing bills to impeach the president and sending foreign aide to our enemies.
He issued a EO ending the practice.......a practice that was by law a directive that was in place long before Trump decided to run for president.

Nice to see you've picked up Boss Trump's habit to telling big whopping lies.

There are NO BILLS OF IMPEACHMENT being introduced in the House. Nancy said "No" so that's a big fat lie.

Trump is NOT the only one who has done anything about immigration. But he is the one who has done the most to make the situation much much worse. Locking up tens of thousands of people who simply sought asyluum. Demonizing refugees and taking young children from their parents.

The rest of the world is watching and what you are doing is just as bad as ISIS, the Taliban and all of the terrorists you claim should be stopped. These are refugees being created by American policies. You should be ashamed.
Congress has submitted them on more than one occasion. House Democrat reintroduces impeachment articles against Trump - CNNPolitics

Congress refuses to close immigration loopholes that are drawing thousands of Central Americans to the border. And when it comes to separation of families Trump is the only person to lift a finger to do anything about it. Trump Signs Order To End Family Separations
Trump Signs Executive Order to End Family Separation

And the primary reason Nielson was let go was because she couldn't take the stress of the job anymore.
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children

oh look ^^^^ another one with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
Nielsen wanting to follow the law and human decency got her fired
I have difficulty believing those were among her motivations. More likely she just got tired of being yelled at by practically everyone.
Some of it was court orders preventing her from following Trumps demands
You're combining apples and oranges and getting very bananas, sir.
Actually, I am correct
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
You guys tried that in the last election
Scary pictures of crime victims
Monster caravan headed for our border

You lost by nine million votes
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
You guys tried that in the last election
Scary pictures of crime victims
Monster caravan headed for our border

You lost by nine million votes
No idea what you are talking about since we PICKED UP senate seats which are STATEWIDE races and lost tiny congressional districts which are obviously easier to win.
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
You guys tried that in the last election
Scary pictures of crime victims
Monster caravan headed for our border

You lost by nine million votes
No idea what you are talking about since we PICKED UP senate seats which are STATEWIDE races and lost tiny congressional districts which are obviously easier to win.
Never realized you were that politically inept

Dems had to defend 15 more Senate seats
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
You guys tried that in the last election
Scary pictures of crime victims
Monster caravan headed for our border

You lost by nine million votes
No idea what you are talking about since we PICKED UP senate seats which are STATEWIDE races and lost tiny congressional districts which are obviously easier to win.
Never realized you were that politically inept

Dems had to defend 11 more Senate seats
You do know we will watch your areas vaporized. Even with family there.
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
You guys tried that in the last election
Scary pictures of crime victims
Monster caravan headed for our border

You lost by nine million votes
No idea what you are talking about since we PICKED UP senate seats which are STATEWIDE races and lost tiny congressional districts which are obviously easier to win.
Never realized you were that politically inept

Dems had to defend 11 more Senate seats
So? What's gonna be excuse when they don't win the WH next year,lose even more senate seats AND lose the house?
Trump is running for president next year

Let him do it with pictures of children in cages, crying families being broken apart and tear gassing young children
Let's do it with pictures of all the dead Americans illegals leftists and cuckservatives have allowed to flow in have killed.
You guys tried that in the last election
Scary pictures of crime victims
Monster caravan headed for our border

You lost by nine million votes
No idea what you are talking about since we PICKED UP senate seats which are STATEWIDE races and lost tiny congressional districts which are obviously easier to win.
Never realized you were that politically inept

Dems had to defend 11 more Senate seats
So? What's gonna be excuse when they don't win the WH next year,lose even more senate seats AND lose the house?
We are looking at another blue tide in 2020
I think she left because she couldn't stop the illegals from flooding across. I'm pretty sure it was just a case of too many aliens getting away, and too many loads of heroin and fentanyl were getting across that are presently killing 300 Americans a week. A portable amount of fenatyl can kill 50,000 people.

Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator wannbe.

Trump's policies are driving the increase of people seeking asylum. Their fears that the borders may be permanently closed is causing them to flee their home countries in larger numbers. Cutting the foreign aid to these countries which was going to help local law enforcement fight the gangs, only makes the situations in these countries worse.

By driving more desperate people to the Southern Border, Trump is creating this crisis to help bolster the idea that America is under attack and the wall is necessary.
Dragonlady said, "Well that shows how LITTLE you know. I truly do loathe you stupid Russian trolls and your hate fueled posts supporting the most heinous and unconstitutional policies of this dictator (sic) wannbe."

Feel better after projecting your bowel movement all over a USMB discussion page? I hope so.

Dragonlady said, "Trump is creating this crisis"
Actually, the crisis is caused by four million unregistered aliens crossing our southern border every year for the past couple of decades and we're out of room.

Peddle your communist propaganda to somebody else. I'm not buying the load you're selling, sweetie.

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