Nike--loves criminals

That all you
The founding fathers would have taken a dim view of someone exhibiting such anti-American hatred.

Perhaps he should have a taste of what Phillip Nolan had...

The Man Without a Country - Wikipedia

Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.
That all you got J is a funny rating. I take it you believe you puit on a cop hat it automaticaly makes you right huh! That is a belief that is more than funny!

Not quite as funny as believing a football uniform makes you the Grand Poobah of everything that's right or wrong. Kaepernick is just being an attention whore and compensating for the fact that he's a crappy player.

I have no sympathy for any street hood who tries to get froggy with the cops and gets his ass shot off.
Deflect is all you have you are a sad stupid little man! Hate it when logic buries you don't you! Deflect and lie is all you have ! You sit and pat your self on the back alot don't you, no one else will! You keep your faith buddy a title makes some one good! See how it works for ya! Dumb fuck!

Classy. Go outside and screech at the clouds while there's still some daylight. Then go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep.

I promise you'll feel better tomorrow. :11:
That all you
Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.
That all you got J is a funny rating. I take it you believe you puit on a cop hat it automaticaly makes you right huh! That is a belief that is more than funny!

Not quite as funny as believing a football uniform makes you the Grand Poobah of everything that's right or wrong. Kaepernick is just being an attention whore and compensating for the fact that he's a crappy player.

I have no sympathy for any street hood who tries to get froggy with the cops and gets his ass shot off.
Deflect is all you have you are a sad stupid little man! Hate it when logic buries you don't you! Deflect and lie is all you have ! You sit and pat your self on the back alot don't you, no one else will! You keep your faith buddy a title makes some one good! See how it works for ya! Dumb fuck!

Classy. Go outside and screech at the clouds while there's still some daylight. Then go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep.

I promise you'll feel better tomorrow. :11:
What do I have to cry about? I am not the one with nothing to say who gets stumped on easy questions and has to deflect. I am not screeching at a cloud, I am making you feel like an idiot and I like it ! Answer the questions I posed are you to stupid or just a coward?
That all you
Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.
That all you got J is a funny rating. I take it you believe you puit on a cop hat it automaticaly makes you right huh! That is a belief that is more than funny!

Not quite as funny as believing a football uniform makes you the Grand Poobah of everything that's right or wrong. Kaepernick is just being an attention whore and compensating for the fact that he's a crappy player.

I have no sympathy for any street hood who tries to get froggy with the cops and gets his ass shot off.
Deflect is all you have you are a sad stupid little man! Hate it when logic buries you don't you! Deflect and lie is all you have ! You sit and pat your self on the back alot don't you, no one else will! You keep your faith buddy a title makes some one good! See how it works for ya! Dumb fuck!

Classy. Go outside and screech at the clouds while there's still some daylight. Then go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep.

I promise you'll feel better tomorrow. :11:
What do I have to cry about? I am not the one with nothing to say who gets stumped on easy questions and has to deflect. I am not screeching at a cloud, I am making you feel like an idiot and I like it ! Answer the questions I posed are you to stupid or just a coward?

First off, you haven't asked me any questions. Secondly, I don't have to answer to whiny, snively, little crybabies who don't have the intelligence to even properly formulate a question.
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if the are pro-Kap

They're giving away their shoes for free? Does that mean the bros in da hood won't be gunning each other down for a pair of them?
A|r Jordans for a new generation of thugs.

See, another racist post from a racist fuck. Referring black kids as thugs s racist.

But hey, that is what you Trumpettes are all about.
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What's the criminal charge?

There is none. They are trying to paint Kaepernick in the worst light possible. Apparently, Harmonica thinks that all black people are criminals, and that is what he is using for his attacks.
you are talking shit now
get back to civil/logical/etc discussion
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What's the criminal charge?

There is none. They are trying to paint Kaepernick in the worst light possible. Apparently, Harmonica thinks that all black people are criminals, and that is what he is using for his attacks.
you are talking shit now
get back to civil/logical/etc discussion

Again, what is it that makes Kaepernick a criminal? What crimes has he been convicted of? All you've done is say that if Nike is pro Kap, they are also pro criminal, which means that you are insinuating that Kapernick is a criminal.
there is no major, chronic problem of police brutality/shooting blacks
I've put out the numbers/links/etc on this many times in other threads
Kap is protesting for lies/myths/RACISM [ he's the racist ] /dumbshit/etc
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What's the criminal charge?

There is none. They are trying to paint Kaepernick in the worst light possible. Apparently, Harmonica thinks that all black people are criminals, and that is what he is using for his attacks.
you are talking shit now
get back to civil/logical/etc discussion

Again, what is it that makes Kaepernick a criminal? What crimes has he been convicted of? All you've done is say that if Nike is pro Kap, they are also pro criminal, which means that you are insinuating that Kapernick is a criminal.
--it's been explained to you--if you don't get it, you are truly a dumbass

there is not a major, chronic problem of police brutality/shooting blacks
I've put out the numbers/stats/links many times on USMB
Kap is protesting FOR criminals--he is pro-criminal/anti-police
the majority of the police shooting blacks are MORE than justified
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How is Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?
Last edited:
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How I shall Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?

You know, one of the things I've been curious about is why the cops feel the need to empty their gun, reload, and empty it again against just one suspect? Aren't they taught ammo control? I know that if I shot more than 3 rounds at one target on the range when I was in Security Force, the Gunny would have had my ass for not using proper ammo control. Fire 2 - 3 times, assess the situation, and then fire more rounds if required, not empty the whole freaking thing into the suspect.
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How I shall Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?

You know, one of the things I've been curious about is why the cops feel the need to empty their gun, reload, and empty it again against just one suspect? Aren't they taught ammo control? I know that if I shot more than 3 rounds at one target on the range when I was in Security Force, the Gunny would have had my ass for not using proper ammo control. Fire 2 - 3 times, assess the situation, and then fire more rounds if required, not empty the whole freaking thing into the suspect.
That's the crux of my argument against high capacity magazines. If you cannot stop an offender with six rounds from a revolver, perhaps your hobby should not be firearms but stamp collecting.
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How I shall Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?

You know, one of the things I've been curious about is why the cops feel the need to empty their gun, reload, and empty it again against just one suspect? Aren't they taught ammo control? I know that if I shot more than 3 rounds at one target on the range when I was in Security Force, the Gunny would have had my ass for not using proper ammo control. Fire 2 - 3 times, assess the situation, and then fire more rounds if required, not empty the whole freaking thing into the suspect.
That's the crux of my argument against high capacity magazines. If you cannot stop an offender with six rounds from a revolver, perhaps your hobby should not be firearms but stamp collecting.

You know, that is one of the views I share with you. If you can't take them out with 3-4 shots, you need to spend more time at the range, or you need another hobby.

But..................the problem isn't with civilians shooting off their entire magazine, it's the cops that I have a problem with. And, apparently, it's due to being improperly trained, because one person on here who was a police officer said they were taught to empty the whole thing during target practice, and therein lies the problem. As we used to say in the military, "you fight like you train", and that is one of the reasons I don't understand police procedures nowadays.

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