Nike--loves criminals

Kolin protests the way minorities are treated by endorsing a product made with slave labor.

Ironic huh
I worked for the Reebok Corporation and remember the scandal in the 90's with Nike, but they allegedly corrected their sweat shop problems about 15 years ago,in 2002 or so.... if memory serves....?
so you
Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"?

The founding fathers would have taken a dim view of someone exhibiting such anti-American hatred.

Perhaps he should have a taste of what Phillip Nolan had...

The Man Without a Country - Wikipedia

Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.

Only because of his ethnicity. The Founding Fathers didn't count black people as people., if you had a pistol, you would let someone beat the shit out of you and/or grab your pistol??
or would you shoot him?????
would you shoot TO KILL HIM, or just shoot him to stop him?
He's not a criminal, he's not breaking any laws.

He's allowed himself to get sucked into the madness, but that's his choice.
I completely agree with you, this madness of having black men unite and stand by a cause....Colin is just wasting his time. These sell out black mf's with thier prized white barbie dolls could give a fuck about random nigga's in this country.
so you
The founding fathers would have taken a dim view of someone exhibiting such anti-American hatred.

Perhaps he should have a taste of what Phillip Nolan had...

The Man Without a Country - Wikipedia

Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.

Only because of his ethnicity. The Founding Fathers didn't count black people as people., if you had a pistol, you would let someone beat the shit out of you and/or grab your pistol??
or would you shoot him?????
would you shoot TO KILL HIM, or just shoot him to stop him?
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if the are pro-Kap

Why? What criminal charges has Kaepernick been convicted of?

Kneeling during the national anthem is hardly a crime.
Trump lovers are pathetic

Kappernick has broken ZERO laws

Meanwhile Manafort is guilty of 8 felonies, Trump continues to sing his praises and claim that his crime isn't really a crime

But no, its Kappernick and those other "baboons" that are the criminals
Oh by the way, a cop was just convicted for murdering an un-armed teen due to that cop's police brutality -- so maybe Kappernick has more of a legitimate reason to believe police policies need to be reformed more than you trump sycophants believe the whole DOJ is corrupt because they wouldn't refuse to indict republicans.
Trump lovers are pathetic

Kappernick has broken ZERO laws

Meanwhile Manafort is guilty of 8 felonies, Trump continues to sing his praises and claim that his crime isn't really a crime

But no, its Kappernick and those other "baboons" that are the criminals

Nike don't didn't sign Manafort for an ad campaign which is thread topic. TDS rears it's head again
They laughed at Nancy Reagan when she said "just say no" but a spoiled rich hypocrite who disrespects his own Country is a hero because he says "just do it". I expect "just do it" posters are hanging in every gang member headquarters in Chicago.
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if the are pro-Kap

Why? What criminal charges has Kaepernick been convicted of?

Kneeling during the national anthem is hardly a crime.
I've been over this before
Kap is protesting police killings of blacks
I've put out the evidence many times that this is bullshit/lies/etc
he is saying the police are the problem--more bullshit/etc
So lets get this strait the police have not shot any unarmed black people right? There can be no bad actors on the police just because they are police right? We do not need to keep government in check right? He does not support criminals he supports the right for a persons day in court! You say nike supports criminals because it supports Kapernick yet kapernickj has been found guilty of no crime. We are supposed to just glean what you mean from shitty posts? You are the nonsense person around here! Being a preist does not preclude you from being a bad person neither does being a cop, only children think this way. No group is absent of evil just because of their title. You are an idiot to think otrher wise!
That all you
Why? What criminal charges has Kaepernick been convicted of?

Kneeling during the national anthem is hardly a crime.
I've been over this before
Kap is protesting police killings of blacks
I've put out the evidence many times that this is bullshit/lies/etc
he is saying the police are the problem--more bullshit/etc

Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"?

The founding fathers would have taken a dim view of someone exhibiting such anti-American hatred.

Perhaps he should have a taste of what Phillip Nolan had...

The Man Without a Country - Wikipedia

Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.
That all you got J is a funny rating. I take it you believe you puit on a cop hat it automaticaly makes you right huh! That is a belief that is more than funny!
That all you
I've been over this before
Kap is protesting police killings of blacks
I've put out the evidence many times that this is bullshit/lies/etc
he is saying the police are the problem--more bullshit/etc

Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"?

The founding fathers would have taken a dim view of someone exhibiting such anti-American hatred.

Perhaps he should have a taste of what Phillip Nolan had...

The Man Without a Country - Wikipedia

Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.
That all you got J is a funny rating. I take it you believe you puit on a cop hat it automaticaly makes you right huh! That is a belief that is more than funny!

Not quite as funny as believing a football uniform makes you the Grand Poobah of everything that's right or wrong. Kaepernick is just being an attention whore and compensating for the fact that he's a crappy player.

I have no sympathy for any street hood who tries to get froggy with the cops and gets his ass shot off.
That all you
Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"?

The founding fathers would have taken a dim view of someone exhibiting such anti-American hatred.

Perhaps he should have a taste of what Phillip Nolan had...

The Man Without a Country - Wikipedia

Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.
That all you got J is a funny rating. I take it you believe you puit on a cop hat it automaticaly makes you right huh! That is a belief that is more than funny!

Not quite as funny as believing a football uniform makes you the Grand Poobah of everything that's right or wrong. Kaepernick is just being an attention whore and compensating for the fact that he's a crappy player.

I have no sympathy for any street hood who tries to get froggy with the cops and gets his ass shot off.
Deflect is all you have you are a sad stupid little man! Hate it when logic buries you don't you! Deflect and lie is all you have ! You sit and pat your self on the back alot don't you, no one else will! You keep your faith buddy a title makes some one good! See how it works for ya! Dumb fuck!
That all you
Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"?

The founding fathers would have taken a dim view of someone exhibiting such anti-American hatred.

Perhaps he should have a taste of what Phillip Nolan had...

The Man Without a Country - Wikipedia

Really? The Founding Fathers would have taken a dim view? If that is the case, then why did they include free speech and the right to peaceful protest into the Constitution? If they had such a dim view of free speech and peaceful protest, they wouldn't have included it.

Peaceful protest or not, he would have been buggy-whipped and branded as a Tory.
That all you got J is a funny rating. I take it you believe you puit on a cop hat it automaticaly makes you right huh! That is a belief that is more than funny!

Not quite as funny as believing a football uniform makes you the Grand Poobah of everything that's right or wrong. Kaepernick is just being an attention whore and compensating for the fact that he's a crappy player.

I have no sympathy for any street hood who tries to get froggy with the cops and gets his ass shot off.
Thanks for proving my point! It is all you have! That must make you feel awefully small!

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