Nike--loves criminals

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How is Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?
there is not a major, chronic problem of police brutality/etc
There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Colin Kaepernick protests anthem over treatment of minorities
....he's a FKN jackass--and anyone else who thinks the police are murdering is a big problem
fkn jackasses
I've got a thread on these shootings
no one wants to discuss them
the majority have been justified and anyone with a brain knows they are
the police are shooting CRIMINALS
dangerous jackasses
and the blacks are protesting criminals being shot!!!! please explain that
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
etc etc etc
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How I shall Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?

You know, one of the things I've been curious about is why the cops feel the need to empty their gun, reload, and empty it again against just one suspect? Aren't they taught ammo control? I know that if I shot more than 3 rounds at one target on the range when I was in Security Force, the Gunny would have had my ass for not using proper ammo control. Fire 2 - 3 times, assess the situation, and then fire more rounds if required, not empty the whole freaking thing into the suspect.
That's the crux of my argument against high capacity magazines. If you cannot stop an offender with six rounds from a revolver, perhaps your hobby should not be firearms but stamp collecting.

You know, that is one of the views I share with you. If you can't take them out with 3-4 shots, you need to spend more time at the range, or you need another hobby.

But..................the problem isn't with civilians shooting off their entire magazine, it's the cops that I have a problem with. And, apparently, it's due to being improperly trained, because one person on here who was a police officer said they were taught to empty the whole thing during target practice, and therein lies the problem. As we used to say in the military, "you fight like you train", and that is one of the reasons I don't understand police procedures nowadays.
you people are worried about criminals being shot??
Kap is protesting black, dangerous criminals being shot
plain and simple
racist/anti-police jackass
he is pro-criminal--anti-police
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How is Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?
there is not a major, chronic problem of police brutality/etc
There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Colin Kaepernick protests anthem over treatment of minorities
....he's a FKN jackass--and anyone else who thinks the police are murdering is a big problem
fkn jackasses
I've got a thread on these shootings
no one wants to discuss them
the majority have been justified and anyone with a brain knows they are
the police are shooting CRIMINALS
dangerous jackasses
and the blacks are protesting criminals being shot!!!! please explain that
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
etc etc etc
Maybe the people being shot at by the police believe there is a major/chronic problem with police brutality. And many of your fellow Americans agree with them. Turning a blind eye and dismissing the problem out of hand is no way to divine a solution.
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap

Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What crime did Colin Kaepernick commit?
Kap is pro-criminal/anti-police
so if Nike agrees with Kap, Nike is pro-criminal/anti-police
How is Kaepernick anti-police? Is is anti-police brutality. Must police tactics include brutality? Are all shootings by police justifiable and warranted?
there is not a major, chronic problem of police brutality/etc
There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Colin Kaepernick protests anthem over treatment of minorities
....he's a FKN jackass--and anyone else who thinks the police are murdering is a big problem
fkn jackasses
I've got a thread on these shootings
no one wants to discuss them
the majority have been justified and anyone with a brain knows they are
the police are shooting CRIMINALS
dangerous jackasses
and the blacks are protesting criminals being shot!!!! please explain that
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
etc etc etc
Maybe the people being shot at by the police believe there is a major/chronic problem with police brutality. And many of your fellow Americans agree with them. Turning a blind eye and dismissing the problem out of hand is no way to divine a solution.
hahahhaa--you just said it!!!! ''BELIEVE''
the stats/facts/etc say they are wrong
let's start with the BIG one--Mike Brown--justified best, in your wildest dreams, reaching for the farthest star, it is questionable--UNDENIABLY not murder as jackass Kap says
Alton Sterling--they did EVERYTHING NOT to shoot--that was the last resort
and he was armed/resisting
you people have no argument at all
....Castille was very questionable IMO....but, if he was moving his hands toward the gun--dumbass
etc etc

Wow children as young as 5 years old forced to work 12 hours a day?!?!

BlackFag and the rest of his fools couldn't care less. Buying Nikes like there's no tomorrow.
EXACT same fools faking concern over illegal immigrant children separated from fake parents exploiting them 2 months ago.

Hypocrisy off the charts. Makes you wanna plant dos boot where the sun don't shine.
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if the are pro-Kap

They're giving away their shoes for free? Does that mean the bros in da hood won't be gunning each other down for a pair of them?
A|r Jordans for a new generation of thugs.

See, another racist post from a racist fuck. Referring black kids as thugs s racist.

But hey, that is what you Trumpettes are all about.
Did I say all black kids are thugs. There are a lot of thugs, but then there are some fine ones like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Nike, Colin Kaepernick, Oprah Winfrey, Nadine Burke Harris.jpg
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What's the crime he's guilty of?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
some other member asked the same thing
Kap is pro-criminal so this makes Nike pro-criminal for backing him
again--I've asked this a lot of times--why do blacks love criminals so much??
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if the are pro-Kap

Why? What criminal charges has Kaepernick been convicted of?

Kneeling during the national anthem is hardly a crime.
I've been over this before
Kap is protesting police killings of blacks
I've put out the evidence many times that this is bullshit/lies/etc
he is saying the police are the problem--more bullshit/etc

Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"? blacks/Dems/etc have PREconceived lunacy/think emotionally/illogically
Kap is pro-criminal
Nike agrees/loves Kap, so they are pro-criminal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get it NOW??
no one said Kap was a criminal
all of your responses were nonsensical

Now you're not making any sense here.

Just because he was tired of police killing unarmed people doesn't make him pro criminal. It makes him pro constitution.

Speaking out against all he unarmed people who have been killed by police isn't a crime.

In fact he's never been arrested or even accused of a crime.

He's a very devout christian. This is from his Wiki Page.

Kaepernick was baptized Methodist, confirmed Lutheran, and attended a Baptist church during his college years.[118] Kaepernick spoke about his faith saying, "My faith is the basis from where my game comes from. I've been very blessed to have the talent to play the game that I do and be successful at it. I think God guides me through every day and helps me take the right steps and has helped me to get to where I'm at. When I step on the field, I always say a prayer, say I am thankful to be able to wake up that morning and go out there and try to glorify the Lord with what I do on the field. I think if you go out and try to do that, no matter what you do on the field, you can be happy about what you did."[119]

Kaepernick has multiple tattoos. His right arm features a scroll with the Bible verse Psalm 18:39 written on it. Tattooed under the scroll are praying hands with the phrase "To God The Glory" written on them. To the left of both the scroll and praying hands is the word "Faith" written vertically. His left arm features a Christian cross with the words "Heaven Sent" on it referring to Jesus. Written above and below the cross is the phrase "God Will Guide Me". Written to the left and right of the cross is the Bible verse Psalm 27:3. His chest features the phrase "Against All Odds" and artwork around it that represents "inner strength, spiritual growth, and humility". His back features a mural of angels against demons.[120][121][122] Near the end of the 2012 NFL season, Kaepernick's signature touchdown celebration involved flexing and kissing the bicep of his right arm. Kaepernick says he kisses his "Faith", "To God The Glory", and Psalm 18:39 tattoos and the reason he does the celebration is because "God has brought me this far. He has laid out a phenomenal path for me. And I can't do anything but thank Him."[120]

The fact that you have to lie about him and the situation says a lot about you.

Do you have a problem with the fact that Niki stock has gone up and they have seen a 30% increase in sales since he started being in their ads?

I guess since you see that most of America doesn't agree with you, you now need to lie, slander and attack both Nike and Mr. Kaepernick.

What a very sad person you must be.
Last edited:
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if the are pro-Kap

Why? What criminal charges has Kaepernick been convicted of?

Kneeling during the national anthem is hardly a crime.
I've been over this before
Kap is protesting police killings of blacks
I've put out the evidence many times that this is bullshit/lies/etc
he is saying the police are the problem--more bullshit/etc

Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"? blacks/Dems/etc have PREconceived lunacy/think emotionally/illogically
Kap is pro-criminal
Nike agrees/loves Kap, so they are pro-criminal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get it NOW??
no one said Kap was a criminal
all of your responses were nonsensical

No you're not making any sense here.

Just because he was tired of police killing unarmed people doesn't make him pro criminal. It makes him pro constitution.

Speaking out against all he unarmed people who have been killed by police isn't a crime.

In fact he's never been arrested or even accused of a crime.

He's a very devout christian. This is from his Wiki Page.

Kaepernick was baptized Methodist, confirmed Lutheran, and attended a Baptist church during his college years.[118] Kaepernick spoke about his faith saying, "My faith is the basis from where my game comes from. I've been very blessed to have the talent to play the game that I do and be successful at it. I think God guides me through every day and helps me take the right steps and has helped me to get to where I'm at. When I step on the field, I always say a prayer, say I am thankful to be able to wake up that morning and go out there and try to glorify the Lord with what I do on the field. I think if you go out and try to do that, no matter what you do on the field, you can be happy about what you did."[119]

Kaepernick has multiple tattoos. His right arm features a scroll with the Bible verse Psalm 18:39 written on it. Tattooed under the scroll are praying hands with the phrase "To God The Glory" written on them. To the left of both the scroll and praying hands is the word "Faith" written vertically. His left arm features a Christian cross with the words "Heaven Sent" on it referring to Jesus. Written above and below the cross is the phrase "God Will Guide Me". Written to the left and right of the cross is the Bible verse Psalm 27:3. His chest features the phrase "Against All Odds" and artwork around it that represents "inner strength, spiritual growth, and humility". His back features a mural of angels against demons.[120][121][122] Near the end of the 2012 NFL season, Kaepernick's signature touchdown celebration involved flexing and kissing the bicep of his right arm. Kaepernick says he kisses his "Faith", "To God The Glory", and Psalm 18:39 tattoos and the reason he does the celebration is because "God has brought me this far. He has laid out a phenomenal path for me. And I can't do anything but thank Him."[120]

The fact that you have to lie about him and the situation says a lot about you.

Do you have a problem with the fact that Niki stock has gone up and they have seen a 30% increase in sales since he started being in their ads?

I guess since you see that most of America doesn't agree with you, you now need to lie, slander and attack both Nike and Mr. Kaepernick.

What a very sad person you must be.
MOST of those shot by cops are CRIMINALS--armed and dangerous
even the unarmed ones are jackasses who were a threat
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

I guess since you see that most of America doesn't agree with you,
do you have stats/links for this??? NO
ASterling --armed/criminal
MBrown criminal/attacked clerk and cop
EGarner criminal
FGray criminal
why do blacks love criminals so much??
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if the are pro-Kap

Why? What criminal charges has Kaepernick been convicted of?

Kneeling during the national anthem is hardly a crime.
I've been over this before
Kap is protesting police killings of blacks
I've put out the evidence many times that this is bullshit/lies/etc
he is saying the police are the problem--more bullshit/etc

Again......................what crimes has he been convicted of? In order to be a criminal, you must do criminal acts and be convicted of them. What criminal acts has he done?

Peaceful protest by taking a knee isn't criminal. Matter of fact, peaceful protest and free speech are protected by the Constitution. If it is authorized under the founding document of this country, how can it be "criminal"? blacks/Dems/etc have PREconceived lunacy/think emotionally/illogically
Kap is pro-criminal
Nike agrees/loves Kap, so they are pro-criminal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get it NOW??
no one said Kap was a criminal
all of your responses were nonsensical

No you're not making any sense here.

Just because he was tired of police killing unarmed people doesn't make him pro criminal. It makes him pro constitution.

Speaking out against all he unarmed people who have been killed by police isn't a crime.

In fact he's never been arrested or even accused of a crime.

He's a very devout christian. This is from his Wiki Page.

Kaepernick was baptized Methodist, confirmed Lutheran, and attended a Baptist church during his college years.[118] Kaepernick spoke about his faith saying, "My faith is the basis from where my game comes from. I've been very blessed to have the talent to play the game that I do and be successful at it. I think God guides me through every day and helps me take the right steps and has helped me to get to where I'm at. When I step on the field, I always say a prayer, say I am thankful to be able to wake up that morning and go out there and try to glorify the Lord with what I do on the field. I think if you go out and try to do that, no matter what you do on the field, you can be happy about what you did."[119]

Kaepernick has multiple tattoos. His right arm features a scroll with the Bible verse Psalm 18:39 written on it. Tattooed under the scroll are praying hands with the phrase "To God The Glory" written on them. To the left of both the scroll and praying hands is the word "Faith" written vertically. His left arm features a Christian cross with the words "Heaven Sent" on it referring to Jesus. Written above and below the cross is the phrase "God Will Guide Me". Written to the left and right of the cross is the Bible verse Psalm 27:3. His chest features the phrase "Against All Odds" and artwork around it that represents "inner strength, spiritual growth, and humility". His back features a mural of angels against demons.[120][121][122] Near the end of the 2012 NFL season, Kaepernick's signature touchdown celebration involved flexing and kissing the bicep of his right arm. Kaepernick says he kisses his "Faith", "To God The Glory", and Psalm 18:39 tattoos and the reason he does the celebration is because "God has brought me this far. He has laid out a phenomenal path for me. And I can't do anything but thank Him."[120]

The fact that you have to lie about him and the situation says a lot about you.

Do you have a problem with the fact that Niki stock has gone up and they have seen a 30% increase in sales since he started being in their ads?

I guess since you see that most of America doesn't agree with you, you now need to lie, slander and attack both Nike and Mr. Kaepernick.

What a very sad person you must be.
blacks commit murder 4 times the rate of whites
rape 2 times more
crime many times more
hate crimes 2 times more
233 blacks shot dead--mostly armed and dangerous in 2016
there are over 30 million calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
the cops are doing a good job at NOT shooting the violent, criminal black race
jesus f christ ..they commit crimes/etc at much higher rates

no--most people agree with me
The majority (93%) of persons who requested police assistance felt the officers acted properly
Colin Kaepernick joins Nike's 30th anniversary "Just Do It" campaign
they give their shoes out free
Nike is pro-criminal if they are pro-Kap
What's the crime he's guilty of?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
some other member asked the same thing
Kap is pro-criminal so this makes Nike pro-criminal for backing him
again--I've asked this a lot of times--why do blacks love criminals so much??

What's he guilty of?

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