Nike made a business decision not a political statement

So it's ok for Nike to manufacture all their products in Asian sweatshops and then prop up Special K as their human rights poster boy? You dims will buy into anything.

Well that doesn't count now. It only counts when Republicans do it.
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.
How is the younger demographic richer? They’re the ones needing a 15 an hour minimum wage and can’t get their own insurance until 26. Can’t handle a gun until 21 and are allergic to physical labor of any sort.

Is Nike coming out with an SJW shoe your mommy puts on for you?

Statistically African Americans and Latinos earn less but spend more on clothing such as visible sneakers, shirts, etc.. 30% more than whites. Culture thing I guess?
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.
How is the younger demographic richer? They’re the ones needing a 15 an hour minimum wage and can’t get their own insurance until 26. Can’t handle a gun until 21 and are allergic to physical labor of any sort.

Is Nike coming out with an SJW shoe your mommy puts on for you?

Statistically African Americans and Latinos earn less but spend more on clothing such as visible sneakers, shirts, etc.. 30% more than whites. Culture thing I guess?
Welfare probably. I’ve never seen more New shoes and the latest phones on people that didn’t have any job to be at in the middle of the day than Compton.
The whole thing barely exists in my universe.

Not a big NFL fan so I won't need to boycott the NFL.

I buy my no-name-brand gym shoes at the local department store so I won't need to boycott Nike.

But I wish the boycotters well.
The whole thing barely exists in my universe.

Not a big NFL fan so I won't need to boycott the NFL.

I buy my no-name-brand gym shoes at the local department store so I won't need to boycott Nike.

But I wish the boycotters well.

I think it will work out quite well. They're paying this idiot a million bucks, going to lose tens of millions in sales, and likely the price of their stock will drop greatly this week.
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.

“Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.”

“Nike understands there will be many good, patriotic folks like you but many more will act like unAmerican pieces of shits. That demographic is younger, less American, richer and will be around a lot longer than you. America isn’t American anymore.”
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.

“Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.”

“Nike understands there will be many good, patriotic folks like you but many more will act like unAmerican pieces of shits. That demographic is younger, less American, richer and will be around a lot longer than you. America isn’t American anymore.”

Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.
It was very predictable that when Nike came out with this ad, the NKE stock would tank very quickly. The SEC should investigate this.

It just stinks of an insider trading ploy.
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.

“Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.”

“Nike understands there will be many good, patriotic folks like you but many more will act like unAmerican pieces of shits. That demographic is younger, less American, richer and will be around a lot longer than you. America isn’t American anymore.”

Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.

I hope to God you’re right...I’ve lost faith in kids here in south Mexifornia.
One more thing, did you guys realize Nike is also making big time donations (read that SHAREHOLDER MONEY) to Kaperdink's foundation?

2:03 PM PT -- As part of the new deal Colin negotiated with Nike, the Swoosh will be putting out a new signature shoe and apparel ... and making substantial contributions and donations to Colin's Know Your Rights foundation.
It just doesn't make sense for Nike to pick such a failure.

I think American businesses make no sense no matter what.

I used to drink diet caffeine free Pepsi. After a while, I couldn't find it in the store, so I wrote to the store.

The store told me they had no control over the stock because Pepsi took care of their own shelves. So I wrote to Pepsi.

Pepsi responded by telling me if I can't find their product, too bad. I was lucky if I did. Furthermore, they told me their bottlers are responsible for what is stocked or not, not them.

So I switched to diet 7-up. It's always in the store, and I ended up liking it better than Pepsi.

So Pepsi lost a customer, and I drink a lot of soda, so they lost hundreds of dollars of my business. It seems they don't care.

Word of mouth used to be considered the best (or worst) advertisement. Now businesses abandoned that theory. It simply makes no sense at all.
Fuck Nike.

A much better ad.

Kaperdoodle is sadly mistaken in his assessment of police relations with minorities
Let’s see how well Nike can do playing to that
Oh there is no doubt that it was business decision. A major freaking stupid one. They endorsed a man who wears pig socks.

“Big And Rich” singer John Rich blasted Nike over their endorsement deal with Colin Kaepernick, sharing that when a company endorses someone who insults the police, he draws the line.

“I support every American’s right to protest whatever they want. However, if you endorse someone who wears #PIGSOCKS, that’s where you lose me,” the 44-year-old country singer tweeted Tuesday to his thousands of followers.

‘Big And Rich’ Singer John Rich Criticizes Nike Over Kaepernick Deal: ‘That’s Where You Lose Me’
Big poster on front door of every store with his fro shot and “Police Hate Me”
Gotta be a winner
Do you guys have a hard time keeping track of all the things you're boycotting?

Seems like there's a lot of them.

Star Wars
Award Shows
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

I don't see this as a pro-Trumper vs anti-Trumper issue. I see at as an American sense of propriety issue. And whether a business decision or political statement, I can't see it as anything other than a really bad idea.

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