Nike made a business decision not a political statement

Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.
yea, anyone looking short term at this is being stupid. the dip happens, it recovers, and just because people are burning shoes today doesn't mean the market will feel that effect in the coming months. i think it was a stupid ploy on their part but it's going to take months to decide, not hours.

the IGS (instant gratification society) can't stand the inbetween. :)

Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

You're making it up, which is why you didn't back up your argument with anything.

Back to reality, people who are angry to avoid a product are more motivated than people who go out and buy the product.

And it's a lot easier to simply eliminate one choice than it is to only consider one choice.

Also, they are long time Oregon socialists. Leftists have an incredible ability to ignore all evidence around you and override all logic and evidence with your leftist ideology
Those '15-17 year olds' are going to be lot poorer than those 'middle aged white guys' as long as companies like NIKe keep investing in slave labor colonies. No more $200 sneakers on ghetto rats' feetz; they'll have to sell $1.50 a pair sneakers out of Dollar General stay in business in 20 years.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

You're making it up, which is why you didn't back up your argument with anything.

Back to reality, people who are angry to avoid a product are more motivated than people who go out and buy the product.

And it's a lot easier to simply eliminate one choice than it is to only consider one choice.

Also, they are long time Oregon socialists. Leftists have an incredible ability to ignore all evidence around you and override all logic and evidence with your leftist ideology

Well, as sweatshop operators, they can sell cheaper and cheaper for a long time. They're Brie and Chardonnay Socialists', like all Democrats and Uncle Bernie is. They despise working people as much or more than any White Shoe GOP embezzler does.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

All I can say is that is was one piss poor decision that they are paying for right now.
What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.
yea, anyone looking short term at this is being stupid. the dip happens, it recovers, and just because people are burning shoes today doesn't mean the market will feel that effect in the coming months. i think it was a stupid ploy on their part but it's going to take months to decide, not hours.

the IGS (instant gratification society) can't stand the inbetween. :)

Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.
great. but to target a demographic of 2 years is strange to me so no, i'd not suggest nor do that. you're now saying nike is making a 10+ year investment in todays drama and todays drama gets forgetting and you become a pet rock in 10+ years. is the kid going to remember a football player who isn't anymore who caused a lot of people to fight, or is he going to see the struggle kaep sees and support him, via nike?

so yes, i am seeing this long term, i just see it not worth the input / cost they're spending in money and reputation today. those 35 year olds will then be 45 then 50 and in my age group and i still buy comfortable shoes and if nike makes 'em, i'll buy 'em. 4E is a bitch to find so i can't limit my options over this. :)
It's puzzling because NIKE usually uses champions or at least the successful. With Colin Cancer they have an unemployed failure.
Nike is chasing the future, those 35 and under world wide. They are a diverse and open minded demographic. They love America in a way you will never understand.
They do not want you.

I agree, NIKE took an option here... Go with the future or stay in the past.... There main market is the future, the young...

Brave by NIKE and I haven't been there biggest fans from an ethical workers stance...
Nike vs Adidas - Who's More Ethical? - Good On You

I think NIKE could lead the way here and up there global ethical brand...
A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.
yea, anyone looking short term at this is being stupid. the dip happens, it recovers, and just because people are burning shoes today doesn't mean the market will feel that effect in the coming months. i think it was a stupid ploy on their part but it's going to take months to decide, not hours.

the IGS (instant gratification society) can't stand the inbetween. :)

Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.
great. but to target a demographic of 2 years is strange to me so no, i'd not suggest nor do that. you're now saying nike is making a 10+ year investment in todays drama and todays drama gets forgetting and you become a pet rock in 10+ years. is the kid going to remember a football player who isn't anymore who caused a lot of people to fight, or is he going to see the struggle kaep sees and support him, via nike?

so yes, i am seeing this long term, i just see it not worth the input / cost they're spending in money and reputation today. those 35 year olds will then be 45 then 50 and in my age group and i still buy comfortable shoes and if nike makes 'em, i'll buy 'em. 4E is a bitch to find so i can't limit my options over this. :)

It is a very narrow group, I do agree and that was talked about on the show yesterday morning. One thing to remember, kids like to do things their parents disagree with, so parents burning Nike shoes just makes Nike shoes more appealing to the kids.

And as the old saying goes, any press is good press...when was the last time anyone talked about Nike prior to this?
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

If that’s their plan, it’s a bad one. Most people mature as they get older. They eventually have more respect for our police and some even our country.

When I was younger I was a long haired pot smoking beer drinking guy who hated our police and referred to them as pigs a few times myself. I wore an army jacket in mockery of our military and a lead guitarist in rock bands. I was a total leftist in all my social views.

But then I started growing up and became a conservative by the time I reached my early 30’s.

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If that’s their plan, it’s a bad one. Most people mature as they get older. They eventually have more respect for our police and some even our country.

When I was younger I was a long haired pot smoking beer drinking guy who hated our police and referred to them as pigs a few times myself. I wore an army jacket in mockery of our military and a lead guitarist in rock bands. I was a total leftist in all my social views.

But then I started growing up and became a conservative by the time I reached my early 30’s.

Sent from my iPad using

Most of those kids do not see the kneeling as hate for the police or the country, that is the view of the middle aged white man, not the 17 year old kids.
NFL players should take a knee for the slave labor in Asia that Nike uses to make its products and pay Kapernick.

Nike is an evil corporation and Kap is promoting child and slave labor overseas.
yea, anyone looking short term at this is being stupid. the dip happens, it recovers, and just because people are burning shoes today doesn't mean the market will feel that effect in the coming months. i think it was a stupid ploy on their part but it's going to take months to decide, not hours.

the IGS (instant gratification society) can't stand the inbetween. :)

Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.
great. but to target a demographic of 2 years is strange to me so no, i'd not suggest nor do that. you're now saying nike is making a 10+ year investment in todays drama and todays drama gets forgetting and you become a pet rock in 10+ years. is the kid going to remember a football player who isn't anymore who caused a lot of people to fight, or is he going to see the struggle kaep sees and support him, via nike?

so yes, i am seeing this long term, i just see it not worth the input / cost they're spending in money and reputation today. those 35 year olds will then be 45 then 50 and in my age group and i still buy comfortable shoes and if nike makes 'em, i'll buy 'em. 4E is a bitch to find so i can't limit my options over this. :)

It is a very narrow group, I do agree and that was talked about on the show yesterday morning. One thing to remember, kids like to do things their parents disagree with, so parents burning Nike shoes just makes Nike shoes more appealing to the kids.

And as the old saying goes, any press is good press...when was the last time anyone talked about Nike prior to this?
sure they do - at the time. as they grow older they often become their parents because of similar experiences that got the parents that way.

so they're targeting 15-17 year olds with an unemployed athlete who is the poster child for the controversy that is pushing people away from football so in 10+ years they will adopt nike as a brand cause their parents burned shoes 10+ years previously.

like i said - fire whoever came up with it and then fire whoever ok'd it. there were much better ways to embrace the protests than this and people are *looking* for ways to get along, not keep fighting. we'll see who's right/wrong in time, however. no way to know today. :)
Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.
great. but to target a demographic of 2 years is strange to me so no, i'd not suggest nor do that. you're now saying nike is making a 10+ year investment in todays drama and todays drama gets forgetting and you become a pet rock in 10+ years. is the kid going to remember a football player who isn't anymore who caused a lot of people to fight, or is he going to see the struggle kaep sees and support him, via nike?

so yes, i am seeing this long term, i just see it not worth the input / cost they're spending in money and reputation today. those 35 year olds will then be 45 then 50 and in my age group and i still buy comfortable shoes and if nike makes 'em, i'll buy 'em. 4E is a bitch to find so i can't limit my options over this. :)

It is a very narrow group, I do agree and that was talked about on the show yesterday morning. One thing to remember, kids like to do things their parents disagree with, so parents burning Nike shoes just makes Nike shoes more appealing to the kids.

And as the old saying goes, any press is good press...when was the last time anyone talked about Nike prior to this?
sure they do - at the time. as they grow older they often become their parents because of similar experiences that got the parents that way.

so they're targeting 15-17 year olds with an unemployed athlete who is the poster child for the controversy that is pushing people away from football so in 10+ years they will adopt nike as a brand cause their parents burned shoes 10+ years previously.

like i said - fire whoever came up with it and then fire whoever ok'd it. there were much better ways to embrace the protests than this and people are *looking* for ways to get along, not keep fighting. we'll see who's right/wrong in time, however. no way to know today. :)

As I said in another thread, I will go with Nike's business record vice the opinion of a guy on the internet.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

How did it finish the day darling?
Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.
great. but to target a demographic of 2 years is strange to me so no, i'd not suggest nor do that. you're now saying nike is making a 10+ year investment in todays drama and todays drama gets forgetting and you become a pet rock in 10+ years. is the kid going to remember a football player who isn't anymore who caused a lot of people to fight, or is he going to see the struggle kaep sees and support him, via nike?

so yes, i am seeing this long term, i just see it not worth the input / cost they're spending in money and reputation today. those 35 year olds will then be 45 then 50 and in my age group and i still buy comfortable shoes and if nike makes 'em, i'll buy 'em. 4E is a bitch to find so i can't limit my options over this. :)

It is a very narrow group, I do agree and that was talked about on the show yesterday morning. One thing to remember, kids like to do things their parents disagree with, so parents burning Nike shoes just makes Nike shoes more appealing to the kids.

And as the old saying goes, any press is good press...when was the last time anyone talked about Nike prior to this?
sure they do - at the time. as they grow older they often become their parents because of similar experiences that got the parents that way.

so they're targeting 15-17 year olds with an unemployed athlete who is the poster child for the controversy that is pushing people away from football so in 10+ years they will adopt nike as a brand cause their parents burned shoes 10+ years previously.

like i said - fire whoever came up with it and then fire whoever ok'd it. there were much better ways to embrace the protests than this and people are *looking* for ways to get along, not keep fighting. we'll see who's right/wrong in time, however. no way to know today. :)

Middle aged white guys like me who actually have the $$ to buy sneakers for my kids. They are never wearing Nike again.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

How did it finish the day darling?

Reading issues?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour.

So, when their stock is back above where it was yesterday by the end of the week, does that mean you will then think this was a good move since you are basing this on stock price?
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.
great. but to target a demographic of 2 years is strange to me so no, i'd not suggest nor do that. you're now saying nike is making a 10+ year investment in todays drama and todays drama gets forgetting and you become a pet rock in 10+ years. is the kid going to remember a football player who isn't anymore who caused a lot of people to fight, or is he going to see the struggle kaep sees and support him, via nike?

so yes, i am seeing this long term, i just see it not worth the input / cost they're spending in money and reputation today. those 35 year olds will then be 45 then 50 and in my age group and i still buy comfortable shoes and if nike makes 'em, i'll buy 'em. 4E is a bitch to find so i can't limit my options over this. :)

It is a very narrow group, I do agree and that was talked about on the show yesterday morning. One thing to remember, kids like to do things their parents disagree with, so parents burning Nike shoes just makes Nike shoes more appealing to the kids.

And as the old saying goes, any press is good press...when was the last time anyone talked about Nike prior to this?
sure they do - at the time. as they grow older they often become their parents because of similar experiences that got the parents that way.

so they're targeting 15-17 year olds with an unemployed athlete who is the poster child for the controversy that is pushing people away from football so in 10+ years they will adopt nike as a brand cause their parents burned shoes 10+ years previously.

like i said - fire whoever came up with it and then fire whoever ok'd it. there were much better ways to embrace the protests than this and people are *looking* for ways to get along, not keep fighting. we'll see who's right/wrong in time, however. no way to know today. :)

Middle aged white guys like me who actually have the $$ to buy sneakers for my kids. They are never wearing Nike again.

Which will just make them want them more than ever and then when they have the money they will be loyal customers.

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