Nikki Haley calls for "cognitive test" for older politicians..."just like you should provide your tax returns"

Want to run for office then ones tax returns are my business. I need to know if a candidate is wealthy. That has a great effect on my vote.
Trump voluntarily took a mental exam when he was President and then challenged Biden to do the same. Biden refused
No problem with that.

I don't believe someone should be compelled to turn over tax returns, though...
Yeah, leave the taxes out of it. I remember when the Clintons released theirs and we saw how he was deducting his used underwear as a charitable deduction. He was claiming $8 a pair because they were silk. That's pretty funny but it should be private. With Clinton, they did it to embarrass him, with Trump they're trying to defame him for political purposes. It would be a lot better if Dems. would just put together a platform to run on and forget about Trump.
No kidding, Trump would ace it...Biden would shit his pants......again.
Sounds just like Biden...throw in a hair sniff of a woman or child an you nailed it.
No kidding, Trump would ace it...Biden would shit his pants......again.
Just listen to them speak... Trump struggles with any detail and resorts to lies and word salad...

Think is Trump has a family history of Alzheimer's... Trump would have trouble...

Biden has a clear grasp of the facts and has a stutter...

It is clear to foreign leaders that he doesn't know facts and fails to understand the consequences of his actions...
Just listen to them speak... Trump struggles with any detail and resorts to lies and word salad...

Think is Trump has a family history of Alzheimer's... Trump would have trouble...

Biden has a clear grasp of the facts and has a stutter...

It is clear to foreign leaders that he doesn't know facts and fails to understand the consequences of his actions...
No he doesnt have a clear grasp of the facts, he blatantly lies, about his resumee, what he has done (south africa) and he makes shit up like if you elect romney he'll put you back in chains. Stop carrying water for this dememted moron.

Oh the money shot:
"Racially prejudiced [W]hite voters are not opposed to Black candidates simply because they are Black, but because they believe that most Black candidates will fight for ‘those people’ and not ‘people like us.’"

That is the definition of racism, but they racism is not being a leftwing nutjob. They again redefine a word to mean something totally different...aka these people are evil.
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I love this.

Every candidate should take a WONDERLIC TEST and have the results made public.

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