Nikki Haley Says Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Black American Pastor, Should Be 'Deported'

Sarcasm. It's more than one syllable so government educated lefties probably don't understand the word. If it was intended to be funny it's a double whammy because lefties have no sense of humor either.
They are idiots looking to be offended and cry racism.
That was her intent.

Where else would the racist right expect to deport black Americans.
Obviously, it wasn’t her intent. It’s just your spin.

That said, it was not an advisable way to say what she meant.
What would lefties do without Soros tax exempt Media Matters that monitors (only) conservative speech 34/7. Meanwhile a white Hochul supporter beats up a black female Zeldin supporter at a NY rally and nobody gives a damn.
I think any Black on welfare should be deported to Africa.

They can take the welfare Whites and the Illegals with them.
So if that is what she was talking about, why didn't she say that. This is a perfect example of trying to make an excuse for racist talk.

The only racist is you jackass. Her comment had NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!

But you, you are a certifiable racist.

There is no doubt about that.
Campaign managers start chugging MALOXX every time a politician makes a comment like this. Haley I am sure she meant nothing racist just a way of saying get him out of office.
Hmm, isn't that the same Bible that folk claimed to be following when black folks were slaves and being brutalized through Jim Crow segregation. When you read the Bible who named the early followers of Christ, Christians? Because it wasn't Jesus.
it was also the same one John Brown read and preached. It’s true the demaklan bastardized the teachings to oppress people
Nope...just someone with a healthy amount of common sense! You start strings like this one because your agenda has been such a dumpster fire since Biden took office and the Democrats took control of the Congress! You can't defend what's you attempt to divert attention to something trivial...which for you is ALWAYS "racism"!
That's what you think that is, common sense. LOL. See unlike you Trump Humpers, I don't give a damn what you say or think about Biden. He can come on here and defend himself. This country was founded on racism and now fools like you want to try and make us think it is just something we came up with in our heads.
it was also the same one John Brown read and preached. It’s true the demaklan bastardized the teachings to oppress people
When black folks came to these shores in chains, did they have a King James Bible under their arms? Tell me Struth what did Republicans in the South do for black folks.
The only racist is you jackass. Her comment had NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!

But you, you are a certifiable racist.

There is no doubt about that.
They worked to come into America and they love America. They want the laws followed in America. So the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock.” The crowd cheered.

Where does she want him deported to, Dickhead.

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