Nikki Haley Says Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Black American Pastor, Should Be 'Deported'

The cowards are those who claim Trump lost because of fraud.
He did, cause Xiden is a bottomless pit of lies...

Washington Post gives Biden a 'bottomless Pinocchio' in fact-check of several misleading claims​

Yes, he needs to be deported out of Washington DC and back to GA, to face justice for his illegal "charity"

Georgia Launches Investigation Into Warnock’s Church Following Free Beacon Report​

She's also 100 percent right about legal immigrants as they compare to Demafascist and their Dembot cult
Bootlickers unite, you have to be kidding. You spew some garbage about some lame ass, so called investigation as compared to a man who threatened to kill women multiple times, lied about being an FBI agent and a cop, lied about graduating from college, can't chew bubble gum and walk at the same time. You prove everyday that you are nothing more than a boot licking Aunt Jane.
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R), who served under Donald Trump as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said on Sunday that Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)—a Black American pastor—should be “deported.”

During a rally for Warnock’s Republican opponent, Herschel Walker, Haley talked about being the daughter of immigrants, telling the Georgia crowd, “Legal immigrants are more patriotic than the leftists these days. They worked to come into America and they love America. They want the laws followed in America. So the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock.” The crowd cheered.

That’s a pretty stunning thing to say. Deported to where, Nikki? Reverend Warnock was born in Georgia; his dad served in the U.S. Army in World War II, and he is currently serving in the U.S. Senate. Essentially saying this man should “go back to Africa” is quite a closing message, two days before a midterm election.

See folks this is the mindset of the racist, you are calling for an American citizens to be deported because you disagree with him politically.

Tell me Struth, do you think this is racist or just Nikki trying to be funny.

She's right, so-called 'pastor' is a murder because he's pro-Choice
No one true Christian supports babycide and homo 'marriages'
Bootlickers unite, you have to be kidding. You spew some garbage about some lame ass, so called investigation as compared to a man who threatened to kill women multiple times, lied about being an FBI agent and a cop, lied about graduating from college, can't chew bubble gum and walk at the same time. You prove everyday that you are nothing more than a boot licking Aunt Jane.
No, Warnock should be deported from Washington, and go face justice in GA.

Your racist and sexiest attacks against Ms. Haley, not with standing, and your racist attacks against a free black man, not with standing, your fraudster Warnock is getting deported from Washington.
He did, cause Xiden is a bottomless pit of lies...

Washington Post gives Biden a 'bottomless Pinocchio' in fact-check of several misleading claims​

It doesn't amaze you that not ONE court in this country would even entertain that bullshit, even the courts who had Trump appointed judges.
What is a true Christian?

A born-again church going Bible reading Christian is one who has God as King and the Holy Bible as Constitution

Keep this Holy Book and strictly follow the Teaching of Jesus

A born-again church going Bible reading Christian is one who has God as King and the Holy Bible as Constitution

Keep this Holy Book and strictly follow the Teaching of Jesus

Hmm, isn't that the same Bible that folk claimed to be following when black folks were slaves and being brutalized through Jim Crow segregation. When you read the Bible who named the early followers of Christ, Christians? Because it wasn't Jesus.
Hmm, isn't that the same Bible that folk claimed to be following when black folks were slaves and being brutalized through Jim Crow segregation. When you read the Bible who named the early followers of Christ, Christians? Because it wasn't Jesus.

Already to the Apostle Paul time majority of churches were either dead or apostatic
Thousands years later only an extremely tiny minority is worthy enough to be called as a True Church
'Christians' and 'Churches' must follow the God Commandments
If they don't do it not the Holy Bible but society is the villain
To be fair does the Democratic senator believe white people are born privileged? if his views are a threat. We don’t need that type of viewpoint in America. We’re all equal black or white. Does Nikki Haley believe Black people are born privileged?
To me she sounds uppity and entitled.
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R), who served under Donald Trump as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said on Sunday that Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)—a Black American pastor—should be “deported.”

During a rally for Warnock’s Republican opponent, Herschel Walker, Haley talked about being the daughter of immigrants, telling the Georgia crowd, “Legal immigrants are more patriotic than the leftists these days. They worked to come into America and they love America. They want the laws followed in America. So the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock.” The crowd cheered.

That’s a pretty stunning thing to say. Deported to where, Nikki? Reverend Warnock was born in Georgia; his dad served in the U.S. Army in World War II, and he is currently serving in the U.S. Senate. Essentially saying this man should “go back to Africa” is quite a closing message, two days before a midterm election.

See folks this is the mindset of the racist, you are calling for an American citizens to be deported because you disagree with him politically.

Tell me Struth, do you think this is racist or just Nikki trying to be funny.
You don't make it into the GQP elite without knowing and speaking directly and exclusively to the base 24/7/365, and without knowing all the hot buttons.

The formula is set now. Just pretend you're doing a right wing radio talk show at all times. To hell with anyone who doesn't like it, as long as the rubes do.
Racists absolutely hate being called racists. Why are all you guys so sensitive about it ?
Unless they weren't racists to begin with, Tommy.

Hey how hard you Brits going to be hit with the new taxes?

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