Nikki Haley Says Sen. Raphael Warnock, a Black American Pastor, Should Be 'Deported'

Crime is on the rise, WHY? We are having an illegal invastion, WHY?
Why does the democrats turn their backs on the Constitution?

Sadly you are one of the cult members that see me saying how I can't support the (R)'s over stuff like this defaulting to the position I say that as a supporter of Democrats.

I stated in Warnock threads I could not vote for him.

Stop with your mod shit, if you can't take me on as a poster then just fuck off.

Maybe you just can't hold your liquor.
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R), who served under Donald Trump as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said on Sunday that Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)—a Black American pastor—should be “deported.”

During a rally for Warnock’s Republican opponent, Herschel Walker, Haley talked about being the daughter of immigrants, telling the Georgia crowd, “Legal immigrants are more patriotic than the leftists these days. They worked to come into America and they love America. They want the laws followed in America. So the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock.” The crowd cheered.

That’s a pretty stunning thing to say. Deported to where, Nikki? Reverend Warnock was born in Georgia; his dad served in the U.S. Army in World War II, and he is currently serving in the U.S. Senate. Essentially saying this man should “go back to Africa” is quite a closing message, two days before a midterm election.

See folks this is the mindset of the racist, you are calling for an American citizens to be deported because you disagree with him politically.

Tell me Struth, do you think this is racist or just Nikki trying to be funny.
Nikki Haley is a RINO and no one cares what she says.
One cannot vote Republican because Haley is not alone in the GOP to exhibit such ignorance, stupidity, racism, and hate.

The idea of ‘deporting’ an American of color is as reprehensible as it is racist.
Sure can tell the election is near. Everything is racism, even when it isn't. Priceless!
After tomorrow, all your asses will be handed to you. And that ain't racist.
One cannot vote Republican because Haley is not alone in the GOP to exhibit such ignorance, stupidity, racism, and hate.

The idea of ‘deporting’ an American of color is as reprehensible as it is racist.
Americans cannot be deported from America. It does not matter what color they are. Haley is wrong, and you are stupid.
Yea listening to folks like you nothing is ever racist.
If you ever listened to me, I never said that. Nice try at the broad brush, but might want to stick
to the paint by numbers. just saying
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R), who served under Donald Trump as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said on Sunday that Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)—a Black American pastor—should be “deported.”

During a rally for Warnock’s Republican opponent, Herschel Walker, Haley talked about being the daughter of immigrants, telling the Georgia crowd, “Legal immigrants are more patriotic than the leftists these days. They worked to come into America and they love America. They want the laws followed in America. So the only person we need to make sure we deport is Warnock.” The crowd cheered.

That’s a pretty stunning thing to say. Deported to where, Nikki? Reverend Warnock was born in Georgia; his dad served in the U.S. Army in World War II, and he is currently serving in the U.S. Senate. Essentially saying this man should “go back to Africa” is quite a closing message, two days before a midterm election.

See folks this is the mindset of the racist, you are calling for an American citizens to be deported because you disagree with him politically.

Tell me Struth, do you think this is racist or just Nikki trying to be funny.
God, you're an idiot!
Sadly you are one of the cult members that see me saying how I can't support the (R)'s over stuff like this defaulting to the position I say that as a supporter of Democrats.

I stated in Warnock threads I could not vote for him.

Maybe you just can't hold your liquor.
Hold my liquor? How often have you seen me even take one drink? Be honest, or do what democrats do and lie your ass off.
You are the one who felt the need to bring me being a mod into a conversation from out of nowhere. How stupid is that?

If you lived in Georgia you COULD vote for Warnock. :smoke:

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