NLRB: College athletes can unionize

The student athletes are free to form a union, but if they want to play NCAA sports, they will not be paid.

Unless they can convince the Big Conferences (SEC, BIG 10, etc..) to abandon the NCAA....Or convince the NCAA changes its rules.....


As I mentioned before, many of them are paid, in the form of scholarships, but I agree that they shouldn't be getting any kind of base salary. I do, however, think if they want to sign autographs and memorabilia and make money off of their own name they should have every right to do so. This is where the NCAA has fucked up, in my opinion. They've imposed too many restrictions on the athletes, while they themselves have gotten incredibly greedy.

I agree with that take as well. I don't see these kids getting any huge contracts to play in college they just haven't earned it yet. They should treat merchandise sales like any students job at the local Wendy's. It's their time they can earn as much as they want. Nobody bats an eye if students build Facebook in college and make millions why should anything outside of the team activities be any different for players.
CHICAGO — In a stunning ruling that has the potential to revolutionize college athletics, a federal agency said Wednesday that football players at Northwestern University can create the nation's first college athlete's union.

Read more: NLRB: College athletes can unionize - Associated Press -


Mine: Its about dam time

Let them unionize. Let them go on strike. Let the Universities and NCAA feel the pinch. But, do all of the players have to join the union and fork over dues? What if you are a backup player on scholarship and will most likely never play pro sports? Should that player be forced to pay dues? Maybe the Union players strike a game and the team takes the field with the backups and non stars. Let them play without interference. I think the NCAA are hypocrites in keeping players from working or getting supplemental income for food, clothing, and entertainment like a typical college student enjoys. But, if players work, say by doing a commercial(s) for local businesses and getting endorsements in the thousands, how is that going to impact the sport? Maybe the unionization of college athletes will cause strikes, boycotts, backup players taking the field and stars leaving college early (which we are already seeing). The NCAA would be crying like bitches if all of the stars leave early or bypass college completely for pro salaries. Then, basketball and football are going to have to develop minor leagues like baseball. That won't work. It will be an interesting development. Let them unionize but not make it mandatory for all of the players.
I don't blame them really. They sacrifice their bodies to play football and bring in millions of dollars much like the workers for a corporation do the work to create the wealth for the company, yet the company CEO makes a ton more. In capitalism remember, a key aspect is the conflict between the workers and the employer and its an important part of the system so the workers,(players) are going to try and reap some more benefits. Any worker who doesn't constantly seek more in pay is kind of not too bright.
Some high school sports programs make significant amounts of money. Pay the high school kids too?
The NCAA would be crying like bitches if all of the stars leave early or bypass college completely for pro salaries. Then, basketball and football are going to have to develop minor leagues like baseball. That won't work. It will be an interesting development. Let them unionize but not make it mandatory for all of the players.

The so called "stars" only become "stars" by their performance in college.
If the college athlete unionize, I will quit watching college sports.
The student athletes are free to form a union, but if they want to play NCAA sports, they will not be paid.

Unless they can convince the Big Conferences (SEC, BIG 10, etc..) to abandon the NCAA....Or convince the NCAA changes its rules.....


As I mentioned before, many of them are paid, in the form of scholarships, but I agree that they shouldn't be getting any kind of base salary. I do, however, think if they want to sign autographs and memorabilia and make money off of their own name they should have every right to do so. This is where the NCAA has fucked up, in my opinion. They've imposed too many restrictions on the athletes, while they themselves have gotten incredibly greedy.

I agree with you.

Hypocrisy is rampant in all of academia.
And just to reiterate: College athletes are not all just lying around being fed grapes by scantily-clad serving girls. The Vaaaaaaaaaast majority of student athletes - even at the D1 level - are STUDENTS. They go to class, they work part time jobs, they cram for tests, they write 50 page papers, they have student loans, AND then they devote 6, 8, maybe more hours per day training for their chosen sport; most for no fame or money - EVER. They monitor their diet carefully while their buddies are munching on 'za, they stay behind on empty campuses while their classmates are making poor choices in Cancun on Spring Break, they forgo sleep, socializing, family events, and lots of goofy things other college kids do in order to be the best they can be at a sport they love. No, they don't want anyone to feel bad for them about it; they want to do it. They want to be the best at something. Some people can't understand that concept. The notion that every D1 college athlete is some pampered diva is just ridiculous.
CHICAGO — In a stunning ruling that has the potential to revolutionize college athletics, a federal agency said Wednesday that football players at Northwestern University can create the nation's first college athlete's union.

Read more: NLRB: College athletes can unionize - Associated Press -


Mine: Its about dam time

My thoughts are that it's absurd that it's up to government to decide if they get to unionize or not and then for government to decide what the power of the union is. Government should have no say in the matter.

Neither should business or the NCAA.

Let them unionize and commence a "pass" struggle with the unis.
Once you pay them a salary, they lose their amateur status.

Once they lose their amateur status, they are no longer able to compete at the NCAA level.

The NCAA will hold their position, and students will have to decide if they wish to play or not.

Let the athletes unionize and go to war with the NCAA.

The latter will be forced to back off by the unis.
If they help generate the money, why shouldn't they get a portion of it.

They get a portion of it through the use of top notch equipment a full time team doctor, trainers gyms therapy coaches who improve their skills etc for no cost and let's not forget a paid education.

Yes, they do, but that is surely not sufficient.

Labor always precedes capital.
The NCAA would be crying like bitches if all of the stars leave early or bypass college completely for pro salaries. Then, basketball and football are going to have to develop minor leagues like baseball. That won't work. It will be an interesting development. Let them unionize but not make it mandatory for all of the players.

The so called "stars" only become "stars" by their performance in college.
If the college athlete unionize, I will quit watching college sports.

That's part of the problem. The NCAA needs stars but brings the hammer down when a player wants to make money like all college athletes do. A challenge you run into is when a local car dealership owned by a booster pays the entire starting offense $15K each for a one time photo shoot lasting two hours. It raises all sorts of debates. Is it the free market at play? Absolutely, and I am all about the free market. But, like yourself, a college sports fan, I would not like to see the AP TOP 25 Football poll correlate to the teams with the players grossing the highest volume of income via endorsements.

I am not a fan of college players unionizing but part of me would like to see the NCAA give a little on athletes being allowed to make money. As for unions, I think the players are playing with fire if they are all required to pay dues and only star players get concessions. Unions can't have backups and walk ons taking the field when the starters are on strike. It will create a mess.
More empirical evidence that proves the far left is detected from reality.

If the schools did not get that out side money the cost of tuition would be 50 times higher than it is now.

The far left continues to prove that they should not be in charge of anything.
CHICAGO — In a stunning ruling that has the potential to revolutionize college athletics, a federal agency said Wednesday that football players at Northwestern University can create the nation's first college athlete's union.

Read more: NLRB: College athletes can unionize - Associated Press -


Mine: Its about dam time

You support this? Yer kidding, right?
Umm considering the source, I have got to see if this hits the regular news media.
CHICAGO — In a stunning ruling that has the potential to revolutionize college athletics, a federal agency said Wednesday that football players at Northwestern University can create the nation's first college athlete's union.

Read more: NLRB: College athletes can unionize - Associated Press -


Mine: Its about dam time

Yeah, just how do you think this is going to work?
All a university has to do is refuse to recognize any union.
Every player that attempts to unionize, get red shirted. Then has their grades heavily scrutinized. The first slip up.....No more football/basketball.
Or, the school makes each athlete sign a contract that they are students and as a condition of their free education, agree to not join a labor collective..Of course the other issue is this does not fly in right to work or at will states.
The United Steel Workers Union is flailing in the dark here.
This changes nothing.
The NLRB by the way, does not get the final say on this.
The NLRB can recommend. The Board cannot establish labor law.
CHICAGO — In a stunning ruling that has the potential to revolutionize college athletics, a federal agency said Wednesday that football players at Northwestern University can create the nation's first college athlete's union.

Read more: NLRB: College athletes can unionize - Associated Press -


Mine: Its about dam time
Amen! Those kids generate billions for their colleges and universities. Not to mention the video game industry, merchandising and promotions.

The 'scandal' at my alma mater, The Ohio State University, shows how far the exploitation of student athletes has gone.

They get a $200,000 education free of charge.
Once you pay them a salary, they lose their amateur status.

Once they lose their amateur status, they are no longer able to compete at the NCAA level.

The NCAA will hold their position, and students will have to decide if they wish to play or not.
The NCAA has outlived its usefulness and should be scraped. Along with the BCS.

Perhaps. However, that would not apter the conditions.
That being, college athletes are not professionals. And as such cannot accept compensation for play or practice.

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