No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

This is why I don't argue with stupid people, they can't follow a simple conversation and can't remember what they post or mean or spell. I can tell Dubya never went to a college, I doubt he made it out of high school.

So if someone hits a letter that is skipped and they miss it in editing, they can't spell! Explain how such an opinion is an intelligent opinion! You went to college in Tennessee and you think that makes you intelligent. I did take an extension course while in the service in North Carolina from a university ranked higher than those Tennessee universities that are called some of the most prestigious in the country.

The best ranking for Sewanee was the Forbes Heinz 57 and there are state universities ranked much higher than 57th. Being ranked 57th in the nation does not make it a prestigious university and consider it's Forbes making that assessment. Moreover, the ranking of the university is only being discussed because you wingnuts brought it up. When I went to college, I majored in Chemistry and the ranking of the university in my major was what I was concerned about, not the ranking of the whole university. My university was ranked 7th in the nation for a Chemistry degree and that's what counts in education, not how the whole university is ranked.

For example, the University of Chicago is ranked 4th in the country, but is the University of Chicago Law School where Obama worked as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer for 12 years ranked 4th? I seriously doubt if it's the same and in fact it's 5th by the same U.S. News & World Report rankings that I just looked up. Every university doesn't give good degrees in everything and that can include some that are very good in certain fields. Does such logic stop right-wing hacks from claiming Obama never did anything exceptional or cause right-wingers to point out the lack of logic when someone says such things? Of course not, because the truth is never something the right-wingnuts are interested in.

It's you that keeps drifting from the point while claiming to have intelligence. The point is simply does Tennessee have some of the most prestigious universities in the country? In the South, I'd say North Carolina definitely has more prestigious universities than Tennessee. Personally, I do not consider a university ranked 57th as prestigious. 8th is and 17th is, but where would you draw the line, at a hundred? Our state university is ranked 75th and I never considered it prestigious, even when it was ranked 7th in a Chemistry degree. If I was going to Harvard, why would I want to waste my time getting a Chemistry degree there?

Never went to college in Tennessee, you took an extension course? To get your GED, great job there bub.

Nice try troll!

I took an extension course to have something productive to do in the evening while on base at Camp Lejeune, NC. I took a course in Cultural Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. As I recall, they didn't offer many courses that weren't entry level.

Of course, none of that can compare to your days at Goober U. in Tennessee.
So if someone hits a letter that is skipped and they miss it in editing, they can't spell! Explain how such an opinion is an intelligent opinion! You went to college in Tennessee and you think that makes you intelligent. I did take an extension course while in the service in North Carolina from a university ranked higher than those Tennessee universities that are called some of the most prestigious in the country.

The best ranking for Sewanee was the Forbes Heinz 57 and there are state universities ranked much higher than 57th. Being ranked 57th in the nation does not make it a prestigious university and consider it's Forbes making that assessment. Moreover, the ranking of the university is only being discussed because you wingnuts brought it up. When I went to college, I majored in Chemistry and the ranking of the university in my major was what I was concerned about, not the ranking of the whole university. My university was ranked 7th in the nation for a Chemistry degree and that's what counts in education, not how the whole university is ranked.

For example, the University of Chicago is ranked 4th in the country, but is the University of Chicago Law School where Obama worked as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer for 12 years ranked 4th? I seriously doubt if it's the same and in fact it's 5th by the same U.S. News & World Report rankings that I just looked up. Every university doesn't give good degrees in everything and that can include some that are very good in certain fields. Does such logic stop right-wing hacks from claiming Obama never did anything exceptional or cause right-wingers to point out the lack of logic when someone says such things? Of course not, because the truth is never something the right-wingnuts are interested in.

It's you that keeps drifting from the point while claiming to have intelligence. The point is simply does Tennessee have some of the most prestigious universities in the country? In the South, I'd say North Carolina definitely has more prestigious universities than Tennessee. Personally, I do not consider a university ranked 57th as prestigious. 8th is and 17th is, but where would you draw the line, at a hundred? Our state university is ranked 75th and I never considered it prestigious, even when it was ranked 7th in a Chemistry degree. If I was going to Harvard, why would I want to waste my time getting a Chemistry degree there?

Never went to college in Tennessee, you took an extension course? To get your GED, great job there bub.

Nice try troll!

I took an extension course to have something productive to do in the evening while on base at Camp Lejeune, NC. I took a course in Cultural Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. As I recall, they didn't offer many courses that weren't entry level.

Of course, none of that can compare to your days at Goober U. in Tennessee.

Wow an angry GED grad. Sure you took those classes and now that you are productive in the evening, you slam universities and post here. :lmao: and you want people to take you seriously.
So as the GOP continues it's campaign of forced religious and moral extremism, thus only harming their party, Liberal politics and moderate conservatism will continue to go forward in a ruthless campaign against the current GOP and when all of you bitch about it and have that dick up your ass, we'll just go on as if you guys never existed.

Actions have consequences, and those consequences can come back to bite your dear GOP right in the ass.
So as the GOP continues it's campaign of forced religious and moral extremism, thus only harming their party, Liberal politics and moderate conservatism will continue to go forward in a ruthless campaign against the current GOP and when all of you bitch about it and have that dick up your ass, we'll just go on as if you guys never existed.

Actions have consequences, and those consequences can come back to bite your dear GOP right in the ass.

I am a Republican and have no problem with gay marriage so your thesis is bogus.
So as the GOP continues it's campaign of forced religious and moral extremism, thus only harming their party, Liberal politics and moderate conservatism will continue to go forward in a ruthless campaign against the current GOP and when all of you bitch about it and have that dick up your ass, we'll just go on as if you guys never existed.

Actions have consequences, and those consequences can come back to bite your dear GOP right in the ass.

I am a Republican and have no problem with gay marriage so your thesis is bogus.

I am a conservative and have no issue with gay marriage, so again his thesis is bogus. But he isn't that smart to recognize it.
The school is the not cultural or social or religious or political thought police for the parents.

Neither homosexuality nor heterosexuality are criminal offenses. Let the law pass (which it won't), and the state SCOTUS will toss it out.

I agree, it won't pass but if it did, it would get by the courts.
So you admit you have no interest in what's in the child's best interests...


Again, I did no such thing. Telling a kids parents that the kid is gay is not in the kid's best interest.

No one should ever out another person, EVER.

Not sure if I agree with you there. It seems to me parents are a lot smarter than you give them credit for.
if they are evolved enough to suss out the kid is gay, they'll either ask their child or make it known that such a disclosure would not change their feelings towards them. THAT kid will come out to their parents on their own. The gay kid in the bible bet is the best one to decide when to tell their parents.

I also why you are against people announcing they are gay, should it not be treated as normal. Of course there are those that don't like the boyfriend or girlfriend no matter what, gay or straight.

I'm not against people, themselves coming out. I'm opposed to anyone outing another person. Surely you understand the distinction.
If a child is hiding his sexuality from his parents, and there is no reason to suspect his parents are abusive, then they need to know.
If a child is hiding his sexuality from his parents, and there is no reason to suspect his parents are abusive, then they need to know.

Why? Why is it necessary for a counselor or teacher to report a child they suspect to be gay or was confided in that they were gay? To what end would you require this disclosure to the parents? What purpose would it serve? If a child does not want to tell his/her parents, why would you? They aren't doing anything.
Alan Keyes, well known Republican, kicked his gay daughter to the curb. It's something that would surprise me coming from a Democrat but expected from the party of "Let Him Die".
Alan Keyes, well known Republican, kicked his gay daughter to the curb. It's something that would surprise me coming from a Democrat but expected from the party of "Let Him Die".

I hate to defend Darth Cheney, but at least he seems like a loving, accepting father. I had never heard about Alan Keyes' daughter, but it doesn't surprise me. I guess he is honest about it at least. Michelle Bachmann is a homophobe married to a closeted gay man. :eusa_whistle:
So as the GOP continues it's campaign of forced religious and moral extremism, thus only harming their party, Liberal politics and moderate conservatism will continue to go forward in a ruthless campaign against the current GOP and when all of you bitch about it and have that dick up your ass, we'll just go on as if you guys never existed.

Actions have consequences, and those consequences can come back to bite your dear GOP right in the ass.

I am a Republican and have no problem with gay marriage so your thesis is bogus.

I am a conservative and have no issue with gay marriage, so again his thesis is bogus. But he isn't that smart to recognize it.

And you both are not extremist.

The current leaders of the party are extremists and it will come to haunt them.
Never went to college in Tennessee, you took an extension course? To get your GED, great job there bub.

Nice try troll!

I took an extension course to have something productive to do in the evening while on base at Camp Lejeune, NC. I took a course in Cultural Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. As I recall, they didn't offer many courses that weren't entry level.

Of course, none of that can compare to your days at Goober U. in Tennessee.

Wow an angry GED grad. Sure you took those classes and now that you are productive in the evening, you slam universities and post here. :lmao: and you want people to take you seriously.

That was 40+ years ago, fool!

Keep showing off that Tennessee education! Did anyone ask for a refund?
What you are missing is that NO SEXUAL ACTIVITY needs to have occurred for the teacher or counselor to turn them in to their parents.

Enough parents ARE abusive to their gay kids for it to be something for the child to disclose not a third party. They know their parents best, don't you think?

Sex on school grounds is required tone reported. Different issue entirely.

What you are missing is that the parents have a right to know of any behavior that their child exhibits that can make them a target.

We disagree. I've had too many of my friends thrown from their homes as a teen.

If the parents are abusive, the school should be reporting them. If they aren't, and they are still withholding information, then their motives are suspect...cultivating a relationship built on *secrets* is the hallmark of abusers who are grooming their victims.

Oh stop. Coming out is a personal decision that must be left to the individual. Lindsay Graham included.
Too fuckin' funny.......A perverted dyke, using a gay slam against Graham.

Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.
Which is why they're so committed to hiding the conversion of kids from their parents.
What you are missing is that the parents have a right to know of any behavior that their child exhibits that can make them a target.

We disagree. I've had too many of my friends thrown from their homes as a teen.

If the parents are abusive, the school should be reporting them. If they aren't, and they are still withholding information, then their motives are suspect...cultivating a relationship built on *secrets* is the hallmark of abusers who are grooming their victims.

Oh stop. Coming out is a personal decision that must be left to the individual. Lindsay Graham included.
Too fuckin' funny.......A perverted dyke, using a gay slam against Graham.

I wasn't "slamming" him, I was actually defending him. A lot of people would like to see him outed and called on his hypocrisy. I don't. I think he should come out when he is comfortable doing so...then he can be taken to task.

Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.

Why would I admit something that simply isn't true? Your repeated insistence that it is a choice is interesting though. What I hear you saying is that you think you could be attracted to a man. Is that the case? Could you look at a big, hairy, sweaty male body and feel your jeans getting a little tighter? Could you look at another man and think you'd like to spend your life with them, honoring and cherishing them? Could you?
If a child is hiding his sexuality from his parents, and there is no reason to suspect his parents are abusive, then they need to know.

Why? Why is it necessary for a counselor or teacher to report a child they suspect to be gay or was confided in that they were gay? To what end would you require this disclosure to the parents? What purpose would it serve? If a child does not want to tell his/her parents, why would you? They aren't doing anything.

Still waiting for you to answer this question kosher...
Alan Keyes, well known Republican, kicked his gay daughter to the curb. It's something that would surprise me coming from a Democrat but expected from the party of "Let Him Die".

Now, the last thing in the world I'd want to do is defend Alan Keyes, but he didn't kick her out for being gay and she was an adult at the time. He kicked her out for protesting George Bush.

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