"No actionable evidence" of an altered outcome'

Asking for a recount is certainly keep her word to accept the election.
If it were not for Stein maybe Hillary would have won some more states. Maybe Stein feels bad for wasting people's money.
There is no evidence to support a need for a recount.

Their own lawyer says nothing will change.

Yet the liar who said she would accept the results of the election suddenly wants a recount because she's having a 'Gore' moment.

Trump is your President. Accept it - stop wasting everyone's time and money just because your butt hurts and you never learned how to accept defeat / failure ... without blaming everyone else for it.

Really? 11 hours ago
Donald Trump alleges ‘serious voter fraud’ in Virginia, New Hampshire, California
Donald Trump alleges ‘serious voter fraud’ in Virginia, New Hampshire, California
Oh no you're madness has turned into delusions... poor thing
So you weren't paid that much.

Funny how you're PROJECTING, doing your best to ignore how Hillary is a massive FLIP-FLOPPER.
I don't really care either way. What I'm really concerned about, is your ongoing meltdown since election day. Have you considered talking to someone about it?
Again with the Projecting and delusion. The Snowflakes continue to melt down...no wonder they have called for the racist murder of all whites, called for the overthrow of the govt, and called for the assassination of Trump.

Poor Snowflakes just can't handle rejection / defeat.
Don't worry buddy

Let it all out, I'm here for you
Hey Snowflake...


Now go run to your 'safe space'.

Someone needs a hug.
That and Russian's hacking into our voting machines
Please show the proof of that...you know, the proof the people who made te claim ssid they DON'T have. :p

Proof? :rofl: Don't be a dummy. I'm taking a page out of your playbook and running with it for 4 years. :thup:

Should make for a good time :thup:
Got it - you have NO proof to support your false claims and delusions...

And Hillary is still a lying FLIP-FLOPPER...

...Abd TRUMP is STILL your new President. "P

Good night, Snowflake
Plenty of proof. Ask the CIA and FBI. They're the ones who said the Russians are behind the Wikileaks sabotage. And now the government has found reason to question the election results of multiple states. Good luck with that lil' buddy.

Remember, I'm here for you to help you through this.
The FBI declared there was no such proof, only speculation - I posted the link - you lie.

The only group proven to have manipulated the elections / Primaries were the DNC.

The 'government' found no reason to question the outcome - again, you lie. It was a group of self-professed scientists who admitted they have no evidence.

All of this is the result of butthurt Snowflakes who, like Hillary, refuse to accept the election outcome - the same thing they demonized Trump for saying he might not do.

Your accusations are opinions, false narratives, and lies, continuously repeated - already proven with links already posted.

Snowflakes like yourself are sad, pathetic losers who can't face reality so you keep making shit up while denying the facts...
Like the FACT Hillary is a lying FLIP-FLOPPER!

The DNC's own lawyer, as proven/stated above, says the recount WON'T change a thing. WHY? Because HILLARY LOST - WAS REJECTED...AGAIN.

She was such a piss-poor politician, Sect of State, and lifelong Washington Insider she could not beat a millionaire reality TV star with the help of the DNC, President, and paid political terrorists.

And now she has flip-flopped and is leading the Snowflakes in contesting the results of an election she swore she would accept.

Good luck with that, Snowflake. I've wasted enough time on you. Have a good night...
Yep. Comey said there was no proof about Hilary, and not even any reason for speculation.
Despite a lawyer for the Democratic campaign admitting there is "no actionable evidence" of an altered outcome' should a recount be conducted in Wisconsin, Hillary still now demands one.

Thank God she is a 'woman of her word' & vowed she would accept the outcome of the election... :p

News from The Associated Press

The only thing she's trying to do is take the pressure of the DNC that's in total disarray because she lost. Now everyone is wondering about his ridiculous recount.
No evidence.
No expected change in outcome.
No change in lib desperation.
No change in Snowflake crying
Trump STILL the next President
...it's going to be a great day.

Let the Snowflake attacks, delusions, wailing, and gnashing of teeth continue...

Yep. Comey said there was no proof about Hilary, and not even any reason for speculation.

I seriously hope that was SARCASM...if not, you LIE.

ILLEGAL possession of classified.

ILLEGAL handling, storage, destruction.

ILLEGALLY giving access to persons without security clearances - aides, lawyers, techies, MAIDS

Left classified in a Chinese hotel

ILLEGAL obstruction of justice - destroying subpoenaed documens


ILLEGALLY violating the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

...just for starters.

This has all been proven, documented - with the transcripts of Comey's own testimony.
Let's recount every state.

If they are so worried about everything....let's look at the whole system.
Let's recount every state.

If they are so worried about everything....let's look at the whole system.
You want to donate to pay for it?

Why should Wisconsin or Michigan get special attention ?

There is NO EVIDENCE. Got that ?

So, if you are going to look at one, by rights you should look at them all.

YOU are willing to donate to pay to look at any of them ?
SunDevil, yet again you have no idea about what you are talking.

Stein has a right to do this: end of story.
Asking for a recount is certainly keep her word to accept the election.
"Making sense, we're not," says Master Yoda

We are discriminating in a fashion that only serves on purpose.

It is quite clear that Jill Stein is on a crusade against Trump. That I get. She's an insane moron who can't let go.

Why are we humoring her.

I say we recount Virginia.
No evidence.
No expected change in outcome.
No change in lib desperation.
No change in Snowflake crying
Trump STILL the next President
...it's going to be a great day.

Let the Snowflake attacks, delusions, wailing, and gnashing of teeth continue...


And if that does not work...issue death threats against electors if they don't switch their votes to Hillary.

It is amazing what the left thinks is rightfully theirs. In spite of the votes of the people in a majority of states.
Let's recount every state.

If they are so worried about everything....let's look at the whole system.
You want to donate to pay for it?

Why should Wisconsin or Michigan get special attention ?

There is NO EVIDENCE. Got that ?

So, if you are going to look at one, by rights you should look at them all.

YOU are willing to donate to pay to look at any of them ?

There is statistical evidence. What there isn't is PROOF.

What is the Trumpster objection to double checking?
Are you afraid fraud will be found?
Is that what you are concerned about after non-stop rhetoric about voter fraud? Finding of it?

Clinton already conceeded and even finding of fraud in a particular state won't change outcome. What is the objection?
And the Snowflakes who demonized Trump for refusing to say he would accept the outcome of the election are now cheering their own FLIP-FLOPPER for refusing to accept the outcome of the election.
Do you need a safe space poor lil' guy? :itsok:
Thank you for demonstrating how Snowflakes always accuse others of what they are guilty of.

Snowflakes are the pu$$ies who need 'safe spaces' ... while they're hiring thugs to go out and beat up Trump supporters and firebomb GOP HQs. :p
Oh no you've been triggered into madness! Somebody get this lil' guy a puppy and some Play-Doh ASAP! :eek:
Can't gandle what your own party does...figures.

Liberals on college campuses won't let Cindervatives come speak and demand safe spaces yet participate in violence at Trump rallies by beating up Trump supporters.

So how many did you attend and how much were you paid?
Oh no you're madness has turned into delusions... poor thing
Let's recount every state.

If they are so worried about everything....let's look at the whole system.
You want to donate to pay for it?

Why should Wisconsin or Michigan get special attention ?

There is NO EVIDENCE. Got that ?

So, if you are going to look at one, by rights you should look at them all.

YOU are willing to donate to pay to look at any of them ?

There is statistical evidence. What there isn't is PROOF.

What is the Trumpster objection to double checking?
Are you afraid fraud will be found?
Is that what you are concerned about after non-stop rhetoric about voter fraud? Finding of it?
Let's recount every state.

If they are so worried about everything....let's look at the whole system.
You want to donate to pay for it?

Why should Wisconsin or Michigan get special attention ?

There is NO EVIDENCE. Got that ?

So, if you are going to look at one, by rights you should look at them all.

YOU are willing to donate to pay to look at any of them ?

There is statistical evidence. What there isn't is PROOF.

What is the Trumpster objection to double checking?
Are you afraid fraud will be found?
Is that what you are concerned about after non-stop rhetoric about voter fraud? Finding of it?

Clinton already conceeded and even finding of fraud in a particular state won't change outcome. What is the objection?

Evidence according to who ?

A group nobody had heard of before ?

And now, based on their word, the biggest loser is looking for a recount.

I could care less about Trump winning or losing. What's more funny has been the meltdown of the left and Hillary's fortunes have ebbed and flowed. Now, they are (recount aside) pitching major hissy fits over losing.

And you really think your sillyassed questions represent some kind of rebuke ?


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