"No actionable evidence" of an altered outcome'

How would you know there was no evidence before you investigated?
Same way those who decry Trump's assertion of widespread illegal aliens voting with no evidence presented. No one has presented any evidence that the vote was hacked or altered, yet are raising money hand over fist from crazed Hillary voters to get recounts (only in areas that might benefit Hillary, of course).
The majority of voters voted for Hillary (more than 2 million more) so no, they didn't prefer trump.

Millions of those were Illegals, Snowflake. The voter registry was analyzed to find who were actually American citizens and who were not. (There is more scientific proof of this being the case than there is to support the Snowflake Conspiracy Theory that Rooskies hacked & stole the election.) HILLARY LOST THE LEGAL POPULAR VOTE.

He is the president elect. When he makes any kind of statement, concerning anything, it is of concern to the entire world.
So because PRESIDENT Trump says something that offends your delicate partisan senses the whole world should be worried?! Got it. :p

Yes I am concerned when our supposed president elect makes a fool of himself, as well as the rest of the entire country.
You mean like how:

- Barry embarrassed the entire country with his idiotic 'Syrian RED Line', cowardly backed down, then tried to blame the whole world?!

- Barry declared FROM France that he had ISIS contained...only to have ISIS perpetrate the largest attack on France since WWII?!

- Barry mocked Americans' concerns for their safety and our national security ONLY to have a terrorist to whom he / his administration gave a visa and welcomed into this country suddenly murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack?!

- Barry won 'LIE OF THE YEAR' for intentionally LYING to the American people to push his minority-supported piece of Socialist ACA crap?!

Yeah, we wouldn't want a President who embarrassed himself and this country, now would we, Snowflake?! :p

Odd that you can't present this poof you talk about. It's not my fault that the world is concerned about what trump says. I would rather hide him in the basement to prevent embarrassment, but I can't do that.
Thank you for demonstrating how Snowflakes always accuse others of what they are guilty of.

Snowflakes are the pu$$ies who need 'safe spaces' ... while they're hiring thugs to go out and beat up Trump supporters and firebomb GOP HQs. :p
Oh no you've been triggered into madness! Somebody get this lil' guy a puppy and some Play-Doh ASAP! :eek:
Can't gandle what your own party does...figures.

Liberals on college campuses won't let Cindervatives come speak and demand safe spaces yet participate in violence at Trump rallies by beating up Trump supporters.

So how many did you attend and how much were you paid?
Oh no you're madness has turned into delusions... poor thing
So you weren't paid that much.

Funny how you're PROJECTING, doing your best to ignore how Hillary is a massive FLIP-FLOPPER.
I don't really care either way. What I'm really concerned about, is your ongoing meltdown since election day. Have you considered talking to someone about it?


You're worried about ... conservatives ... melting down since election day?

Um ... what?
Fake News: "Millions of those were Illegals" with claims of evidence but none presented.

Fact: when the far right and alt right cuchs compare Trump's gaffes with Obama or Clinton as justification, the import is clear that the far right and alt right cuchs want Trump to be the same kind of public official as Obama and Clinton.

The crazies on the right want their guy to act just like Obama and Clinton. Crazy.
The majority of voters voted for Hillary (more than 2 million more) so no, they didn't prefer trump.

Millions of those were Illegals, Snowflake. The voter registry was analyzed to find who were actually American citizens and who were not. (There is more scientific proof of this being the case than there is to support the Snowflake Conspiracy Theory that Rooskies hacked & stole the election.) HILLARY LOST THE LEGAL POPULAR VOTE.

He is the president elect. When he makes any kind of statement, concerning anything, it is of concern to the entire world.
So because PRESIDENT Trump says something that offends your delicate partisan senses the whole world should be worried?! Got it. :p

Yes I am concerned when our supposed president elect makes a fool of himself, as well as the rest of the entire country.
You mean like how:

- Barry embarrassed the entire country with his idiotic 'Syrian RED Line', cowardly backed down, then tried to blame the whole world?!

- Barry declared FROM France that he had ISIS contained...only to have ISIS perpetrate the largest attack on France since WWII?!

- Barry mocked Americans' concerns for their safety and our national security ONLY to have a terrorist to whom he / his administration gave a visa and welcomed into this country suddenly murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack?!

- Barry won 'LIE OF THE YEAR' for intentionally LYING to the American people to push his minority-supported piece of Socialist ACA crap?!

Yeah, we wouldn't want a President who embarrassed himself and this country, now would we, Snowflake?! :p

Odd that you can't present this poof you talk about. It's not my fault that the world is concerned about what trump says. I would rather hide him in the basement to prevent embarrassment, but I can't do that.

Aw ... is the poor widdle baby embarrassed about what the interwational weft tinks of wou? Dats heartbweaking. Tissue?
Oh no you've been triggered into madness! Somebody get this lil' guy a puppy and some Play-Doh ASAP! :eek:
Can't gandle what your own party does...figures.

Liberals on college campuses won't let Cindervatives come speak and demand safe spaces yet participate in violence at Trump rallies by beating up Trump supporters.

So how many did you attend and how much were you paid?
Oh no you're madness has turned into delusions... poor thing
So you weren't paid that much.

Funny how you're PROJECTING, doing your best to ignore how Hillary is a massive FLIP-FLOPPER.
I don't really care either way. What I'm really concerned about, is your ongoing meltdown since election day. Have you considered talking to someone about it?


You're worried about ... conservatives ... melting down since election day?

Um ... what?

There are no conservatives. The AltRight ate them, but yes you have been a little more ridiculous lately. I guess it's because you're trying to be more like your orange clown.
The majority of voters voted for Hillary (more than 2 million more) so no, they didn't prefer trump.

Millions of those were Illegals, Snowflake. The voter registry was analyzed to find who were actually American citizens and who were not. (There is more scientific proof of this being the case than there is to support the Snowflake Conspiracy Theory that Rooskies hacked & stole the election.) HILLARY LOST THE LEGAL POPULAR VOTE.

He is the president elect. When he makes any kind of statement, concerning anything, it is of concern to the entire world.
So because PRESIDENT Trump says something that offends your delicate partisan senses the whole world should be worried?! Got it. :p

Yes I am concerned when our supposed president elect makes a fool of himself, as well as the rest of the entire country.
You mean like how:

- Barry embarrassed the entire country with his idiotic 'Syrian RED Line', cowardly backed down, then tried to blame the whole world?!

- Barry declared FROM France that he had ISIS contained...only to have ISIS perpetrate the largest attack on France since WWII?!

- Barry mocked Americans' concerns for their safety and our national security ONLY to have a terrorist to whom he / his administration gave a visa and welcomed into this country suddenly murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack?!

- Barry won 'LIE OF THE YEAR' for intentionally LYING to the American people to push his minority-supported piece of Socialist ACA crap?!

Yeah, we wouldn't want a President who embarrassed himself and this country, now would we, Snowflake?! :p

Odd that you can't present this poof you talk about. It's not my fault that the world is concerned about what trump says. I would rather hide him in the basement to prevent embarrassment, but I can't do that.

Aw ... is the poor widdle baby embarrassed about what the interwational weft tinks of wou? Dats heartbweaking. Tissue?

Thanks for the offer, but nope, I'm good. It is embarrassing that he will be our president, for a little while, anyway.
Can't gandle what your own party does...figures.

Liberals on college campuses won't let Cindervatives come speak and demand safe spaces yet participate in violence at Trump rallies by beating up Trump supporters.

So how many did you attend and how much were you paid?
Oh no you're madness has turned into delusions... poor thing
So you weren't paid that much.

Funny how you're PROJECTING, doing your best to ignore how Hillary is a massive FLIP-FLOPPER.
I don't really care either way. What I'm really concerned about, is your ongoing meltdown since election day. Have you considered talking to someone about it?


You're worried about ... conservatives ... melting down since election day?

Um ... what?

There are no conservatives. The AltRight ate them, but yes you have been a little more ridiculous lately. I guess it's because you're trying to be more like your orange clown.

Gotcha, BULLSHIT. Yes, the world is Republicans and Democrats, tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are ...
The majority of voters voted for Hillary (more than 2 million more) so no, they didn't prefer trump.

Millions of those were Illegals, Snowflake. The voter registry was analyzed to find who were actually American citizens and who were not. (There is more scientific proof of this being the case than there is to support the Snowflake Conspiracy Theory that Rooskies hacked & stole the election.) HILLARY LOST THE LEGAL POPULAR VOTE.

He is the president elect. When he makes any kind of statement, concerning anything, it is of concern to the entire world.
So because PRESIDENT Trump says something that offends your delicate partisan senses the whole world should be worried?! Got it. :p

Yes I am concerned when our supposed president elect makes a fool of himself, as well as the rest of the entire country.
You mean like how:

- Barry embarrassed the entire country with his idiotic 'Syrian RED Line', cowardly backed down, then tried to blame the whole world?!

- Barry declared FROM France that he had ISIS contained...only to have ISIS perpetrate the largest attack on France since WWII?!

- Barry mocked Americans' concerns for their safety and our national security ONLY to have a terrorist to whom he / his administration gave a visa and welcomed into this country suddenly murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack?!

- Barry won 'LIE OF THE YEAR' for intentionally LYING to the American people to push his minority-supported piece of Socialist ACA crap?!

Yeah, we wouldn't want a President who embarrassed himself and this country, now would we, Snowflake?! :p

Odd that you can't present this poof you talk about. It's not my fault that the world is concerned about what trump says. I would rather hide him in the basement to prevent embarrassment, but I can't do that.

Aw ... is the poor widdle baby embarrassed about what the interwational weft tinks of wou? Dats heartbweaking. Tissue?

Thanks for the offer, but nope, I'm good. It is embarrassing that he will be our president, for a little while, anyway.

Yes, in any situation, what does the international left think is really the key question. The reality though is you relish their snide hatred of America because you agree with them, you aren't embarrassed by it. That's why you crow about it like you do here. Trump's election was hugely enabled by your hatred of America. You just carry on with the game plan that has you a marginal elitist party on the coasts.

BTW, how's your burka for women campaign going? If you want to know how Republicans feel about pretty women, watch Fox sometime. It sure isn't your prudish disapproval of pretty women
There are no conservatives. The AltRight ate them, but yes you have been a little more ridiculous lately.

The 'AltRight' was referenced once by an old GOP dinosaur. It was then clung onto by libs who sought to use the term as an insult to Conservatives. They either did not realize or did not care that calling ALL conservatives is as dumb as calling all of them 'racists'. We just laugh at your ass every time you call us that anymore.

'More Ridiculous'?! Only Snowflakes believe that pointing out FACT when it shines a negative light on them is 'ridiculous'.

The DNC ran a horrible candidate - worse than Trump.

They rigged the election for her and made sure she was the only choice for liberal voters.

Hillary and Obama - the PRESIDENT of the US - paid / coordinated violence against American citizens who preferred Trump.

The President of the United States encouraged Illegals to vote in a US election.

The 'all-in' media sold their souls to push for Hillary...and lost everything - their morals, their ethics, their journalistic integrity, their credibility.
(How'd that work out for you? Oh yeah, she LOST)

Hillary and the snowflakes bashed Trump for refusing to say he would blindly accept the outcome of the election...and now they are celebrating her awesome FLIP-FLOP.

You can't make this shit up.

Oh no you're madness has turned into delusions... poor thing
So you weren't paid that much.

Funny how you're PROJECTING, doing your best to ignore how Hillary is a massive FLIP-FLOPPER.
I don't really care either way. What I'm really concerned about, is your ongoing meltdown since election day. Have you considered talking to someone about it?


You're worried about ... conservatives ... melting down since election day?

Um ... what?

There are no conservatives. The AltRight ate them, but yes you have been a little more ridiculous lately. I guess it's because you're trying to be more like your orange clown.

Gotcha, BULLSHIT. Yes, the world is Republicans and Democrats, tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are ...

Take a breath, and try again, only this time try to remember that it's important for others to understand what you are trying to say.
There are no conservatives. The AltRight ate them, but yes you have been a little more ridiculous lately.

The 'AltRight' was referenced once by an old GOP dinosaur. It was then clung onto by libs who sought to use the term as an insult to Conservatives. They either did not realize or did not care that calling ALL conservatives is as dumb as calling all of them 'racists'. We just laugh at your ass every time you call us that anymore.

'More Ridiculous'?! Only Snowflakes believe that pointing out FACT when it shines a negative light on them is 'ridiculous'.

The DNC ran a horrible candidate - worse than Trump.

They rigged the election for her and made sure she was the only choice for liberal voters.

Hillary and Obama - the PRESIDENT of the US - paid / coordinated violence against American citizens who preferred Trump.

The President of the United States encouraged Illegals to vote in a US election.

The 'all-in' media sold their souls to push for Hillary...and lost everything - their morals, their ethics, their journalistic integrity, their credibility.
(How'd that work out for you? Oh yeah, she LOST)

Hillary and the snowflakes bashed Trump for refusing to say he would blindly accept the outcome of the election...and now they are celebrating her awesome FLIP-FLOP.

You can't make this shit up.

Yep you can make it up. Right wingers did,
So you weren't paid that much.

Funny how you're PROJECTING, doing your best to ignore how Hillary is a massive FLIP-FLOPPER.
I don't really care either way. What I'm really concerned about, is your ongoing meltdown since election day. Have you considered talking to someone about it?


You're worried about ... conservatives ... melting down since election day?

Um ... what?

There are no conservatives. The AltRight ate them, but yes you have been a little more ridiculous lately. I guess it's because you're trying to be more like your orange clown.

Gotcha, BULLSHIT. Yes, the world is Republicans and Democrats, tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are ...

Take a breath, and try again, only this time try to remember that it's important for others to understand what you are trying to say.

When you called me a Republican, you didn't grasp what I meant by "Gotcha, BULLSHIT. Yes, the world is Republicans and Democrats, tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are ..."

Seriously? Wow ...
Democrats must be going nuts. Did you ever hear the phrase, regarding the results of an election, "no actionable evidence of an altered outcome" ever in American history?

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