"No actionable evidence" of an altered outcome'

Seems pretty hard to say she was rejected when she got more the 2 million more votes than Trump. Yes, he won on a technicality, but she got lots more votes. The voters rejected him.

No, it's really EASY to say she was rejected. She lost...AGAIN. She's NOT the new President.

No, he did not win on a 'technicality'. The fact that US Presidents are chosen - as always - via the Electoral College is not a 'technicality'.

And if you subtract the 3 million illegal votes cast by illegals & Hillary lost the Popular Vote as well.


The voters ELECTED Trump, Snowflake.

I see you are repeating the latest crazy unfounded trump tweet. He spouts crazy crap on a regular basis. Trump is the Old Faithful of Crazy.
Seems pretty hard to say she was rejected when she got more the 2 million more votes than Trump. Yes, he won on a technicality, but she got lots more votes. The voters rejected him.

No, it's really EASY to say she was rejected. She lost...AGAIN. She's NOT the new President.

No, he did not win on a 'technicality'. The fact that US Presidents are chosen - as always - via the Electoral College is not a 'technicality'.

And if you subtract the 3 million illegal votes cast by illegals & Hillary lost the Popular Vote as well.


The voters ELECTED Trump, Snowflake.

I see you are repeating the latest crazy unfounded trump tweet. He spouts crazy crap on a regular basis. Trump is the Old Faithful of Crazy.
And he's your new President, Snowflake. :p
Seems pretty hard to say she was rejected when she got more the 2 million more votes than Trump. Yes, he won on a technicality, but she got lots more votes. The voters rejected him.

No, it's really EASY to say she was rejected. She lost...AGAIN. She's NOT the new President.

No, he did not win on a 'technicality'. The fact that US Presidents are chosen - as always - via the Electoral College is not a 'technicality'.

And if you subtract the 3 million illegal votes cast by illegals & Hillary lost the Popular Vote as well.


The voters ELECTED Trump, Snowflake.

I see you are repeating the latest crazy unfounded trump tweet. He spouts crazy crap on a regular basis. Trump is the Old Faithful of Crazy.
And he's your new President, Snowflake. :p

Doesn't mean he's not still a lying fool. Just look at his crazy tweets.
Despite a lawyer for the Democratic campaign admitting there is "no actionable evidence" of an altered outcome' should a recount be conducted in Wisconsin, Hillary still now demands one.

Thank God she is a 'woman of her word' & vowed she would accept the outcome of the election... :p

News from The Associated Press
Hillary still now demands one.


The recount was requested by Stein. The Clinton camp sent lawyers to ensure it was conducted appropriately.
Easilyfooled65 at it again.
Clinton already conceeded and even finding of fraud in a particular state won't change outcome. What is the objection?
What is the reason for 'checking'?

There is no evidence of fraud.

Aside from the acknowledgment that approx. 3 million illegals voted after the US President encouraged them to illegally do so, there is no evidence to suggest these votes modified the Electoral College Vote.

There is nothing to suggest that a recount will change the outcome - even the DNC lawyer admitted to that.

There is no basis for a re-count request.

Plenty of proof. Ask the CIA and FBI. They're the ones who said the Russians are behind the Wikileaks sabotage. And now the government has found reason to question the election results of multiple states. Good luck with that lil' buddy.

Remember, I'm here for you to help you through this.
The FBI declared there was no such proof, only speculation - I posted the link - you lie.

The only group proven to have manipulated the elections / Primaries were the DNC.

The 'government' found no reason to question the outcome - again, you lie. It was a group of self-professed scientists who admitted they have no evidence.

All of this is the result of butthurt Snowflakes who, like Hillary, refuse to accept the election outcome - the same thing they demonized Trump for saying he might not do.

Your accusations are opinions, false narratives, and lies, continuously repeated - already proven with links already posted.

Snowflakes like yourself are sad, pathetic losers who can't face reality so you keep making shit up while denying the facts...
Like the FACT Hillary is a lying FLIP-FLOPPER!

The DNC's own lawyer, as proven/stated above, says the recount WON'T change a thing. WHY? Because HILLARY LOST - WAS REJECTED...AGAIN.

She was such a piss-poor politician, Sect of State, and lifelong Washington Insider she could not beat a millionaire reality TV star with the help of the DNC, President, and paid political terrorists.

And now she has flip-flopped and is leading the Snowflakes in contesting the results of an election she swore she would accept.

Good luck with that, Snowflake. I've wasted enough time on you. Have a good night...
Yep. Comey said there was no proof about Hilary, and not even any reason for speculation.
No, he said that more than likely our enemies got classified information off of Hillary's private emails.
Any evidence that happened?
Aren't you liberal crying that it was Russia is responsible for all those leaks? If so where do you think they got the information?

There was nothing leaked from Clinton's server, dope.
Asking for a recount is certainly keep her word to accept the election.
"Making sense, we're not," says Master Yoda
"Sense making, we are," because we will know for certain the election is acceptable.

Not accepting the results by demanding a recount is how she demonstrates her willingness to accept the results.....hmmmkay

Clinton demanded nothing.
Doesn't mean he's not still a lying fool. Just look at his crazy tweets.

Lying Fool.... :p The MAJORIY of Americans thought / think Hillary was / is UN-trustworthy... which is partly why they elected Trump rather than Hillary.

Why does it matter to you how often and what he tweets. It seems you are obsessed with the man. Poor Snowflake.
The recount was requested by Stein. The Clinton camp sent lawyers to ensure it was conducted appropriately.
Hillary vowed to accept the results of the election....so why is she taking any part of a recount?



Doesn't mean he's not still a lying fool. Just look at his crazy tweets.

Lying Fool.... :p The MAJORIY of Americans thought / think Hillary was / is UN-trustworthy... which is partly why they elected Trump rather than Hillary.

Why does it matter to you how often and what he tweets. It seems you are obsessed with the man. Poor Snowflake.
Seven million more voted against Trump than for him. He is, and will be, a minority candidate for his adminsitration. You butthurt cucks on the far right are laughable.
Doesn't mean he's not still a lying fool. Just look at his crazy tweets.

Lying Fool.... :p The MAJORIY of Americans thought / think Hillary was / is UN-trustworthy... which is partly why they elected Trump rather than Hillary.

Why does it matter to you how often and what he tweets. It seems you are obsessed with the man. Poor Snowflake.

The majority of voters voted for Hillary (more than 2 million more) so no, they didn't prefer trump.
He is the president elect. When he makes any kind of statement, concerning anything, it is of concern to the entire world. His words have effect. Yes I am concerned when our supposed president elect makes a fool of himself, as well as the rest of the entire country.
Wisconsin apparently allows a recount to be requested by the candidates. But ita not obligated to be a hand recount. This should go fairly quickly.

The right doesn't exist in pa absent claims of fraud. And the lack of actionable evidence is going to prevent any court from ruling in her favor.

But she has a bigger legal problem. She has no standing to challenge the election results. In order to have standing she needs to show that if her claims were true, she would somehow be damaged without action. She will not win no matter what. No one in their right mind thinks otherwise. Any attorney who doesn't bring that up should be fired.

Course that wont stop her from sending out requests for money to help with the legal fund. And it won't stop fools from parting from their money
The majority of voters voted for Hillary (more than 2 million more) so no, they didn't prefer trump.

Millions of those were Illegals, Snowflake. The voter registry was analyzed to find who were actually American citizens and who were not. (There is more scientific proof of this being the case than there is to support the Snowflake Conspiracy Theory that Rooskies hacked & stole the election.) HILLARY LOST THE LEGAL POPULAR VOTE.

He is the president elect. When he makes any kind of statement, concerning anything, it is of concern to the entire world.
So because PRESIDENT Trump says something that offends your delicate partisan senses the whole world should be worried?! Got it. :p

Yes I am concerned when our supposed president elect makes a fool of himself, as well as the rest of the entire country.
You mean like how:

- Barry embarrassed the entire country with his idiotic 'Syrian RED Line', cowardly backed down, then tried to blame the whole world?!

- Barry declared FROM France that he had ISIS contained...only to have ISIS perpetrate the largest attack on France since WWII?!

- Barry mocked Americans' concerns for their safety and our national security ONLY to have a terrorist to whom he / his administration gave a visa and welcomed into this country suddenly murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack?!

- Barry won 'LIE OF THE YEAR' for intentionally LYING to the American people to push his minority-supported piece of Socialist ACA crap?!

Yeah, we wouldn't want a President who embarrassed himself and this country, now would we, Snowflake?! :p
Doesn't mean he's not still a lying fool. Just look at his crazy tweets.

Lying Fool.... :p The MAJORIY of Americans thought / think Hillary was / is UN-trustworthy... which is partly why they elected Trump rather than Hillary.

Why does it matter to you how often and what he tweets. It seems you are obsessed with the man. Poor Snowflake.

The majority of Americans voted for Clinton.

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