No Apology but Good Thinking

There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

Today he trying to limit weapon jointly for the peace - tomorrow he producing new one, laughing on "stupid peacelovers" and awarding his command by medals of "cold war win" :))) I already know this joke...
Where are you from? Russia (just guessing from your hat)? If you think he's funny, wait 'til the next one gets in.
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

No....he is weakening our nuclear deterrent while Russia modernizes theirs and China keeps working on their missiles capable of crossing the ocean.......and he cleared all barriers to Iran, the leading supporter of terrorism around the world, to get nuclear forcing Saudi Arabia to consider getting them as well....

He is creating the very thing you say you are against.......he has no clue what he is doing because he simply thinks blaming America is a solution....

Disarming us, while pretending the real bad guys are doing the same shows he is the worst sort of fool.....
No one will give up their nukes unless everyone else agrees to do so, Guy. That is what is going on. And I'd like to know what you plan to do about Russia and China and Iran and Saudi Arabia ... shall you invade? Or just nuke them?
I am going to miss an intelligent president who tried to steer us away from endless war. He isn't as "clueless" as you seem to think, but it is hard to prove a negative. So yammer on.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

I see the ideal you refer to, but it isnt so hidden. Obama is calling for a nuclear free world, but the real world has N Korea and Iran.
No one will give up their nukes unless everyone else agrees to do so, Guy. That is what is going on. And I'd like to know what you plan to do about Russia and China and Iran and Saudi Arabia ... shall you invade? Or just nuke them?
I am going to miss an intelligent president who tried to steer us away from endless war. He isn't as "clueless" as you seem to think, but it is hard to prove a negative. So yammer on.
But how can anyone trust everyone else to truthfully give up ALL of theirs.
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

No....he is weakening our nuclear deterrent while Russia modernizes theirs and China keeps working on their missiles capable of crossing the ocean.......and he cleared all barriers to Iran, the leading supporter of terrorism around the world, to get nuclear forcing Saudi Arabia to consider getting them as well....

He is creating the very thing you say you are against.......he has no clue what he is doing because he simply thinks blaming America is a solution....

Disarming us, while pretending the real bad guys are doing the same shows he is the worst sort of fool.....
No one will give up their nukes unless everyone else agrees to do so, Guy. That is what is going on. And I'd like to know what you plan to do about Russia and China and Iran and Saudi Arabia ... shall you invade? Or just nuke them?
I am going to miss an intelligent president who tried to steer us away from endless war. He isn't as "clueless" as you seem to think, but it is hard to prove a negative. So yammer on.

He is creating war.......because he is weak, Russia, China and Iran are preparing for don't read history do don't prevent war by being weak....we had peace for decades because we were strong and had nukes and they thought we would use them if they used theirs.......

He is a clueless fool, raised on lies about the world and this country...
No one will give up their nukes unless everyone else agrees to do so, Guy. That is what is going on. And I'd like to know what you plan to do about Russia and China and Iran and Saudi Arabia ... shall you invade? Or just nuke them?
I am going to miss an intelligent president who tried to steer us away from endless war. He isn't as "clueless" as you seem to think, but it is hard to prove a negative. So yammer on.
But how can anyone trust everyone else to truthfully give up ALL of theirs.
Trust is a big word, Jim. And I don't think we will ever uninvent nuclear weapons, until we've come up with something even more destructive. I'm not that stupid. Another poster here said he agreed with total nuclear disarmament -- as long as we give up ours last. That's a perfect way to summarize the stance of every country with nukes. That's why I think Obama took a giant step back and took the long perspective on humanity and war as a whole. Urged a moral awakening to the danger of continuing as we are. He was NOT talking just to Americans; that's where people are misinterpreting. He was talking to the world. To everyone. He took the philosophic view, like the Pope does. Not one believes it's going to happen, but I, for one, believe it is an ideal we can't lose hold of. When the sirens go off and the missiles are on their way, we will all regret that no one listened.
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

No....he is weakening our nuclear deterrent while Russia modernizes theirs and China keeps working on their missiles capable of crossing the ocean.......and he cleared all barriers to Iran, the leading supporter of terrorism around the world, to get nuclear forcing Saudi Arabia to consider getting them as well....

He is creating the very thing you say you are against.......he has no clue what he is doing because he simply thinks blaming America is a solution....

Disarming us, while pretending the real bad guys are doing the same shows he is the worst sort of fool.....
No one will give up their nukes unless everyone else agrees to do so, Guy. That is what is going on. And I'd like to know what you plan to do about Russia and China and Iran and Saudi Arabia ... shall you invade? Or just nuke them?
I am going to miss an intelligent president who tried to steer us away from endless war. He isn't as "clueless" as you seem to think, but it is hard to prove a negative. So yammer on.

He is creating war.......because he is weak, Russia, China and Iran are preparing for don't read history do don't prevent war by being weak....we had peace for decades because we were strong and had nukes and they thought we would use them if they used theirs.......

He is a clueless fool, raised on lies about the world and this country...
We still have the strongest military in the world, and our nukes still work. If anyone lobs a nuke at us, they can bend over and kiss their ass goodbye, because we will be intercepting and then retaliating in a way that will make Hiroshima look like a tea party. What on earth are you talking about?
Trust is a big word, Jim. And I don't think we will ever uninvent nuclear weapons, until we've come up with something even more destructive. I'm not that stupid. Another poster here said he agreed with total nuclear disarmament -- as long as we give up ours last. That's a perfect way to summarize the stance of every country with nukes. That's why I think Obama took a giant step back and took the long perspective on humanity and war as a whole. Urged a moral awakening to the danger of continuing as we are. He was NOT talking just to Americans; that's where people are misinterpreting. He was talking to the world. To everyone. He took the philosophic view, like the Pope does. Not one believes it's going to happen, but I, for one, believe it is an ideal we can't lose hold of. When the sirens go off and the missiles are on their way, we will all regret that no one listened.
I dont think I have ever called YOU stupid........ Maybe one or two of your comments. but I agree with you here.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

No....he is weakening our nuclear deterrent while Russia modernizes theirs and China keeps working on their missiles capable of crossing the ocean.......and he cleared all barriers to Iran, the leading supporter of terrorism around the world, to get nuclear forcing Saudi Arabia to consider getting them as well....

He is creating the very thing you say you are against.......he has no clue what he is doing because he simply thinks blaming America is a solution....

Disarming us, while pretending the real bad guys are doing the same shows he is the worst sort of fool.....
No one will give up their nukes unless everyone else agrees to do so, Guy. That is what is going on. And I'd like to know what you plan to do about Russia and China and Iran and Saudi Arabia ... shall you invade? Or just nuke them?
I am going to miss an intelligent president who tried to steer us away from endless war. He isn't as "clueless" as you seem to think, but it is hard to prove a negative. So yammer on.

He is creating war.......because he is weak, Russia, China and Iran are preparing for don't read history do don't prevent war by being weak....we had peace for decades because we were strong and had nukes and they thought we would use them if they used theirs.......

He is a clueless fool, raised on lies about the world and this country...
We still have the strongest military in the world, and our nukes still work. If anyone lobs a nuke at us, they can bend over and kiss their ass goodbye, because we will be intercepting and then retaliating in a way that will make Hiroshima look like a tea party. What on earth are you talking about?

Wrong, he is reducing our arsenal. an expert on this issue stated you need enough nuclear weapons that the enemy can't consider that they might knock yours out before you could reducing our numbers, amd allowing them to not only increase theirs but to improve them and modernize their increase the option that they may one day try.....the whole point is to keep them from ever considering it...

Then you have Iran.......Ben Rhodes admitted they lied about the Iranians in order to get the nuke now you have radical Muslims who believe the worst crap of their religion getting the ability to launch misses with nuclear warheads, at a destroy Israel....and perhaps reach the u.s.

Nothing you believe is happening under obama's watch.......
So, if Japan had gotten the bomb first, there would have been nothing wrong in nuking L.A. to prevent the 'necessity' of invading?
WTF are you babbling about? Japan invaded the US. The Germans were working hard on it and very definitely would have shared it with Japan, thank God the US beat them to the punch.
One thing I'm not 'babbling' about is equating America with Nazis and militarist war fetishists, as the quoted post and others here are. It is clear to me that there could and should be a difference between 'U.S.' and 'THEM'. When we look around the world, we can understand how people who don't like America come to think as you do.
Don't blame me for what idiots think. I don't want your approval. The US firebombed much of Germany to help end the war. many civilians died. You and the other idiots and wring your hands over it, that makes no difference to me, but it wasn't your ass on the line. Let's not overlook that particular detail, Mr. Highandmighty.
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.
Wait? obama helped Iran pursue their dream of nuclear weapons and you think he's trying to limit them? How does that work in your world?
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There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.
Wait? obama helped Iran pursue their dream of nuclear weapons and you think he's trying to limit them? How does that work in your world?

I call this reality dyslexia.....which all lefties suffer from...

By making it possible for Iran to get the nuclear weapons they want....they believe you are making it harder for them to get the nuclear weapons they want......

Only someone with the equivalent of Dyslexia could believe that.....
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.
Wait? obama helped Iran pursue their dream of nuclear weapons and you think he's trying to limit them? How does that work in your world?

I call this reality dyslexia.....which all lefties suffer from...

By making it possible for Iran to get the nuclear weapons they want....they believe you are making it harder for them to get the nuclear weapons they want......

Only someone with the equivalent of Dyslexia could believe that.....

reality dyslexia....I'm stealing that. I hope you dont mind. :D
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.
Wait? obama helped Iran pursue their dream of nuclear weapons and you think he's trying to limit them? How does that work in your world?

I call this reality dyslexia.....which all lefties suffer from...

By making it possible for Iran to get the nuclear weapons they want....they believe you are making it harder for them to get the nuclear weapons they want......

Only someone with the equivalent of Dyslexia could believe that.....
They try to make the facts fit their beliefs. Even if it involves twisting the living shit out of them.
Hey keep telling us Japan was defeated, they were on the verge of collapse....

Then why the fuck didn't they just surrender and spare their people the other bombings of their country long before we used the bombs.......

They could easily have broadcast to allied ships and aircraft their desire to cease hostilities and end the war..........or through other means...........

But they didn't .....did they..........not until the bombs were dropped................

Do you guys ever think before you spew the left wing crap you have been taught your whole lives....?
2 days before fdr left for the Yalta Convention , MacArthur sent a 40-page letter to the scumbag outlining overtures to surrender he had received. The terms were exactly what Truman accepted after incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians.
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.
Wait? obama helped Iran pursue their dream of nuclear weapons and you think he's trying to limit them? How does that work in your world?
See the thing is, the Japs aren't muslim... the Iranians are, and so is *OBAMA*. No more needs to be said since we all know obama is a muslim. He's helping his kind. We also know that the left loves muslims, even though muslims kill fags and subjugate women. Another mind numbing stupid conundrum of the left.

2 days before fdr left for the Yalta Convention , MacArthur sent a 40-page letter to the scumbag outlining overtures to surrender he had received. The terms were exactly what Truman accepted after incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Yeah....let's get a link to that...
2 days before fdr left for the Yalta Convention , MacArthur sent a 40-page letter to the scumbag outlining overtures to surrender he had received. The terms were exactly what Truman accepted after incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Yeah.......and the Japanese rejected those terms....and continued to fight the war........failed to point that out...didn't took those 2 bombs for them to come around to those terms.....
2 days before fdr left for the Yalta Convention , MacArthur sent a 40-page letter to the scumbag outlining overtures to surrender he had received. The terms were exactly what Truman accepted after incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Yeah.......and the Japanese rejected those terms....and continued to fight the war........failed to point that out...didn't took those 2 bombs for them to come around to those terms.....

You misunderstand.

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