No Apology but Good Thinking

So, if Japan had gotten the bomb first, there would have been nothing wrong in nuking L.A. to prevent the 'necessity' of invading?
WTF are you babbling about? Japan invaded the US. The Germans were working hard on it and very definitely would have shared it with Japan, thank God the US beat them to the punch.
One thing I'm not 'babbling' about is equating America with Nazis and militarist war fetishists, as the quoted post and others here are. It is clear to me that there could and should be a difference between 'U.S.' and 'THEM'. When we look around the world, we can understand how people who don't like America come to think as you do.
So, if Japan had gotten the bomb first, there would have been nothing wrong in nuking L.A. to prevent the 'necessity' of invading?
WTF are you babbling about? Japan invaded the US. The Germans were working hard on it and very definitely would have shared it with Japan, thank God the US beat them to the punch.
One thing I'm not 'babbling' about is equating America with Nazis and militarist war fetishists, as the quoted post and others here are. It is clear to me that there could and should be a difference between 'U.S.' and 'THEM'. When we look around the world, we can understand how people who don't like America come to think as you do.

You don't have to answer but have you ever served, been close to one that has or lost a loved one in conflict?
Japan murders in cold blood innocent non combatants in China. The Rape of Nanking. And Unit 731. They bomb Pearl harbor and split hairs about innocence and non combatants and complain how bad war is. Hiroshima was karma for all the crap the Japanese doled out. Too bad. Life is like that.
You want to say that to all these chest-beating 'patriots' that are so insistent on remembering 9/11?
Oh my god. I get it. YOU think Islamic brainwashed suicidal nihilists mass murders are just like people that fought against fascism in WWII. Sad, what a disconnect from facts and history . That's insulting as it is stupid.
Japan murders in cold blood innocent non combatants in China. The Rape of Nanking. And Unit 731. They bomb Pearl harbor and split hairs about innocence and non combatants and complain how bad war is. Hiroshima was karma for all the crap the Japanese doled out. Too bad. Life is like that.
You want to say that to all these chest-beating 'patriots' that are so insistent on remembering 9/11?
Oh my god. I get it. YOU think Islamic brainwashed suicidal nihilists mass murders are just like people that fought against fascism in WWII. Sad, what a disconnect from facts and history . That's insulting as it is stupid.
No, I get it; your preconceptions blind you like the other impolite, intellect impaired troglodytes here. Your powers of projection are only exceeded by your density.
Starting a war with the United States of America is a bad idea, and usually doesn't end well for the people who start it. I hope that's the lesson the Japanese learned from the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Japan murders in cold blood innocent non combatants in China. The Rape of Nanking. And Unit 731. They bomb Pearl harbor and split hairs about innocence and non combatants and complain how bad war is. Hiroshima was karma for all the crap the Japanese doled out. Too bad. Life is like that.
You want to say that to all these chest-beating 'patriots' that are so insistent on remembering 9/11?
Oh my god. I get it. YOU think Islamic brainwashed suicidal nihilists mass murders are just like people that fought against fascism in WWII. Sad, what a disconnect from facts and history . That's insulting as it is stupid.
No, I get it; your preconceptions blind you like the other impolite, intellect impaired troglodytes here. Your powers of projection are only exceeded by your density.

But don't make a "russian" mistake - before the humanism processing, ask yourself, how is it reasonable...

Look on Japan. Yes, they received a great nuclear attack from US... and what after? They very friendly with US and no friendly with Russia and China. And they didn't apologize for China genocide (it was really terrible, China lost 12 million CIVILIANS)... So, they, obviously, understand only brute force - and it seems, nuclear bombing really prevented more victims and destructions...
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
Denouncing nuclear weapons is laudable, and probably one of the few things we could agree with Obama on.
Starting a war with the United States of America is a bad idea, and usually doesn't end well for the people who start it. I hope that's the lesson the Japanese learned from the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
That is why our enemies pretend to be our friends and fund degenerate organizations with the intention of causing moral confusion, social chaos and civil war among us.
There is no point in denouncing nuclear weapons when you are in charge of literally thousands of them.
Denouncing nuclear weapons is laudable, and probably one of the few things we could agree with Obama on.
Denouncing nuclear weapons is idiotic and that we had them saved hundreds of thousands of lives ending the war early and in preventing another 'great war' since.

So, if Japan had gotten the bomb first, there would have been nothing wrong in nuking L.A. to prevent the 'necessity' of invading?

You don't they (or Hitler) wouldn't have? If not you're naive
Your post is a bit difficult to decipher, but it seems you, also, maintain America is correct to use the standards of its loathsome enemies?

I sure do, in fact ISIS,the Taliban etc don't abide by rules of engagement (ROE) we shouldn't be bound by them either if they don't
Many posters seen on USMB have expressed vehement disagreement with your relativistic morality.

That would be the left loons, they are of little importance to me. I'm a huge General Patton fan, he once said "the object of war is not to die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his". War is brutal and you use any means available to win. The left moans about the loss of civilian life in the two atomic bombings, the Japanese had absolutely no qualms at killing civilians. China proves that
I agree with you, all except for what you think "the left" is moaning about. At least this leftie grieves that the atomic bomb exists. Do I think, realistically, we can stuff that genie back in the bottle? No. Can we try everything, including standing on our heads and spitting nickels, to minimize the threat of nuclear war? What else can we do? In the 1930's and 1940's a bunch of world leaders went NUTS. We fought back. Thank God we won. But I agree with our president that the same spark of creative intelligence which makes us human also makes us the very devil himself, able to destroy our entire planet and all its civilizations. It is not wrong to remain mindful of that, is it? You may not agree with how he is going about it, but Obama's remarks at Hiroshima were simply about that.
You don't they (or Hitler) wouldn't have? If not you're naive
Your post is a bit difficult to decipher, but it seems you, also, maintain America is correct to use the standards of its loathsome enemies?

I sure do, in fact ISIS,the Taliban etc don't abide by rules of engagement (ROE) we shouldn't be bound by them either if they don't
Many posters seen on USMB have expressed vehement disagreement with your relativistic morality.

That would be the left loons, they are of little importance to me. I'm a huge General Patton fan, he once said "the object of war is not to die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his". War is brutal and you use any means available to win. The left moans about the loss of civilian life in the two atomic bombings, the Japanese had absolutely no qualms at killing civilians. China proves that
I agree with you, all except for what you think "the left" is moaning about. At least this leftie grieves that the atomic bomb exists. Do I think, realistically, we can stuff that genie back in the bottle? No. Can we try everything, including standing on our heads and spitting nickels, to minimize the threat of nuclear war? What else can we do? In the 1930's and 1940's a bunch of world leaders went NUTS. We fought back. Thank God we won. But I agree with our president that the same spark of creative intelligence which makes us human also makes us the very devil himself, able to destroy our entire planet and all its civilizations. It is not wrong to remain mindful of that, is it? You may not agree with how he is going about it, but Obama's remarks at Hiroshima were simply about that.

The best thing Obungles could have done was to avoid Hiroshima and went golfing again. He's just an embarrassment
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
You don't need to specifically say "I'm sorry" to apologize when you can imply it as well.

Fuck that muslim kenyan piece of anti American rat shit. He's a total fucking disgrace to this nation.
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There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

Today he trying to limit weapon jointly for the peace - tomorrow he producing new one, laughing on "stupid peacelovers" and awarding his command by medals of "cold war win" :))) I already know this joke...
There's seldom any upside to waking up at 4:30 a.m., but this morning I turned on the telly to find our President just beginning his remarks at Hiroshima. He didn't apologize for anything. It was a great speech. Thoughtful.

At the bottom of the page is a button for "Listen" to full remarks. 17 minutes. Very much worth listening to.

Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park

Have a great and peaceful day.
His being there denouncing nuclear weapons is itself a form of apology.
I can see why you might take it that way. But who is their (nukes) cheerleader, except that asshole in North Korea? In a world of restless souls, to be safe you need weapons as big as the other guy. I get that. So does Obama. In trying to limit their increase and spread throughout the world, the right seems to feel he is being a pussy. I think he's being a dreamer working for an unachievable but necessary ideal.

No....he is weakening our nuclear deterrent while Russia modernizes theirs and China keeps working on their missiles capable of crossing the ocean.......and he cleared all barriers to Iran, the leading supporter of terrorism around the world, to get nuclear forcing Saudi Arabia to consider getting them as well....

He is creating the very thing you say you are against.......he has no clue what he is doing because he simply thinks blaming America is a solution....

Disarming us, while pretending the real bad guys are doing the same shows he is the worst sort of fool.....

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