No "butts" about it Michelle, despite "her" behind leads the way!..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
$mo tree butt_thumb[7].jpg $Big-fat-ass-Michelle-Obama-38488065044.jpeg

"White House Credits ‘Let's Move’ for Halting and Reversing Childhood Obesity Trend
Today the White House credited Michelle Obama's three-year-old “Let's Move” initiative with halting and even reversing a thirty year trend of increasing childhood obesity, a trend that has led to what the Centers for Disease Control has called an epidemic. A press release from the Office of the First Lady announced details of a "two day nationwide tour" at the end of the month to celebrate the third anniversary of the program that promotes exercise and healthy eating habits to young people. The press release also included a short history of the program (emphasis added):
White House Credits ?Let's Move? for Halting and Reversing Childhood Obesity Trend | The Weekly Standard
you dont like women who are built to have babies.

some "men" are like that.

You can join the military openly now though
Knocking someone's genetic build. Wow, you guys are just brilliant. :rolleyes:

As to the article, no stats were provided for the credit that the WH is taking. Natch.
Knocking someone's genetic build. Wow, you guys are just brilliant. :rolleyes:

As to the article, no stats were provided for the credit that the WH is taking. Natch.

OH... YEA... SHE's BIG BONED which my sister use to SAY herself before she slimmed down.

It's just a shame that like her husband she's GREAT preacher able to tell everybody else what they should do but... don't do what they say themselves!

Case in point..Obama says "he's his brother's keeper" About 17,900 results in Google..
YET his own brother lives in a $12 a year hut!
Obama is a millionaire! How come he allows his brother to live in a $12 hut he he preaches to us about being our brother's keeper?

in 2010 Obama's taxable income was $1,728,096
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!
and paid: $453,770 26.26% of gross income.

But President and Mrs. George W. Bush reported taxable income of $719, 274 for the tax year 2007
The Bushes contributed a total of $165,660 [23%] to churches and charitable organizations.
federal income taxes,paid $221,635 the White House said Friday.
Bush earned $719,000 in 2007 -

Obama donations 14% Bush 23% and which one keeps saying "brother's keeper"???
Perhaps the little cretins are slimming down because ma and pa can't put enough food on the table even with their government assistance the administration is so happy to encourage them to avail themselves of.
Food prices and all keep going up.
Mrs. Obama and Rachael Ray chose to highlight school lunches in Mississippi, which was rated the most obese state in the nation for several years, because the state's childhood obesity rates have declined by 13% among elementary school students in recent years. Mississippi is one of several states and cities to show decreases in childhood obesity. The Clinton Public School District in Mississippi, where the First Lady will be visiting, mobilized the entire community to make their schools healthier to support their children's physical wellness and academic achievement. With leadership from the Superintendent, Board of Education, parents, students and community leaders, Clinton made healthy schools a top priority and implemented district-wide changes to bring physical activity and nutritious choices to students - all with no additional funding.

Michelle Obama back in Chicago to mark "Let's Move" 3rd anniversary
White House finds that White House is great (and double plus good too). What a surprise.
small minded people up in here

NO just people who hate to be preached to by people who don't practice what they preach!

Michelle's big boned leads the way in pomposity... Instead of preaching she could lose the butt! But she and people like her find that attractive!!!

I think it is a big butt!

Obama preaches about "brother's keeper".. yet his brother lives in a $12 hut...
There is another scripture that I guess Obama keep ignoring...
Matthew 7:4
How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?
valuing women on your own personal doable scale is pretty much more of the sexism and racism that is plauging the republican party.

gee I wonder why they just cant find any voters?
women who have birthed babies are not supposed to have hips while being black.

The right just has all the good ideas huh

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