No "butts" about it Michelle, despite "her" behind leads the way!..

I'd love to see what all these looks-judgers look like. If they grew a pair, we could have a field day. But naw, remain hidden and preach good looks. Cowards.
I'd love to see what all these looks-judgers look like. If they grew a pair, we could have a field day. But naw, remain hidden and preach good looks. Cowards.

LOL Well, if they look anything the Tea Party folks we saw on the news, they are all a bunch of tubbies and tubettes. :lol:
If you dont like what Michelle and Obama "say", what exactly are you hoping to prove by pointing at her ass?

Sometimes the threads on here make me feel like im back in school again.

Remember she preaches against Obesity YET people see big butts as OBESE!
Remember this is the administration that proudly stated..“lead from behind”
Take proposition one: We must “lead from behind” because U.S. relative power is declining. Even if you accept the premise, it’s a complete non sequitur.
What does China’s rising GDP have to do with American buck-passing on Libya, misjudging Iran, appeasing Syria?
The Obama doctrine: Leading from behind - Washington Post

So do you get it?? Her BUTT is leading us from behind!!!

Geez I know somethings go over people's heads but I assume there is a modicum of intelligence by the readers!

She's not obese, dork.
YOU ARE RIGHT ... she's not... according to her weight/height supposedly!

I said people perceive people with big butts as OBESE!!!

BUT according to the below the woman who preaches against OBESITY is closer to be OBESE her self then being normal weight for a "big boned " woman!!!

Mrs. Obama is 5'10 1/2 inches tall and weighs 187......
A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight.
The most common measure of obesity is the body mass index or BMI.
A person is considered overweight if his or her BMI is between 25 and 29.9; a person is considered obese if his or her BMI is over 30.
Obesity Facts, Causes, Emotional Aspects and When to Seek Help

So if we believe she is 5'10 1/2 which can be calculated independently and
we believe she is 187 lbs.. here BMI is 26.8 which is OVERWEIGHT..
BMI Calculator | Apidra(R) (insulin glulisine [rDNA origin] injection)

But if she is 5' 10" and weighs 210 lbs she is obese at a BMI of 30!

But if we look at her height and weight chart for "big boned" women:
5'10" 152-173 weight SHE SHOULD weigh BUT she's 187 which is OVERWEIGHT!
Height and Weight Chart - height weight chart, weight height chart
Michelle Obama is not fat. She is quite fit. That Phat butt is just nature's way of attracting REAL MEN!
I think J-lo and Venus Williams would agree!
Placing too much value on the looks of someone you will NEVER have sex with is really really shallow
Remember she preaches against Obesity YET people see big butts as OBESE!
Remember this is the administration that proudly stated..“lead from behind”
Take proposition one: We must “lead from behind” because U.S. relative power is declining. Even if you accept the premise, it’s a complete non sequitur.
What does China’s rising GDP have to do with American buck-passing on Libya, misjudging Iran, appeasing Syria?
The Obama doctrine: Leading from behind - Washington Post

So do you get it?? Her BUTT is leading us from behind!!!

Geez I know somethings go over people's heads but I assume there is a modicum of intelligence by the readers!

She's not obese, dork.
YOU ARE RIGHT ... she's not... according to her weight/height supposedly!

I said people perceive people with big butts as OBESE!!!

BUT according to the below the woman who preaches against OBESITY is closer to be OBESE her self then being normal weight for a "big boned " woman!!!

Mrs. Obama is 5'10 1/2 inches tall and weighs 187......
A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight.
The most common measure of obesity is the body mass index or BMI.
A person is considered overweight if his or her BMI is between 25 and 29.9; a person is considered obese if his or her BMI is over 30.
Obesity Facts, Causes, Emotional Aspects and When to Seek Help

So if we believe she is 5'10 1/2 which can be calculated independently and
we believe she is 187 lbs.. here BMI is 26.8 which is OVERWEIGHT..
BMI Calculator | Apidra(R) (insulin glulisine [rDNA origin] injection)

But if she is 5' 10" and weighs 210 lbs she is obese at a BMI of 30!

But if we look at her height and weight chart for "big boned" women:
5'10" 152-173 weight SHE SHOULD weigh BUT she's 187 which is OVERWEIGHT!
Height and Weight Chart - height weight chart, weight height chart

You're a tool, seriously. You're not a good person at all and you're a coward to boot. Reveal your own self, slick.
Barbra Bush was old and wrinkled. What did that mean at the time ol wise one?

This thread is just stupid and I feel even dumber having participated in it.
Barbra Bush was mantronly looking.

The left was respectful of her.

The right is never respectful

remember what they did to Chelsea and Amy?
Placing too much value on the looks of someone you will NEVER have sex with is really really shallow
I just find it totally OFFENSIVE that this woman is TELLING US how we should live and she's OVERWEIGHT! SHE has a big butt and THAT is not something I'm attracted to even though as Seinfeld said "not that there is anything wrong" with having a BIG BUTT..
except when you are preaching against Obesity!!!
Those repercussions of the trashing of children is likely why they pretty much leave the obama kids alone
Placing too much value on the looks of someone you will NEVER have sex with is really really shallow
I just find it totally OFFENSIVE that this woman is TELLING US how we should live and she's OVERWEIGHT! SHE has a big butt and THAT is not something I'm attracted to even though as Seinfeld said "not that there is anything wrong" with having a BIG BUTT..
except when you are preaching against Obesity!!!

pretending she is overwieght is a pretty stupid lie
if the right didnt KNOW this country would turn full bore on them the right would be trashing the presidential offspring
Placing too much value on the looks of someone you will NEVER have sex with is really really shallow
I just find it totally OFFENSIVE that this woman is TELLING US how we should live and she's OVERWEIGHT! SHE has a big butt and THAT is not something I'm attracted to even though as Seinfeld said "not that there is anything wrong" with having a BIG BUTT..
except when you are preaching against Obesity!!!

You're overweight.

She's physically fit, and is in a good position to be teaching people about Nutrition.

If you don't like it, dont be a little pussy and be offended, just DONT LISTEN, TUB ASS! Novel idea, I know.
Barbra Bush was old and wrinkled. What did that mean at the time ol wise one?

This thread is just stupid and I feel even dumber having participated in it.

Barbara Bush didn't have a lapdog media telling us how beautiful she was.

which media was such a lap dog they had the right screaming that Robmoney would win by 5 %?

which media turned out to be the ONLY one lying in October?
This isn't a partisan issue.

Stop making it one.

It's a small minded person issue.

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