No charges filed in Palin brawl

Most of the lawsuits were brought by people in her fact most were brought by one woman who was upset because Palin hadn't rewarded her with a position in the government she thought she had coming to her. What's interesting about that however is how THAT vindictive loser was financially supported by liberal groups from outside of Alaska.

Well, that's what you get for screwing over your supporters... Oh, well.

Palin was corrupt. And she didn't have a lick of sense. But don't worry, if she ever got to Washington, the "Department of Law" would have taken care of her.

Funny thing then, Joe...if Palin really WAS corrupt then why did all those ethics violation lawsuits get thrown out of court?

The answer to that is obvious...the lawsuits were always total bullshit...they were always about making Palin spend money to defend against them...not to actually stand up in court. Those lawsuits were so obviously frivolous that Alaskans had to change the law regarding ethics suits to protect public servants from stalkers like Palin's.
It's really not a hard question, Vandal...what would YOU do if you were put in the same position that Palin was placed in? For some reason you find that to be "challenging".

Sorry, Oldstyle, but this thread is not about me, and I don't choose to allow you to divert it in that direction.

I thought you'd turned the thread into Palin being a "quitter", Vandal? I simply asked what any of you liberals would do if YOU found yourselves in Palin's shoes and none of you want to answer the question!

So is this thread REALLY about Palin...or is it about liberals like yourself who even after six YEARS are so obsessed with "getting" Palin that you practically cream yourselves over anything that remotely makes Palin look bad?
'Cause from where I'm sitting...Palin is laughing at you...all the way to the bank!

That would be true if she had gotten the money from me, but the truth is that she got it from the far Right, and I say, more power to her for that! I have always maintained that whenever the far Right and their money are parted, that is a GOOD thing!

Since the reason so many conservatives love Palin is that they make liberals like you foam at the mouth, Vandal...don't you actually "enable" Palin? The reason I don't pay any attention to the Al Sharpton's of the world is that their message is designed to inflame and I don't care about that idiot enough to listen to him.

Oh, and by the way...the money that Palin is usually "getting" from other conservatives ends up going to conservative causes or you might want to rethink your "more power to her" concept!
Oldstyle, you really need to stop getting personal about me in your posts. it is immature and unbecoming.

Ah, so it's fine for you to get "personal" when you accuse Sarah Palin and her family about things but it's not fine when I simply ask you what you would have done if you'd been placed in the same position as Palin?

What's the old expression? If you can't run with the Big Dogs...stay on the porch?
Oldstyle, you really need to stop getting personal about me in your posts. it is immature and unbecoming.

Ah, so it's fine for you to get "personal" when you accuse Sarah Palin and her family about things but it's not fine when I simply ask you what you would have done if you'd been placed in the same position as Palin?

What's the old expression? If you can't run with the Big Dogs...stay on the porch?

Bait noted. Bait examined. Bait rejected.
Oldstyle, you really need to stop getting personal about me in your posts. it is immature and unbecoming.

Ah, so it's fine for you to get "personal" when you accuse Sarah Palin and her family about things but it's not fine when I simply ask you what you would have done if you'd been placed in the same position as Palin?

What's the old expression? If you can't run with the Big Dogs...stay on the porch?

Bait noted. Bait examined. Bait rejected.

Question noted. Question examined. Question run from! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
And spare me the holier than thou attitude about which party is the more spotlessly clean! Democrats elected a drunken woman killer Teddy Kennedy for decades...they kept an admitted crack and prostitute using sleaze named Marion Barry in office...they reelected an incompetent and crooked mayor named Ray Nagin after he used the Katrina disaster to line his own pockets! Yeah, you guys are SO ethical! :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Yawn, guy, are you really going to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks?

Palin is kind of an idiot. This is your problem. There's no reason why she should have the national podium she has OTHER than people like you give it to her.

If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!'re blaming us for her quitting.....another clue you are totally clueless. She quit because she saw a bunch of fools out there drooling over her and she figured she could get more money from the morons while vacationing than sitting in a stuffy office trying to figure out what she's supposed to do. Now you keep inviting her to speak at your gatherings because she tells you all the lies you like to hear...and most of you don't really know what is going on, and think she speaks the gospel truth.

Palin left office because a small group of liberal "vigilantes" decided that even though the Obama/Biden ticket had won the election that they were going to bankrupt Sarah Palin as some sort of punishment for having the audacity to run against Barack "the chosen one" Obama! Instead of being satisfied with winning and sending Palin back to Alaska these obsessed liberals decided that they would take advantage of how Alaska's ethics laws were written (laws that Palin herself was instrumental in getting passed to stop the corruption that had taken place by Republican "Good Ole Boys"!) to bring one ethics lawsuit after another against Palin. All of these suits were eventually throw out of court because they were totally lacking in merit but the idea was never to win these cases...oh no...the idea was to force Palin to spend her time and her own money to defend against them. Liberals brought suit against Palin to prevent her from taking donations to a defense fund because bankrupting Palin was always the goal.

So what happened?

Quite simply, Palin resigned her position as Governor, wrote a best selling book, became a key note speaker for conservatives, got a reality TV show and a job on Fox News. The TRUTH, that those same liberals that took it upon themselves to try and destroy Palin...ended up making her very wealthy...something that I find deliciously ironic!

Now there's another post for the Nutters Hall of Fame. If anybody made Palin rich it was the dumb conservatives who thought everything that comes out of her mouth is gold. We're not the ones that keep inviting her to talk at every rally, convention or all are. And, she resigned her position as Governor, frankly because she probably didn't know what the hell she was doing and figured she could get more money bey setting up her campaign PAC, and all the dummies kept sending her money.....why work for it when you can get it free.....hey, she fits the description you all give liberals......she likes free stuff.
If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!

I didn't bring any lawsuits against her. Most of those lawsuits were brought by people in her state who didn't like her doing shit like leaking personnel records or abusing travel privilages or trying to get relatives fired from their jobs.

And seriously, all the lawyers you have on the right, and none of them would have taken her cases pro bono?

What ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?

Most of the lawsuits were brought by people in her fact most were brought by one woman who was upset because Palin hadn't rewarded her with a position in the government she thought she had coming to her. What's interesting about that however is how THAT vindictive loser was financially supported by liberal groups from outside of Alaska.

Why don't you post some links with your garbage? Because you're making all that crap up.
Ebola has killed thousands you moron! It's now here in the US and our incompetent government is all that stands between the American people and getting something that is fatal 70% of the time! I know that you LOVE the Government, Joe and think they can do no wrong but for those of us who deal in reality not fantasy...Ebola is a nightmare.

Ebola has been around in Africa for decades, dude. 27,000 Americans will die of the flu this year. But Ebola is scary. And from Africa. Jeezus, man, you're even racist against diseases.

So if the government manages to keep Ebola contained, are you going to give Obama any credit? I doubt it.

Who cares where Ebola is "from", you horses ass! It's about as scary a thing as exists on our planet and it couldn't care less about the color of your skin. This isn't a political thing! I hope that the Government can keep Ebola contained because if it doesn't then we're in a WORLD of hurt!

For someone that doesn't like government, you sure want the government when something scary makes you scared.....don't you? If conservatives were in control and we had no government, like they like, we'd be no better than the areas in Africa that are being plagued with this disease. We would be in a world of hurt.
And spare me the holier than thou attitude about which party is the more spotlessly clean! Democrats elected a drunken woman killer Teddy Kennedy for decades...they kept an admitted crack and prostitute using sleaze named Marion Barry in office...they reelected an incompetent and crooked mayor named Ray Nagin after he used the Katrina disaster to line his own pockets! Yeah, you guys are SO ethical! :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Yawn, guy, are you really going to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks?

Palin is kind of an idiot. This is your problem. There's no reason why she should have the national podium she has OTHER than people like you give it to her.

If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!'re blaming us for her quitting.....another clue you are totally clueless. She quit because she saw a bunch of fools out there drooling over her and she figured she could get more money from the morons while vacationing than sitting in a stuffy office trying to figure out what she's supposed to do. Now you keep inviting her to speak at your gatherings because she tells you all the lies you like to hear...and most of you don't really know what is going on, and think she speaks the gospel truth.

Palin left office because a small group of liberal "vigilantes" decided that even though the Obama/Biden ticket had won the election that they were going to bankrupt Sarah Palin as some sort of punishment for having the audacity to run against Barack "the chosen one" Obama! Instead of being satisfied with winning and sending Palin back to Alaska these obsessed liberals decided that they would take advantage of how Alaska's ethics laws were written (laws that Palin herself was instrumental in getting passed to stop the corruption that had taken place by Republican "Good Ole Boys"!) to bring one ethics lawsuit after another against Palin. All of these suits were eventually throw out of court because they were totally lacking in merit but the idea was never to win these cases...oh no...the idea was to force Palin to spend her time and her own money to defend against them. Liberals brought suit against Palin to prevent her from taking donations to a defense fund because bankrupting Palin was always the goal.

So what happened?

Quite simply, Palin resigned her position as Governor, wrote a best selling book, became a key note speaker for conservatives, got a reality TV show and a job on Fox News. The TRUTH, that those same liberals that took it upon themselves to try and destroy Palin...ended up making her very wealthy...something that I find deliciously ironic!

Now there's another post for the Nutters Hall of Fame. If anybody made Palin rich it was the dumb conservatives who thought everything that comes out of her mouth is gold. We're not the ones that keep inviting her to talk at every rally, convention or all are. And, she resigned her position as Governor, frankly because she probably didn't know what the hell she was doing and figured she could get more money bey setting up her campaign PAC, and all the dummies kept sending her money.....why work for it when you can get it free.....hey, she fits the description you all give liberals......she likes free stuff.

You still don't get it, do you Mertex? The only reason that Palin remained relevant was because you liberals made her so. You could have simply let her go back to Alaska and finish up her term but for some reason a bunch of you decided that she needed to be made an "example" of and went after her with the barrage of frivolous lawsuits. So you forced Palin from office and made her into the mouthpiece for the Tea Party. If you don't LIKE Palin then look no further than yourself for making her what she is today.
If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!

I didn't bring any lawsuits against her. Most of those lawsuits were brought by people in her state who didn't like her doing shit like leaking personnel records or abusing travel privilages or trying to get relatives fired from their jobs.

And seriously, all the lawyers you have on the right, and none of them would have taken her cases pro bono?

What ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?

Most of the lawsuits were brought by people in her fact most were brought by one woman who was upset because Palin hadn't rewarded her with a position in the government she thought she had coming to her. What's interesting about that however is how THAT vindictive loser was financially supported by liberal groups from outside of Alaska.

If a governor bailed on that, then how would we expect her to react if our country was under attack?

That's not a shot specifically at Palin per se, but I want someone who isn't going to buckle under pressure when we need the President the most. I'd say that about anyone, Republican or Democrat. Quitting as governor because of harassing lawsuits doesn't give confidence that they have the fortitude to deal with al-Qaeda.

What exactly would you have had Palin DO, Toro? She was being subjected to a barrage of frivolous lawsuits...dozens of lawsuits whose only purpose were to bankrupt her and her family. She had been sued so that she couldn't accept donations to pay for a defense of those lawsuits. That was going to continue until the Palin's were bankrupt. So would you have had Palin simply let herself be "bled out" by this tactic? Would you have allowed that if it were YOU that was under this kind of sleazy attack?

Where is your outrage at a group of people so spiteful...that despite WINNING an election decided that the only thing that would satisfy them would be the complete destruction of the person who had the "audacity" to run against Barack Obama?

We need good people to run for political office in this country. Put aside partisan politics for a moment and think long and hard about the message that was sent by the behavior of a small group of political "zealots" following the 2008 election and then ask yourself if YOU would want to run for high office in this nation if a lifetime of harassment, win or lose, would await you if you did?

Where did you get that cockamamy story? Faux News? If it was that easy to get rid of people in office you conservatives would be suing the hell out of Obama.....ooops, but you are! Fortunately, Obama doesn't quit like Palin, he just considers the source. Eventually all the conservative lawsuits end up in the trash can where they belong.
If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!

I didn't bring any lawsuits against her. Most of those lawsuits were brought by people in her state who didn't like her doing shit like leaking personnel records or abusing travel privilages or trying to get relatives fired from their jobs.

And seriously, all the lawyers you have on the right, and none of them would have taken her cases pro bono?

What ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?

Most of the lawsuits were brought by people in her fact most were brought by one woman who was upset because Palin hadn't rewarded her with a position in the government she thought she had coming to her. What's interesting about that however is how THAT vindictive loser was financially supported by liberal groups from outside of Alaska.

Why don't you post some links with your garbage? Because you're making all that crap up.

Pray tell...what am I "making up"? The frivolous lawsuits that got dismissed? Do you REALLY want to go down this road, Mertle?
If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!

I didn't bring any lawsuits against her. Most of those lawsuits were brought by people in her state who didn't like her doing shit like leaking personnel records or abusing travel privilages or trying to get relatives fired from their jobs.

And seriously, all the lawyers you have on the right, and none of them would have taken her cases pro bono?

What ever happened to the "Party of Personal Responsibility"?

Most of the lawsuits were brought by people in her fact most were brought by one woman who was upset because Palin hadn't rewarded her with a position in the government she thought she had coming to her. What's interesting about that however is how THAT vindictive loser was financially supported by liberal groups from outside of Alaska.

If a governor bailed on that, then how would we expect her to react if our country was under attack?

That's not a shot specifically at Palin per se, but I want someone who isn't going to buckle under pressure when we need the President the most. I'd say that about anyone, Republican or Democrat. Quitting as governor because of harassing lawsuits doesn't give confidence that they have the fortitude to deal with al-Qaeda.

What exactly would you have had Palin DO, Toro? She was being subjected to a barrage of frivolous lawsuits...dozens of lawsuits whose only purpose were to bankrupt her and her family. She had been sued so that she couldn't accept donations to pay for a defense of those lawsuits. That was going to continue until the Palin's were bankrupt. So would you have had Palin simply let herself be "bled out" by this tactic? Would you have allowed that if it were YOU that was under this kind of sleazy attack?

Where is your outrage at a group of people so spiteful...that despite WINNING an election decided that the only thing that would satisfy them would be the complete destruction of the person who had the "audacity" to run against Barack Obama?

We need good people to run for political office in this country. Put aside partisan politics for a moment and think long and hard about the message that was sent by the behavior of a small group of political "zealots" following the 2008 election and then ask yourself if YOU would want to run for high office in this nation if a lifetime of harassment, win or lose, would await you if you did?

Where did you get that cockamamy story? Faux News? If it was that easy to get rid of people in office you conservatives would be suing the hell out of Obama.....ooops, but you are! Fortunately, Obama doesn't quit like Palin, he just considers the source. Eventually all the conservative lawsuits end up in the trash can where they belong.

Obama has dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits that he's being forced to defend himself against with money out of his own pocket? Really!!! I'd love to see you back THAT claim up, Sparky!
Yawn, guy, are you really going to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks?

Palin is kind of an idiot. This is your problem. There's no reason why she should have the national podium she has OTHER than people like you give it to her.

If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!'re blaming us for her quitting.....another clue you are totally clueless. She quit because she saw a bunch of fools out there drooling over her and she figured she could get more money from the morons while vacationing than sitting in a stuffy office trying to figure out what she's supposed to do. Now you keep inviting her to speak at your gatherings because she tells you all the lies you like to hear...and most of you don't really know what is going on, and think she speaks the gospel truth.

Palin left office because a small group of liberal "vigilantes" decided that even though the Obama/Biden ticket had won the election that they were going to bankrupt Sarah Palin as some sort of punishment for having the audacity to run against Barack "the chosen one" Obama! Instead of being satisfied with winning and sending Palin back to Alaska these obsessed liberals decided that they would take advantage of how Alaska's ethics laws were written (laws that Palin herself was instrumental in getting passed to stop the corruption that had taken place by Republican "Good Ole Boys"!) to bring one ethics lawsuit after another against Palin. All of these suits were eventually throw out of court because they were totally lacking in merit but the idea was never to win these cases...oh no...the idea was to force Palin to spend her time and her own money to defend against them. Liberals brought suit against Palin to prevent her from taking donations to a defense fund because bankrupting Palin was always the goal.

So what happened?

Quite simply, Palin resigned her position as Governor, wrote a best selling book, became a key note speaker for conservatives, got a reality TV show and a job on Fox News. The TRUTH, that those same liberals that took it upon themselves to try and destroy Palin...ended up making her very wealthy...something that I find deliciously ironic!

Now there's another post for the Nutters Hall of Fame. If anybody made Palin rich it was the dumb conservatives who thought everything that comes out of her mouth is gold. We're not the ones that keep inviting her to talk at every rally, convention or all are. And, she resigned her position as Governor, frankly because she probably didn't know what the hell she was doing and figured she could get more money bey setting up her campaign PAC, and all the dummies kept sending her money.....why work for it when you can get it free.....hey, she fits the description you all give liberals......she likes free stuff.

You still don't get it, do you Mertex? The only reason that Palin remained relevant was because you liberals made her so.
That's a load of crap. Your conservative Faux News picked her up and gave her a job. You're the ones that keep bringing her to your rallies, conventions and Tea Party gatherings.....we're not. We just end up having to correct her blunders and laugh at what comedians are able to do with her mistakes. But, you all are the ones that still think she should run for President. Hopefully you will vett her this time and find out if she ever even got a degree like she says she did.

You could have simply let her go back to Alaska and finish up her term but for some reason a bunch of you decided that she needed to be made an "example" of and went after her with the barrage of frivolous lawsuits. So you forced Palin from office and made her into the mouthpiece for the Tea Party. If you don't LIKE Palin then look no further than yourself for making her what she is today.

You still haven't provided any proof of your so called "liberal" lawsuits. If those lawsuits didn't carry any substance, she would have stood her ground and proven that she was an honest person, but she decided to take the coward's way out and quit, and go make money of the dumb people that adore her so much, and believe me, it ain't liberals.
I'm still waiting to hear one of you liberal Palin haters tell me what YOU would have done if it was you who was facing dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. I keep asking and you all keep dodging the question.
I'm still waiting to hear one of you liberal Palin haters tell me what YOU would have done if it was you who was facing dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. I keep asking and you all keep dodging the question.

Because you haven't provided any proof of any such dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. Sounds to me your just blowing smoke in her defense. Why should we answer an imaginary supposition?
If you dumb-ass liberals had simply let her go back to Alaska and do her job she wouldn't be running around the country ON all those podiums! But oh couldn't DO that...could you! You had to be poor winners and bring all those frivolous lawsuits against her to force her into quitting. Then you turn around and whine about her getting national attention? Anyone who does THAT is "kind of an idiot", Joe!'re blaming us for her quitting.....another clue you are totally clueless. She quit because she saw a bunch of fools out there drooling over her and she figured she could get more money from the morons while vacationing than sitting in a stuffy office trying to figure out what she's supposed to do. Now you keep inviting her to speak at your gatherings because she tells you all the lies you like to hear...and most of you don't really know what is going on, and think she speaks the gospel truth.

Palin left office because a small group of liberal "vigilantes" decided that even though the Obama/Biden ticket had won the election that they were going to bankrupt Sarah Palin as some sort of punishment for having the audacity to run against Barack "the chosen one" Obama! Instead of being satisfied with winning and sending Palin back to Alaska these obsessed liberals decided that they would take advantage of how Alaska's ethics laws were written (laws that Palin herself was instrumental in getting passed to stop the corruption that had taken place by Republican "Good Ole Boys"!) to bring one ethics lawsuit after another against Palin. All of these suits were eventually throw out of court because they were totally lacking in merit but the idea was never to win these cases...oh no...the idea was to force Palin to spend her time and her own money to defend against them. Liberals brought suit against Palin to prevent her from taking donations to a defense fund because bankrupting Palin was always the goal.

So what happened?

Quite simply, Palin resigned her position as Governor, wrote a best selling book, became a key note speaker for conservatives, got a reality TV show and a job on Fox News. The TRUTH, that those same liberals that took it upon themselves to try and destroy Palin...ended up making her very wealthy...something that I find deliciously ironic!

Now there's another post for the Nutters Hall of Fame. If anybody made Palin rich it was the dumb conservatives who thought everything that comes out of her mouth is gold. We're not the ones that keep inviting her to talk at every rally, convention or all are. And, she resigned her position as Governor, frankly because she probably didn't know what the hell she was doing and figured she could get more money bey setting up her campaign PAC, and all the dummies kept sending her money.....why work for it when you can get it free.....hey, she fits the description you all give liberals......she likes free stuff.

You still don't get it, do you Mertex? The only reason that Palin remained relevant was because you liberals made her so.
That's a load of crap. Your conservative Faux News picked her up and gave her a job. You're the ones that keep bringing her to your rallies, conventions and Tea Party gatherings.....we're not. We just end up having to correct her blunders and laugh at what comedians are able to do with her mistakes. But, you all are the ones that still think she should run for President. Hopefully you will vett her this time and find out if she ever even got a degree like she says she did.

You could have simply let her go back to Alaska and finish up her term but for some reason a bunch of you decided that she needed to be made an "example" of and went after her with the barrage of frivolous lawsuits. So you forced Palin from office and made her into the mouthpiece for the Tea Party. If you don't LIKE Palin then look no further than yourself for making her what she is today.

Why did Fox HAVE to pick her up and offer her a job? Because a bunch of "sore winner" liberals decided that what they needed to do was punish Palin using Alaska's ethics laws? Who does that, Mertle? Who WINS but feels the need to kick someone when they are down and try to destroy them financially?
I'm still waiting to hear one of you liberal Palin haters tell me what YOU would have done if it was you who was facing dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. I keep asking and you all keep dodging the question.

Because you haven't provided any proof of any such dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. Sounds to me your just blowing smoke in her defense. Why should we answer an imaginary supposition?
Oh God, now you won't even admit that there were frivolous lawsuits? Who's blowing smoke, Mertle?
I'm still waiting to hear one of you liberal Palin haters tell me what YOU would have done if it was you who was facing dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. I keep asking and you all keep dodging the question.

Because you haven't provided any proof of any such dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits with dozens more promised. Sounds to me your just blowing smoke in her defense. Why should we answer an imaginary supposition?
Gov. Sarah Palin Quietly Cleared of All Ethics Charges

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