No charges filed in Palin brawl

Since the liberal Daisy Chain is all here now...did one of you want to take a shot at answering my question about what YOU would have done if you were Palin and were subjected to dozens of frivolous ethics lawsuits?

Still waiting for an answer...still hearing crickets...
Is it true the Palin's are getting ready to market knee pads with the "Palin Family Values" trade mark?
Why do you ask are the ones you use with Obama finally worn out?
Nah, I asked just because I knew it would push some buttons, piss her supporters off and put an accurate thought in the minds of people when they think of the Palin's.
You know what,
Is it true the Palin's are getting ready to market knee pads with the "Palin Family Values" trade mark?
Why do you ask are the ones you use with Obama finally worn out?
Nah, I asked just because I knew it would push some buttons, piss her supporters off and put an accurate thought in the minds of people when they think of the Palin's.

And the response you got was several people laughing at you. So how's that working out for ya', Camp?
I'm still waiting for one of you liberal shills to tell me what YOU would have done if it was you being targeted with dozens of ethics lawsuits like Palin was and I'm still not getting a response.

Gee, Whack a Mole isn't as much fun when someone takes a swing it, Kiddies?
Is it true the Palin's are getting ready to market knee pads with the "Palin Family Values" trade mark?
Why do you ask are the ones you use with Obama finally worn out?
Nah, I asked just because I knew it would push some buttons, piss her supporters off and put an accurate thought in the minds of people when they think of the Palin's.
Not really but it will put an accurate thought in the minds of people when they see your SN.
Are you saying the police investigation and report are part of the conspiracy to get Sarah? All the witnesses are liars?

I'm saying you're a fucking turd.

You fuckwads howled about this shocking event - which now the police confirm was nothing, AND Sarah Palin wasn't even there.

I was going to hold my breath waiting for you demagogue piles of shit to swarm over the hate sites of KOS and Alternet with gushing apologies, really I was. but I got side tracked.. I mean, it's not that I know you're all a bunch of fucking honorless pukes, it's just that I got too busy to hold my breath....

Oh so now, $he wasn't even there??


She was in a limo outside, as you know Herr Goebbels.

Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch
Most of the lawsuits were brought by people in her fact most were brought by one woman who was upset because Palin hadn't rewarded her with a position in the government she thought she had coming to her. What's interesting about that however is how THAT vindictive loser was financially supported by liberal groups from outside of Alaska.

Well, that's what you get for screwing over your supporters... Oh, well.

Palin was corrupt. And she didn't have a lick of sense. But don't worry, if she ever got to Washington, the "Department of Law" would have taken care of her.
I suppose Palin COULD have chosen to do a JoeB and play the perpetual victim but instead she chose to turn a situation that was forced upon her into something positive. That's pretty much the definition of someone who is NOT a victim.

Yeah, you know, when you go from being a Vice-Presidential Candidate and Governor to a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, that's not really a "positive" step.

The only thing she was a victim of was her own corruption and lack of class.
As for who has the "fortitude" to deal with terrorists? Do you honestly think Sarah Palin has less fortitude than Barack Obama? I hate to point out the obvious here but a person who votes "Present" on contentious bills is probably not going to be someone who possesses great "fortitude" on anything.

Wow, repeated debunked lies about voting "present', eh?

Hey, um... who killed Bin Laden again? I mean you guys are all against Obama killing terrorists when he kills them. You whine about drone attacks and shit.

Seriously, you have to wait to see what Obama is for to know what you are against. That takes talent.
You are a liar or a retard. The reason Palin came into the news recently is because the police issued an official report on their investigation. It confirmed most of the original reporting and story. Here is a link to the local press report from when it came out. And yes, it confirms Sarah was there and involved in the argument. 15 witnesses.


Are you a fucking retard, or just a pathetic hack liar?

Your own link says Sarah was in the limo when Todd was attacked.

I love this, also from your source;

Witness Matthew McKenna also said he and Todd Palin were walking on the sidewalk when he saw Steve punched by an unknown person, and Steve fell to the pavement. McKenna and Palin rushed to help, and a group of men started “piling” on Todd Palin. Track Palin then jumped into the fight, McKenna told police.

The fight eventually broke up, and McKenna told Todd Palin to get his “crew” and leave the party, officer Adolf wrote.}

So, it was you fucking Communist animals who attack him with a blind blitz? :eek:

Hey I get it, you're a fucking hack, party above all - but do you ever READ the shit you post links to?

Who cares where Ebola is "from", you horses ass! It's about as scary a thing as exists on our planet and it couldn't care less about the color of your skin. This isn't a political thing! I hope that the Government can keep Ebola contained because if it doesn't then we're in a WORLD of hurt!

Guy, this is the 21st century. The panic over Ebola is more serious than any actual damage it is causing.

What exactly would you have had Palin DO, Toro? She was being subjected to a barrage of frivolous lawsuits...dozens of lawsuits whose only purpose were to bankrupt her and her family. She had been sued so that she couldn't accept donations to pay for a defense of those lawsuits. That was going to continue until the Palin's were bankrupt. So would you have had Palin simply let herself be "bled out" by this tactic? Would you have allowed that if it were YOU that was under this kind of sleazy attack?

Where is your outrage at a group of people so spiteful...that despite WINNING an election decided that the only thing that would satisfy them would be the complete destruction of the person who had the "audacity" to run against Barack Obama?

We need good people to run for political office in this country. Put aside partisan politics for a moment and think long and hard about the message that was sent by the behavior of a small group of political "zealots" following the 2008 election and then ask yourself if YOU would want to run for high office in this nation if a lifetime of harassment, win or lose, would await you if you did?

First, Palin was sued because she routinely abused her office.

Second, at that point she quit, she had less than a year and a half left on her term. She could have easily waited out to the end of her term, and THEN cashed in.

Third, if the cases really had no merit, there were plenty of lawyers who would have taken the case pro-bono. Shit, Paula Jones had three groups of lawyers waiting to take her bullshit to court.
Are you saying the police investigation and report are part of the conspiracy to get Sarah? All the witnesses are liars?

I'm saying you're a fucking turd.

You fuckwads howled about this shocking event - which now the police confirm was nothing, AND Sarah Palin wasn't even there.

I was going to hold my breath waiting for you demagogue piles of shit to swarm over the hate sites of KOS and Alternet with gushing apologies, really I was. but I got side tracked.. I mean, it's not that I know you're all a bunch of fucking honorless pukes, it's just that I got too busy to hold my breath....
You are changing your story now.
Anchorage police confirm that no charges were filed in the non-event that didn't happen. Leftists vow to destroy Palin for not being at the brawl that never occurred. Herman Goering and Josef Goebbels of DailyKOS declared that "Sarah Palin is a slut and her daughter should be raped for her failure to be present at this brawl - which never happened."

Message board demagogue "shitflinger" of USMB decried the audacity of Sarah Palin, who clearly shirked her duty by not being present at the brawl which failed to occur.

democrats seek revenge and plan to smear Palin with an unending stream of lies, half-truths, and distortions.
Here is where you claim the event never happened. You are claiming it was a non event that didn't happen.
Anchorage police confirm that no charges were filed in the non-event that didn't happen. Leftists vow to destroy Palin for not being at the brawl that never occurred. Herman Goering and Josef Goebbels of DailyKOS declared that "Sarah Palin is a slut and her daughter should be raped for her failure to be present at this brawl - which never happened."

Message board demagogue "shitflinger" of USMB decried the audacity of Sarah Palin, who clearly shirked her duty by not being present at the brawl which failed to occur.

democrats seek revenge and plan to smear Palin with an unending stream of lies, half-truths, and distortions.
Here is where you claim the event never happened. You are claiming it was a non event that didn't happen.

Comrade hack, according to your source, was Sarah Palin in a "drunken brawl," or was Todd blitz attacked on his way out of the party by leftist thugs?


Should I go back to holding my breath for you fucking piles of shit to swarm the hate sites issuing apologies?
It's really not a hard question, Vandal...what would YOU do if you were put in the same position that Palin was placed in? For some reason you find that to be "challenging".

Sorry, Oldstyle, but this thread is not about me, and I don't choose to allow you to divert it in that direction.
'Cause from where I'm sitting...Palin is laughing at you...all the way to the bank!

That would be true if she had gotten the money from me, but the truth is that she got it from the far Right, and I say, more power to her for that! I have always maintained that whenever the far Right and their money are parted, that is a GOOD thing!

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