No charges filed in Palin brawl


No, that would be the speech that he stole from Neil Kinnock, Joe...which was ANOTHER example of Biden getting caught using the work of someone else as his own. What I was referring to was when Biden was given an F in one of his Syracuse Law School classes for copying something almost verbatim from a law journal and calling it his own work. That was in 1988's race.

Your original claim was that he "Cheated to get through law school". The actual incident was that he used improper citations on a paper (which he did credit as a source) and had to retake a course.

Yeah, somehow, I don't think the murkey world of academia in the 1960's is up there with getting into a drunken brawl with your whole family.

Funny how it's the GOP that supposedly is waging a "war on women" and yet it's Democrats that attacked Sarah Palin for wanting her former brother-in-law fired after he beat up a woman and tasered a child...

Wanting your brother in law fired is not hte same things as "abusing your office to try to get him fired in violation of the agreements your state made with his union." Again, Dogstyle, you used to rant on and on all day about how Lois Lerner didn't give teabagger groups their fraudelent tax exemptions. So abuse of power is good when your gal does it?

Dude, when you copy an entire passage word for word and present that as your work it's cheating whether you're in grade school, high school, community college, university or law school! It was that way in the 40's...the 50's...and yes even in the "murky" world of academia in the 60's. For Joe Biden to claim in law school that he didn't understand the proper way to attribute a source is laughable!

"Dogstyle"? Really, Joe? You can always tell when someone's getting their ass handed to them in an argument here...the sure sign is when they resort to juvenile name calling.

Comparing Lois Lerner's depriving Americans of their rights because of their political affiliation to Sarah Palin wanting someone fired because they beat on women and taser kids is about as ridiculous as it gets.

Comparing Lois Lerner's depriving Americans of their rights because of their political affiliation to Sarah Palin wanting someone fired because they beat on women and taser kids is about as ridiculous as it gets.

Again, none of these things were complained about until after Mike kicked Palin's sister to the curb and there was a messy divorce.

But I'm glad to see you've come around on a spoils system.
not one rw'er has said they'd have changed their vote given what they now know about Mama Griz' clan.


Like they would admit that she's a delusional, dumb, perpetually drunk and a serial quitter who sold out to the highest bidder?

As someone else pointed out, she made them that way. That's what is important about that bunch of losers. Track with his meth, Bristol's illegitimate kid, Willow with her middle finger working overtime, the constant lies and the incredible family violence. The shit doesn't fall far from the bat, the trash is right under the trailer.

Yep. The Great American (tee potty) Family.


What was that again about proof being posted repeatedly about the Palins? Like I said, I'm not saying nasty things about the Palins, I have no need to prove anything. If you're so concerned about lying and smearing, perhaps you could prove some of your wild accusations.
Thats why we're asking Mama Griz to come clean so this can all get straightened-out

Why is it up to her to "come clean"? If somebody wants to talk smack about her, it's up to them to prove their assertions.
not one rw'er has said they'd have changed their vote given what they now know about Mama Griz' clan.

Would anyone who voted for Carter have changed their vote after finding out about Billy? Or Obama after finding out about his illegal alien relatives? You vote for the candidate, not their family.
Jimmy was not responsible for raising Billy. I remember Billy drinking but not getting into bar brawls
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Palin family values

By that standard, no Kennedy should ever be elected to anything more important than dog catcher.
not one rw'er has said they'd have changed their vote given what they now know about Mama Griz' clan.


Like they would admit that she's a delusional, dumb, perpetually drunk and a serial quitter who sold out to the highest bidder?

As someone else pointed out, she made them that way. That's what is important about that bunch of losers. Track with his meth, Bristol's illegitimate kid, Willow with her middle finger working overtime, the constant lies and the incredible family violence. The shit doesn't fall far from the bat, the trash is right under the trailer.

Yep. The Great American (tee potty) Family.


What was that again about proof being posted repeatedly about the Palins? Like I said, I'm not saying nasty things about the Palins, I have no need to prove anything. If you're so concerned about lying and smearing, perhaps you could prove some of your wild accusations.
Thats why we're asking Mama Griz to come clean so this can all get straightened-out

Why is it up to her to "come clean"? If somebody wants to talk smack about her, it's up to them to prove their assertions.
re-read my post n00b.
not one rw'er has said they'd have changed their vote given what they now know about Mama Griz' clan.


Like they would admit that she's a delusional, dumb, perpetually drunk and a serial quitter who sold out to the highest bidder?

As someone else pointed out, she made them that way. That's what is important about that bunch of losers. Track with his meth, Bristol's illegitimate kid, Willow with her middle finger working overtime, the constant lies and the incredible family violence. The shit doesn't fall far from the bat, the trash is right under the trailer.

Yep. The Great American (tee potty) Family.


What was that again about proof being posted repeatedly about the Palins? Like I said, I'm not saying nasty things about the Palins, I have no need to prove anything. If you're so concerned about lying and smearing, perhaps you could prove some of your wild accusations.
Thats why we're asking Mama Griz to come clean so this can all get straightened-out

Why is it up to her to "come clean"? If somebody wants to talk smack about her, it's up to them to prove their assertions.
re-read my post n00b.

I did. It didn't change from the last time I read it. "When did you stop beating your wife? Come clean so we can get it all straightened out." How valuable is that?

Comparing Lois Lerner's depriving Americans of their rights because of their political affiliation to Sarah Palin wanting someone fired because they beat on women and taser kids is about as ridiculous as it gets.

Again, none of these things were complained about until after Mike kicked Palin's sister to the curb and there was a messy divorce.

But I'm glad to see you've come around on a spoils system.

What's the matter, Joe...don't want to defend Joe Biden's academic "honor" anymore? :itsok: The truth is...Biden's a moron. Always has been...always will be. The fact that he's been in the Senate since before Watergate doesn't prove he's simply proves you don't have to BE intelligent to be a Senator!
One of the great moments of the Presidential race that Biden was forced to drop out of, was when someone questioned him about his cheating at Syracuse and Biden's snappy retort was that he was smarter than the questioner because HE graduated near the top of his law school class.

That was an great come back right up to the point where it was pointed out to Biden that he graduated near the bottom of his law school class! Like I said...Biden is a moron! Only a moron would think nobody would check on a statement like that one when they've obviously already looked into the cheating allegation!

Comparing Lois Lerner's depriving Americans of their rights because of their political affiliation to Sarah Palin wanting someone fired because they beat on women and taser kids is about as ridiculous as it gets.

Again, none of these things were complained about until after Mike kicked Palin's sister to the curb and there was a messy divorce.

But I'm glad to see you've come around on a spoils system.

What's the matter, Joe...don't want to defend Joe Biden's academic "honor" anymore? :itsok: The truth is...Biden's a moron. Always has been...always will be. The fact that he's been in the Senate since before Watergate doesn't prove he's simply proves you don't have to BE intelligent to be a Senator!

That explains all the morons that keep getting elected on the right!:ack-1:
The Palins didn't do anything wrong hence why no one was arrested.

There will always be Palin droolers who will remain in denial.

What's amusing about that statement, that there really aren't any people "drooling" over Palin in this string but there are a whole lot of liberals foaming at the mouth with hatred for Palin!

Comparing Lois Lerner's depriving Americans of their rights because of their political affiliation to Sarah Palin wanting someone fired because they beat on women and taser kids is about as ridiculous as it gets.

Again, none of these things were complained about until after Mike kicked Palin's sister to the curb and there was a messy divorce.

But I'm glad to see you've come around on a spoils system.

What's the matter, Joe...don't want to defend Joe Biden's academic "honor" anymore? :itsok: The truth is...Biden's a moron. Always has been...always will be. The fact that he's been in the Senate since before Watergate doesn't prove he's simply proves you don't have to BE intelligent to be a Senator!

That explains all the morons that keep getting elected on the right!:ack-1:

My point (that seems to escape you!) is that Joe's contention that Biden must be intelligent because he's been in the Senate for forty years is wishful thinking on his part. Biden isn't intelligent and yet he's not only been in the Senate all that time but he's a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States!

What's the matter, Joe...don't want to defend Joe Biden's academic "honor" anymore? :itsok: The truth is...Biden's a moron. Always has been...always will be. The fact that he's been in the Senate since before Watergate doesn't prove he's simply proves you don't have to BE intelligent to be a Senator!

Biden's accomplished more than you ever will, so no need to defend him.

Now, if you want to start a "Biden didn't properly acredit his sources in college" thread, have at it. I'm sure you can get a few rabid wingnuts to join you.
The Palins didn't do anything wrong hence why no one was arrested.

There will always be Palin droolers who will remain in denial.

What's amusing about that statement, that there really aren't any people "drooling" over Palin in this string but there are a whole lot of liberals foaming at the mouth with hatred for Palin!

But, there are a lot of people drooling over Palin, and you are one of them, you are just not aware of it. And, I don't hate Palin......she's entertaining, and seeing how she manages to get money from her droolers is even funnier and more entertaining. And seeing how they all come out of the woodwork to defend the sleazy broad is hilarious.
What's the matter, Joe...don't want to defend Joe Biden's academic "honor" anymore? :itsok: The truth is...Biden's a moron. Always has been...always will be. The fact that he's been in the Senate since before Watergate doesn't prove he's simply proves you don't have to BE intelligent to be a Senator!

That explains all the morons that keep getting elected on the right!:ack-1:

My point (that seems to escape you!) is that Joe's contention that Biden must be intelligent because he's been in the Senate for forty years is wishful thinking on his part. Biden isn't intelligent and yet he's not only been in the Senate all that time but he's a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States!

Biden has more knowledge and intelligence than you will ever have. He's respected in Congress, whereas your prized girl, Palin, didn't even help McCain get elected, in fact, she caused him lots of votes. Not that he was going to win, anyway, but that's what she's worth.
But Biden is intelligent. Here you are defending a person who we don't even know if she has a degree, trying to run for Vice President of the United States, what was McCain thinking? I think he wasn't thinking.

What's the matter, Joe...don't want to defend Joe Biden's academic "honor" anymore? :itsok: The truth is...Biden's a moron. Always has been...always will be. The fact that he's been in the Senate since before Watergate doesn't prove he's simply proves you don't have to BE intelligent to be a Senator!

Biden's accomplished more than you ever will, so no need to defend him.

Now, if you want to start a "Biden didn't properly acredit his sources in college" thread, have at it. I'm sure you can get a few rabid wingnuts to join you.

Is there any need to devote a string to Joe Biden's problem with "appropriating" other people's work, Joe? It's an established fact that he did! The guy plagiarized and got caught.

Joe Biden may have "accomplished" some things that I have not...but on the other hand...I've never been accused of plagiarism. My work has always been my work. Then again...I was always smart enough to DO my work. It's obvious that either Joe Biden wasn't smart enough to do that...or he was too lazy.

Observing him in "action" for the past 40 years I would lean towards his not being smart enough...

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