No Civil War.....Really?

Nice try, but you missed the mark again. I have no side, I did not support the actions in Portland and I did not support the actions on Jan 6th.

You pointing to the other side to justify your side's actions is like Ted Bundy pointing at Jeffery Dahmer and going "well at least I did not eat my victims".

You absolutely do. Your side is always "both sides". There is right, and there is left, and you're sitting on your lofty Swiss mountain you believe is perfectly neutral

With Mac
I am justifying nothing. That's the mistake you make. Thinking I am justifying.

Both side ism is a logical fail and is idiotic because it says all comparisons are wrong because comparing means justifying. No, it doesn't. Stealing gum is a crime and murdering your own family is a crime, see? But they're not the same. They're not the same CRIME and they do not deserve the same PUNISHMENT.


I just destroyed your stupid "both sides"

No, you destroyed nothing but yourself. Both sides have stolen the gun and shot their family with it.
Is a Civil War coming?

We are the greatest Nation in the entire world.
Why would anyone suggest a Civil War?
Hopefully not

but the left, including democrats and the lib media, is very bitter toward trump supporters

that could lead to violence someday
That's your OPINION. But you're not objective.

Nobody is purely objective, but when one has no skin in the game it is far easier to be so.

This discussion is like me watching the Super Bowl next week. I am a fan of neither Cinci nor LA. Though I do dislike LA more than I dislike Cinci.

When I watch the game I can be more objective than the fans from either side when it comes to the game and the officiating.
The term is used because we're clearly dependent on simplistic hyperbole now to express ourselves. Increasing intellectual laziness is one of the symptoms of our decay. My guess is that what we might see is:

(1) more frequent, but still sporadic, violent domestic attacks, a al Jan 6 or McVeigh;
(2) perhaps an occasional attempted (or successful) political assassination;
(3) more larger-scale, organized peaceful demonstrations;
(4) a more pronounced difference between states' laws and cultures, like Europe

Americans running around town in packs, shooting at each other? Very, very doubtful.

Americans running around town in packs, shooting at each other? Very, very doubtful.

I see your not from America, which country do you live in?
$23 MILLION in damage in Portland. That's objective. What are the punishments for that? ETA: And that's just PORTLAND, not including Minneapolis, NY, etc.

Nobody is purely objective, but when one has no skin in the game it is far easier to be so.

This discussion is like me watching the Super Bowl next week. I am a fan of neither Cinci nor LA. Though I do dislike LA more than I dislike Cinci.

When I watch the game I can be more objective than the fans from either side when it comes to the game and the officiating.

You are absolutely no more objective than I am. There is no doubt about that. It can be clearly seen in the way you refuse to acknowledge that the BLM riots/looting were more damaging and more dangerous than the Jan 6th riot.

Neither was good. Both were bad. But the BLM riots were worse. That's not even up for debate. It's objective. Remember, though the Democrats try to make the buildings "sacred", they're really not. And although the rioters did break in and should not have, those buildings are not sacred. They belong TO THE PEOPLE.

Oh. Arrests.

Are they rotting in jail, in solitary confinement with no bond set?

Let's see how objective you are.

Catch and release accomplishes nothing except impress tweeners
Nobody is purely objective, but when one has no skin in the game it is far easier to be so.

This discussion is like me watching the Super Bowl next week. I am a fan of neither Cinci nor LA. Though I do dislike LA more than I dislike Cinci.

When I watch the game I can be more objective than the fans from either side when it comes to the game and the officiating.

And one more thing:

I think you discount how very often I go toe to toe with fellow conservatives here on their outdated, and often backward, notions on education and schooling.

But I bet you NEVER renounce "both sides". Right?
You are absolutely no more objective than I am. There is no doubt about that. It can be clearly seen in the way you refuse to acknowledge that the BLM riots/looting were more damaging and more dangerous than the Jan 6th riot.

Because you are wrong.

Neither was good. Both were bad. But the BLM riots were worse. That's not even up for debate. It's objective.

If all you are looking at is pure dollars then sure, you are correct. But it goes far deeper than that. When you look at the objectives of both then Jan 6th is worse. When you look beyond just the people in the riot and at those pulling the strings then Jan 6th is worse. All signs point to the attack on the Capital building being an attempt to delay the certification until the fake electors that were sent as part of an organized effort to be accepted and the results of the legal election stolen from We The People.

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