No Country For White Children

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A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

You really need to stop with this ridiculous hyperbole, the country is not ‘falling apart.’

The premise of the OP is a hasty generalization fallacy, and fails accordingly. Isolated, anecdotal incidents are not ‘representative’ of the Nation as a whole.

And as with most on the right your perception is clouded by partisanism, having nothing to do with fact.

what "partisanism?" Is that even a word? You should know by now that I'm an independent. Have you listened or read the news lately? Bullying is rampant. It's not an "isolated anecdotal incident." It is representative of the whole country today, that's my point. It's a bad thing and we need to do something to stop it.

4. 17% of American students report being bullied 2 to 3 times a month or more within a school semester.

You don't think "17%" is a significant amount to be worried about?
Of course the country is falling apart. It is splintering into tribes. Each tribe is at some kind of war with the other tribes and trying to enforce its supremacy. Whatever cohesion the nation had, it is gone now.
You can try to intentionally redirect the purpose of this thread, but it won't work on me. The whole point of the video was to make people think it is only black kids who terrorize white kids. It is white supremacist propaganda. The video is not about kids bullying kids. It is trying to say that in general in our society white kids are under attack by black kids.

To say 'we were talking about bullying in school among children' is completely disingenuous. The thread is all about race. I'm not the one stuck on it; I'm not the one who started this thread.

And I am not going to continue to argue that point with you. I don’t play those stupid games and am not going to be drawn into it. The purpose of this thread, which is made crystal clear in the OP, is to say white kids are under attack by blacks; it is even made crystal clear in the thread title. Don’t try making any other argument to me lady; “we” were not taking about the issue of kids bullying kids in school. You want to talk about that, start another thread.

I don't have to start another thread. It's been made clear in this one that bullying is a problem in our schools. Was the thread started by a racist? yeah, Does that mean the point is moot? NO!

Notice how I just ignored the racist garbage of the OP? I went right into the heart of the matter "bullying". Too bad you are so stuck on the racist crap you can't speak out against the bullying.

The way to let the racist win it to acknowledge them. They lose if we ignore them and move on. It's clear to me that you are as racist as the OP.
You know that's not true. You are flaming. Shame on you. This thread is about racism. The purpose of the OP and the thread is racist. To try to make it something else is stupid. You are the racist who is refusing to acknowledge and discuss the fact of the OP: a video that is racist propaganda. BTW, I'm done with you. I don't carry on discussions with morons. If you address me, I will not respond. You are beneath contempt and not worth making any kind of intellectual effort on.

Keep trying you still fail. I ignored the racism in the OP and went straight to the meat of the matter. Bullying in schools. You are stuck on the racism and refuse to even acknowledge that there is a problem and only because the OP was racist. When I told you how much of a problem bullying is today, you took it back to racism. See, the thing is there are white racists and there are black racists. (and of course as many types of racists as there are races) Tank is a white racist, you apparently, are a black racist. Congrats. Care to comment on the actual problem now?
You can try to intentionally redirect the purpose of this thread, but it won't work on me. The whole point of the video was to make people think it is only black kids who terrorize white kids. It is white supremacist propaganda. The video is not about kids bullying kids. It is trying to say that in general in our society white kids are under attack by black kids.

To say 'we were talking about bullying in school among children' is completely disingenuous. The thread is all about race. I'm not the one stuck on it; I'm not the one who started this thread.

And I am not going to continue to argue that point with you. I don’t play those stupid games and am not going to be drawn into it. The purpose of this thread, which is made crystal clear in the OP, is to say white kids are under attack by blacks; it is even made crystal clear in the thread title. Don’t try making any other argument to me lady; “we” were not taking about the issue of kids bullying kids in school. You want to talk about that, start another thread.

I don't have to start another thread. It's been made clear in this one that bullying is a problem in our schools. Was the thread started by a racist? yeah, Does that mean the point is moot? NO!

Notice how I just ignored the racist garbage of the OP? I went right into the heart of the matter "bullying". Too bad you are so stuck on the racist crap you can't speak out against the bullying.

The way to let the racist win it to acknowledge them. They lose if we ignore them and move on. It's clear to me that you are as racist as the OP.
You know that's not true. You are flaming. Shame on you. This thread is about racism. The purpose of the OP and the thread is racist. To try to make it something else is stupid. You are the racist who is refusing to acknowledge and discuss the fact of the OP: a video that is racist propaganda. BTW, I'm done with you. I don't carry on discussions with morons. If you address me, I will not respond. You are beneath contempt and not worth making any kind of intellectual effort on.
Yet another admirer!:eusa_clap:
Of course the country is falling apart. It is splintering into tribes. Each tribe is at some kind of war with the other tribes and trying to enforce its supremacy. Whatever cohesion the nation had, it is gone now.

No not really. People are actually drawing together. This fiasco in the NBA should tell you that.
Of course the country is falling apart. It is splintering into tribes. Each tribe is at some kind of war with the other tribes and trying to enforce its supremacy. Whatever cohesion the nation had, it is gone now.

No it's not, Chicken Little, no matter how many fucking times you post the same damn nonsense.
But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.

Who is the "you" to whom you refer?
A general "you" meaning that if "YOU" make the mistake of attacking one of My sons (you do understand the literal is not implied, right? Tell Me you can follow and comprehend a conversation.) it is very likely going to end very badly.

This is because they are well trained to defend themselves. This IS a dangerous world.
He's not interested in following or comprehending anything, he's here to troll. Nothing more.
Who is the "you" to whom you refer?
A general "you" meaning that if "YOU" make the mistake of attacking one of My sons (you do understand the literal is not implied, right? Tell Me you can follow and comprehend a conversation.) it is very likely going to end very badly.

This is because they are well trained to defend themselves. This IS a dangerous world.
He's not interested in following or comprehending anything, he's here to troll. Nothing more.

What exactly is it you are here for?
A general "you" meaning that if "YOU" make the mistake of attacking one of My sons (you do understand the literal is not implied, right? Tell Me you can follow and comprehend a conversation.) it is very likely going to end very badly.

This is because they are well trained to defend themselves. This IS a dangerous world.
He's not interested in following or comprehending anything, he's here to troll. Nothing more.

What exactly is it you are here for?
Thank you for confirming, troll.
So you have nothing to say about the topic, troll?
I already have but you were too busy trolling to notice. Besides, you're not interested in anything anyone has to say, other than to find something to leave a childish comment about to get a reaction. You really need to grow up. I would suggest getting a job but since your only talent is trolling, you probably wouldn't have much luck finding one.
Of course the country is falling apart. It is splintering into tribes. Each tribe is at some kind of war with the other tribes and trying to enforce its supremacy. Whatever cohesion the nation had, it is gone now.

No it's not, Chicken Little, no matter how many fucking times you post the same damn nonsense.

I think it is disturbing that a little white girl was beat up because she did not want to date a black boy. If she has to date black boys to prevent being beat up how is she different from a slave?
Of course the country is falling apart. It is splintering into tribes. Each tribe is at some kind of war with the other tribes and trying to enforce its supremacy. Whatever cohesion the nation had, it is gone now.

No it's not, Chicken Little, no matter how many fucking times you post the same damn nonsense.

I think it is disturbing that a little white girl was beat up because she did not want to date a black boy. If she has to date black boys to prevent being beat up how is she different from a slave?

What’s disturbing is rightwing nitwits and their moronic hyperbole about the country ‘falling apart’ and people being ‘slaves.’
Not nazi perv?

You know Manchester, for someone who claims to be so erudite and educated, your last few posts have been nothing more than petulant middle school age insults. How about you get your fanny off the school playground and back into the classroom and address the issues.

You should be checking these feral racists the permeate these boards instead of chastising people that realize intelligent conversation with these animals doesn't work.
This is a stormfront affiliated site, I thought you knew that. They encourage the racists nonsense here, it adds to the intellectual community. Just don't respond in kind to the pussies or the mods will admonish you.
You know Manchester, for someone who claims to be so erudite and educated, your last few posts have been nothing more than petulant middle school age insults. How about you get your fanny off the school playground and back into the classroom and address the issues.

You should be checking these feral racists the permeate these boards instead of chastising people that realize intelligent conversation with these animals doesn't work.
This is a stormfront affiliated site, I thought you knew that. They encourage the racists nonsense here, it adds to the intellectual community. Just don't respond in kind to the pussies or the mods will admonish you.

Are you serious?
Blacks were not enslaved because of their skin color, but because of their low intelligence,

Which is still apparent today.
By all means, Tank, the video makes it obvious that you and your children are not welcome here. I heard that there is a ship sailing for South Africa next Tuesday. It is not like it was in the old days, but, maybe you can still stir up enough racial hate to feel at home. Hell, they get Fox news over there, too!
Blacks were not enslaved because of their skin color, but because of their low intelligence,

Which is still apparent today.

Your stupid pussy ass found some racists friends to play with online. What's funny...half of them want to kill your Jewish ass.

What, do you think you will be labeled as a 'special' Jew if you hate black people? Do you think the rest of the Pussy Brigade is gonna give you a pass since you spew your nonsense? LMAO...maybe you should read the history of your own people. The same people who are supporting you and the same people you are supporting..WANT YOU DEAD, JEW.

And your are too much of a stupid pussy to realize it.

Talk about low intelligence.


BTW, how is that race war going?
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