No Country For White Children

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Not nazi perv?

You know Manchester, for someone who claims to be so erudite and educated, your last few posts have been nothing more than petulant middle school age insults. How about you get your fanny off the school playground and back into the classroom and address the issues.

I make no real claims to erudtion, I'm dyslexic and cantancerous and have so far not stooped to the level of some who have abused me but today I decided to descend to their level and take part in the usual scrapping and name calling.

I cheerfully note that you haven't brought anyone else to order. If you don't like it then ban me but spare me the lectures.

How about instead of worrying about anyone else you take responsibility for yourself and stop being a scumbag?
That sounds exactly like what white people did to the NA's.

Yeah, like at the Little Big Horn?

That incident was the fault of Custer's huge ego. In about an hour he and his men were wiped out that day in Montana. His own scouts told him about the odds, but he was too arrogant to listen.

He also had four years of doing exactly that kind of thing to success in the Civil War. His tactic of charging into apparently disorganized and/or unprepared enemy while calling for an extraction unit in case he got in over his head was hugely successful and helped to win the war for the Union at Gettysburg and other places. The called the incidents where he had to defend till help arrived a 'stand', hence 'Custer's last stand'.

It might have worked in this case had his subordinates carried out their orders instead of retreating to a defensive position. Cavalry was great at lightning shock attacks, but piss poor at defense.

But I guess you think he was a racist too and got what he deserved?

Yeah, like at the Little Big Horn?

That incident was the fault of Custer's huge ego. In about an hour he and his men were wiped out that day in Montana. His own scouts told him about the odds, but he was too arrogant to listen.

He also had four years of doing exactly that kind of thing to success in the Civil War. His tactic of charging into apparently disorganized and/or unprepared enemy while calling for an extraction unit in case he got in over his head was hugely successful and helped to win the war for the Union at Gettysburg and other places. The called the incidents where he had to defend till help arrived a 'stand', hence 'Custer's last stand'.

It might have worked in this case had his subordinates carried out their orders instead of retreating to a defensive position. Cavalry was great at lightning shock attacks, but piss poor at defense.

But I guess you think he was a racist too and got what he deserved?


Yes he was a racist. I know I'm glad he was killed.
Pick a new topic, freak. No one wants to hear about your obsessions.

lol, you bring up the topic digging into someone else's 'dreams of big minority men' and now try to say its my fault?

Lolololol, typical libtard.

I didn't ask him/her/whoever the hell to start alluding to their childhood traumas.

And who made you the one to tell people this is not the place for anything?

Shit, I agree with him. My son got his red belt in a certain martial art by the time he was 15 and it served him quite well.

And how the fuck would you know that the proverbial 'nobody' cares?

Get over yourself already.
Unkie was one of those pussies who ran to the principal's office for protection, sort of like he does here when he gets bitch slapped.

Do you still have bad dreams about those mean ol' bullies of color, precious? :lol:

You know what I enjoy about threads like these? The knee jerk reaction of the left in attacking people who won't lay down for them.

Both My sons are black belts, and My grandchildren are learning to defend themselves. Not just against kids like these, but anyone who is foolish enough to physically attack them.

The best part of all that is that I didn't have to ask any of your fuckers for permission, nor do I have to justify it to anyone.

But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.
You know what I enjoy about threads like these? The knee jerk reaction of the left in attacking people who won't lay down for them.

Both My sons are black belts, and My grandchildren are learning to defend themselves. Not just against kids like these, but anyone who is foolish enough to physically attack them.

The best part of all that is that I didn't have to ask any of your fuckers for permission, nor do I have to justify it to anyone.

But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.

Dont be afraid. No one is hunting you.
Man the guy who made that video must really hate black people

You know what I find in this video . Everytime it is a black person doing it to white person it is automatically said t was not racial. BUT on the news everytime I see a white kid doing it to blacks it is automatically claimed a racial crime. I call double standards here
I don't know that anyone is not saying these things can be racial; some of them are. Some of them aren't--on both sides. The problem with the video for me is that it is obviously a specifically selected accumulation of events where black children are attacking white children, specifically selected for the purpose of making it look as if, in general, in our society, it is primarily blacks who attack whites. As the aunt of two black children (yes, half white, but society sees them as black), who grew up in America, I know for a fact that black children are regularly attacked by white kids, with words and physically...because they are black. The video is propaganda because it attempts to paint the problem as a one way street when it is not so at all. Overall, racism is a sad fact in America. In some ways, in some places, things are much better than they were a few decades ago, but in some ways and places, it seems worse than ever. Sad, very sad.
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But I guess you think he was a racist too and got what he deserved?

Although if you think about it he did get what he deserved for making such a poor decision, and that decision was based on a gross underestimation of his opponent.
lol, you bring up the topic digging into someone else's 'dreams of big minority men' and now try to say its my fault?

Lolololol, typical libtard.

I didn't ask him/her/whoever the hell to start alluding to their childhood traumas.

Unkie was one of those pussies who ran to the principal's office for protection, sort of like he does here when he gets bitch slapped.

Do you still have bad dreams about those mean ol' bullies of color, precious? :lol:


Recognizing his projection for what it was is not lying. You should know better.
I don't know that anyone is not saying these things can be racial; some of them are. Some of them aren't--on both sides. The problem with the video for me is that it is obviously a specifically selected accumulation of events where black children are attacking white children, specifically selected for the purpose of making it look as if, in general, in our society, it is primarily blacks who attack whites. As the aunt of two black children (yes, half white, but society sees them as black), who grew up in America, I know for a fact that black children are regularly attacked by white kids, with words and physically...because they are black. The video is propaganda because it attempts to paint the problem as a one way street when it is not so at all. Overall, racism is a sad fact in America. In some ways, in some places, things are much better than they were a few decades ago, but in some ways and places, it seems worse than ever. Sad, very sad.
Oh, stop with the ditzy platitudes ffs.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.
You know what I enjoy about threads like these? The knee jerk reaction of the left in attacking people who won't lay down for them.

Both My sons are black belts, and My grandchildren are learning to defend themselves. Not just against kids like these, but anyone who is foolish enough to physically attack them.

The best part of all that is that I didn't have to ask any of your fuckers for permission, nor do I have to justify it to anyone.

But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.

Dont be afraid. No one is hunting you.
Believing the world is all love and buttercups is a sign of serous illness.
But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.

Who is the "you" to whom you refer?
A general "you" meaning that if "YOU" make the mistake of attacking one of My sons (you do understand the literal is not implied, right? Tell Me you can follow and comprehend a conversation.) it is very likely going to end very badly.

This is because they are well trained to defend themselves. This IS a dangerous world.
You know what I enjoy about threads like these? The knee jerk reaction of the left in attacking people who won't lay down for them.

Both My sons are black belts, and My grandchildren are learning to defend themselves. Not just against kids like these, but anyone who is foolish enough to physically attack them.

The best part of all that is that I didn't have to ask any of your fuckers for permission, nor do I have to justify it to anyone.

But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.

Dont be afraid. No one is hunting you.
Believing the world is all love and buttercups is a sign of serous illness.

Believing the world is full of black people out to get you is a sign of insanity. No one is thinking about you until you say something racist.
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