No Country For White Children

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Damn, I'm very grateful my white son isn't exposed to that kind of "diversity". I do't understand why others would, even progressives. I mean it is your children after all.
The video is white supremacist propaganda.



These are white suprmacists. This is what Tank probably looks like. This is the type of person who considers himself the master race. LOL
Yeah, but that's OK since he is a black guy.

Manchester is a stupid fool.

You missed Nazi, which I'm suprised about as you just LOVE calling people Nazis.

I don't have time to list all your foibles, fool.

And if Maher can call your guys out for being Nazis, why cant I?

"My guys" I don't think so. Thanks for the video though, I didn't realise that 88% of Americans wanted background checks as a prerequisite to gun ownership. It's mindblowing that your mind 88% or Americans are Nazis.
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The video is white supremacist propaganda.

The video is a compilation of local news stories that involve minorities beating up and assaulting white kids. Why is it suddenly just a lie or racist propaganda because PC Nazis like you don't like it? Facts are still facts.

If white kids gang up on minority kids you PC Nazis make it national news, a scandal from coast to coast.

Why do you PC Nazis have no empathy for white kids getting assaulted?

Because you like that. You want white kids to be conditioned into little cowards that cannot defend themselves and let others trample all over them.

But it is back firing, you stupid bitch. More and more whites are becoming anti-minority and in favor of pre-emotive violence and discrimination. More and more educated whites are learning to go through college without publicly speaking up about the shit they have to put up with because PC Nazis like you control the strings of society...for now.

These whites wait in silence till the day comes that they can let loose and you PC Nazi whores will have no place to hide.

And I wont like it one bit then any more than I like what your scum do now.

But I guess one part of me will laugh a little. Justice cannot be forever denied.
The damn black man, always trying to keep a white brother down.

The problem is how they get the white man down. Sucker punching is very cowardly. The worst part is after they get you down, a mob of them rifle through your pockets and take your shit.

Unless we can get Zimmerman to find them first and eliminate the future threat

Clean the streets

You missed Nazi, which I'm suprised about as you just LOVE calling people Nazis.

I don't have time to list all your foibles, fool.

And if Maher can call your guys out for being Nazis, why cant I?

"My guys" I don't think so.

Oh, yes, you definitely are a PC Nazi, and a shit-for-brains as well.

Thanks for the video though, I didn't realise that 88% of Americans wanted background checks as a prerequisite to gun ownership. It's mindblowing that your mind 88% or Americans are Nazis.

That is Maher being the ignoramus he is.

I simply used his quote to show I am not the only one calling you Nazis out; he is still a libtard twat.
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I don't have time to list all your foibles, fool.

And if Maher can call your guys out for being Nazis, why cant I?

"My guys" I don't think so.

Oh, yes, you definitely are a PC Nazi, and a shit-for-brains as well.

Thanks for the video though, I didn't realise that 88% of Americans wanted background checks as a prerequisite to gun ownership. It's mindblowing that your mind 88% or Americans are Nazis.

That is Maher being the ignoramus he is.

I simply used his quote to show I am not the only one calling you Nazis out; he is still a libtard twat.

I am not and I see that your parents didn't teach you any manners, maybe they were too busy teaching you that gun ownership was somehow part of being free. And to think that we think parenting standards are slipping nowerdays.

I don't know if Maher is an ingnoramus or not but he quotes actual statistics, are you refuting those statistics or just attacking the man because you can't attack his point like you have just done to me, you badly brought up and rude person.
What the heck is wrong with those kids? And I'm talking the bullies here. I don't care what color they are, what they are doing is wrong and should be condemned by EVERYBODY. Their parents should be pulled in for questioning and if they can't control their kids, the kids should be put in foster care or in juvie. People like that shouldn't be out in public.
"My guys" I don't think so.

Oh, yes, you definitely are a PC Nazi, and a shit-for-brains as well.

Thanks for the video though, I didn't realise that 88% of Americans wanted background checks as a prerequisite to gun ownership. It's mindblowing that your mind 88% or Americans are Nazis.

That is Maher being the ignoramus he is.

I simply used his quote to show I am not the only one calling you Nazis out; he is still a libtard twat.

I am not and I see that your parents didn't teach you any manners, maybe they were too busy teaching you that gun ownership was somehow part of being free. And to think that we think parenting standards are slipping nowerdays.

I don't know if Maher is an ingnoramus or not but he quotes actual statistics, are you refuting those statistics or just attacking the man because you can't attack his point like you have just done to me, you badly brought up and rude person.

Opposing PC Nazis like you demands I use bad manners and rudeness in general, otherwise too many people think it not a serious topic.

And yes, you are a PC Nazi.
What the heck is wrong with those kids? And I'm talking the bullies here. I don't care what color they are, what they are doing is wrong and should be condemned by EVERYBODY. Their parents should be pulled in for questioning and if they can't control their kids, the kids should be put in foster care or in juvie. People like that shouldn't be out in public.

The parents of one of the kids apologized for his childs behavior, so I think it goes beyond what a parent can do in many cases.

For some ethnicities, hatred for whites is TAUGHT in the prevailing ethnic culture in the schools. But then again, whites invite it by teaching history that shows most evils caused by whites, by teaching their children to back down and by using hysterics to attack any 'crews' of white kids that group to defend themselves.
That's why white people need to have their kids trained in martial arts when they're young. Kick the shit out of the bullies who hate Whitey.

This is not the place for you to work through your personal childhood drama. Nobody cares, get over it already.
Oh, I see the troll has come out from under his rock again.

Don't worry, they didn't beat you up because you're white. They beat you up because you were an asshole.
That's why white people need to have their kids trained in martial arts when they're young. Kick the shit out of the bullies who hate Whitey.

This is not the place for you to work through your personal childhood drama. Nobody cares, get over it already.

And who made you the one to tell people this is not the place for anything?

Shit, I agree with him. My son got his red belt in a certain martial art by the time he was 15 and it served him quite well.

And how the fuck would you know that the proverbial 'nobody' cares?

Get over yourself already.

Relax. I was giving him a hard time for saying something stupid. Sort of like a joke, you know? Who was it who said "get over yourself already"? ...
That's why white people need to have their kids trained in martial arts when they're young. Kick the shit out of the bullies who hate Whitey.

This is not the place for you to work through your personal childhood drama. Nobody cares, get over it already.

And who made you the one to tell people this is not the place for anything?

Shit, I agree with him. My son got his red belt in a certain martial art by the time he was 15 and it served him quite well.

And how the fuck would you know that the proverbial 'nobody' cares?

Get over yourself already.
Unkie was one of those pussies who ran to the principal's office for protection, sort of like he does here when he gets bitch slapped.
This is not the place for you to work through your personal childhood drama. Nobody cares, get over it already.

And who made you the one to tell people this is not the place for anything?

Shit, I agree with him. My son got his red belt in a certain martial art by the time he was 15 and it served him quite well.

And how the fuck would you know that the proverbial 'nobody' cares?

Get over yourself already.
Unkie was one of those pussies who ran to the principal's office for protection, sort of like he does here when he gets bitch slapped.

Do you still have bad dreams about those mean ol' bullies of color, precious? :lol:
And who made you the one to tell people this is not the place for anything?

Shit, I agree with him. My son got his red belt in a certain martial art by the time he was 15 and it served him quite well.

And how the fuck would you know that the proverbial 'nobody' cares?

Get over yourself already.
Unkie was one of those pussies who ran to the principal's office for protection, sort of like he does here when he gets bitch slapped.

Do you still have bad dreams about those mean ol' bullies of color, precious? :lol:

I'd personally like to commend you for your outstanding efforts to remain Asshole of USMB. You really strive to maintain that title.

Let's all give Punky Brewster a round of applause! :eusa_clap:
Unkie was one of those pussies who ran to the principal's office for protection, sort of like he does here when he gets bitch slapped.

Do you still have bad dreams about those mean ol' bullies of color, precious? :lol:

I'd personally like to commend you for your outstanding efforts to remain Asshole of USMB. You really strive to maintain that title.

Would you like some cheese with that?
And who made you the one to tell people this is not the place for anything?

Shit, I agree with him. My son got his red belt in a certain martial art by the time he was 15 and it served him quite well.

And how the fuck would you know that the proverbial 'nobody' cares?

Get over yourself already.
Unkie was one of those pussies who ran to the principal's office for protection, sort of like he does here when he gets bitch slapped.

Do you still have bad dreams about those mean ol' bullies of color, precious? :lol:

Lol, yeah, cause you get off on that shit, probably.
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