No Country For White Children

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The video is white supremacist propaganda.

The video is a compilation of local news stories that involve minorities beating up and assaulting white kids. Why is it suddenly just a lie or racist propaganda because PC Nazis like you don't like it? Facts are still facts.

If white kids gang up on minority kids you PC Nazis make it national news, a scandal from coast to coast.

Why do you PC Nazis have no empathy for white kids getting assaulted?

Because you like that. You want white kids to be conditioned into little cowards that cannot defend themselves and let others trample all over them.

But it is back firing, you stupid bitch. More and more whites are becoming anti-minority and in favor of pre-emotive violence and discrimination. More and more educated whites are learning to go through college without publicly speaking up about the shit they have to put up with because PC Nazis like you control the strings of society...for now.

These whites wait in silence till the day comes that they can let loose and you PC Nazi whores will have no place to hide.

And I wont like it one bit then any more than I like what your scum do now.

But I guess one part of me will laugh a little. Justice cannot be forever denied.

And then you woke up.....:lol:
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The damn black man, always trying to keep a white brother down.

The problem is how they get the white man down. Sucker punching is very cowardly. The worst part is after they get you down, a mob of them rifle through your pockets and take your shit.

That sounds exactly like what white people did to the NA's.

Yeah, like at the Little Big Horn?

Whites were almost always outnumbered by Amerindians, you fucking retarded ass hat.

The government was too cheap to adequately supply and fill the ranks. Lots of guns and food meant for the military got sold to Amerindians via the black market.

But you Nazis lie, lie and lie some more about just about everything.
The problem is how they get the white man down. Sucker punching is very cowardly. The worst part is after they get you down, a mob of them rifle through your pockets and take your shit.

That sounds exactly like what white people did to the NA's.

Yeah, like at the Little Big Horn?

Whites were almost always outnumbered by Amerindians, you fucking retarded ass hat.

The government was too cheap to adequately supply and fill the ranks. Lots of guns and food meant for the military got sold to Amerindians via the black market.

But you Nazis lie, lie and lie some more about just about everything.

White sucker punched the NA's. The NA's keep the whites alive when some of them were cannibalizing their dead. After they got established they tricked them out of their land and took the rest by force once they were down.
No one wants to hear about your hobbies, weirdo.

You are the one digging in to her supposed dreams, perv, not me.

Not nazi perv?

You know Manchester, for someone who claims to be so erudite and educated, your last few posts have been nothing more than petulant middle school age insults. How about you get your fanny off the school playground and back into the classroom and address the issues.
You are the one digging in to her supposed dreams, perv, not me.

Not nazi perv?

You know Manchester, for someone who claims to be so erudite and educated, your last few posts have been nothing more than petulant middle school age insults. How about you get your fanny off the school playground and back into the classroom and address the issues.

You should be checking these feral racists the permeate these boards instead of chastising people that realize intelligent conversation with these animals doesn't work.
You are the one digging in to her supposed dreams, perv, not me.

Not nazi perv?

You know Manchester, for someone who claims to be so erudite and educated, your last few posts have been nothing more than petulant middle school age insults. How about you get your fanny off the school playground and back into the classroom and address the issues.

I make no real claims to erudtion, I'm dyslexic and cantancerous and have so far not stooped to the level of some who have abused me but today I decided to descend to their level and take part in the usual scrapping and name calling.

I cheerfully note that you haven't brought anyone else to order. If you don't like it then ban me but spare me the lectures.
The problem is how they get the white man down. Sucker punching is very cowardly. The worst part is after they get you down, a mob of them rifle through your pockets and take your shit.

That sounds exactly like what white people did to the NA's.

Yeah, like at the Little Big Horn?

That incident was the fault of Custer's huge ego. In about an hour he and his men were wiped out that day in Montana. His own scouts told him about the odds, but he was too arrogant to listen.
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