No Country For White Children

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You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

How that escapes people leaves me shaking my head. For centuries whites legally terrorised and disrespected Black people.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Yeah, the democrat party has been at its evil work for a long time now.
I don't know that anyone is not saying these things can be racial; some of them are. Some of them aren't--on both sides. The problem with the video for me is that it is obviously a specifically selected accumulation of events where black children are attacking white children, specifically selected for the purpose of making it look as if, in general, in our society, it is primarily blacks who attack whites. As the aunt of two black children (yes, half white, but society sees them as black), who grew up in America, I know for a fact that black children are regularly attacked by white kids, with words and physically...because they are black. The video is propaganda because it attempts to paint the problem as a one way street when it is not so at all. Overall, racism is a sad fact in America. In some ways, in some places, things are much better than they were a few decades ago, but in some ways and places, it seems worse than ever. Sad, very sad.

Would you have the same problems with a video put together of whites attacking blacks? And if there isn't one such video, why wouldn't there be?
Believing the world is all love and buttercups is a sign of serous illness.

Believing the world is full of black people out to get you is a sign of insanity. No one is thinking about you until you say something racist.

Chris Lane, were he alive, might disagree with that statement.

Its more probable he would agree with the statement. He played sports and was around Black people. Besides one of the kids were white.
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I don't know that anyone is not saying these things can be racial; some of them are. Some of them aren't--on both sides. The problem with the video for me is that it is obviously a specifically selected accumulation of events where black children are attacking white children, specifically selected for the purpose of making it look as if, in general, in our society, it is primarily blacks who attack whites. As the aunt of two black children (yes, half white, but society sees them as black), who grew up in America, I know for a fact that black children are regularly attacked by white kids, with words and physically...because they are black. The video is propaganda because it attempts to paint the problem as a one way street when it is not so at all. Overall, racism is a sad fact in America. In some ways, in some places, things are much better than they were a few decades ago, but in some ways and places, it seems worse than ever. Sad, very sad.

Would you have the same problems with a video put together of whites attacking blacks? And if there isn't one such video, why wouldn't there be?

There is no need to make a video. Its common knowledge.
I don't know that anyone is not saying these things can be racial; some of them are. Some of them aren't--on both sides. The problem with the video for me is that it is obviously a specifically selected accumulation of events where black children are attacking white children, specifically selected for the purpose of making it look as if, in general, in our society, it is primarily blacks who attack whites. As the aunt of two black children (yes, half white, but society sees them as black), who grew up in America, I know for a fact that black children are regularly attacked by white kids, with words and physically...because they are black. The video is propaganda because it attempts to paint the problem as a one way street when it is not so at all. Overall, racism is a sad fact in America. In some ways, in some places, things are much better than they were a few decades ago, but in some ways and places, it seems worse than ever. Sad, very sad.

Would you have the same problems with a video put together of whites attacking blacks? And if there isn't one such video, why wouldn't there be?

If you have to ask the first question, you completely missed the point of my post. As far as your second question, how would I know anymore than you or anyone else would. I know one thing, I don't go looking for problems between the races. For the most part, the people I deal with are civilized people who don't do that kind of shit or think in those terms. I don't go out of my way looking for racism of any kind.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.
I don't know that anyone is not saying these things can be racial; some of them are. Some of them aren't--on both sides. The problem with the video for me is that it is obviously a specifically selected accumulation of events where black children are attacking white children, specifically selected for the purpose of making it look as if, in general, in our society, it is primarily blacks who attack whites. As the aunt of two black children (yes, half white, but society sees them as black), who grew up in America, I know for a fact that black children are regularly attacked by white kids, with words and physically...because they are black. The video is propaganda because it attempts to paint the problem as a one way street when it is not so at all. Overall, racism is a sad fact in America. In some ways, in some places, things are much better than they were a few decades ago, but in some ways and places, it seems worse than ever. Sad, very sad.

Would you have the same problems with a video put together of whites attacking blacks? And if there isn't one such video, why wouldn't there be?

If you have to ask the first question, you completely missed the point of my post. As far as your second question, how would I know anymore than you or anyone else would. I know one thing, I don't go looking for problems between the races. For the most part, the people I deal with are civilized people who don't do that kind of shit or think in those terms. I don't go out of my way looking for racism of any kind.

Have you seen the news lately? This stuff is going on EVERYWHERE and all the time. We had a black girl recently attacked in our underground bus tunnel because her friends said she acted "too white!" The attack happened in front of a security guard and with cameras.

No one should be attacked like this, for any reasons. NO ONE!!! The fact that you are defending it simply because it's blacks is rather disturbing.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

What did you mean by "they've taken bullying to a whole new level."?
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

You can try to intentionally redirect the purpose of this thread, but it won't work on me. The whole point of the video was to make people think it is only black kids who terrorize white kids. It is white supremacist propaganda. The video is not about kids bullying kids. It is trying to say that in general in our society white kids are under attack by black kids.

To say 'we were talking about bullying in school among children' is completely disingenuous. The thread is all about race. I'm not the one stuck on it; I'm not the one who started this thread.

And I am not going to continue to argue that point with you. I don’t play those stupid games and am not going to be drawn into it. The purpose of this thread, which is made crystal clear in the OP, is to say white kids are under attack by blacks; it is even made crystal clear in the thread title. Don’t try making any other argument to me lady; “we” were not taking about the issue of kids bullying kids in school. You want to talk about that, start another thread.
A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

What did you mean by "they've taken bullying to a whole new level."?

I mean it's happening every where in all the schools and the schools are doing zip about it. I mean it's many people against one person. When I was in school, if there was a fight, it was one on one, now it's a gang against one person. Shameful cowards, that's what those bullies are.
Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

What did you mean by "they've taken bullying to a whole new level."?

I mean it's happening every where in all the schools and the schools are doing zip about it. I mean it's many people against one person. When I was in school, if there was a fight, it was one on one, now it's a gang against one person. Shameful cowards, that's what those bullies are.

That has been going on since kids have congregated. We are social animals and fight to insert ourselves in some sort of pecking order. We know you really meant Black kids when you said "they've" since that is what the OP is about.
A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

You can try to intentionally redirect the purpose of this thread, but it won't work on me. The whole point of the video was to make people think it is only black kids who terrorize white kids. It is white supremacist propaganda. The video is not about kids bullying kids. It is trying to say that in general in our society white kids are under attack by black kids.

To say 'we were talking about bullying in school among children' is completely disingenuous. The thread is all about race. I'm not the one stuck on it; I'm not the one who started this thread.

And I am not going to continue to argue that point with you. I don’t play those stupid games and am not going to be drawn into it. The purpose of this thread, which is made crystal clear in the OP, is to say white kids are under attack by blacks; it is even made crystal clear in the thread title. Don’t try making any other argument to me lady; “we” were not taking about the issue of kids bullying kids in school. You want to talk about that, start another thread.

I don't have to start another thread. It's been made clear in this one that bullying is a problem in our schools. Was the thread started by a racist? yeah, Does that mean the point is moot? NO!

Notice how I just ignored the racist garbage of the OP? I went right into the heart of the matter "bullying". Too bad you are so stuck on the racist crap you can't speak out against the bullying.

The way to let the racist win it to acknowledge them. They lose if we ignore them and move on. It's clear to me that you are as racist as the OP.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

You really need to stop with this ridiculous hyperbole, the country is not ‘falling apart.’

The premise of the OP is a hasty generalization fallacy, and fails accordingly. Isolated, anecdotal incidents are not ‘representative’ of the Nation as a whole.

And as with most on the right your perception is clouded by partisanism, having nothing to do with fact.
Good job on missing the point. Let's not fix things because they were broken before. Let's just let the kids bully the other kids.

We were talking about bullying in school and among children. Too stuck on race to understand are you?

No wonder this country is falling apart.

You can try to intentionally redirect the purpose of this thread, but it won't work on me. The whole point of the video was to make people think it is only black kids who terrorize white kids. It is white supremacist propaganda. The video is not about kids bullying kids. It is trying to say that in general in our society white kids are under attack by black kids.

To say 'we were talking about bullying in school among children' is completely disingenuous. The thread is all about race. I'm not the one stuck on it; I'm not the one who started this thread.

And I am not going to continue to argue that point with you. I don’t play those stupid games and am not going to be drawn into it. The purpose of this thread, which is made crystal clear in the OP, is to say white kids are under attack by blacks; it is even made crystal clear in the thread title. Don’t try making any other argument to me lady; “we” were not taking about the issue of kids bullying kids in school. You want to talk about that, start another thread.

I don't have to start another thread. It's been made clear in this one that bullying is a problem in our schools. Was the thread started by a racist? yeah, Does that mean the point is moot? NO!

Notice how I just ignored the racist garbage of the OP? I went right into the heart of the matter "bullying". Too bad you are so stuck on the racist crap you can't speak out against the bullying.

The way to let the racist win it to acknowledge them. They lose if we ignore them and move on. It's clear to me that you are as racist as the OP.
You know that's not true. You are flaming. Shame on you. This thread is about racism. The purpose of the OP and the thread is racist. To try to make it something else is stupid. You are the racist who is refusing to acknowledge and discuss the fact of the OP: a video that is racist propaganda. BTW, I'm done with you. I don't carry on discussions with morons. If you address me, I will not respond. You are beneath contempt and not worth making any kind of intellectual effort on.
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