No Evidence

If a hollow sphere is uniformly red hot you would say there is no radiation in the inside at equilibrium because it's all the same temperature inside and out. The inside would be pitch black if there is no radiation.

If wishes were horses...beggars would ride...go find some real evidence...

go find some real evidence...

Says the man with no backup for his many ridiculous claims.
It's hard to know what he means. I'm simply pointing out contradictions to his fake science.
If a hollow sphere is uniformly red hot you would say there is no radiation in the inside at equilibrium because it's all the same temperature inside and out. The inside would be pitch black if there is no radiation.

If wishes were horses...beggars would ride...go find some real evidence...

go find some real evidence...

Says the man with no backup for his many ridiculous claims.
And yet no observed measurement posted. Typical of your failure
If a hollow sphere is uniformly red hot you would say there is no radiation in the inside at equilibrium because it's all the same temperature inside and out. The inside would be pitch black if there is no radiation.

If wishes were horses...beggars would ride...go find some real evidence...

go find some real evidence...

Says the man with no backup for his many ridiculous claims.
It's hard to know what he means. I'm simply pointing out contradictions to his fake science.
I have asked Same Shit for any empirical observations of ANY matter under ANY circumstances that has completely ceased thermal radiation. Unsurprisingly, I've seen diddly come back.
Well if he says that, how would he be able to provide you evidence of something that isn’t happening? Why don’t you just show it does? You know empirically observed

He isn't bright enough to grasp the fact that if it can't be measured, it is because it isn't happening....If he thinks about it, then he will be challenging his faith...and in that cult, no thinking is allowed...
If wishes were horses...beggars would ride...go find some real evidence...
You have no answer do you.


My answer is that your thought experiments are bullshit...just more unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical models....the atmosphere and energy movement through it is eminently observable, measurable, and testable....why must you resort to thought experiments when all of this is very easily observed...

Oh..that's right...observations don't jibe with your unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable models...
If a hollow sphere is uniformly red hot you would say there is no radiation in the inside at equilibrium because it's all the same temperature inside and out. The inside would be pitch black if there is no radiation.

If wishes were horses...beggars would ride...go find some real evidence...

go find some real evidence...

Says the man with no backup for his many ridiculous claims.
It's hard to know what he means. I'm simply pointing out contradictions to his fake science.

Actually, you are only pointing out what a dupe you are...but do is infinitely entertaining...good for a chuckle every day..sometimes several chuckles and a big old donkey laugh...
My answer is that your thought experiments are bullshit...just more unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical models....the atmosphere and energy movement through it is eminently observable, measurable, and testable....why must you resort to thought experiments when all of this is very easily observed...

So are you saying you think the inside of the red hot sphere is black like your hypothesis would indicate. Which is it? red hot or black?

My answer is that your thought experiments are bullshit...just more unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical models....the atmosphere and energy movement through it is eminently observable, measurable, and testable....why must you resort to thought experiments when all of this is very easily observed...

So are you saying you think the inside of the red hot sphere is black like your hypothesis would indicate. Which is it? red hot or black?


Not playing mind experiments when the atmosphere and energy movement through it is observable...measurable, and testable.
Not playing mind experiments
You think the inside of a hollow red hot sphere is black but your mind doesn't want to go there. It's the same embarrassment as your inability to answer the question of where does the Venus radiation of 15,700 W/m² go.
Not playing mind experiments
You think the inside of a hollow red hot sphere is black but your mind doesn't want to go there. It's the same embarrassment as your inability to answer the question of where does the Venus radiation of 15,700 W/m² go.

Do the keep in mind that if you use a camera lens, it must be as warm as the rest of the inside of the sphere otherwise you will obviously have energy moving from the warm sphere to the cooler camera...

It is always entertaining to see you guys switch to mental models when the whole earth is so observable, measurable, and testable...don't you find it odd that you can't point to anything natural which agrees with your belief so you must make up scenarios?
Do the keep in mind that if you use a camera lens, it must be as warm as the rest of the inside of the sphere otherwise you will obviously have energy moving from the warm sphere to the cooler camera...

I have no need to do an experiment with such an obvious outcome that the inside of a red hot hollow sphere must be also red hot. You disagree with the entropy law and think the inside would be pitch black, so you do the experiment to prove you know something that science doesn't.

It is always entertaining to see you guys switch to mental models when the whole earth is so observable, measurable, and testable...don't you find it odd that you can't point to anything natural which agrees with your belief so you must make up scenarios?
It's always entertaining to watch your song and dance when you can't support your fake science.

I have no need to do an experiment with such an obvious outcome that the inside of a red hot hollow sphere must be also red hot. You disagree with the entropy law and think the inside would be pitch black, so you do the experiment to prove you know something that science doesn't.

In your mind the outcome is obvious....clearly, reality and what goes on in your mind are quite disconnected.

It's always entertaining to watch your song and dance when you can't support your fake science.

Reality supports is you who must make up mind experiments in an effort to lend some sense of scientific reality to your beliefs.
I have no need to do an experiment with such an obvious outcome that the inside of a red hot hollow sphere must be also red hot. You disagree with the entropy law and think the inside would be pitch black, so you do the experiment to prove you know something that science doesn't.

In your mind the outcome is obvious....clearly, reality and what goes on in your mind are quite disconnected.

It's always entertaining to watch your song and dance when you can't support your fake science.

Reality supports is you who must make up mind experiments in an effort to lend some sense of scientific reality to your beliefs.

Reality supports me...

Says the guy sitting alone in his beliefs.
It's been a while since you posted any backup for your claims.

Why is that? LOL!
I have no need to do an experiment with such an obvious outcome that the inside of a red hot hollow sphere must be also red hot. You disagree with the entropy law and think the inside would be pitch black, so you do the experiment to prove you know something that science doesn't.

In your mind the outcome is obvious....clearly, reality and what goes on in your mind are quite disconnected.

It's always entertaining to watch your song and dance when you can't support your fake science.

Reality supports is you who must make up mind experiments in an effort to lend some sense of scientific reality to your beliefs.

Reality supports me...

Says the guy sitting alone in his beliefs.
It's been a while since you posted any backup for your claims.

Why is that? LOL!
Unlike you, I am not operating on a set of beliefs...every observation and measurement ever made shows energy moving in one direction only...from warm to cool...I don't question that. When the second law of thermodynamics says that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm, I accept it...
I have no need to do an experiment with such an obvious outcome that the inside of a red hot hollow sphere must be also red hot. You disagree with the entropy law and think the inside would be pitch black, so you do the experiment to prove you know something that science doesn't.

In your mind the outcome is obvious....clearly, reality and what goes on in your mind are quite disconnected.

It's always entertaining to watch your song and dance when you can't support your fake science.

Reality supports is you who must make up mind experiments in an effort to lend some sense of scientific reality to your beliefs.

Reality supports me...

Says the guy sitting alone in his beliefs.
It's been a while since you posted any backup for your claims.

Why is that? LOL!
Unlike you, I am not operating on a set of beliefs...every observation and measurement ever made shows energy moving in one direction only...from warm to cool...I don't question that. When the second law of thermodynamics says that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm, I accept it...

Unlike you, I am not operating on a set of beliefs..


every observation and measurement ever made shows energy moving in one direction only...from warm to cool..

You're lying.

For example, after the Sun's corona, somehow, is heated to over one million degrees, we are still able to see the Sun's surface radiating into and through this much hotter material. From hot to much, much hotter.

According to your "one-way only" flow of energy, this should be impossible.
So explain how it happens, and an additional source, one that agrees with you, for once, would be nice.
In your mind the outcome is obvious....clearly, reality and what goes on in your mind are quite disconnected.
Nope, every text book says you are wrong.

Reality supports is you who must make up mind experiments in an effort to lend some sense of scientific reality to your beliefs.
Nope. You have been dis-proven time and again. You believe in smart photons. That's not reality.

When the second law of thermodynamics says that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm, I accept it.
Nope, it doesn't say that about photons which can move freely anywhere in the atmosphere. The entropy law proves you wrong.

When the second law of thermodynamics says that it is not possible for energy to move spontaneously from cool to warm, I accept it.
Nope, it doesn't say that about photons which can move freely anywhere in the atmosphere. The entropy law proves you wrong.

Are photons energy? Last I heard, photons are merely the smallest bit of energy possible in an EM field....and entropy proves me right...entropy would be reduced if energy moved spontaneously from a less organized state (cool) to a more organized state (warm). The second law says that entropy is always increasing...not decreasing.

Moving up on 1000 posts and still, nothing even remotely challenging any of the 3 statements in the OP.
In your mind the outcome is obvious....clearly, reality and what goes on in your mind are quite disconnected.
Nope, every text book says you are wrong.

Reality supports is you who must make up mind experiments in an effort to lend some sense of scientific reality to your beliefs.
Nope. You have been dis-proven time and again. You believe in smart photons. That's not reality.


Never happened...but the way you interpret and torture information in your mind, I have no doubt that you believe you have disproven.....something.
entropy would be reduced if energy moved spontaneously from a less organized state (cool) to a more organized state (warm)
Absolutely true, but we are talking about radiation not being constricted. Equilibrium radiation exchange does not change entropy.

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