No Excuses: Keystone XL Pipeline Clears Major Hurdle

It is becoming increasingly clear that Hussein does not give one damn about you or me. The Keystone pipeline could cure the crisis we are currently in, but Hussein Obama in his bid to destroy America, instead choses to lounge around like a shiftless lazy man. He is too busy shuckin' and jivin' from the truth to face the realities that we face as a nation.

500,000 permanent jobs doing what? Polishing the pipe? Oh wait, that's what you're doing!

The pipeline will only create a few thousand temporary construction jobs

In reality the Kochstone Pipeline will put $100 million/yr in the Koch Brother's pockets.

God you people are ignorant. You have a total lack of knowledge of how a pipeline operates yet you jump out here and eagerly make complete fools of yourselves. You might want to educate yourself on intermediate pumping stations, transfer stations and other equipment required to operate a large volume pipeline. All are manned and require maintenance, then you have the added personnel at the refineries to carry the extra load, then you have to count the new people to handle the additional product form the refinery all the way down the supply chain to the end user, so yes I would say 500,000 new permanent jobs would be a pretty good estimate.

Why do we need the keystone pipeline? Those 500K people should just get part time jobs flipping burgers for minium wage. It means the same thing to the gov. employment figures. I love the way politicians think. A job is a job.
The bottom line is that Keystone would strengthen America, and create many jobs - that is why Obama opposes it. Oil money is associated with old white guys - what he deplores most!

The bottom line is Keystone will NOT create many jobs, it will cost Americans in the Midwest more in fuel costs and one spill will totally wipe out any monetary gain and COST us billions.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
How big would the payroll be if you pay 500,000 employees $10 per hour for one week?

An astounding $2 billion, just for one week. About 25% of their revenue for all of 2012. Somehow I don't think half a million jobs is a realistic number. :lol:
But it wouldn't create that many jobs. In fact, it wouldn't create many jobs at all.

And the danger of an oil spill would poison the aquifers in the midwest. You know, the ones we depend on to irrigate the food.

False. Stupid. Dishonest. Ignorant. Typical dimocrap

The spillages created by Warren Buffoon's train tankers are far more devastating, dangerous, costly and likely than a leak from a pipeline that can be shut down on a moments notice.

Unlike a runaway freight train.

There have been several of these.

[ame=]Casselton, ND Train Derailment, Fire, Explosions Prompt Evacuations HD V?DEO - YouTube[/ame]

How can one group of people (dimocraps) be so wrong so often on so many subjects?

It's an art. Gotta be. Nothing can be that stupid and survive.

Where's Darwin when you need him.... :dunno:


Funny how the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't making such a Big Deal™ out of this, huh?

And since that's the only place you get your views, you're left at the gate wondering WTF just happened.

"What happened" is.... You choose to be uninformed. You choose to be ignorant of facts. You choose to be a dimocrap and limit your knowledge.

Your ego is invested in it. And you can't change. Too bad for you.

Guy, you really need to get over your anger issues. Just because your girlfriend dumped you for a guy in a Che T-shirt, you just need to get over it, bud.

Second, a pipeline rupture would be MASSIVELY more devastating than a single tanker car exploding.

Evacuations In Milford After Pipeline Explosion « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

I am a first responder for derailments throughout the midwest and what you say is true. Usually we can get a handle on the spill of a tanker car within the first few hours.

Jobs Gained, Jobs Lost by the Construction of Keystone XL
A report by Cornell University global labor institute

Main Findings

The main points in this briefing paper can be summarized as follows:

» The industry’s US jobs claims are linked to a $7 billion KXL project budget. However, the budget for KXL that will have a bearing on US jobs figures is dramatically lower—only around $3 to $4 billion. A lower project budget means fewer jobs.

» The project will create no more than 2,500-4,650 temporary direct construction jobs for two years, according to TransCanada’s own data supplied to the State Department.

» The company’s claim that KXL will create 20,000 direct construction and manufacturing jobs in the U.S is not substantiated.

» There is strong evidence to suggest that a large portion of the primary material input for KXL—steel pipe—will not even be produced in the United States. A substantial amount of pipe has already been manufactured in advance of pipeline permit issuance.

» The industry’s claim that KXL will create 119,000 total jobs (direct, indirect, and induced) is based on a flawed and poorly documented study commissioned by TransCanada (The Perryman Group study). Perryman wrongly includes over $1 billion in spending and over 10,000 person-years of employment for a section of the Keystone project in Kansas and Oklahoma that is not part of KXL and has already been built.

» KXL will not be a major source of US jobs, nor will it play any substantial role at all in putting Americans back to work. Even if the Perryman figures were accurate, and all of the workers for the next phase of the project were hired immediately, the US seasonally adjusted unemployment rate would remain at 9.1%—exactly where it is now.

» KXL will divert Tar Sands oil now supplying Midwest refineries, so it can be sold at higher prices to the Gulf Coast and export markets. As a result, consumers in the Midwest could be paying 10 to 20 cents more per gallon for gasoline and diesel fuel. These additional costs (estimated to total $2–4 billion) will suppress other spending and will therefore cost jobs.

» Pipeline spills incur costs and therefore kill jobs. Clean-up operations and permanent pipeline spill damage will divert public and private funds away from productive economic activity. In 2010 US pipeline spills and explosions killed 22 people, released over 170,000 barrels of petroleum into the environment, and caused $1 billion dollars worth of damage in the United States.

» Rising carbon emissions and other pollutants from the heavy crude transported by Keystone XL will also incur increased health care costs. Emissions also increase both the risk and costs of further climate instability.

» By helping to lock in US dependence on fossil fuels, Keystone XL will impede progress toward green and sustainable economic renewal and will have a chilling effect on green investments and green jobs creation. The green economy has already generated 2.7 million jobs in the US and could generate many more.

I'm very happy that someone on this thread actually posted this, because I was just about to do so myself and thought it was pretty daunting because of how much information there is to go through.

What makes me angry is that these companies bandy about numbers like 500,000 jobs but then when it comes time to submit their proposals for government approval, the truth comes out.

Reminds me of the Trans-Alaska pipeline. It was supposed to created all these wonderful jobs but ended creating not very many.

The Keystone pipeline is essentially going to make suckers out of American citizens. It benefits Canada, it benefits China, it benefits the Koch brothers, and if a pipeline leaks or explodes (it would be carrying the dirtiest most dangerous kind of oil) in a neighborhood near you, what the hell is your job worth if your drinking water can't be, you know, drunk?

Obama has adopted a "Drill Baby Drill" energy policy. Drilling in the U.S. has dramatically increased. Green jobs are also dramatically up.

I'm not sure he'll give the go ahead for Keystone, only because the numbers the Kochs and the Canadians advertise are simply not the numbers in their proposals to the government. They're lying on purpose in order to get the public on their side so as to put pressure on President Obama to make a quick decision in their favor, but he doesn't seem to be falling for it, and neither should we.

If you're for this project, than what you are for is a great deal for Canadians, the Chinese, and people like the Koch brothers. Don't be fooled by the bamboozling online that says 500,000 jobs are coming to a town near you because it just won't happen. They lied about Trans-Alaska job creation and they're lying about this project, too.

But O fell for allowing other billionaires, buffett, to ship oil through the states on his rail line and you were all for it.
The construction of Keystone XL, which would generate 3,950 person-years of work according to the U.S. Department of State, has a job creation potential on par with building a shopping mall or the campus renovations the University of Oregon announced last week.

Moreover, after it's built, Keystone XL will only employ between 35 and 50 people — and some of those positions will be filled in Canada. That's a small fraction of the long-term employment benefits one could expect from a shopping mall.

Will Keystone XL Pipeline Create Many Construction Jobs? | Energy Economy | LiveScience
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Because that's not what it does.

Harper featured in anti-Keystone XL ad to air during Obama State of the Union speech (UPDATED) | Vancouver Observer

And no one is touting 500K permanent jobs. At best the number is 5K.

Sallow... I agree with you... there never were any estimates of 500,000 "permenate" jobs.
The inability to follow the little red dotted lines indicating misspelled word goes with the gross exaggeration.

Those environmentalists against the pipeline are though just as prone to hyperbole and definitely lacking in common sense.

Canada will ship 1 million barrels of oil a day. Either by tanker or pipeline.
Now it is a simple question.
Which would logical rational people choose :
Shipping 1 million barrels a day by tanker on the open violent storm prone Pacific or
using a pipeline carrying 700 barrels in one mile of pipe in secured pipeline down to tankers on the calmer Gulf of Mexico?

Logic would dictate the lower risks of environmental damage is through the pipeline BUT most environmentalists anti-Keystone are not logical!
Because that's not what it does.

Harper featured in anti-Keystone XL ad to air during Obama State of the Union speech (UPDATED) | Vancouver Observer

And no one is touting 500K permanent jobs. At best the number is 5K.

Sallow... I agree with you... there never were any estimates of 500,000 "permenate" jobs.
The inability to follow the little red dotted lines indicating misspelled word goes with the gross exaggeration.

Those environmentalists against the pipeline are though just as prone to hyperbole and definitely lacking in common sense.

Canada will ship 1 million barrels of oil a day. Either by tanker or pipeline.
Now it is a simple question.
Which would logical rational people choose :
Shipping 1 million barrels a day by tanker on the open violent storm prone Pacific or
using a pipeline carrying 700 barrels in one mile of pipe in secured pipeline down to tankers on the calmer Gulf of Mexico?

Logic would dictate the lower risks of environmental damage is through the pipeline BUT most environmentalists anti-Keystone are not logical!

This just in: TransCanada Pipelines seeking cause of Manitoba explosion.

Officials with TransCanada Pipelines say they still don't know what caused a huge pipeline explosion and fire at one of the company's gas lines in southeast Manitoba over the weekend.

TransCanada is the company behind Keystone.
The numbers aren't right in the story. The eagle ford supports about 60,000 jobs and is a 65 billion dollar industry at the moment. The keystone would create jobs but no where near 500,000 jobs.
In reality the Kochstone Pipeline will put $100 million/yr in the Koch Brother's pockets.

Pretty sure there's nothing real about that figure either.

You both need to check your facts.
Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved | Reuters

Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved

The two brothers together own virtually all of Koch Industries Inc. — a giant oil conglomerate headquartered in Wichita, Kan., with annual revenues estimated to be $100 billion.

There’s been a running battle over jobs and the Keystone XL. We’ve checked claims that it would employ as many as 20,000 workers. We rated that False; even the company behind the pipeline backed away from that number.

During the New York Times interview, the president invited reporters to use the most realistic estimates. So we went to the State Department’s lengthy environmental impact statement on the project that came out in March. In that report, the lowest estimate for jobs directly tied to construction was 3,900 jobs a year.

That number came after analysts wrestled with the stop-and-start nature of construction work and converted the jobs to a yearly estimate. "Approximately 10,000 construction workers engaged for 4-to 8-month seasonal construction periods (approximately 5,000 to 6,000 per construction period) would be required to complete the proposed project. When expressed as average annual employment, this equates to approximately 3,900 jobs."

The analysis noted that 90 percent of those jobs would come from "a unique national labor force that is highly specialized in pipeline construction techniques." It also confirmed that there would be few long-term jobs, something on the order of 35.

Obama says Keystone XL would mean "maybe 2,000 jobs"
The bottom line is that Keystone would strengthen America, and create many jobs - that is why Obama opposes it. Oil money is associated with old white guys - what he deplores most!

The bottom line is Keystone will NOT create many jobs, it will cost Americans in the Midwest more in fuel costs and one spill will totally wipe out any monetary gain and COST us billions.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

So there would be NO revenue generated to the USA with a pipeline.. versus
what would the costs USA to clean up a 1 million barrel Exxon Valdez???
I wish you faux righties would stop shooting yourselves in the foot. You take a very positive thing for our country and then fuck it all up.

Natural gas is the future, and in a number of ways it is going to have a tremendously positive impact on our economy. But then you fuck up the whole cause by burying a good policy under a mountain of manufactured bullshit.


Just...stop. You are actually damaging the conservative cause.

So shut the fuck up and let the adults handle this.
There’s been a running battle over jobs and the Keystone XL. We’ve checked claims that it would employ as many as 20,000 workers. We rated that False; even the company behind the pipeline backed away from that number.

During the New York Times interview, the president invited reporters to use the most realistic estimates. So we went to the State Department’s lengthy environmental impact statement on the project that came out in March. In that report, the lowest estimate for jobs directly tied to construction was 3,900 jobs a year.

That number came after analysts wrestled with the stop-and-start nature of construction work and converted the jobs to a yearly estimate. "Approximately 10,000 construction workers engaged for 4-to 8-month seasonal construction periods (approximately 5,000 to 6,000 per construction period) would be required to complete the proposed project. When expressed as average annual employment, this equates to approximately 3,900 jobs."

The analysis noted that 90 percent of those jobs would come from "a unique national labor force that is highly specialized in pipeline construction techniques." It also confirmed that there would be few long-term jobs, something on the order of 35.

Obama says Keystone XL would mean "maybe 2,000 jobs"

Obama also counts:
10 million illegals as part of the 46 million uninsured..
14 million people already eligible but never registered with Medicaid uninsured..
18 million people that don't need and can afford health insurance as "uninsured"...
In truth 4 million are truly the uninsured that want insurance and are legally and make more then Medicaid qualified.. NOT 46 million!
So see Obama's error rate..hmmm... 10 times exaggeration.. then maybe 20,000 jobs!
There’s been a running battle over jobs and the Keystone XL. We’ve checked claims that it would employ as many as 20,000 workers. We rated that False; even the company behind the pipeline backed away from that number.

During the New York Times interview, the president invited reporters to use the most realistic estimates. So we went to the State Department’s lengthy environmental impact statement on the project that came out in March. In that report, the lowest estimate for jobs directly tied to construction was 3,900 jobs a year.

That number came after analysts wrestled with the stop-and-start nature of construction work and converted the jobs to a yearly estimate. "Approximately 10,000 construction workers engaged for 4-to 8-month seasonal construction periods (approximately 5,000 to 6,000 per construction period) would be required to complete the proposed project. When expressed as average annual employment, this equates to approximately 3,900 jobs."

The analysis noted that 90 percent of those jobs would come from "a unique national labor force that is highly specialized in pipeline construction techniques." It also confirmed that there would be few long-term jobs, something on the order of 35.

Obama says Keystone XL would mean "maybe 2,000 jobs"

O's numbers are as goofy as the 500k claim.
The bottom line is that Keystone would strengthen America, and create many jobs - that is why Obama opposes it. Oil money is associated with old white guys - what he deplores most!

The bottom line is Keystone will NOT create many jobs, it will cost Americans in the Midwest more in fuel costs and one spill will totally wipe out any monetary gain and COST us billions.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
Your a moron!
There’s been a running battle over jobs and the Keystone XL. We’ve checked claims that it would employ as many as 20,000 workers. We rated that False; even the company behind the pipeline backed away from that number.

During the New York Times interview, the president invited reporters to use the most realistic estimates. So we went to the State Department’s lengthy environmental impact statement on the project that came out in March. In that report, the lowest estimate for jobs directly tied to construction was 3,900 jobs a year.

That number came after analysts wrestled with the stop-and-start nature of construction work and converted the jobs to a yearly estimate. "Approximately 10,000 construction workers engaged for 4-to 8-month seasonal construction periods (approximately 5,000 to 6,000 per construction period) would be required to complete the proposed project. When expressed as average annual employment, this equates to approximately 3,900 jobs."

The analysis noted that 90 percent of those jobs would come from "a unique national labor force that is highly specialized in pipeline construction techniques." It also confirmed that there would be few long-term jobs, something on the order of 35.

Obama says Keystone XL would mean "maybe 2,000 jobs"

O's numbers are as goofy as the 500k claim.

Here's an idea! Read beyond the link headline!

The number of permanent jobs will be about 35.

So who was off by the most..."maybe 2,000" (Obama) or...500,000 (faux right rubes)?

Obama was not "as goofy".

Isaac Asimov: "When people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together."

Guess who Asimov is talking about, LordBrownTrout.
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