No firearms in Australia

But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?
Because legal gun owners are often sloppy with their guns.
You and I both know you have no way to substantively support your claim.
Where are the criminals getting their guns?
Like I said: You and I both know you have no way to substantively support your claim.
Thank you for admitting it.
Where do criminals get their guns?
Eric Holder
duh....because they buy them in a different state.
This violates the law.
So much for the law leading to fewer deaths, as claimed.
Yep, it's against the law but not for the seller. For gun laws to be effective they need to be uniform.
It is illegal for an FFL to sell a firearm to someone not from the State the FFL services.Well to clarify if the buyer arranges a transfer to an FFL in his home State it would be legal.
It is illegal for an FFL to sell a firearm to someone not from the State the FFL services.
Depends on what you mean by that. Under federal law, FFL holders in MI can sell long guns to people that live in OH. I suspect the same applies to several other combinations of states. CA, however, requires that an out-of-state purchase go thru a CA FFL holder, so to buy a gun in NV and then bring it home to CA, skipping the CA FFL holder, violates CA law.
I saw footage of this incident where the visage of the gunman/terrorist was clearly visible, and a well placed police sniper could have ended this before anyone else was harmed. WHY didn't the Sydney police just SHOOT this mad man?
Australia has a far lower homicide rate than the U.S.
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?

Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?

No, that's generally not right.

I don't ever see anyone argue that criminals will never get guns. Perhaps you can link someone who does.

The argument is that restricting access guns will limit the availability of deadly weapons and fewer people in total will die.

For retarded gunnery sargeant to win an argument, she must mis-characterize or over-simplify the opposition. Pretty much the same with all gun nuts.
Australia has a far lower homicide rate than the U.S.
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?

Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?
This fails as a straw man fallacy, no one maintains that any given gun law will prevent any prohibited person from obtaining a firearm, nor does anyone in the United States advocate implementing laws similar to that of Australia.
on a pbs radio show out here they had a bunch of people who are in law enforcement on....they said if you take gang violence out of the equation here in Ca,the numbers would then say that Ca is one of the safest States.....and they quoted numbers backing that they then reasoned that if you did the same across the Country....the US would be one of the safest Countries on the planet....

So how would that stack up if one doesn't include gang activity in all countries?

The murder rate amongst whites is still higher than every other rich country - all races included - on earth.
we are supposed to have more people in gangs than anywhere else.....BUT if the other Countries got rid of their gangs.....what a peaceful world this MAY be....
How do we do that?
just replying to what Toro said....
There are an estimated 300M privately owned firearms in the US.

There are 39M blacks in the US

banning either would likely result in the same decrease in violence in this country.

On the one hand we are constitutionally guaranteed the right to own firearms

On the other hand, the same constitutional clearly forbids us from owning blacks.

Pretty easy call here if we're serious about cutting the crime rate.
No, that's generally not right.
I don't ever see anyone argue that criminals will never get guns. Perhaps you can link someone who does.
The argument is that restricting access guns will limit the availability of deadly weapons and fewer people in total will die.
Hmm. Lets see...

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36 (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39 (1304/1879)

% US population in CA: 12.12%
% US murders in CA: 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

The benefit of reasonable gun control..... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

How does this support your premise?

I don't know if it would support my premise between cities or states.
In fact, doesn't this example work strongly against your premise?
If strong gun control will reduce gun-related deaths, as you state,,why does the state with the strongest gun control have a significantly higher proportion of gun-related deahts than the country as a whole?
lots of latino gangs .....they can be pretty violent....
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?
Because legal gun owners are often sloppy with their guns.
You and I both know you have no way to substantively support your claim.
Where are the criminals getting their guns?
Like I said: You and I both know you have no way to substantively support your claim.
Thank you for admitting it.
Where do criminals get their guns?
from other criminals.....
Australia has a far lower homicide rate than the U.S.
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?

Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?
This fails as a straw man fallacy, no one maintains that any given gun law will prevent any prohibited person from obtaining a firearm, nor does anyone in the United States advocate implementing laws similar to that of Australia.
Except, of course, the President, who supports banning rifles, shotguns, and handguns.
Ha! You were right! Australia's homicide rate was much lower than the U.S. then as well. However in 1996 there was 1 gun for every 27 people in Australia. In America there is 1 gun for EVERY person. There are also a lot more murders. Interesting correlation no?

And the homicide rate in Australia HAS gone down significantly since the gun ban. Over 30%.

Facts says otherwise.

Facts & Figures online data tool
Is it racist to point out that Australia doesn't have the same level of crime, because it is mostly white and middle-class?
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?

Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?

Yes. That is why they have such a lower homicide rate.

There also over 90% white, amazing what a difference that makes to the homicide rate.

Before gun control their homicide rate was very close to the U.S.
Really? Please prove with a citation. Thank you and have a nice day.
Australia has a far lower homicide rate than the U.S.
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?

Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?

No, that's generally not right.

I don't ever see anyone argue that criminals will never get guns. Perhaps you can link someone who does.

The argument is that restricting access guns will limit the availability of deadly weapons and fewer people in total will die.
In the US over the past 25 years the number of guns has increased and yet the murder rate has decreased

I k ow correlation does not equal causation but the numbers contradict the assertion that fewer guns result in fewer murders overall

And yes I use homicides not suicides
Australia has a far lower homicide rate than the U.S.
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?

Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?

Yes. That is why they have such a lower homicide rate.

There also over 90% white, amazing what a difference that makes to the homicide rate.
An ignorant statement from someone with a weak command of the English language.

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