No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

CaféAuLait;8662793 said:

Have a peek at how many executive orders actually came out of Obama's presidency versus Bush.

Then you might actually want to check out how many bills through congress during Bush's administration and during Obama's administration.

Conservatives are notorious for a "My way or highway" means of governance.

I have checked and he is right on course to catch Bush by the end of his 8 years, he said he was a constitutional scholar and he was going to reverse maneuvering around congress, but now he touts his 'pen and phone" in the STOU. Please lol

That's probably because he thought we were past the partisan bickering because the country had been so screwed.

He probably thought that everyone would roll their sleeves up and pitch in to fix the mess and help make America a better place.

He was wrong.

Conservatives have no interest in making America a better place. It's not a country they were involved in forming.

Ahhhh so Bush did not have to deal with a congress that did not want to cooperate as well? They did not do the same things we see today? This is the problem, many act as if these issues are new and in some cases decide the partisanship is racism. Instead of realizing this crap was going on for a long time.

As President Bush prepares for his second term, Democrats in Washington and around the country are organizing for a year of confrontation and resistance, saying they are determined to block Bush's major initiatives and thereby deny him the mandate he has claimed from his reelection victory last November

Democrats Are United in Plans To Block Top Bush Initiatives (

"What the president said is a fact — this is the longest a Congress has gone in 20 years without passing a single spending bill, so it's clear that the speaker is feeling some frustration at their inability to do so."

Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate "Ethnic Cleansing" In New Orleans

Key Democrats vow to block Bush nominee

Senate Democrats Block 3 More Bush Judicial Nominees

Senate Democrats Block 3 More Bush Judicial Nominees (

Democrats: Bush Tax Plan is 'Dead' - ABC News
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so I guess threads like this is showing how Liberals are wanting to make America a better place?

you all are a joke
This thread shows how many have actually worked a job at the big three. What happens is this if you don't tell them you will join the union at the interview you will not get a call back. At the call back they make you sign up for the union before you even start. If you don't you find that they tell you the next day that your position was filled by another applicant and that you just didn't fit well at orientation. So yes he would have been forced into the union to work there. Of course he could do like a liberal does and collect welfare.

tapatalk post
not only do you tell the situation exactly as it is , you even use simple words that even* dimocrats* can understand
CaféAuLait;8663016 said:
CaféAuLait;8662793 said:
I have checked and he is right on course to catch Bush by the end of his 8 years, he said he was a constitutional scholar and he was going to reverse maneuvering around congress, but now he touts his 'pen and phone" in the STOU. Please lol

That's probably because he thought we were past the partisan bickering because the country had been so screwed.

He probably thought that everyone would roll their sleeves up and pitch in to fix the mess and help make America a better place.

He was wrong.

Conservatives have no interest in making America a better place. It's not a country they were involved in forming.

Ahhhh so Bush did not have to deal with a congress that did not want to cooperate as well? They did not do the same things we see today? This is the problem, many act as if these issues are new and in some cases decide the partisanship is racism. Instead of realizing this crap was going on for a long time.

As President Bush prepares for his second term, Democrats in Washington and around the country are organizing for a year of confrontation and resistance, saying they are determined to block Bush's major initiatives and thereby deny him the mandate he has claimed from his reelection victory last November

Democrats Are United in Plans To Block Top Bush Initiatives (

"What the president said is a fact — this is the longest a Congress has gone in 20 years without passing a single spending bill, so it's clear that the speaker is feeling some frustration at their inability to do so."

Barney Frank Accuses Bush Of Deliberate "Ethnic Cleansing" In New Orleans

Key Democrats vow to block Bush nominee

Senate Democrats Block 3 More Bush Judicial Nominees

Senate Democrats Block 3 More Bush Judicial Nominees (

Democrats: Bush Tax Plan is 'Dead' - ABC News

I don't know if anyone told you this..but Bush really did lie in a SOTU address.

He got us into a war where over 4000 Americans were killed and countless Iraqis were blown to bits.

That war exhausted this country's resources as well and diminished our standing in the world.

He really should have been impeached and removed from office the very moment WMDs were not found.
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so I guess threads like this is showing how Liberals are wanting to make America a better place?

you all are a joke

Well yeah.

Joe got a job, after trying to start his own business, then running for office, at Chrysler.

You ever hear of Chrysler? It's part of GM.

GM is the company conservatives wanted to let die..but President Barack Obama saved.

Along with the UAW.

It was a 2fer.

And now Joe works for them.

And that's after taking the advice of conservatives about what he should do..and failing.

See how that works?
so I guess threads like this is showing how Liberals are wanting to make America a better place?

you all are a joke

Well yeah.

Joe got a job, after trying to start his own business, then running for office, at Chrysler.

You ever hear of Chrysler? It's part of GM.

GM is the company conservatives wanted to let die..but President Barack Obama saved.

Along with the UAW.

It was a 2fer.

And now Joe works for them.

And that's after taking the advice of conservatives about what he should do..and failing.

See how that works?

Well that's for sure your all's damn business what or who if anyone gave him advice

boy if you all didn't make up stuff you wouldn't be able to put down all conservatives, would you...and about some guy called, Joe the Plumber
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so I guess threads like this is showing how Liberals are wanting to make America a better place?

you all are a joke

Well yeah.

Joe got a job, after trying to start his own business, then running for office, at Chrysler.

You ever hear of Chrysler? It's part of GM.

GM is the company conservatives wanted to let die..but President Barack Obama saved.

Along with the UAW.

It was a 2fer.

And now Joe works for them.

And that's after taking the advice of conservatives about what he should do..and failing.

See how that works?

Well that's for sure your all's damn business what or who if anyone gave him advice
you've become a joke too
Step Step Step.

Your argument was roundly destroyed. Can't you be a good girl and admit it?

Now go get me a beer.

And be quick about it!
You all have become a joke you think you ever had an argument about Joe the Frikken Plumber

too funny watching you all in action
so I guess threads like this is showing how Liberals are wanting to make America a better place?

you all are a joke

Well yeah.

Joe got a job, after trying to start his own business, then running for office, at Chrysler.

You ever hear of Chrysler? It's part of GM.

GM is the company conservatives wanted to let die..but President Barack Obama saved.

Along with the UAW.

It was a 2fer.

And now Joe works for them.

And that's after taking the advice of conservatives about what he should do..and failing.

See how that works?

Chrysler isn't part of GM. It's a separate company that the government also bailed out.

Other that that, you are spot on. Joe tried his whole, "I'm going to start a business and why should I share with those less fortunate". You know, the crap we hear from Con Jobs every day when we insist that fair wages are really every American's right.

And when he failed miserably at that, he joined a company where he's a member of a union that makes sure he gets a fair wage.

This is the kind of ridicule for which absolutists set themselves up.

"Unions are bad, unions are always bad, I will attack them at all times". Then they have to spin for one of their own when he gets a freakin' union job. Ouch.

That's what ya get for being an absolutist.

Joe The Plumber's crime was questioning Obama.........

end thread........
Joe The Plumber's crime was questioning Obama.........

end thread........

No, his crime was lying about being named "Joe"

or being a plumber

Or having his own successful business.

But calling himself "Sam the loser who does cut-rate work on Craig's List" wasn't a very catchy name.

None of you foaming at the mouth moonbats gave a shit until he questioned Obama....... :thup:
Joe The Plumber's crime was questioning Obama.........

end thread........

No, his crime was lying about being named "Joe"

or being a plumber

Or having his own successful business.

But calling himself "Sam the loser who does cut-rate work on Craig's List" wasn't a very catchy name.

and that is YOUR business why?

Staph, do try to pay attention here.

Sam the Craig's List Hack said that all he wanted was the freedom to run a business and make money and not have to share.

And after all that, he failed at business and had to take a job where a Union is making sure he's getting a fair paycheck.
Joe The Plumber's crime was questioning Obama.........

end thread........

No, his crime was lying about being named "Joe"

or being a plumber

Or having his own successful business.

But calling himself "Sam the loser who does cut-rate work on Craig's List" wasn't a very catchy name.

None of you foaming at the mouth moonbats gave a shit until he questioned Obama....... :thup:

We still don't gave a shit.

You guys were the ones who paraded him around the room, but despite all that wingnut support, the guy still failed at business.

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