No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
With more concealed carry than every before, violent crime is up....
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Which has nothing to do with CCW's and everything to do with the Ferguson Effect. CCW's have been increasing the last couple of decades with violent and gun crime on the decrease.
It was increasing from a really small number, didn't gain much steam till recently, and violent crime is up. Now after we got background checks crime decreased.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...

Skipped Norway I see.

As for France:
Paris massacre: At least 128 killed in gunfire and blasts, French officials say
By Steve Almasy, Pierre Meilhan and Jim Bittermann, CNN
Updated 9:48 AM ET, Sat November 14, 2015
Paris massacre: At least 128 die in attacks - CNN

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
I said school shootings. And your examples are years old... we have this shit every month.

Funny thing about violent crime is that each country has a different definition. Homicides have the same definition everywhere...
take Chicago, philly, DC, LA, and new Orleans out of those stats and what do you have? The US crime stats are driven by gang violence in those major cities. To claim that its nationwide is simply a lie.
All those other countries have big cities and gangs too. Was this last school shooting in a big city?

you are mixing things. first its the crime rate (which you claim is nationwide) then its only school shootings. you are so bound up in your left wing bullshit you cant even keep your thoughts separated.
You were acting like all bad things happen in big cities. Was this school shooting in a big city?
Doesn't matter, gun control advocates will still push for gun control which we all know is banning guns and getting rid of the 2nd amendment. They long for total gun bans like other countries have adopted.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...

More people were murdered in London than in NY city, yet guns are banned in the UK. :itsok:
NY city has very strict gun laws. They don't even have concealed carry. Crime has been going down there. Meanwhile violent crime is up in the rest of the country, where we have more and more concealed carry....

how many crimes are committed by CC holders? do you know? do you care? Do you think the gang bangers all have CC permits? WTF is wrong with you?
Don't like the facts? Crime is down in strong gun control NYC, while up nationally.

Duh, that's not true. Chicago and DC have the strictest gun laws in the nation and the highest gun crime rates. NYC has a good police dept but the current mayor is trying to tie their hands and get the crime stats back up to match the other dem led cities.
I am still waiting for one of you on the left to tell us exactly what new gun laws would stop the school shootings, and which ones would stop the murders in Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta, DC, philly, et. al.

total ban on privately owned guns.

That would stop this shit.

For some here, Redfish needed to add the word REALISTIC". Like all Progressives, you can't help but live in a fantasy world.

Who needs a dictator when we have angry armed children mass killing regularly.

The student was on Ritalin, an amphetamine like compound which can induce psychosis.

The powers-that-be have known since, at least 1999, that schools are soft targets because of GUN FREE ZONES statutes. They have been criminally negligent by failing or refusing to protect the children.

The school was not gun free, there was an armed guard. He got shot...

Is ritalin used in Europe? They don't seem to have a mass shooting problem there.
Skipped Norway I see.

As for France:
Paris massacre: At least 128 killed in gunfire and blasts, French officials say
By Steve Almasy, Pierre Meilhan and Jim Bittermann, CNN
Updated 9:48 AM ET, Sat November 14, 2015
Paris massacre: At least 128 die in attacks - CNN

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
I said school shootings. And your examples are years old... we have this shit every month.

Funny thing about violent crime is that each country has a different definition. Homicides have the same definition everywhere...
take Chicago, philly, DC, LA, and new Orleans out of those stats and what do you have? The US crime stats are driven by gang violence in those major cities. To claim that its nationwide is simply a lie.
All those other countries have big cities and gangs too. Was this last school shooting in a big city?

you are mixing things. first its the crime rate (which you claim is nationwide) then its only school shootings. you are so bound up in your left wing bullshit you cant even keep your thoughts separated.
You were acting like all bad things happen in big cities. Was this school shooting in a big city?

most of the gun violence in your chart happened in 5 large cities. Stop trying to change the subject.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...

More people were murdered in London than in NY city, yet guns are banned in the UK. :itsok:
NY city has very strict gun laws. They don't even have concealed carry. Crime has been going down there. Meanwhile violent crime is up in the rest of the country, where we have more and more concealed carry....

how many crimes are committed by CC holders? do you know? do you care? Do you think the gang bangers all have CC permits? WTF is wrong with you?
Don't like the facts? Crime is down in strong gun control NYC, while up nationally.

Duh, that's not true. Chicago and DC have the strictest gun laws in the nation and the highest gun crime rates. NYC has a good police dept but the current mayor is trying to tie their hands and get the crime stats back up to match the other dem led cities.
Chicago and DC both have concealed carry, NYC does not.
I said school shootings. And your examples are years old... we have this shit every month.

Funny thing about violent crime is that each country has a different definition. Homicides have the same definition everywhere...
take Chicago, philly, DC, LA, and new Orleans out of those stats and what do you have? The US crime stats are driven by gang violence in those major cities. To claim that its nationwide is simply a lie.
All those other countries have big cities and gangs too. Was this last school shooting in a big city?

you are mixing things. first its the crime rate (which you claim is nationwide) then its only school shootings. you are so bound up in your left wing bullshit you cant even keep your thoughts separated.
You were acting like all bad things happen in big cities. Was this school shooting in a big city?

most of the gun violence in your chart happened in 5 large cities. Stop trying to change the subject.
Most crime in every country happens in their big cities. You didn't answer my question. Was this school shooting in a big city?
I am still waiting for one of you on the left to tell us exactly what new gun laws would stop the school shootings, and which ones would stop the murders in Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta, DC, philly, et. al.

total ban on privately owned guns.

That would stop this shit.

For some here, Redfish needed to add the word REALISTIC". Like all Progressives, you can't help but live in a fantasy world.

Who needs a dictator when we have angry armed children mass killing regularly.

The student was on Ritalin, an amphetamine like compound which can induce psychosis.

The powers-that-be have known since, at least 1999, that schools are soft targets because of GUN FREE ZONES statutes. They have been criminally negligent by failing or refusing to protect the children.

The school was not gun free, there was an armed guard. He got shot...

Is ritalin used in Europe? They don't seem to have a mass shooting problem there.

"guns are generally prohibited in Texas schools,

lawmakers, in response to the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, enacted legislation allowing school districts to arm school employees and created an additional category of a certified peace officer known as a "school marshal" who can conceal carry a handgun.

Lawmakers must allow more than one individual to have firearms . And And after 19 years they should limit how students and other individuals enter the school.

I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
With more concealed carry than every before, violent crime is up....
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Which has nothing to do with CCW's and everything to do with the Ferguson Effect. CCW's have been increasing the last couple of decades with violent and gun crime on the decrease.
It was increasing from a really small number, didn't gain much steam till recently, and violent crime is up. Now after we got background checks crime decreased.

And we've had background checks for how many years now????

It didn't start increasing until after the Ferguson Effect. The Ferguson Effect stopped police officers from being proactive in crime. They only went out when called upon.

concealed carry vs crime.png
More people were murdered in London than in NY city, yet guns are banned in the UK. :itsok:
NY city has very strict gun laws. They don't even have concealed carry. Crime has been going down there. Meanwhile violent crime is up in the rest of the country, where we have more and more concealed carry....

how many crimes are committed by CC holders? do you know? do you care? Do you think the gang bangers all have CC permits? WTF is wrong with you?
Don't like the facts? Crime is down in strong gun control NYC, while up nationally.

Duh, that's not true. Chicago and DC have the strictest gun laws in the nation and the highest gun crime rates. NYC has a good police dept but the current mayor is trying to tie their hands and get the crime stats back up to match the other dem led cities.
Chicago and DC both have concealed carry, NYC does not.

so what? its virtually impossible to get a CC permit in those cities. But the thugs all have guns. They always will. In your no gun utopia only the government and criminals would have guns--------------------can you say third reich? Do you even understand what you are advocating for? do you want to live under the thumb of jack booted G-men and criminals?
total ban on privately owned guns.

That would stop this shit.

For some here, Redfish needed to add the word REALISTIC". Like all Progressives, you can't help but live in a fantasy world.

Who needs a dictator when we have angry armed children mass killing regularly.

The student was on Ritalin, an amphetamine like compound which can induce psychosis.

The powers-that-be have known since, at least 1999, that schools are soft targets because of GUN FREE ZONES statutes. They have been criminally negligent by failing or refusing to protect the children.

The school was not gun free, there was an armed guard. He got shot...

Is ritalin used in Europe? They don't seem to have a mass shooting problem there.

"guns are generally prohibited in Texas schools,

lawmakers, in response to the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, enacted legislation allowing school districts to arm school employees and created an additional category of a certified peace officer known as a "school marshal" who can conceal carry a handgun.

Lawmakers must allow more than one individual to have firearms . And And after 19 years they should limit how students and other individuals enter the school.

The armed security got shot.

Meanwhile in Japan, Germany, UK, Italy, France.... no school shootings.
Skipped Norway I see.

As for France:
Paris massacre: At least 128 killed in gunfire and blasts, French officials say
By Steve Almasy, Pierre Meilhan and Jim Bittermann, CNN
Updated 9:48 AM ET, Sat November 14, 2015
Paris massacre: At least 128 die in attacks - CNN

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
I said school shootings. And your examples are years old... we have this shit every month.

Funny thing about violent crime is that each country has a different definition. Homicides have the same definition everywhere...
take Chicago, philly, DC, LA, and new Orleans out of those stats and what do you have? The US crime stats are driven by gang violence in those major cities. To claim that its nationwide is simply a lie.
All those other countries have big cities and gangs too. Was this last school shooting in a big city?

you are mixing things. first its the crime rate (which you claim is nationwide) then its only school shootings. you are so bound up in your left wing bullshit you cant even keep your thoughts separated.

You were acting like all bad things happen in big cities. Was this school shooting in a big city?

I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
With more concealed carry than every before, violent crime is up....
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Which has nothing to do with CCW's and everything to do with the Ferguson Effect. CCW's have been increasing the last couple of decades with violent and gun crime on the decrease.
It was increasing from a really small number, didn't gain much steam till recently, and violent crime is up. Now after we got background checks crime decreased.

And we've had background checks for how many years now????

It didn't start increasing until after the Ferguson Effect. The Ferguson Effect stopped police officers from being proactive in crime. They only went out when called upon.

View attachment 194590
Ferguson is fueled by our gun problem. This is the only country where law enforcement regularly shoots people.
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
total ban on privately owned guns.

That would stop this shit.

For some here, Redfish needed to add the word REALISTIC". Like all Progressives, you can't help but live in a fantasy world.

Who needs a dictator when we have angry armed children mass killing regularly.

The student was on Ritalin, an amphetamine like compound which can induce psychosis.

The powers-that-be have known since, at least 1999, that schools are soft targets because of GUN FREE ZONES statutes. They have been criminally negligent by failing or refusing to protect the children.

The school was not gun free, there was an armed guard. He got shot...

Is ritalin used in Europe? They don't seem to have a mass shooting problem there.

"guns are generally prohibited in Texas schools,

lawmakers, in response to the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, enacted legislation allowing school districts to arm school employees and created an additional category of a certified peace officer known as a "school marshal" who can conceal carry a handgun.

Lawmakers must allow more than one individual to have firearms . And And after 19 years they should limit how students and other individuals enter the school.


yeah, but the might offend someone. Not offending is more important than saving lives. its in the libtardian handbook.
NY city has very strict gun laws. They don't even have concealed carry. Crime has been going down there. Meanwhile violent crime is up in the rest of the country, where we have more and more concealed carry....

how many crimes are committed by CC holders? do you know? do you care? Do you think the gang bangers all have CC permits? WTF is wrong with you?
Don't like the facts? Crime is down in strong gun control NYC, while up nationally.

Duh, that's not true. Chicago and DC have the strictest gun laws in the nation and the highest gun crime rates. NYC has a good police dept but the current mayor is trying to tie their hands and get the crime stats back up to match the other dem led cities.
Chicago and DC both have concealed carry, NYC does not.

so what? its virtually impossible to get a CC permit in those cities. But the thugs all have guns. They always will. In your no gun utopia only the government and criminals would have guns--------------------can you say third reich? Do you even understand what you are advocating for? do you want to live under the thumb of jack booted G-men and criminals?
Funny how the UK, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Japan, France, Canada.... All have stricter gun laws, much lower homicide rates, and no dictators. Your argument is childish....
For some here, Redfish needed to add the word REALISTIC". Like all Progressives, you can't help but live in a fantasy world.

Who needs a dictator when we have angry armed children mass killing regularly.

The student was on Ritalin, an amphetamine like compound which can induce psychosis.

The powers-that-be have known since, at least 1999, that schools are soft targets because of GUN FREE ZONES statutes. They have been criminally negligent by failing or refusing to protect the children.

The school was not gun free, there was an armed guard. He got shot...

Is ritalin used in Europe? They don't seem to have a mass shooting problem there.

"guns are generally prohibited in Texas schools,

lawmakers, in response to the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, enacted legislation allowing school districts to arm school employees and created an additional category of a certified peace officer known as a "school marshal" who can conceal carry a handgun.

Lawmakers must allow more than one individual to have firearms . And And after 19 years they should limit how students and other individuals enter the school.

The armed security got shot.

Meanwhile in Japan, Germany, UK, Italy, France.... no school shootings.

then why don't you and all your lib friends move to one of those countries? whats stopping you?
Who needs a dictator when we have angry armed children mass killing regularly.

The student was on Ritalin, an amphetamine like compound which can induce psychosis.

The powers-that-be have known since, at least 1999, that schools are soft targets because of GUN FREE ZONES statutes. They have been criminally negligent by failing or refusing to protect the children.

The school was not gun free, there was an armed guard. He got shot...

Is ritalin used in Europe? They don't seem to have a mass shooting problem there.

"guns are generally prohibited in Texas schools,

lawmakers, in response to the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, enacted legislation allowing school districts to arm school employees and created an additional category of a certified peace officer known as a "school marshal" who can conceal carry a handgun.

Lawmakers must allow more than one individual to have firearms . And And after 19 years they should limit how students and other individuals enter the school.

The armed security got shot.

Meanwhile in Japan, Germany, UK, Italy, France.... no school shootings.

then why don't you and all your lib friends move to one of those countries? whats stopping you?
I guess you have lost this debate than.
No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Doesn't matter, gun control advocates will still push for gun control which we all know is banning guns and getting rid of the 2nd amendment. They long for total gun bans like other countries have adopted.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...

More people were murdered in London than in NY city, yet guns are banned in the UK. :itsok:
NY city has very strict gun laws. They don't even have concealed carry. Crime has been going down there. Meanwhile violent crime is up in the rest of the country, where we have more and more concealed carry....

how many crimes are committed by CC holders? do you know? do you care? Do you think the gang bangers all have CC permits? WTF is wrong with you?

Report: Concealed Carry Permit Holders Are The Most Law-Abiding People In The Country
For some here, Redfish needed to add the word REALISTIC". Like all Progressives, you can't help but live in a fantasy world.

Who needs a dictator when we have angry armed children mass killing regularly.

The student was on Ritalin, an amphetamine like compound which can induce psychosis.

The powers-that-be have known since, at least 1999, that schools are soft targets because of GUN FREE ZONES statutes. They have been criminally negligent by failing or refusing to protect the children.

The school was not gun free, there was an armed guard. He got shot...

Is ritalin used in Europe? They don't seem to have a mass shooting problem there.

"guns are generally prohibited in Texas schools,

lawmakers, in response to the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, enacted legislation allowing school districts to arm school employees and created an additional category of a certified peace officer known as a "school marshal" who can conceal carry a handgun.

Lawmakers must allow more than one individual to have firearms . And And after 19 years they should limit how students and other individuals enter the school.

The armed security got shot.

Meanwhile in Japan, Germany, UK, Italy, France.... no school shootings.

Well , it appears that you are prejudicial in favor of gun control.

It is NOT going to happen even if SCOTUS UNANIMOUSLY decides that we don't have a right to bear arms.

Move to Japan, Germany, UK, Italy, France., Venezuela

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