No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Doesn't matter, gun control advocates will still push for gun control which we all know is banning guns and getting rid of the 2nd amendment. They long for total gun bans like other countries have adopted.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...

More people were murdered in London than in NY city, yet guns are banned in the UK. :itsok:
NY city has very strict gun laws. They don't even have concealed carry. Crime has been going down there. Meanwhile violent crime is up in the rest of the country, where we have more and more concealed carry....

London has even more strict gun laws, they now murder each other with knives.
No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Doesn't matter, gun control advocates will still push for gun control which we all know is banning guns and getting rid of the 2nd amendment. They long for total gun bans like other countries have adopted.
When was the last school shooting in Germany, France, UK, Japan, Denmark.... yeah seems like gun laws can really restrict this kind of thing...

More people were murdered in London than in NY city, yet guns are banned in the UK. :itsok:
NY city has very strict gun laws. They don't even have concealed carry. Crime has been going down there. Meanwhile violent crime is up in the rest of the country, where we have more and more concealed carry....

how many crimes are committed by CC holders? do you know? do you care? Do you think the gang bangers all have CC permits? WTF is wrong with you?

Brain is ignorant.
I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
I think carrying a gun makes you fell safe. I know it did for me years ago. However, I suspect that feeling safe has little to do with being safe. Having a gun and being able to make a spit second decision to use it and do so effectively when your're scared shirtless is something totally different.

Trained, experience law enforcement officers often fair poorly in emergency situations. I saw a study that said 21 percent of law enforcement officers killed with a handgun were shot with their own service weapon. They average a 20 percent hit ratio in armed confrontations, meaning that only 20 percent of shots fired hit the intended target. And these guys are professionals.

I have no such hesitation and I'm not law enforcement.

Please show us your reliable source and link proving your point about 21 percent of LE were murdered with their own service weapon.
It was 12%, not 21%. I reversed the digits

If you truly have no hesitation when drawing a gun, I doubt you're representative of most gun owners. Less than 7% of all gun owners have used a gun to defend themselves, their family or possessions. It also appears most gun owners are not very active in maintaining their skills, an occasional trip to a gun range or a yearly hunting trip. For people to respond properly in life threatening situations, it takes skill and repetitive training, something few gun owners have. And when those situations involve innocent bystanders as in schools and shopping center, the untrained, inexperience gun owner is likely to do more harm than good.
1. The demographics of gun ownership

none of that matters, the 2nd amendment is very clear and unambiguous. people are responsible for their actions, nothing will ever change that.
I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
I think carrying a gun makes you fell safe. I know it did for me years ago. However, I suspect that feeling safe has little to do with being safe. Having a gun and being able to make a spit second decision to use it and do so effectively when your're scared shirtless is something totally different.

Trained, experience law enforcement officers often fair poorly in emergency situations. I saw a study that said 21 percent of law enforcement officers killed with a handgun were shot with their own service weapon. They average a 20 percent hit ratio in armed confrontations, meaning that only 20 percent of shots fired hit the intended target. And these guys are professionals.

I have no such hesitation and I'm not law enforcement.

Please show us your reliable source and link proving your point about 21 percent of LE were murdered with their own service weapon.
It was 12%, not 21%. I reversed the digits

If you truly have no hesitation when drawing a gun, I doubt you're representative of most gun owners. Less than 7% of all gun owners have used a gun to defend themselves, their family or possessions. It also appears most gun owners are not very active in maintaining their skills, an occasional trip to a gun range or a yearly hunting trip. For people to respond properly in life threatening situations, it takes skill and repetitive training, something few gun owners have. And when those situations involve innocent bystanders as in schools and shopping center, the untrained, inexperience gun owner is likely to do more harm than good.
1. The demographics of gun ownership

The reason the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed is because the right is "necessary for the security of a free state". Nothing in there about you have to use it to stop a crime. Go look it up.

I have about 50 firearms (including over two dozen AR-15s) and never had to use any for anything other than recreational activities but that is no reason to deny me the right to have them, is it?
I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
I think carrying a gun makes you fell safe. I know it did for me years ago. However, I suspect that feeling safe has little to do with being safe. Having a gun and being able to make a spit second decision to use it and do so effectively when your're scared shirtless is something totally different.

Trained, experience law enforcement officers often fair poorly in emergency situations. I saw a study that said 21 percent of law enforcement officers killed with a handgun were shot with their own service weapon. They average a 20 percent hit ratio in armed confrontations, meaning that only 20 percent of shots fired hit the intended target. And these guys are professionals.

I have no such hesitation and I'm not law enforcement.

Please show us your reliable source and link proving your point about 21 percent of LE were murdered with their own service weapon.
It was 12%, not 21%. I reversed the digits

If you truly have no hesitation when drawing a gun, I doubt you're representative of most gun owners. Less than 7% of all gun owners have used a gun to defend themselves, their family or possessions. It also appears most gun owners are not very active in maintaining their skills, an occasional trip to a gun range or a yearly hunting trip. For people to respond properly in life threatening situations, it takes skill and repetitive training, something few gun owners have. And when those situations involve innocent bystanders as in schools and shopping center, the untrained, inexperience gun owner is likely to do more harm than good.
1. The demographics of gun ownership

If you are chickenshit to use a gun then don't buy one.

Don't bitch about me owning one.

The Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is not dependent upon any level of proficiency.
Funny how that "logic" is only applied to guns.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.

How? By implementing commie regulations of the left? I asked this before, but I need to ask it again:

In the past, the left has complained about high capacity magazines, AR's, even all semi-automatic weapons. Now lets say the Republicans acted on that and made all AR's, semi-automatic weapons, and high capacity magazines illegal. Would you be satisfied with the results of this last school shooting? Would you say we did enough, because this kid didn't use an AR, high capacity magazines or a semi-automatic?

Of course not, you would be looking to ban something else; maybe revolvers next. And when the next mass murder takes place, ban another thing.

It's not going to stop because IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem. All gun bans could possibly do is stop a killer from using a particular gun, but that's not going to stop the killer.
IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem.
It's both.
I wouldn't go that far. The NRA was a sensible organization up until the 1970's... when it supported common sense gun laws.

Then the nuts like LaPeirre took over.

This was also about the time that hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport, so the gun industry realized that the home protection market was the way to go.

And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
I think carrying a gun makes you fell safe. I know it did for me years ago. However, I suspect that feeling safe has little to do with being safe. Having a gun and being able to make a spit second decision to use it and do so effectively when your're scared shirtless is something totally different.

Trained, experience law enforcement officers often fair poorly in emergency situations. I saw a study that said 21 percent of law enforcement officers killed with a handgun were shot with their own service weapon. They average a 20 percent hit ratio in armed confrontations, meaning that only 20 percent of shots fired hit the intended target. And these guys are professionals.

I have no such hesitation and I'm not law enforcement.

Please show us your reliable source and link proving your point about 21 percent of LE were murdered with their own service weapon.
It was 12%, not 21%. I reversed the digits

If you truly have no hesitation when drawing a gun, I doubt you're representative of most gun owners. Less than 7% of all gun owners have used a gun to defend themselves, their family or possessions. It also appears most gun owners are not very active in maintaining their skills, an occasional trip to a gun range or a yearly hunting trip. For people to respond properly in life threatening situations, it takes skill and repetitive training, something few gun owners have. And when those situations involve innocent bystanders as in schools and shopping center, the untrained, inexperience gun owner is likely to do more harm than good.
1. The demographics of gun ownership

If you are chickenshit to use a gun then don't buy one.

Don't bitch about me owning one.

The Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is not dependent upon any level of proficiency.
Unfortunately, you're correct. Nuts cases can purchase all the guns and ammunition they need to kill dozens of kids. I don't think that is what founder had in mind.
And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
I think carrying a gun makes you fell safe. I know it did for me years ago. However, I suspect that feeling safe has little to do with being safe. Having a gun and being able to make a spit second decision to use it and do so effectively when your're scared shirtless is something totally different.

Trained, experience law enforcement officers often fair poorly in emergency situations. I saw a study that said 21 percent of law enforcement officers killed with a handgun were shot with their own service weapon. They average a 20 percent hit ratio in armed confrontations, meaning that only 20 percent of shots fired hit the intended target. And these guys are professionals.

I have no such hesitation and I'm not law enforcement.

Please show us your reliable source and link proving your point about 21 percent of LE were murdered with their own service weapon.
It was 12%, not 21%. I reversed the digits

If you truly have no hesitation when drawing a gun, I doubt you're representative of most gun owners. Less than 7% of all gun owners have used a gun to defend themselves, their family or possessions. It also appears most gun owners are not very active in maintaining their skills, an occasional trip to a gun range or a yearly hunting trip. For people to respond properly in life threatening situations, it takes skill and repetitive training, something few gun owners have. And when those situations involve innocent bystanders as in schools and shopping center, the untrained, inexperience gun owner is likely to do more harm than good.
1. The demographics of gun ownership

If you are chickenshit to use a gun then don't buy one.

Don't bitch about me owning one.

The Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is not dependent upon any level of proficiency.
Unfortunately, you're correct. Nuts cases can purchase all the guns and ammunition they need to kill dozens of kids. I don't think that is what founder had in mind.

Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.

If you import our Negroes, Illegals, druggies and ghetto queens (who do most of our crimes) to any place on earth the crime will soar, regardless of any stupid gun control law.

The Constitution is pretty clear on this topic Moon Bat; "necessary for the security of a free state the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". I know your Liberals, being the assholes you are, don't like the idea of a free state so If you don't like it then go change the Constitution.
If you import our Negroes, Illegals, druggies and ghetto queens (who do most of our crimes) to any place on earth the crime will soar, regardless of any stupid gun control law.

All the Mass shooters are white guys.

The Constitution is pretty clear on this topic Moon Bat; "necessary for the security of a free state the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

You left out the words, 'A WELL REGULATED MILITIA BEING"
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Japan's gun laws are very simple, "No one shall possess a firearms". As a result, the murder rate in Japan is .31 per 100,000 inhabitants, 1/15 of the US rate.

There are 3 times as many murders in the state of Texas as in whole country of Japan. If guns stop crime then why does Texas have over 1300 murders a year when they have 337,000 guns in the hand of the public and Japan has 380 when the public has essentially none?
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.
Both were designed to move an oblect at a high rate of speed.

Intended use is all that is relevant.

My guns have never killed or even injured anyone, yet they all operate as designed. Is that a defective design?

Yes, the argument is definitely on point.
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.
Both were designed to move an oblect at a high rate of speed.

Intended use is all that is relevant.

My guns have never killed or even injured anyone, yet they all operate as designed. Is that a defective design?

Yes, the argument is definitely on point.
Guns are weapons. Cars are modes of transportation.

Simple as pie.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Japan's gun laws are very simple, "No one shall possess a firearms". As a result, the murder rate in Japan is .31 per 100,000 inhabitants, 1/15 of the US rate.

There are 3 times as many murders in the state of Texas as in whole country of Japan. If guns stop crime then why does Texas have over 1300 murders a year when they have 337,000 guns in the hand of the public and Japan has 380 when the public has essentially none?
I lived in Japan. From whatI observed, Japan has a culture that shames such such behavior to the entire family of the offender, whereas we have thug subculture that glorifies murder.
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.
Both were designed to move an oblect at a high rate of speed.

Intended use is all that is relevant.

My guns have never killed or even injured anyone, yet they all operate as designed. Is that a defective design?

Yes, the argument is definitely on point.
Guns are weapons. Cars are modes of transportation.

Simple as pie.
And, yet both can be used without harming anyone, and both can be used to kill.

Your brain is what is simple.
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.
Both were designed to move an oblect at a high rate of speed.

Intended use is all that is relevant.

My guns have never killed or even injured anyone, yet they all operate as designed. Is that a defective design?

Yes, the argument is definitely on point.
Guns are weapons. Cars are modes of transportation.

Simple as pie.

And what are cars when they are used to deliberately kill people?

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