No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Guns are designed to kill. Cars are designed as transportation.
Na, someone else’s Firearm ownership is none of your business. You silly fucker
What post are you so clumsily trying to respond to?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right enless someone fucks it up for themselves.
Vehicle ownership is certainly is not...
Firearm ownership, along with all other,rights, is not an absolute. Where's your .50 caliber?
50 caliber....
i wonder if these loons have any idea what a loon can do with one gallon of gas?,,,then what? ban gasoline?
Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?

Guns are designed to put a chunk of lead into another human being.

And yet that's not what most people use them for. Guns are designed to put a projectile through a desired target.
Na, someone else’s Firearm ownership is none of your business. You silly fucker
What post are you so clumsily trying to respond to?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right enless someone fucks it up for themselves.
Vehicle ownership is certainly is not...
Firearm ownership, along with all other,rights, is not an absolute. Where's your .50 caliber?
50 caliber....
i wonder if these loons have any idea what a loon can do with one gallon of gas?,,,then what? ban gasoline?

Look at what they are doing in Europe with knives. They are even placing barricades on sidewalks to stop cars and trucks which is the new way of committing mass murders.
It's amazing how you on the left can look at the sky and call it the color green. You people see and hear only what you want.

Uh, guy, nobody invented the gun to shoot paper targets.

They were invented to kill people.

But yet hundreds of million of guns in the US are not used for any killing.

They are used for recreational purposes.

They are used for self defense.

They are used for hinting

They are used to provide security to a free state as articulated in the Constitution.

If you use a gun for a crime then that is on you, not the gun.

Since you are one of these little pink pussy hat Moon Bats that are afraid of guns then don't go buy one. However, don't be an asshole and advocate taking Constitutional rights away from people that do have the courage to protect their families. You don't want to be that kind of asshole, do you?
Didn't the courts overturn a law that gun owners needed to secure their weapons (I think it was in D.C.). The courts said you can't tell a man what to do inside his castle. So I don't think holding Dad accountable will fly in the long run.
TBH, I think the Dad will suffer for the rest of his life about this. Imagine if it were your kid who did this. It must be nearly insufferable.

You do have a point. If a kid gets into the liquor cabinet at home, gets drunk, and grabs his car getting into a fatal accident, you don't blame the parents because the kid stole booze.
But the parents are still responsible for the acts of their minor children
No. In most states, parents are responsible for all malicious or willful property damage done by their children. The parent is obligated only to financially compensate the party harmed by his or her child's actions.
Regardless of that the father should still be held culpable as his kid used his guns to murder 10 people.

It is not difficult to secure firearms.

It is if don't have one or more inquisitive teenagers in the house. They get paid the big bucks to nose into things their parents think are safe from prying eyes.

This comes down to us never being able to make a mistake and the terrorists to get through just once. There 50-100 million homes where the owners kept the weapons safe from their kids. One got through. What law is going to prevent that one?
I never said anything about a law

if anyone can take your guns without your permission then they are by definition not secured.

The adults in my life never had a problem keeping their guns out of the hands of the kids in their homes.
I don't have kids but even if I did no one could get my guns out of my house without me knowing about it as they are locked in a 600 lb safe that is set in concrete in my basement. The safe has an 8 digit combination lock and I am the only one who knows the combination.

You all seem to think it can't be done
The News Media is complicit in these shootings in a way.

These people who do these things are HUNGRY for attention.....
The Media gives that to them in SPADES....making others craving attention see their path to get theirs.
ALL this media coverage NEEDS TO STOP
Stop blaming the media.

I realize that higher level thought is not something you're good at....but you're dead wrong.
First, look up the word "Complicit" before you continue.

Eventually, this is going to become a widely discussed topic because so far, noone has addressed it but it needs to be addressed.

There is absolutely a connection between the media and the massive attention you snowflakes are giving these mentally ill and these shootings.
But instead of realizing and acknowledging it, you focus on your agenda instead. Never allow reality to interfere.

Here's some info even you might digest since it's from a sources you might believe.

Psychologists reveal why people post crimes on social media

For mass shooters, achieving fame -- or infamy -- is a frequent driver


I'll stop calling you snowflakes and the media COMPLICIT, when you stop blaming guns for the murders
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I never said anything about a law

if anyone can take your guns without your permission then they are by definition not secured.

The adults in my life never had a problem keeping their guns out of the hands of the kids in their homes.
I don't have kids but even if I did no one could get my guns out of my house without me knowing about it as they are locked in a 600 lb safe that is set in concrete in my basement. The safe has an 8 digit combination lock and I am the only one who knows the combination.

You all seem to think it can't be done

Typical progressive. Say one thing, we want to help the poor and the children and do another. You want to deny the poor the right and ability to protect themselves. What do people do that do not have a basement? If you're in the main part of the house, or asleep and your home is broken into. Doesn't matter how through an unlocked window, a home invasion or whatever, how much good are all the guns in the world locked up in that formidable safe in your basement. How are you serving and defending your family? You're not, you failed.
Since you are one of these little pink pussy hat Moon Bats that are afraid of guns then don't go buy one. However, don't be an asshole and advocate taking Constitutional rights away from people that do have the courage to protect their families. You don't want to be that kind of asshole, do you?

I want to be the asshole who can send his kid to school in the morning and be assured she won't come back in a body bag because some crazy person was exercising his "constitutional right" to own a machine gun.
Which of those "gun-nuts" have committed mass murder?

Lanza, Cruz, Cho, Loughner, Holmes, Paddock....

Have you not been paying attention?

Culture. As you well know.

Have you watched Japanese Movies? They get off more on violence than we do. some of them are absolutely batshit crazy.

Glad you brought up Japan. Japan has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the entire world.
I want to be the asshole who can send his kid to school in the morning and be assured she won't come back in a body bag because some crazy person was exercising his "constitutional right" to own a machine gun.

You're 100% safe!

Yes, many Americans own real machine guns. Not what anti-gun nuts and Progressives call Assault Weapons. Please show us when the last mass murder in a school was committed with a machine gun.

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