No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Which of those "gun-nuts" have committed mass murder?

Lanza, Cruz, Cho, Loughner, Holmes, Paddock....

Have you not been paying attention?

Culture. As you well know.

Have you watched Japanese Movies? They get off more on violence than we do. some of them are absolutely batshit crazy.

Glad you brought up Japan. Japan has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the entire world.

Yes indeed. It is called culture.
I want to be the asshole who can send his kid to school in the morning and be assured she won't come back in a body bag because some crazy person was exercising his "constitutional right" to own a machine gun.

You're 100% safe!

Yes, many Americans own real machine guns. Not what anti-gun nuts and Progressives call Assault Weapons. Please show us when the last mass murder in a school was committed with a machine gun.

The ones that own the "REAL" deals also have FFL licenses. And it's a known fact that these folks are never a problem. You are presenting a problem that doesn't exist. In the case of Gun Regs, those regs work and have worked for the last 70 years. It's the bordering weapons that are not covered by the FFL that are the problem and are the most likely to give the highest body counts.
It's amazing how you on the left can look at the sky and call it the color green. You people see and hear only what you want.

Uh, guy, nobody invented the gun to shoot paper targets.

They were invented to kill people.

And your evidence of your claim is what, your opinion?

Knives are made to cut things, but can be used as a deadly weapon which we see in Europe.
Cars and trucks are designed for transportation, but used as deadly weapons.
Metal pipes are designed to transport gas and water, but can be used as a deadly weapon.
Pressure cookers are designed for food preparation, but can be used as deadly weapons.

Guns are designed to put a projectile into a target, but can be used as a deadly weapon.
It's amazing how you on the left can look at the sky and call it the color green. You people see and hear only what you want.

Uh, guy, nobody invented the gun to shoot paper targets.

They were invented to kill people.

And your evidence of your claim is what, your opinion?

Knives are made to cut things, but can be used as a deadly weapon which we see in Europe.
Cars and trucks are designed for transportation, but used as deadly weapons.
Metal pipes are designed to transport gas and water, but can be used as a deadly weapon.
Pressure cookers are designed for food preparation, but can be used as deadly weapons.

Guns are designed to put a projectile into a target, but can be used as a deadly weapon.
Guns were invented to kill people first. All uses thereafter were spinoffs. The other things you mentioned were invented for peaceful uses but can be misused to kill people. They just aren't used as much as the one that was originally designed to kill people. Your strawman is noted.
Glad you brought up Japan. Japan has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the entire world.

Yes, because they have a CLOSED, homogenous society. How many illegal aliens are allowed in Japan? How many inner city, Black gangs do they have?

Or could it be that many homicides are reported as Suicides because there isn't a clear cut person to pin it on. Hence, Japan has the highest Suicide rate in the world. But not all of the reported suicides are actually suicides. It makes Japan look more civilized than it really is. It's called "Cookin' the Books".
Or could it be that many homicides are reported as Suicides because there isn't a clear cut person to pin it on. Hence, Japan has the highest Suicide rate in the world. But not all of the reported suicides are actually suicides. It makes Japan look more civilized than it really is. It's called "Cookin' the Books".

Could be. The UK fudges their homicide numbers also, as I am sure some other countries do the same. In order to further control their law abiding subjects, they lie to continue the narrative, and agenda.
It's amazing how you on the left can look at the sky and call it the color green. You people see and hear only what you want.

Uh, guy, nobody invented the gun to shoot paper targets.

They were invented to kill people.

And your evidence of your claim is what, your opinion?

Knives are made to cut things, but can be used as a deadly weapon which we see in Europe.
Cars and trucks are designed for transportation, but used as deadly weapons.
Metal pipes are designed to transport gas and water, but can be used as a deadly weapon.
Pressure cookers are designed for food preparation, but can be used as deadly weapons.

Guns are designed to put a projectile into a target, but can be used as a deadly weapon.
Guns were invented to kill people first. All uses thereafter were spinoffs. The other things you mentioned were invented for peaceful uses but can be misused to kill people. They just aren't used as much as the one that was originally designed to kill people. Your strawman is noted.

So what's your argument here, why they were invented? And what difference does that make? So they were invented to kill people. It kept our country safe and the citizens in our society who would have been victims of crime. Sometimes killing another human being is a good thing.
You're 100% safe!

Yes, many Americans own real machine guns. Not what anti-gun nuts and Progressives call Assault Weapons. Please show us when the last mass murder in a school was committed with a machine gun.


And, no as far as I'm concerned, an Assault Rifle is a machine gun. Sorry.
Yes indeed. It is called culture.

Okay, so let's look at the Japanese culture.

Do they idolize violence? Have you seen Japanese movies? They do shit in there you'd never seen in an American movie.

The Japanese consume 25% more violent video games than Americans do.

and yes, as other posters point out, they have a suicide rate that is higher than ours. Our Angst-filled teens still seem better at taking down a bunch of their classmates and a few teachers with them, though.

But here's the thing. The Japanese have no mass shootings. Or all that many shooting murders at all. Because guns are illegal.
Since you are one of these little pink pussy hat Moon Bats that are afraid of guns then don't go buy one. However, don't be an asshole and advocate taking Constitutional rights away from people that do have the courage to protect their families. You don't want to be that kind of asshole, do you?

I want to be the asshole who can send his kid to school in the morning and be assured she won't come back in a body bag because some crazy person was exercising his "constitutional right" to own a machine gun.

If you don't want you child to be harmed in school then put pressure on the elected officials to provide security in the schools. That is much better solution than taking away Constitutional rights from all Americans. Only an asshole would advocate taking away the personal Liberties in the Bill of Rights for a problem that could be solved by a little extra security.

By the way, the percentage of kids killed in school is astronomically low. If you want to have a high chance of being shot then just walk down the streets of Democrat controlled South Chicago on a Saturday night. That and a handful of other Democrat controlled big city shitholes are where almost all the gun violence takes place in this country.
Or could it be that many homicides are reported as Suicides because there isn't a clear cut person to pin it on. Hence, Japan has the highest Suicide rate in the world. But not all of the reported suicides are actually suicides. It makes Japan look more civilized than it really is. It's called "Cookin' the Books".

Suicide is baked into the Japanese culture. It was bred into them, so to speak, just as Adolph Hitler did with the Hitler Youth. Our soldiers were astounded that thousands of Japanese civilians would commit suicide rather than being taken, prisoner. On one island I recall in particular, our soldiers watched helplessly as civilians would jump off high cliffs into the rocks and sea below. Women would cut the throats of their children before throwing them off and then jumping themselves.

And, no as far as I'm concerned, an Assault Rifle is a machine gun. Sorry.

So you're proud to say you're ignorant and darn proud to be ignorant and ill-informed!

Not at all surprised.

If you don't want you child to be harmed in school then put pressure on the elected officials to provide security in the schools. That is much better solution than taking away Constitutional rights from all Americans. Only an asshole would advocate taking away the personal Liberties in the Bill of Rights for a problem that could be solved by a little extra security.

Again, guy, we shouldn't turn our school- much less our whole country, into an armed camp because mentally unstable people want to compensate for small dicks.

And speaking of small dicks...

Yeah, that must be it. It certainly can't be the people.

Okay, except I pointed out that the Japanese are more urban than we are, live in more crowded conditions, they've been in a more or less permanent recession since the 1990's, they consume much more violent media and video games than we do.

And they have no school shootings. Little Hiro goes home and reads his ultra violent manga comics and doesn't think once about coming to school the next day and shooting up his classmates. Because he can't get a gun.
So you're proud to say you're ignorant and darn proud to be ignorant and ill-informed!

Not at all surprised.

Guy, I was in the Army for 11 years... claiming the AR-15 series is just the same as a regular rifle is nuts.
I never said anything about a law

if anyone can take your guns without your permission then they are by definition not secured.

The adults in my life never had a problem keeping their guns out of the hands of the kids in their homes.
I don't have kids but even if I did no one could get my guns out of my house without me knowing about it as they are locked in a 600 lb safe that is set in concrete in my basement. The safe has an 8 digit combination lock and I am the only one who knows the combination.

You all seem to think it can't be done

Typical progressive. Say one thing, we want to help the poor and the children and do another. You want to deny the poor the right and ability to protect themselves. What do people do that do not have a basement? If you're in the main part of the house, or asleep and your home is broken into. Doesn't matter how through an unlocked window, a home invasion or whatever, how much good are all the guns in the world locked up in that formidable safe in your basement. How are you serving and defending your family? You're not, you failed.
What the fuck are you talking about? If you think I'm a progressive then you have't read any of my posts

The kid took the father's guns without the father's knowledge
It is safe to assume the father was not home at the time so he wouldn't be needing his guns to defend anyone would he?

And FYI I always have my carry weapon on my hip even at home while the rest of my guns are locked in a safe. When I'm in bed I have my carry sidearm in a quick open case screwed to the side of my night stand.

So I have no problem getting to a weapon if I need one and no one else can get to any of my other weapons

Are you so fucking stupid to think that unless you have guns lying around all over the place that you are incapable of protecting yourself or your family?

And FYI, you fucking moron, you do not need a basement to have a gun safe
You're an actual idiot if you think the reason is testosterone. Sorry, but that's the truth.

Wow, you're smarter than all biology scientists put together.

IF NOT TESTOSTERONE, what is the difference? Please be specific.

Can you point out to me where ANY credible scientist made the claim that testosterone is the primary cause of school shootings? I bet you can't.
Okay, except I pointed out that the Japanese are more urban than we are, live in more crowded conditions, they've been in a more or less permanent recession since the 1990's, they consume much more violent media and video games than we do.

And they have no school shootings. Little Hiro goes home and reads his ultra violent manga comics and doesn't think once about coming to school the next day and shooting up his classmates. Because he can't get a gun.

Your ignorance is not surprising.

Look up the word CULTURE. No, I don't mean for cheese, sour cream, or sourdough bread.
Again, guy, we shouldn't turn our school- much less our whole country, into an armed camp because mentally unstable people want to compensate for small dicks.

Such a good point. It's better to try and disarm 100% of society so that we can hope and pray that the 1% that are causing problems will also disarm.

That makes so much more sense.

Okay, except I pointed out that the Japanese are more urban than we are, live in more crowded conditions, they've been in a more or less permanent recession since the 1990's, they consume much more violent media and video games than we do.

And they have no school shootings. Little Hiro goes home and reads his ultra violent manga comics and doesn't think once about coming to school the next day and shooting up his classmates. Because he can't get a gun.

It's not because they can't get guns. They can get knives, they can get trucks, and I'm sure they can get explosives or the ingredients to at least make pipe bombs.

They are likely raised in two parent households with a sense of dignity and pride. I remember one time listening to the Howard Stern show years ago when he had guest Chuck Zito on. Chuck Zito was head of the Hells Angels and did some acting. He's the baddest dude in NYC.

He got locked up in a Japanese jail and eventually extradited back to the US. HIs story about their jails compared to ours is quite telling of why nobody would want to be locked up there. He stated it was the first time he ever cried as an adult. It was solitary confinement in a room not even large enough to pace. No television, no radio and no mail. They gave him magazines and like articles to read.

In our prisons, they have pool rooms, workout rooms, football fields, a little room where your wife can stop by to start a family, or just a personal visit if you were on good behavior. They get three meals a day plus snacks and an account for your family or friends to put money into.

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