No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this...

Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.

Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?
And, now we have common sense gun laws. How many more common sense gun laws do we need before they go beyond common sense and accomplish nothing?

Perhaps hunting has fallen out of favor where you live, but it certainly has not where I live, the panhandle of Florida.

As you know, personal protection has worked and worked well. More guns have equaled fewer murders and violent crimes. Why is that a problem for you? Why do you demand more murders and violent crimes?
I think carrying a gun makes you fell safe. I know it did for me years ago. However, I suspect that feeling safe has little to do with being safe. Having a gun and being able to make a spit second decision to use it and do so effectively when your're scared shirtless is something totally different.

Trained, experience law enforcement officers often fair poorly in emergency situations. I saw a study that said 21 percent of law enforcement officers killed with a handgun were shot with their own service weapon. They average a 20 percent hit ratio in armed confrontations, meaning that only 20 percent of shots fired hit the intended target. And these guys are professionals.

I have no such hesitation and I'm not law enforcement.

Please show us your reliable source and link proving your point about 21 percent of LE were murdered with their own service weapon.
It was 12%, not 21%. I reversed the digits

If you truly have no hesitation when drawing a gun, I doubt you're representative of most gun owners. Less than 7% of all gun owners have used a gun to defend themselves, their family or possessions. It also appears most gun owners are not very active in maintaining their skills, an occasional trip to a gun range or a yearly hunting trip. For people to respond properly in life threatening situations, it takes skill and repetitive training, something few gun owners have. And when those situations involve innocent bystanders as in schools and shopping center, the untrained, inexperience gun owner is likely to do more harm than good.
1. The demographics of gun ownership

If you are chickenshit to use a gun then don't buy one.

Don't bitch about me owning one.

The Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is not dependent upon any level of proficiency.
Unfortunately, you're correct. Nuts cases can purchase all the guns and ammunition they need to kill dozens of kids. I don't think that is what founder had in mind.

Nor did they have in mind that people should be defenseless against criminals and attacks.
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.

Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?
Guns are designed to kill. Cars are designed as transportation.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.

How? By implementing commie regulations of the left? I asked this before, but I need to ask it again:

In the past, the left has complained about high capacity magazines, AR's, even all semi-automatic weapons. Now lets say the Republicans acted on that and made all AR's, semi-automatic weapons, and high capacity magazines illegal. Would you be satisfied with the results of this last school shooting? Would you say we did enough, because this kid didn't use an AR, high capacity magazines or a semi-automatic?

Of course not, you would be looking to ban something else; maybe revolvers next. And when the next mass murder takes place, ban another thing.

It's not going to stop because IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem. All gun bans could possibly do is stop a killer from using a particular gun, but that's not going to stop the killer.
IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem.
It's both.

Not at all.

If you went to a nice upper-middle-class community, made a law that everybody there had to own a firearm, there would be no change in their murder or assault rate. If you took every gun out of lower income areas, made it a law that nobody could own a gun, the crime would still be the same or worse.

If you disarm a nut, all you did was stop him from murdering with a gun, but you won't stop the murderer.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Japan's gun laws are very simple, "No one shall possess a firearms". As a result, the murder rate in Japan is .31 per 100,000 inhabitants, 1/15 of the US rate.

There are 3 times as many murders in the state of Texas as in whole country of Japan. If guns stop crime then why does Texas have over 1300 murders a year when they have 337,000 guns in the hand of the public and Japan has 380 when the public has essentially none?

Move the ghetto population of Houston to Japan and sees what happens.
Dad should definitely be charged. We need to go after anyone who arms these killers, they clearly need an incentive to be more responsible with their arms.
Didn't the courts overturn a law that gun owners needed to secure their weapons (I think it was in D.C.). The courts said you can't tell a man what to do inside his castle. So I don't think holding Dad accountable will fly in the long run.
TBH, I think the Dad will suffer for the rest of his life about this. Imagine if it were your kid who did this. It must be nearly insufferable.

You do have a point. If a kid gets into the liquor cabinet at home, gets drunk, and grabs his car getting into a fatal accident, you don't blame the parents because the kid stole booze.
But the parents are still responsible for the acts of their minor children
No. In most states, parents are responsible for all malicious or willful property damage done by their children. The parent is obligated only to financially compensate the party harmed by his or her child's actions.
Regardless of that the father should still be held culpable as his kid used his guns to murder 10 people.

It is not difficult to secure firearms.

It is if don't have one or more inquisitive teenagers in the house. They get paid the big bucks to nose into things their parents think are safe from prying eyes.

This comes down to us never being able to make a mistake and the terrorists to get through just once. There 50-100 million homes where the owners kept the weapons safe from their kids. One got through. What law is going to prevent that one?
come on libs, give us the language of the new law that would stop all gun crimes. You say you want new laws, give us the language you want to see in them

Or, you could just STFU and move on with your miserable lives.
Funny how you think guns kill people on their own... that’s your logic
No. What's funny is your utter lack of imagination.

Any problem created by man can be solved by man. Right up until the money from the NRA is factored in. And then man becomes the problem.

You leftists are like a puppet on a string. The Democrat party created this phony boogie man and you people buy it hook, line and sinker. The truth of the matter is that we Republican constituents believe in the Constitution and in particular, gun rights. If the NRA closed up tomorrow, the party would not change it's position.
I doubt that. Without the money from the NRA and without the political scorecard they keep, Republicans would recognize the havoc of gun violence and respond responsibly.

How? By implementing commie regulations of the left? I asked this before, but I need to ask it again:

In the past, the left has complained about high capacity magazines, AR's, even all semi-automatic weapons. Now lets say the Republicans acted on that and made all AR's, semi-automatic weapons, and high capacity magazines illegal. Would you be satisfied with the results of this last school shooting? Would you say we did enough, because this kid didn't use an AR, high capacity magazines or a semi-automatic?

Of course not, you would be looking to ban something else; maybe revolvers next. And when the next mass murder takes place, ban another thing.

It's not going to stop because IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem. All gun bans could possibly do is stop a killer from using a particular gun, but that's not going to stop the killer.
IT'S NOT THE GUNS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, it's the people that are a problem.
It's both.

No, the fault is 100% with the people. How many hundred millions of guns did nothing last night except to sit where they were last placed.
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.

Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?
Guns are designed to kill. Cars are designed as transportation.
Na, someone else’s Firearm ownership is none of your business. You silly fucker
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.

Which of those "gun-nuts" have committed mass murder?
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Unfortunately in a population of 330,000,000 we have some nutcases. That is the luck of the draw.

Here's the funny thing about it. Japan has 120,000,000 people, and even with the "luck of the draw" they don't have mass shootings. And quite honestly, the Japanese are nuts. Japan is to crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. They have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs.

The sane answer to dealing with the nut cases is to NOT take Constitutional rights away from the non nutcases.

Again, because some slave rapists couldn't write a cogent militia amendment is not a good reason to give nutcases easy access to guns.

The best argument for gun control is a ten minute conversation with a gun nut.
Japan's gun laws are very simple, "No one shall possess a firearms". As a result, the murder rate in Japan is .31 per 100,000 inhabitants, 1/15 of the US rate.

There are 3 times as many murders in the state of Texas as in whole country of Japan. If guns stop crime then why does Texas have over 1300 murders a year when they have 337,000 guns in the hand of the public and Japan has 380 when the public has essentially none?

Culture. As you well know.
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.

Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?
Guns are designed to kill. Cars are designed as transportation.
Na, someone else’s Firearm ownership is none of your business. You silly fucker
What post are you so clumsily trying to respond to?
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.

Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?
Guns are designed to kill. Cars are designed as transportation.
Na, someone else’s Firearm ownership is none of your business. You silly fucker
What post are you so clumsily trying to respond to?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right enless someone fucks it up for themselves.
Vehicle ownership certainly is not...
Last edited:
Cars versus guns. A uniquely desperate defense of guns.

Let us consider the intended design use of each and perhaps only then will the gun culture abandon this inept argument.

Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?
Guns are designed to kill. Cars are designed as transportation.
Na, someone else’s Firearm ownership is none of your business. You silly fucker
What post are you so clumsily trying to respond to?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right enless someone fucks it up for themselves.
Vehicle ownership is certainly is not...
Firearm ownership, along with all other,rights, is not an absolute. Where's your .50 caliber?
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified As Sante Fe High School Shooter

“Governor Greg Abbott confirmed Pagourtzis used a shotgun and .38 revolver in the shooting that belonged to his father.”

Gun control does not work....
England, Germany and France --countries comparable to the US--have murder rates many times lower than the US...and they have very strict gun control
Progressive controlled areas are the areas with the highest violent crime rate in the country. Conservative controlled areas have the lowest... in someplaces it is almost nonexistent.
Firearm ownership is highest in a red counties, those counties have the lowest violent crime rate in the country. Frivolous gun control laws are for stupid people to believe in...
The lowest murder rate is in the area where someone has a CCW permit and is carrying.
Great. Guns are sold to people who wish to defend themselves, their family, and even strangers. Guns are designed for hunting. Guns are designed to be a deterrent to crime. Anything else?
Guns are designed to kill. Cars are designed as transportation.
Na, someone else’s Firearm ownership is none of your business. You silly fucker
What post are you so clumsily trying to respond to?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right enless someone fucks it up for themselves.
Vehicle ownership is certainly is not...
Firearm ownership, along with all other,rights, is not an absolute. Where's your .50 caliber?
50 caliber....

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