No greater poetic justice than Trump's tariffs--& China's retaliation!

You bedwetters still haven't figured Trump out...have you? He threatens and then he backs off. It's the art of the deal in action. He's been doing it for decades as a businessman and he's doing it now as President. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

But he was a shitty businessman and he did not write that book.

You're not a shitty businessman when you build an empire like the one that Trump built. Claiming that he simply stupid on your part...

Trump took the company his grandma gave him and almost lost it a few times. His shitty business decisions are well known.

When everyone was leaving Atlantic City he ignored all the "experts" and built a gigantic expensive casino that almost cost him grandma's company.

He bought an airline that had been profitable for more than 30 years and bankrupted it in less than 2. This happened solely because of Trump's business decisions. Trump was convinced that commuters between NY and Boston wanted gold faucets in the lavatory and mahogany trim in the cabin.

If you take the time and do a little research you will find that Trump's empire did not really take off until he quit making business decisions and focused on being a celebrity. It was not until Trump Inc became a holding company and Trump quit making day to day decisions that his empire took off.

Has Trump had businesses that have failed? Ah...yeah! Have the number of business ventures that succeeded FAR outweighed those that did fail? OH YEAH! Many...many...many that were successful! Trump's empire really took off once he got to the point where he'd been so successful that he could make money simply by putting his name on things. He became a celebrity because his name was synonymous with success. I know that doesn't fit into the progressive "narrative" these days but it's reality...just like it's reality that he's your President.

You are just another star stuck celebrity worshiper it seems.

Yes, Trump is my president just like Obama was before him and Bush II before him and Clinton before him and Bush I before him and Regain before him. And so far the trend is that each is worse than the one that came before and Trump is not doing anything to stop that trend.

As far as what Trump does not fit, he does not fit my small government, more personal freedoms, strong 2nd amendment, less debt and letting the free market do its thing point of view. But I do understand that he fits your statist leanings very well.
Well, the stock market looks like it's gonna see 20,000 before it starts flirting with 27,000.

And all because of Trump's stupidity.
I looked at the list. The Chinese are the ones who will suffer shortages because of their tariffs. We have other buyers.

We do? Who is going to buy the soybeans that China buys?

Sent from my iPhone using

The USA grows 108 million metric tons of soybeans and last year china imported 5.82 million metric tons from us. They can't beat us on trade

Actually we shipped 27.5 million tonnes to China last year.

It's not just soy beans it's corn, wheat, pork, meat, suv's, trucks etc. etc.. CNBC economic Analysts stated if this tariff goes through it's going to be a financial blood bath for farmers, ranchers, pork producers and manufacturers all across this country, leading to another recession in 2019.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs
Trump's tariff gamble with China could be catastrophic for the economy, the GOP — and his presidency
Trump tariffs on appliances, electronics will hit American consumers, retailers warn
Trump states would be hit hard by new Chinese tariffs

The stock market is getting pounded over it too. Trump's response. Well the market has gone up 40% since I have been in office, so what's a little PAIN---:auiqs.jpg:



You voted for it--you got it---:banghead: Anyone that voted for this Ass Clown should be exempted from voting for the next 10 years. You should be wearing bags over your heads.
Last edited:
Enjoyment at the expense of Americans that may be in a bad spot.

A true democrat enjoyment.

Very telling

Trump supporters are barely human, let alone real Americans.

They're pretty dam STUPID that's for certain. Here is a great article about that.


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters' brains

People who think that they're INFORMED because they listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and read the Drudge Report and & ONLY watch FOX NEWS, shouldn't ever cast a vote.


Another great article--that everyone should spend the next 20 minutes reading. How they were manipulated & why Trump is POTUS today.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues to primary voters—Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Sara Palin, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Jan Brewer, Ben Carson, Joe Arpao, Rick Scott, Rudi Guiliani, Ben Carson, Chris Christie,, The Drudge Report,--are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed
Last edited:
Enjoyment at the expense of Americans that may be in a bad spot.

A true democrat enjoyment.

Very telling

Trump supporters are barely human, let alone real Americans.

They're pretty dam STUPID that's for certain. Here is a great article about that.


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters' brains

They should be rounded up and executed en masse with their own beloved guns. That would be hilarious.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

You renegotiate existing trade agreements not threaten them. Especially China who owns a lot of American debt and could easily skyrocket those interest rates. Again you Trump people are not the sharpest knives in the drawer when it comes to the Economy or frankly anything else.


Reading hasn't killed anyone yet you might want to try it sometime.
Trump states would be hit hard by new Chinese tariffs

In fact the Pacific Trade agreement that Trump kicked to the curb included renegotiation on NAFTA.
Trump Abandons Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama’s Signature Trade Deal
Last edited:
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

There is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump’s tariffs won’t go into effect until summer. I’d bet anything they end up being completely neutered like everything else Trump does. Like how he immediately exempted everybody that sells us steel and aluminum from his steel and aluminum tariffs.

Well, he had to start a war somewhere, and this may be it. Any regrets now?

Poetic justice is Trump tariffing China. You idiot China did it first. Idiots
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

You renegotiate existing trade agreements not threaten them. Especially China who owns a lot of American debt and could easily skyrocket those interest rates. Again you Trump people are not the sharpest knives in the drawer when it comes to the Economy or frankly anything else.


Reading hasn't killed anyone yet you might want to try it sometime.
Trump states would be hit hard by new Chinese tariffs

In fact the Pacific Trade agreement that Trump kicked to the curb included renegotiation on NAFTA.
Trump Abandons Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama’s Signature Trade Deal

Trump’s great
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

You watch wayyyy too much TV.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

You watch wayyyy too much TV.

And you are leftist
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

You watch wayyyy too much TV.

And you are leftist

No, that would be you. I have yet to meet anyone on this board right of me.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.
Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

You watch wayyyy too much TV.
And you are leftist

No, that would be you. I have yet to meet anyone on this board right of me.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.

Trump’s brilliant

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