No greater poetic justice than Trump's tariffs--& China's retaliation!

Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.

Trump’s brilliant

He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.

Who says it's a bluff? What Trump is threatening the Chinese with is a trade war that's bad for both countries. China doesn't want that anymore than we do because we're their biggest trading partner. What Trump is telling the Chinese is simply that they need to start playing fair with us. They haven't been and THEY KNOW THEY HAVEN'T BEEN! The Chinese will threaten retaliatory tariffs on US products because it's what they've done in the past and we've ALWAYS caved! If we don't...if we demand better...they'll give us better! Why? Because at the end of the day it's in their own best interest to do so and not harm their economy with a trade war.
Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.
Trump’s brilliant

He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.

Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!
Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.
Trump’s brilliant

He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.

Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!

I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.
Trump was the one retaliating

Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.
Trump’s brilliant

He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.
Just in your house
Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.
Trump’s brilliant

He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.

Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!

I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.

What was that, John? So dumb they couldn't tie their shoes? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but folks from the fly over States think most of you from the coasts are world class idiots who need to be watched over constantly so they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have!
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


and china can call in our debt and really screw us all....

but trumptards...........
I looked at the list. The Chinese are the ones who will suffer shortages because of their tariffs. We have other buyers.

We do? Who is going to buy the soybeans that China buys?

Sent from my iPhone using

The USA grows 108 million metric tons of soybeans and last year china imported 5.82 million metric tons from us. They can't beat us on trade

Check your facts
Major countries of destination for U.S. soybean exports 2016 | Statistic

Looks more like 35.8 million metric tonnes... So one third of the crop goes to China...

Just as a fact Brazil exported 52 million metric tonnes to China...
Trump is right about China and about previous presidents being complete pussies and rolling over for China.

He's wrong about the way he's going about this though.

Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

You watch wayyyy too much TV.
And you are leftist

No, that would be you. I have yet to meet anyone on this board right of me.

As I have stated, you live in your own little fantasy world. I am willing to wager there is not a single issue you are further than than me on. We know that you are WAYYYYY to the left of me on the economy and spending and the national debt.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’


and china can call in our debt and really screw us all....

but trumptards...........

China calling in all of our debt would in fact screw us...but it would also monumentally screw them! Liberals like yourself are too stupid when it comes to economics to grasp that concept!
Except people are going to call your bluff if that's all you know how to do. Trump is just making shit up. He doesn't know what he's doing, but he's too arrogant to accept the advice of others who know much more than him, me, you, and the rest of this board put together, telling him that this is not the way to go.
Trump’s brilliant

He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.

Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!

I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.

What was that, John? So dumb they couldn't tie their shoes? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but folks from the fly over States think most of you from the coasts are world class idiots who need to be watched over constantly so they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have!

I live in Illinois. That happens to be pretty far from either coast.
Trump’s brilliant

He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.

Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!

I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.

What was that, John? So dumb they couldn't tie their shoes? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but folks from the fly over States think most of you from the coasts are world class idiots who need to be watched over constantly so they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have!

I live in Illinois. That happens to be pretty far from either coast.

That would be the North, John...try and keep up!
Really, John? I think Trump knows far more about how to deal with the Chinese than Barack Obama ever did! They respect someone who is a tough negotiator and they think those who aren't...aren't worthy of respect. What you bedwetters can never seem to grasp is that Trump threatens Armageddon and then offers a deal. It's how the game is played.

You watch wayyyy too much TV.
And you are leftist

No, that would be you. I have yet to meet anyone on this board right of me.

As I have stated, you live in your own little fantasy world. I am willing to wager there is not a single issue you are further than than me on. We know that you are WAYYYYY to the left of me on the economy and spending and the national debt.
Or not
He can most likely tie his shoes. I guess down south that qualifies you as brilliant.

Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!

I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.

What was that, John? So dumb they couldn't tie their shoes? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but folks from the fly over States think most of you from the coasts are world class idiots who need to be watched over constantly so they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have!

I live in Illinois. That happens to be pretty far from either coast.

That would be the North, John...try and keep up!

You said I'm from "the coasts". Which, obviously, I'm not. So ... you're pretty dumb, I guess.
Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!

I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.

What was that, John? So dumb they couldn't tie their shoes? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but folks from the fly over States think most of you from the coasts are world class idiots who need to be watched over constantly so they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have!

I live in Illinois. That happens to be pretty far from either coast.

That would be the North, John...try and keep up!

You said I'm from "the coasts". Which, obviously, I'm not. So ... you're pretty dumb, I guess.

I was referring to you and your progressive friends, John. Generally live in the North in cities and on the coasts in urban areas. Generally speaking once have a bad habit of fouling your own nests and then moving elsewhere to start over again...usually a place inhabited with the folks that you find to be so stupid...but who have somehow managed NOT to screw up where they live!
Ah yes...another "progressive" who denigrates people because they have a funny accent? Like that makes them border line retarded? It's that attitude, John that makes people from below the Mason Dixon Line HATE people from the north and from the west coast. It's the same attitude that makes people in the "fly over" States hate people from both coasts. Here's a piece of advice to you from someone who has lived and worked all over this country...don't judge people by where they're from or what they sound like. If you do they will inevitably make a fool of you because they AREN'T as dumb as you think they are!

I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.

What was that, John? So dumb they couldn't tie their shoes? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but folks from the fly over States think most of you from the coasts are world class idiots who need to be watched over constantly so they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have!

I live in Illinois. That happens to be pretty far from either coast.

That would be the North, John...try and keep up!

You said I'm from "the coasts". Which, obviously, I'm not. So ... you're pretty dumb, I guess.

I'm from a college town in Massachusetts. Unlike you however...I'm smart enough not to stereotype people because they live in rural areas or talk "funny"!
I lived in Indiana for 10+ years. I know exactly what folk there are like.

What was that, John? So dumb they couldn't tie their shoes? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but folks from the fly over States think most of you from the coasts are world class idiots who need to be watched over constantly so they don't screw up the country anymore than they already have!

I live in Illinois. That happens to be pretty far from either coast.

That would be the North, John...try and keep up!

You said I'm from "the coasts". Which, obviously, I'm not. So ... you're pretty dumb, I guess.

I was referring to you and your progressive friends, John. Generally live in the North in cities and on the coasts in urban areas. Generally speaking once have a bad habit of fouling your own nests and then moving elsewhere to start over again...usually a place inhabited with the folks that you find to be so stupid...but who have somehow managed NOT to screw up where they live!

I lived in small town Illinois, then small town Indiana, and now in a pretty average-sized town about 40 minutes from Chicago.

So .. how many times are you trying to be wrong about me and where I live?

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