No Guns allowed at North Carolina state fair.

Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

Was anyone hurt? Do you think outcome would have been better with armed cowboys strutting around?
Does it fucking matter? Did it happen after the gun ban was enforced?
Armed cowboys?
You are a dumb bitch.

Actually the tone of your posts consistently demonstrates the whole brute force fallacy. "Might makes right" doesn't work with rhetoric any more than it works with ballistics.
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

Was anyone hurt? Do you think outcome would have been better with armed cowboys strutting around?
Does it fucking matter? Did it happen after the gun ban was enforced?
Armed cowboys?
You are a dumb bitch.

Actually the tone of your posts consistently demonstrates the whole brute force fallacy. "Might makes right" doesn't work with rhetoric any more than it works with ballistics.
My might is very right. because I make it that way.
The video and news report says two people. This article says three. Which is it? There is misunderstanding not only in the number of people, but in the whole situation, I guess.
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

Was anyone hurt? Do you think outcome would have been better with armed cowboys strutting around?
Does it fucking matter? Did it happen after the gun ban was enforced?
Armed cowboys?
You are a dumb bitch.

Actually the tone of your posts consistently demonstrates the whole brute force fallacy. "Might makes right" doesn't work with rhetoric any more than it works with ballistics.
My might is very right. because I make it that way.
can you say pretentious dick ? you could but you'd have no clue what pretentious means.
you have no real might you're all wind..
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

Was anyone hurt? Do you think outcome would have been better with armed cowboys strutting around?
Does it fucking matter? Did it happen after the gun ban was enforced?
Armed cowboys?
You are a dumb bitch.

Actually the tone of your posts consistently demonstrates the whole brute force fallacy. "Might makes right" doesn't work with rhetoric any more than it works with ballistics.
My might is very right. because I make it that way.
can you say pretentious dick ? you could but you'd have no clue what pretentious means.
you have no real might you're all wind..
Go to hell, I'm always right when dealing with faggot liberals.
Meanwhile, back in reality - we are now up to 249 mass shootings in the US this year - how's that working out for you?

Gun free zones are never going to be effective until the total number of guns is reduced and safety-based gun laws are in place. I've never understood the logic in creating a gun-free island in a sea of guns.
Cut the bullshit
I wonder how they smuggled their guns past the metal detectors? It`s not too difficult to sneak past a sign with a gun in your pocket but in some parts of the country where people listen to a lot of banjo music and enjoy squealing like pigs, you can`t really count on everyone having the ability to read a sign.
Really? An anti Caucasian racist stereotype? Gee you libs are never at the limits of your hypocrisy, are you?
On the other hand, go screw yourself.
Was anyone hurt? Do you think outcome would have been better with armed cowboys strutting around?
Does it fucking matter? Did it happen after the gun ban was enforced?
Armed cowboys?
You are a dumb bitch.

Actually the tone of your posts consistently demonstrates the whole brute force fallacy. "Might makes right" doesn't work with rhetoric any more than it works with ballistics.
My might is very right. because I make it that way.
can you say pretentious dick ? you could but you'd have no clue what pretentious means.
you have no real might you're all wind..
Go to hell, I'm always right when dealing with faggot liberals.
really? I'm not gay and I an independent ,
so there's two more things you've gotten wrong.
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

took the family to the fair in Raleigh , the last thing educated normal people and their families need is some slack jawed hill billy voiced yokels playing rambo . when was the last time there was shooting there? Never
Racist prick. You are worthless.
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

took the family to the fair in Raleigh , the last thing educated normal people and their families need is some slack jawed hill billy voiced yokels playing rambo . when was the last time there was shooting there? Never
Simple response

You just had to bring race into it, didn't you.
Guno and another poster on P 1 brought race into it first. By using anti Caucasian racist epithets.
You wanna try some now too?
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

took the family to the fair in Raleigh , the last thing educated normal people and their families need is some slack jawed hill billy voiced yokels playing rambo . when was the last time there was shooting there? Never
Simple response

You just had to bring race into it, didn't you.

Time is coming to an end here in NC for the slack jawed neo confederate yahoos
HA! This state is swinging back to solid red. Leaving you racist left wing fringe moonbats wallowing in your own piss
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

took the family to the fair in Raleigh , the last thing educated normal people and their families need is some slack jawed hill billy voiced yokels playing rambo . when was the last time there was shooting there? Never
Simple response

You just had to bring race into it, didn't you.
Guno and another poster on P 1 brought race into it first. By using anti Caucasian racist epithets.
You wanna try some now too?
false this is not racist: " some slack jawed hill billy voiced yokels" it would be bigoted if the stereotype weren't real.
Meanwhile, back in reality - we are now up to 249 mass shootings in the US this year - how's that working out for you?

Gun free zones are never going to be effective until the total number of guns is reduced and safety-based gun laws are in place. I've never understood the logic in creating a gun-free island in a sea of guns.

There was not one good man with a gun. Your list doesn't include one incident like what happened up here.

Where one good man with a gun stopped a potential massacre on Parliament Hill. Now that aside.

Think car bombs. If some one can't get a gun or a knife they'll go for car bombs. Can you reduce the number of car bombs and make safety based car bombs and put those laws in place to control car bombs?

You see where I'm going here. Those that commit mass murder will use whatever tool at their disposal. Take away their guns they'll use bombs.

You cannot legislate the crazies among us. In the old days we'd take out "old crazy uncle earl " hunting. There would be an accident. Same with "old uncle bob who touched your cousin". There would be a hunting accident.

Worked for years. :)

yes just what Normal families need at the fair, getting caught in cross fire from some slack jawed hill billy red necks fresh from last nights fight at their trailer parks
Keep it up.....
Meanwhile, back in reality - we are now up to 249 mass shootings in the US this year - how's that working out for you?

Gun free zones are never going to be effective until the total number of guns is reduced and safety-based gun laws are in place. I've never understood the logic in creating a gun-free island in a sea of guns.

There was not one good man with a gun. Your list doesn't include one incident like what happened up here.

Where one good man with a gun stopped a potential massacre on Parliament Hill. Now that aside.

Think car bombs. If some one can't get a gun or a knife they'll go for car bombs. Can you reduce the number of car bombs and make safety based car bombs and put those laws in place to control car bombs?

You see where I'm going here. Those that commit mass murder will use whatever tool at their disposal. Take away their guns they'll use bombs.

You cannot legislate the crazies among us. In the old days we'd take out "old crazy uncle earl " hunting. There would be an accident. Same with "old uncle bob who touched your cousin". There would be a hunting accident.

Worked for years. :)

yes just what Normal families need at the fair, getting caught in cross fire from some slack jawed hill billy red necks fresh from last nights fight at their trailer parks
You need to be booted from your hud house.
Booted from USMB would be a start. Already working on that.
Meanwhile, back in reality - we are now up to 249 mass shootings in the US this year - how's that working out for you?

Gun free zones are never going to be effective until the total number of guns is reduced and safety-based gun laws are in place. I've never understood the logic in creating a gun-free island in a sea of guns.

There was not one good man with a gun. Your list doesn't include one incident like what happened up here.

Where one good man with a gun stopped a potential massacre on Parliament Hill. Now that aside.

Think car bombs. If some one can't get a gun or a knife they'll go for car bombs. Can you reduce the number of car bombs and make safety based car bombs and put those laws in place to control car bombs?

You see where I'm going here. Those that commit mass murder will use whatever tool at their disposal. Take away their guns they'll use bombs.

You cannot legislate the crazies among us. In the old days we'd take out "old crazy uncle earl " hunting. There would be an accident. Same with "old uncle bob who touched your cousin". There would be a hunting accident.

Worked for years. :)

Oh bullshit.

The objective of mass shooters is not murder. That's just a side effect. They're after remote-controlled chaos, the rush of power you can only get from strafing the helpless with your automatic metallic penis machine. It's completely about the gun effect. It's completely about the power. The murder aspect is mere coincidence. If it were not so, the victims would not be randomly selected. Think about it for once.

Perhaps a small percentage falls into your descriptive category but I'd say that most mass shooters are simply nutjobs who fear the world and lash out by simply shooting at it. They live in a world of fantasy-driven delusions.

You just said the same thing I did in different words. :thup:

I've owned a "metallic penis machine" for many years but haven't even shot any animals with it. Just targets.

Didn't say it always happens, or is true of everybody. But clearly it's a powerful tool whose power not every soul can handle. That cannot be more clear.

A car, a jack hammer, and fire hose are "powerful tools" that not every soul can handle either but there are no anti-car, anti-jack-hammer, or anti-fire-hose lobbies working diligently to ban them either. Like cars, jack hammers, and fire hoses, guns serve a purpose and anyone wishing to operate one should be trained in gun safety and proper use. There are ample laws already on the books with those goals in mind. If folks break those laws then they are lawbreakers and should be punished. Law-abiding citizens should NOT be punished as a result of the actions of lawbreakers.
"Law-abiding citizens should NOT be punished as a result of the actions of lawbreakers."
This is PRECISELY the opposite of liberal analysis. The term "law and order liberalism" refers to the concept of punishing the innocent to get to the guilty. Or more simply put, creating criminals and crime for the purpose of maintaining control of the population.
Three held up at gun point, hows that gun free zone working for you? Guess the robbers forgot they couldn't bring their guns
3 robbed at gunpoint after N.C. state fair declares gun-free zone - Washington Times

took the family to the fair in Raleigh , the last thing educated normal people and their families need is some slack jawed hill billy voiced yokels playing rambo . when was the last time there was shooting there? Never
Simple response

You just had to bring race into it, didn't you.
Guno and another poster on P 1 brought race into it first. By using anti Caucasian racist epithets.
You wanna try some now too?
false this is not racist: " some slack jawed hill billy voiced yokels" it would be bigoted if the stereotype weren't real.
You do not get to determine that. Only those who are the targets of the statement are permitted to make that determination. I say it's racist. And that is all you need to know.

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