No Heart Transplant Because He’s Not Vaccinated Against COVID

For the moron's who think someone who is not going to help themselves before a transplant, should get a transplant.

Not one of you moron's will read why he needs not just covid vaccine but other protocols a transplant patient must do because they lose their immunity during and after the transplant.

BOSTON (CBS) – David Ferguson is speaking out passionately on behalf of his son DJ. He says the 31-year-old is fighting for his life at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and in desperate need of a heart transplant. “My son has gone to the edge of death to stick to his guns and he’s been pushed to the limit,” Ferguson said.

The family says he was at the front of the line to receive a transplant but because he has not received the COVID-19 vaccination he is no longer eligible according to hospital policy. And Ferguson says his son refuses to get the shot.

“It’s kind of against his basic principles, he doesn’t believe in it. It’s a policy they are enforcing and so because he won’t get the shot, they took him off the list of a heart transplant,” Ferguson said.

Do you think it's right to deny someone medical care based on their vaccination status?
Absolutely it is their right. Someone else will get the transplant. He made his choice.
BOSTON (CBS) – David Ferguson is speaking out passionately on behalf of his son DJ. He says the 31-year-old is fighting for his life at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and in desperate need of a heart transplant. “My son has gone to the edge of death to stick to his guns and he’s been pushed to the limit,” Ferguson said.

The family says he was at the front of the line to receive a transplant but because he has not received the COVID-19 vaccination he is no longer eligible according to hospital policy. And Ferguson says his son refuses to get the shot.

“It’s kind of against his basic principles, he doesn’t believe in it. It’s a policy they are enforcing and so because he won’t get the shot, they took him off the list of a heart transplant,” Ferguson said.

Do you think it's right to deny someone medical care based on their vaccination status?
Honestly, if I am his dad, I forge his signature on a consent form then tell him he is getting a different med when he gets the shot.
Lol, they are not refusing to give him one he is sent down the waiting list for risky behavior. Smoke cigarettes you get put lower on the list etc. Multiple different behaviors get you put down the list not just vaccination status.
Another covid vax Nazi. I bet you catch a lot of cock.
Remember when "POD" was a scary thing in cheap movies?

These days, re. The Democrat Party, POD (Party of Death) is genuinely scary!
Wow, so Republicans no longer defend an owner's right to decide what may or may not take place on their own private property?
Lol, they are not refusing to give him one he is sent down the waiting list for risky behavior. Smoke cigarettes you get put lower on the list etc. Multiple different behaviors get you put down the list not just vaccination status.
Do you laugh out loud when you hear "Death Panel"?
Wow, so Republicans no longer defend an owner's right to decide what may or may not take place on their own private property?
Are you not allowed to understand that once you suck up the federal bucks property is no longer :yours", it belongs to "The People"?
BOSTON (CBS) – David Ferguson is speaking out passionately on behalf of his son DJ. He says the 31-year-old is fighting for his life at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and in desperate need of a heart transplant. “My son has gone to the edge of death to stick to his guns and he’s been pushed to the limit,” Ferguson said.

The family says he was at the front of the line to receive a transplant but because he has not received the COVID-19 vaccination he is no longer eligible according to hospital policy. And Ferguson says his son refuses to get the shot.

“It’s kind of against his basic principles, he doesn’t believe in it. It’s a policy they are enforcing and so because he won’t get the shot, they took him off the list of a heart transplant,” Ferguson said.

Do you think it's right to deny someone medical care based on their vaccination status?
How could a science denying person submit to a heart transplant?
the 'vax' 'effs up one's immunological system Eder

lol. yeah. it's really dastardly. the fucking vax tells the police what to catch. that's really shitty of the vax.

it's much better to take forsythia.
Since mandates are viewed as illegal for the general population by the supreme court, and if this hospital receives federal funding, refusing treatment would be illegal.

A 100% private hospital can do what they want, it is immoral but not illegal. Is there a hospital in the USA that does not receive federal funding?
They aren't refusing treatment, they're reappraising his transplant eligibility.
Since mandates are viewed as illegal for the general population by the supreme court, and if this hospital receives federal funding, refusing treatment would be illegal.

A 100% private hospital can do what they want, it is immoral but not illegal. Is there a hospital in the USA that does not receive federal funding?

Nope. These rules have been in place since they discovered they could implant human organs into people. Nothing immoral about it. They give organs to ppl who will abide by the rules. If you refuse they move onto the next person who will. It's that simple. What happened to the right wing talking point of, "personal responsibility?" I guess you ppl only use that when it's convenient for you, just like "law and order" didn't apply when it came to Jan 6.

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