NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

Gays have the right to free speech, to vote and all the real important stuff,
Such self pity !

When one makes the absurd statement that “gays already have equality “because they can, like anyone else, marry someone of the opposite sex, they are presuming that a gay person can decide to live as a straight person and have a fulfilling life with someone of the opposite sex. ( Insert reference to McGreevy) The other possibility is that you do not believe that fulfillment or love in marriage is a right or a reasonable expectation., at least not for gays.In any case they are in effect dehumanizing gay people, portraying them as being devoid of emotion and the ability to love and desire another person as heterosexuals do.

In addition, they are reducing the institution of marriage to a loveless business arrangement while for the vast majority of people it is much more. It devalues marriage in a way, much more profoundly than feared by the anti-equality bigots, who bemoan the demise of traditional marriage simply because it is being expanded to include gays.

Heterosexuals are able to choose a marriage partner based in part on sexual attraction and romantic interests. Choice, that gay people do not have, if denied legal marriage. Sure they can choose to forgo marriage in order to be with the person who they desire, but to do so would require that they forfeit the legal security, economic benefits and social status that goes with marriage That, is really not much of a choice at all and many courts have agreed.

One of the best illustrations of that is the opinion of the 10th Circuit Court of appeals ruling to uphold the lower court which invalidated Utah’s ban on same sex marriage. Selected passages follow:

Great post! ;) Get ready to be ignored.
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Is there a valid reason not to issue driver's licenses to blind people?

You can't say the same for gay couples and marriage licenses.
We are talking about a strictly physical logical reason VS a moral idealist one. Since homosexuals already have ALL the same rights as anyone , moralistically this is a quicksand. Convince me, I have an open mind. WHY do gays NEED to be allowed to marry, since all our previous MORAL standards held Marriage is between one man and one woman. People want to let homosexuals rewrite morality, I challenge that. On what moral ground do they base this on? Don't give me bull about equal rights, totally artificial and empty argument I won't bother to trifle with, Gays HAVE all the same rights any American has...

"Convince me, I have an open mind. ":bsflag::bsflag:

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

There was no concession,

That you can't recognize that you have failed to sustain your position, does not actually effect reality. You're failure to sustain a viable contest, is to yield to the standing point, which is the actual definition of a concession.

Your second concession on the same issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted.
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Is there a valid reason not to issue driver's licenses to blind people?

You can't say the same for gay couples and marriage licenses.
We are talking about a strictly physical logical reason VS a moral idealist one. Since homosexuals already have ALL the same rights as anyone , moralistically this is a quicksand. Convince me, I have an open mind. WHY do gays NEED to be allowed to marry, since all our previous MORAL standards held Marriage is between one man and one woman. People want to let homosexuals rewrite morality, I challenge that. On what moral ground do they base this on? Don't give me bull about equal rights, totally artificial and empty argument I won't bother to trifle with, Gays HAVE all the same rights any American has...

"Convince me, I have an open mind. ":bsflag::bsflag:

If like Obama said racism is genetic, then gender is a choice.

(An abnormal choice, mind you)

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

There was no concession,

That you can't recognize that you have failed to sustain your position, does not actually effect reality. You're failure to sustain a viable contest, is to yield to the standing point, which is the actual definition of a concession.

Your second concession on the same issue, is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Why do you think you and your opinion are so important when it comes to two strangers who want to marry one another? Do you think you have the right to say who should and should not be married and why?
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Is there a valid reason not to issue driver's licenses to blind people?

You can't say the same for gay couples and marriage licenses.
We are talking about a strictly physical logical reason VS a moral idealist one. Since homosexuals already have ALL the same rights as anyone , moralistically this is a quicksand. Convince me, I have an open mind. WHY do gays NEED to be allowed to marry, since all our previous MORAL standards held Marriage is between one man and one woman. People want to let homosexuals rewrite morality, I challenge that. On what moral ground do they base this on? Don't give me bull about equal rights, totally artificial and empty argument I won't bother to trifle with, Gays HAVE all the same rights any American has...

"Convince me, I have an open mind. ":bsflag::bsflag:


He made excellent points while you have made none except "gay marriage bad." Lol! Some of you people here are a riot, and you don't even know it!
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...


And ...

Homosexuals ......buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational..

Your first sentence contradicts your second sentence.
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

No one has a right to drive. You are just insulting yourself by making this comparison.

Blind people had to fight to get equal protection- which is why for instance their access to facilities is protected by law. That doesn't mean that they can drive- because every state requires a vision test, which is an objective test with a rational basis.

Homosexuals now have almost as many rights as you have- only because they have been fighting for decades for those rights. In the next few days, they should have equal right to marry in all 50 states as you do. And that is not asking for more- that is asking for equality.
No, gays should be able to marry one another.
Who's stopin' 'em?

All they need to do is to understand what marriage is and apply for the license to marry, within the scope of the standards that define marriage. Now, FYI: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

It's really not your business, and this is the problem. Busy bodies.


So public policy is no the business of THE PUBLIC?

D E L U S I O N on P A R A D E ! ! !

Hey! Calm down, right now or this discussion is over. You got that? Try to discuss like an adult please.

No, other people's relationships are not your business. If two adults want to be married, why should they not be able to? Because YOU don't agree with homosexuality? Why the self importance when it comes to other people's lives?

You are responding to Keys- he has no ability to respond coherently let alone like an adult.
I don't see how these people can justify interfering with the happiness of others. Obviously, some people see gay people as less than human beings. That must be how they justify this kind of interference in others' lives. I could NEVER insert myself and my opinions into someone else's life in such a way. Maybe to give advice, but that is all.
When one makes the absurd statement that “gays already have equality“...

There is nothing about reality that is absurd.

Here... let me show ya:

Absurdity: the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.

Fact: One that is homosexual, Deaf, Blind and missing four limbs leaving nothing but a torso... has the SAME RIGHTS AS AN OLYMPIC ATHLETE, FIGHTER PILOT.

If you had the slightest understanding of rights; what they are, from where they come and how they are sustained... you'd know that.

That you're ignorant of such, does not alter reality ... in the slightest.
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Is there a valid reason not to issue driver's licenses to blind people?

You can't say the same for gay couples and marriage licenses.
We are talking about a strictly physical logical reason VS a moral idealist one. Since homosexuals already have ALL the same rights as anyone , ....... WHY do gays NEED to be allowed to marry, .

Do you see how you just contradicted yourself there?

You argue that gays have the same rights as anyone- and then argue that gays should not be allowed the same rights to marry as everyone.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.

Let us go back to the Milk/Moscone those days:
a) It was illegal for homosexuals to have sex with another homosexual in many states
b) Being a homosexual was grounds for discharge from military.
c) Being a homosexual was sufficient cause to be fired as a teacher in many localities.

Let me rain on your parade- there has been a long uphill battle for homosexuals to get those equal rights you so cavalierly state that they have- while at the same time complaining that they should not be able to get married- like you can to another heterosexual.

Popular media goes where the money is. And popular opinion has been changing ever since Milk challenged gays everywhere to come out of the closet and let their friends and families know who they are.

Do you honestly think that the Cheney's would be as accepting of homosexuals if their daughter had not come out to them?
I don't see how these people can justify interfering with the happiness of others.

If my happiness wire tied to your becoming affiliated with something you know to be wrong, and I listened to you explain to me, in exhaustive detail about all of the reasons why you did not want to be affiliated with whatever it was, and took your profoundly honest profession and I sued you for saying it, through an illicit interpretation of the law, wherein others who agreed with me, followed suit and the result was you losing your job, your home and your good name... . I'm guessin' that you'd feel that my happiness was less important to ya.

I don't know if you're just profoundly naive or fatally stupid... but there is no right to force yourself into institutions for which you're not only 'NOT SUITED', but of which you represent the antithesis.

That's not love, that is destruction... which, FYI: is a presentation of an irrational dislike for something: OKA: HATE.

What you either do not want to understand or are incapable of understanding is that if the SCOTUS decides with the cult tomorrow... by this time next year, we will be debating WHY Adults cannot pursue Children for Sexual Gratification.

And that's not even a debatable point Urchin... I've been debating this for 20 years and the fact is that THERE IS NO BOTTOM TO THE NEED... and THAT is why there are STANDARDS.
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When one makes the absurd statement that “gays already have equality“...

There is nothing about reality that is absurd.

Here... let me show ya:

Absurdity: the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.

Fact: One that is homosexual, Deaf, Blind and missing four limbs leaving nothing but a torso... has the SAME RIGHTS AS AN OLYMPIC ATHLETE, FIGHTER PILOT.

If you had the slightest understanding of rights; what they are, from where they come and how they are sustained... you'd know that.

That you're ignorant of such, does not alter reality ... in the slightest.

Are you serious? Of course a homosexual, deaf, blind or even just a torso of a human would have the same rights. I think it's you who doesn't understand the concept. I mean . . . holy smokes! How old are you?
I don't see how these people can justify interfering with the happiness of others.

If my happiness wire tied to your becoming affiliated with something you know to be wrong, and I listened to you explain to me, in exhaustive detail about all of the reasons why you did not want to be affiliated with whatever it was, and took your profoundly honest profession and I sued you for saying it, through an illicit interpretation of the law, wherein others who agreed with me, followed suit and the result was you losing your job, your home and your good name... . I'm guessin' that you'd feel that my happiness was less important to ya.

I don't know if you're just profoundly naive or fatally stupid... but there is no right to force yourself into institutions for which you're not only 'NOT SUITED', but of which you represent the antithesis.

That's not love, that is destruction... which, FYI: is a presentation of an irrational dislike for something: OKA: HATE.

No one is trying to or wants to affiliate you with anything.
I don't see how these people can justify interfering with the happiness of others.

If my happiness wire tied to your becoming affiliated with something you know to be wrong, and I listened to you explain to me, in exhaustive detail about all of the reasons why you did not want to be affiliated with whatever it was, and took your profoundly honest profession and I sued you for saying it, through an illicit interpretation of the law, wherein others who agreed with me, followed suit and the result was you losing your job, your home and your good name... . I'm guessin' that you'd feel that my happiness was less important to ya.

I don't know if you're just profoundly naive or fatally stupid... but there is no right to force yourself into institutions for which you're not only 'NOT SUITED', but of which you represent the antithesis.

That's not love, that is destruction... which, FYI: is a presentation of an irrational dislike for something: OKA: HATE.

IF a man and a man or a woman and a woman love one another (regardless of whether or not you can understand it), then what makes you the authority on whether or not they can be married?

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