NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
It is abnormally natural, which doesn't = normal. Normal natural is in conformance with the body parts. Homosexuality isn't.
Neither is cunninlingus.

I bet I can find a picture of two animals having gay sex before you can find one of a male animal giving head to a female.
There was a song back years ago, by a group called Ten years after, A song called "I would love to change the world", the opening lines of that song were something like:" Dykes and fairies tell me what sanity IS..." Apropos. And I totally agree with that sentiment.
Great album. That was back in the day when the hippies still used their brains.
Supersonic flight is not normal. Heart transplants are not normal. running mile a minute, extraordinary, not normal. Landing a man on the moon is not normal. Transcending normality isn't always bad.
Eating the recommended daily amount of vegetables is not normal. Very few people do.
The dipshits whine about redefining "marriage", but look how hard they work at redefining "abnormal" to mean "evil or wrong".
You athiest sick freaks have convinced me you really are descended from monkeys.

Wow I didn't think anyone could convince Flash of anything he had not pulled out of his own ass.

Now you're bragging about being a descendant of a monkey. I'm a creation of the Living God, and if anyone should be crowing about something it should be me, but I'm a decent humble sort of guy.

Hey- you can belief in any fairy tale you want to.

No problems.

So says the descendant of a monkey.

Like I said- believe in any fairy tale your lack of education leads you to.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He was uneducated and stupid too, huh.
4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

Show me a male animal giving oral sex to a female, and then we'll talk about nature and normal and abnormal.
Wow I didn't think anyone could convince Flash of anything he had not pulled out of his own ass.

Now you're bragging about being a descendant of a monkey. I'm a creation of the Living God, and if anyone should be crowing about something it should be me, but I'm a decent humble sort of guy.

Hey- you can belief in any fairy tale you want to.

No problems.

So says the descendant of a monkey.

Like I said- believe in any fairy tale your lack of education leads you to.
Einstein believed in Intelligent Design. He was uneducated and stupid too, huh.

Good for Einstein.

Meanwhile- like I said- believe in any fairy tale your lack of education leads you to believe.
What the bigots don't get is that you have to have a rational basis for banning a marriage. None of them can demonstrate any harm which comes from two men filing a joint marriage return or collecting Social Security survivor benefits.

They never have, and they never will.

Just like they could not provide a rational basis for banning a black man from marrying a white woman.

Same bullshit, different decade. These anti-same sex marriage people are the political descendants of the anti-interracial marriage bigots. They even use the identical arguments, the identical bible, and the same old logical fallacies. Nothing has changed.

It's the idea of a black man having sex with a white woman, or a man having sex with another man that drives bigots crazy, see. They are obsessed over it. It's all they think and talk about when the issue of marriage comes up. Just look at the opening post.

This isn't the first time in my lifetime that marriage has been "redefined". There were people who used to define marriage as being a union of a man and woman of the same race.

All the bigots have is a weird obsession with gay sex, and the "we've always oppressed these people so why stop now" argument.
Homos commit suicide at astronomical rates...part of the mental illness

Interesting- so you think that if a group has a higher than average rate of suicide- that everyone in that group is mentally ill?

I ask that because as a group- men have a suicide rate 4 times higher than women. Do you think that means all men are mentally ill?

And the suicide rate for white Americans is almost three times the suicide rate of African Americans- so does that mean all White Americans are mentally ill?

And the residents of Montana committed suicide at 5 times the rate of the District of Columbia- does that mean Montanans are all mentally ill?

And Iraq war veterans commit suicide at 22 per day.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.
So, the guy that wants anal s*x from his wife or fellatio is not normal either. Kind of that is how you are summing it up but you are using the gay statement to make your point a little stronger.

You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
It is abnormally natural, which doesn't = normal. Normal natural is in conformance with the body parts. Homosexuality isn't.
But! Don't try to push your "fairness" onto others.

I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.
You're right, it's not Normal, that's 50% + 1, it's just Natural, and has been around as long as we have as far as we can tell.
It is abnormally natural, which doesn't = normal. Normal natural is in conformance with the body parts. Homosexuality isn't.
Nature doesn't support your fears and hatreds. So sorry...
There is no fear or hatred. Just simple observation and report. The emotion is within YOU. NOT MY PROBLEM.
The emotion is yours. I use math, and history.

Since when?
You athiest sick freaks have convinced me you really are descended from monkeys.

Wow I didn't think anyone could convince Flash of anything he had not pulled out of his own ass.

Now you're bragging about being a descendant of a monkey. I'm a creation of the Living God, and if anyone should be crowing about something it should be me, but I'm a decent humble sort of guy.

No, actually, you're nothing of the kind.

Your god created homosexuality in human animals as well as non-human animals. Are you saying he/she is wrong?

You phoney christians preach the exact opposite of what Jesus/god did.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .
One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

I certainly do not think it's "normal." However, I don't see any need to be mean to these people or to deny them marriage. The BEST thing we could do is to just treat them like anyone else, let them get married and divorced and live like everyone else. Then, their issues wouldn't be in the news and in the headlines all the time.

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