NO! Homosexuality IS NOT NORMAL

If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Is there a valid reason not to issue driver's licenses to blind people?

You can't say the same for gay couples and marriage licenses.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.
The OP is right. Being gay is not the "norm"...just like red haired and left handed people are not "normal" (common)

Yes... But unlike Red Hair and Left-handedness... Homosexuality is a deviation from a trait fundamental to the viability of civilization and otherwise central to the survival of the species.

Just as contraction of the rhino virus is a deviation from the human physiological health standard and contraction of the ebola virus is a deviation from the human physiological health standard... one presents a weeks inconvenience and infects dozens of others subjecting them to the same inconvenience ... the other represents a days inconvenience and that's it, unless you infect others, whereupon it kills them too... .

Now do we need to do the distinction between the freckle and melanoma? Blue Eyes and Cataracts? A paper cut and a sucking chest wound?

Now, please... don't be shy. Let me know where you got lost and I'll walk ya through...
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One of the most absurd con jobs that the left in America has been allowed to get away with is the ludicrous notion of homosexuality being normal. This idiotic idea goes back to a 1974 vote within the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality as a disorder category from the APA's DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), a decision ratified by a majority (58%) of the general APA membership.

Four big problems with this though.

1) The 58% of this vote includes a 22% of homosexuals, which they were recused from this, (as they should have been), the pro vote becomes only 36% and the resolution would never have been adopted by they APA.

2) The only reason this topic even was ever put up to be voted on was because it was suggested by the APA's committee on homosexuality. In 1982, I called the APA and asked them about this. This is where I found out about the origin of this. They said it originated with the homosexuality committee in San Francisco. Whoa!! Time out for a second here. Living in San Jose, 40 miles south of San Francisco, I was pretty aware of the large gay population in San Francisco, and strong influences of it there. So I asked, by any chance would there happen to be any gays on this committee ? (who set up the disorder removal vote). The answer I got was "They are all homosexuals" This was clear that if this totally biased committee was not the way it was, there never even would have been a vote on this in the first place, and ther never should have been one.

3) ANY association can say anything depending on how corrupted it may be by bribery, cronies, blackmail, etc.

4) Homosexuality's ABnormalcy is proven quite simply be just seeing that it doesn't conform to the design of nature. The body parts of all members of the animal kingdom,including humans, are set up for heterosexual sex, not homosexual. The last word on this is from MOTHER NATURE, not the APA, or any other association.

Study Reveals Homophobic Men Are, In Fact, More Likely To Be Gay:eusa_whistle:

Study Reveals Homophobic Men Are In Fact More Likely To Be Gay
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Yes, I was amused by it...

Did ya read the one where she did the one about the Quadriplegics and the right to start in the NFL?

And if you missed the one about 'Midgets' and their right to dunk for the NBA, you have no idea where the front edge of the issue is... .

Personally, the Advocacy to Normalize Laryngea, accompanied by the demand to be counted among The Great Tenors... was a brilliant observation on one of the great issues of our time... she is SO FAR out in front of the rest of us.

(Im a HUGE FAN! )
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I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.

As long as they are not allowed to marry one another, then they do not have equal rights. Why on earth would you want to prevent someone from marrying the person they allegedly love?
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Is there a valid reason not to issue driver's licenses to blind people?

You can't say the same for gay couples and marriage licenses.
We are talking about a strictly physical logical reason VS a moral idealist one. Since homosexuals already have ALL the same rights as anyone , moralistically this is a quicksand. Convince me, I have an open mind. WHY do gays NEED to be allowed to marry, since all our previous MORAL standards held Marriage is between one man and one woman. People want to let homosexuals rewrite morality, I challenge that. On what moral ground do they base this on? Don't give me bull about equal rights, totally artificial and empty argument I won't bother to trifle with, Gays HAVE all the same rights any American has...
If there was big money behind blind people to get EQUAL rights, ( which they already have), we don't just allow them to dictate to us what their limits are. They have all the rights as anyone else, they just can't get driver's license. There are limits to everything, and no matter how much dilly dallying with lawyers legally, THAT won't change common sense. Gays HAVE as many rights as I do, it is almost insulting that they want to redefine the law and ask for more. Enough, folks .

Nope, but the fact that you believe that is amusing.

Is there a valid reason not to issue driver's licenses to blind people?

You can't say the same for gay couples and marriage licenses.
We are talking about a strictly physical logical reason VS a moral idealist one. Since homosexuals already have ALL the same rights as anyone , moralistically this is a quicksand. Convince me, I have an open mind. WHY do gays NEED to be allowed to marry, since all our previous MORAL standards held Marriage is between one man and one woman. People want to let homosexuals rewrite morality, I challenge that. On what moral ground do they base this on? Don't give me bull about equal rights, totally artificial and empty argument I won't bother to trifle with, Gays HAVE all the same rights any American has...

Oh my goodness... posing morality to a relativist!


I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.

As long as they are not allowed to marry one another, then they do not have equal rights. Why on earth would you want to prevent someone from marrying the person they allegedly love?

Uh... whose doing that? Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman.

Do you also lament the chocolate that can't be vanilla? The 60 lb weakling that can't bench 500? Do ya stay up nights crying that the Midget can't dunk?

They're unsuited for those things... I wanted to be a great organizer. I can barely find a pair of socks that match.

Don't cry for us... we get by. And every cloud has a silver lining. Do ya have any idea how many kids I feed in China, because I buy so many socks? It all works out.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.

As long as they are not allowed to marry one another, then they do not have equal rights. Why on earth would you want to prevent someone from marrying the person they allegedly love?
You are saying, if gays don't get their way, they don't have rights? I am single, no kids. I don't get tax right offs and am mocked when I go into a restaurant and order a meal for one...I don't ask for special treatment. Gays, they are, in spades. Well, boo hoo. Love anyone you want. Don't browbeat people into accepting it. Gays have the right to free speech, to vote and all the real important stuff, this manipulative morally ambiguous stuff, not convincing me. But hey, I am nobody.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.

As long as they are not allowed to marry one another, then they do not have equal rights. Why on earth would you want to prevent someone from marrying the person they allegedly love?

Uh... whose doing that? Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman.

Do you also lament the chocolate that can't be vanilla? The 60 lb weakling that can't bench 500? Do ya stay up nights crying that the Midget can't dunk?

They're unsuited for those things... I wanted to be a great organizer. I can barely find a pair of socks that match.

Don't cry for us... we get by. And every cloud has a silver lining. Do ya have any idea how many kids I feed in China, because I buy so many socks? It all works out.

First of all, who is "us?" Secondly, marriage between others is not something that YOU should be able to define. As long as it is between two consenting adults, that is all that matters.
I despise groupthink, in any form. Homosexuals have gotten a lot of mojo going on here, buying PR firms, lawyers and generally manipulating the media towards their cause, and it's become painfully transparent. I am a free thinker and rational. I don't like conservative Christians dictating this or any other issue on the basis of THEIR morality either. We the people, if left to our own, will decide what is acceptable and fair.

Sorry Drama Queen Mary, but despite your conspiracy theories about PR firms, the advances in gay rights are coming from our loved ones and family members not from...

Totally disagree. Ever since the Anita Bryant blow up and the Milk/Moscone murders back in the 70's how public media has been manipulated and bought out. And Gays have the same rights Anyone does, it is insulting to our intelligence that we don't notice how the popular media can and IS being manipulated. Don't want to rain on the parade or anything.

As long as they are not allowed to marry one another, then they do not have equal rights. Why on earth would you want to prevent someone from marrying the person they allegedly love?
You are saying, if gays don't get their way, they don't have rights? I am single, no kids. I don't get tax right offs and am mocked when I go into a restaurant and order a meal for one...I don't ask for special treatment. Gays, they are, in spades. Well, boo hoo. Love anyone you want. Don't browbeat people into accepting it. Gays have the right to free speech, to vote and all the real important stuff, this manipulative morally ambiguous stuff, not convincing me. But hey, I am nobody.

No, gays should be able to marry one another. It's really not your business, and this is the problem. Busy bodies.
You are saying, if gays don't get their way, they don't have rights?

Uh yeah... that's what she's sayin'. Because that's the entire argument.

I am single, no kids. I don't get tax right offs and am mocked when I go into a restaurant and order a meal for one...I don't ask for special treatment. Gays, they are, in spades.


Well, boo hoo. Love anyone you want. Don't browbeat people into accepting it. Gays have the right to free speech, to vote and all the real important stuff, this manipulative morally ambiguous stuff, not convincing me. But hey, I am nobody.

Yup... :smiliehug:
And Gays have the same rights Anyone does

What??!! Talk about insulting someone' s intelligence. That is an insult ! What do you mean by that kind of bigoted bovine excrement? Oh, I know, a gay man can marry a woman just like a straight man can?

To say that gay people already have equal marriage rights is a logical fallacy in several ways:

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All invalid arguments are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition.

In this case the conclusion, that they already have equal rights is based on the premise that, like heterosexuals, they can marry someone of the opposite sex. However, that can only be true if marriage were strictly a legal/ business arrangement and not a personal/ romantic one. The conclusion ignores the fact that the premise is faulty because it ignores the fact that gay people do not want to marry someone of the opposite sex.

[More on premises:

There are several types of potential problems with premises. The first, and most obvious, is that a premise can be wrong. If one argues, for example, that evolutionary theory is false because there are no transitional fossils, that argument is unsound because the premise – no transitional fossils – is false. In fact there are copious transitional fossils.

Premises may also be true, as far as they go, but are incomplete. The premises are not wrong, but do not cover the relevant facts necessary to argue the conclusion.

Another type of premise error occurs when one or more premises is an unwarranted assumption. The premise may or may not be true, but it has not been established sufficiently to serve as a premise for an argument. Identifying all the assumptions upon which an argument is dependent is often the most critical step in analyzing an argument. Frequently, different conclusions are arrived at because of differing assumptions.]

Often people will choose the assumptions that best fit the conclusion they prefer. In fact, psychological experiments show that most people start with conclusions they desire, then reverse engineer arguments to support them – a process called rationalization.

The second logical fallacy employed in this argument is an appeal to ignorance. Basically, those who employ it are asking their audience to accept the argument at face value I said it, it sounds good, don’t question it.

Reductio ad absurdum: In formal logic, the reductio ad absurdum is a legitimate argument. It follows the form that if the premises are assumed to be true it necessarily leads to an absurd (false) conclusion and therefore one or more premises must be false. The term is now often used to refer to the abuse of this style of argument, by stretching the logic in order to force an absurd conclusion.

In this case, the premise, that a gay person can marry a person of the opposite sex is indeed true. The absurd false conclusion is that it results in equality for gays, and it’s absurd because they do not see that as an acceptable outcome and indeed, it is not equal to the choice that heterosexuals have.
No, gays should be able to marry one another.
Who's stoppin' 'em?

All they need to do is to understand what marriage is and apply for the license to marry, within the scope of the standards that define marriage. Now, FYI: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

It's really not your business, and this is the problem. Busy bodies.


So public policy is no the business of THE PUBLIC?

D E L U S I O N on P A R A D E ! ! !
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No, gays should be able to marry one another.
Who's stopin' 'em?

All they need to do is to understand what marriage is and apply for the license to marry, within the scope of the standards that define marriage. Now, FYI: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

It's really not your business, and this is the problem. Busy bodies.


So public policy is no the business of THE PUBLIC?

D E L U S I O N on P A R A D E ! ! !

Hey! Calm down, right now or this discussion is over. You got that? Try to discuss like an adult please.

No, other people's relationships are not your business. If two adults want to be married, why should they not be able to? Because YOU don't agree with homosexuality? Why the self importance when it comes to other people's lives?
Gays have the right to free speech, to vote and all the real important stuff,
Such self pity !

When one makes the absurd statement that “gays already have equality “because they can, like anyone else, marry someone of the opposite sex, they are presuming that a gay person can decide to live as a straight person and have a fulfilling life with someone of the opposite sex. The other possibility is that you do not believe that fulfillment or love in marriage is a right or a reasonable expectation., at least not for gays.In any case they are in effect dehumanizing gay people, portraying them as being devoid of emotion and the ability to love and desire another person as heterosexuals do.

In addition, they are reducing the institution of marriage to a loveless business arrangement while for the vast majority of people it is much more. It devalues marriage in a way, much more profoundly than feared by the anti-equality bigots, who bemoan the demise of traditional marriage simply because it is being expanded to include gays.

Heterosexuals are able to choose a marriage partner based in part on sexual attraction and romantic interests. Choice, that gay people do not have, if denied legal marriage. Sure they can choose to forgo marriage in order to be with the person who they desire, but to do so would require that they forfeit the legal security, economic benefits and social status that goes with marriage That, is really not much of a choice at all and many courts have agreed.
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