No Leftist Haters May Read This!

The Left Hates Conservatives
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1. "Perhaps the most telling of the recent revelations of the liberal/left Journolist, a list consisting of about 400 major liberal/left journalists, is the depth of their hatred of conservatives…as exemplified by the e-mail from an NPR reporter expressing her wish to personally see Rush Limbaugh die a painful death -- and the apparent absence of any objection from the other liberal journalists.

2. Every one of us on the right has seen this hatred…[by]…mainstream elite liberal journalists. There is simply nothing analogous among elite conservative journalists. Yes, nearly all conservatives believe that the left is leading America to ruin. But while there is plenty of conservative anger over this fact, there is little or nothing on the right to match the left's hatred of conservative individuals.

3. From Karl Marx to today, the Left has always hated people on the Right, not merely differed or been angry with them. Why?

a. First, the left thinks the right is evil. Examples are innumerable. For example, Howard Dean, the former head of the Democratic Party said, "In contradistinction to the Republicans ... (Democrats) don't believe kids ought to go to bed hungry at night." Or take Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., who, among many similar comments, said, "I want to say a few words about what it means to be a Democrat. It's very simple: We have a conscience."

b. Second, when you don't confront real evil, you hate those who do. Whether out of guilt over their own cowardice or fear that the one who confronted the bully would provoke the bully to lash out more, those who refuse to confront the bully often resent the one who does. During the 1980s, the left expressed far more hatred of Ronald Reagan than of Soviet Communist dictator Leonid Brezhnev. And, when Reagan labeled the Soviet Union an "evil empire," the liberal world was enraged ... at Reagan. Today, the left has similar contempt for those who take a hard line on Islamic terror. The liberal and leftist media routinely place quote marks around the words War on Terror…the Obama administration has actually forbidden use of the term "Islamic terror." The real enemies the Democratic administration is prepared to name are the Republican Party, tea parties, Fox News and talk radio.

c. Third, the left's utopian vision is prevented only by the right. From its inception, leftism has been a secular utopian religion….imagining a utopian future. There will be no poor, no war, no conflict, no inequality. That future is only a few more government programs away from reality. And who stands in the way of such perfection? Conservatives.

4. How could a utopian not hate a conservative? The right, with its beliefs in a strong military; in individuals, not the state; taking care of themselves, their families and their neighbors; and in punishing criminals, is the anti-Love, a figure as reviled on the left as the antichrist is to Christians. The right, with its beliefs in a strong military; in individuals, not the state; taking care of themselves, their families and their neighbors; and in punishing criminals, is the anti-Love, a figure as reviled on the left as the antichrist is to Christians.

a. This hatred will only increase if the left feels its programs to greatly increase the size of the government are in any way threatened in the forthcoming elections."
The Dennis Prager Show

Best example of 'projection' I've seen in a very long time.

It's getting harder and harder with each passing day to pick out the "best" projection, the "best" hypocritical issue, the "best" embellished news story. The left does lack one very serious talent that the right has always enjoyed, and that's the ability to engage a completely gullible audience.

The rightwing and its propagandists have become zealous devotees to the concept of what someone once called 'partisan accountability', which means, essentially,

that you're only accountable to those who agree with you politically/philosophically. In that world, hypocrisy becomes a positive trait.
4. The right, with its beliefs in a strong military; in individuals, not the state;[/url]

Uh, anyone not see the comical contradiction in that statement?

The desire for a massive imperialist military, flung across the globe, is about as clear a belief in 'the state' as one can have.

Defense of the United States is required of the federal government in the Constitution. Also, a belief in a strong military is not the same as a "desire for a massive imperialist military, flung across the globe". You might want to actually discuss the points being presented, rather than rely on hyperbole.
The Left Hates Conservatives
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1. "Perhaps the most telling of the recent revelations of the liberal/left Journolist, a list consisting of about 400 major liberal/left journalists, is the depth of their hatred of conservatives…as exemplified by the e-mail from an NPR reporter expressing her wish to personally see Rush Limbaugh die a painful death -- and the apparent absence of any objection from the other liberal journalists.

2. Every one of us on the right has seen this hatred…[by]…mainstream elite liberal journalists. There is simply nothing analogous among elite conservative journalists. Yes, nearly all conservatives believe that the left is leading America to ruin. But while there is plenty of conservative anger over this fact, there is little or nothing on the right to match the left's hatred of conservative individuals.

3. From Karl Marx to today, the Left has always hated people on the Right, not merely differed or been angry with them. Why?

a. First, the left thinks the right is evil. Examples are innumerable. For example, Howard Dean, the former head of the Democratic Party said, "In contradistinction to the Republicans ... (Democrats) don't believe kids ought to go to bed hungry at night." Or take Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., who, among many similar comments, said, "I want to say a few words about what it means to be a Democrat. It's very simple: We have a conscience."

b. Second, when you don't confront real evil, you hate those who do. Whether out of guilt over their own cowardice or fear that the one who confronted the bully would provoke the bully to lash out more, those who refuse to confront the bully often resent the one who does. During the 1980s, the left expressed far more hatred of Ronald Reagan than of Soviet Communist dictator Leonid Brezhnev. And, when Reagan labeled the Soviet Union an "evil empire," the liberal world was enraged ... at Reagan. Today, the left has similar contempt for those who take a hard line on Islamic terror. The liberal and leftist media routinely place quote marks around the words War on Terror…the Obama administration has actually forbidden use of the term "Islamic terror." The real enemies the Democratic administration is prepared to name are the Republican Party, tea parties, Fox News and talk radio.

c. Third, the left's utopian vision is prevented only by the right. From its inception, leftism has been a secular utopian religion….imagining a utopian future. There will be no poor, no war, no conflict, no inequality. That future is only a few more government programs away from reality. And who stands in the way of such perfection? Conservatives.

4. How could a utopian not hate a conservative? The right, with its beliefs in a strong military; in individuals, not the state; taking care of themselves, their families and their neighbors; and in punishing criminals, is the anti-Love, a figure as reviled on the left as the antichrist is to Christians. The right, with its beliefs in a strong military; in individuals, not the state; taking care of themselves, their families and their neighbors; and in punishing criminals, is the anti-Love, a figure as reviled on the left as the antichrist is to Christians.

a. This hatred will only increase if the left feels its programs to greatly increase the size of the government are in any way threatened in the forthcoming elections."
The Dennis Prager Show

Best example of 'projection' I've seen in a very long time.

It's getting harder and harder with each passing day to pick out the "best" projection, the "best" hypocritical issue, the "best" embellished news story. The left does lack one very serious talent that the right has always enjoyed, and that's the ability to engage a completely gullible audience.

Isn't that how the democrats got Obama elected? :eusa_whistle:
Best example of 'projection' I've seen in a very long time.

It's getting harder and harder with each passing day to pick out the "best" projection, the "best" hypocritical issue, the "best" embellished news story. The left does lack one very serious talent that the right has always enjoyed, and that's the ability to engage a completely gullible audience.

The rightwing and its propagandists have become zealous devotees to the concept of what someone once called 'partisan accountability', which means, essentially,

that you're only accountable to those who agree with you politically/philosophically. In that world, hypocrisy becomes a positive trait.

For the love of God......The left is the same as the right with your post.....the funny part is you just can't see it.
So, you support a collective doctrine over the rights of each individual...thanks for making that clear Dive...
i never said that, pea brain

Yes you did

But you DO support goverment, ergo you too are a SOCIALIST (according to the way most of you right winger define socialism, at least)

Which DEMANDS that a GOVERNMENT enfirce that right

Which DEMANDS a government to enforce those rules

Which demands government to organizae those armies

Which demands government to enfoce that policy

Which demands a government to enforce that policy

(9) We support protecting the lives of vulnerable persons by opposing health care rationing and denial of health care and government funding of abortion; and

That's so confused that it defies response

(10) We support the right to keep and bear arms by opposing government restrictions on gun ownership;

Which demands a government to support that so called right to own and bear arms.


Do you think some corporation is going to allow YOU to bear arms on THEIR land?

Not likely, sport.

You don't want SMALLER goverment, what you really want is the government that does what you believe in, and NOT what you don't believe in,

You're different than the Dems only in THAT respect.


You no less a collectivist socialist commie bastard than they are.
take a class in reading comprehension, ed
i said nothing of the sort, a claim was made that was totally wrong, i pointed out that it was wrong
i never said I agreed with everything in that
so stop lying
I'm a social far left liberal but fiscally conservative.
That said I dont' want to see Rush die, Him shaking his fat belly at the CPAC deal last year on TV was way to funny. The comedy channel is envious
And how great is his drug addiction whilst spewing the usual anti drug wingnut bs. AWESOME that's what
Jarhead said:
And the White House Press Secretary under Obama made fun of Palin for doing what MANY people do....write notes on her hand.

But that is not slander in your eyes. That is warranted criticism.

Leave that to the late night comedians. It is slander when the White House does it.

Oh please. Palin has done nothing but slander Obama and the White House. It's her schtick, she has no other material. It's only when she thinks she might have to answer some tough questions NOT related to Obama that she needs to write notes to herself on her palms?

Maybe 'empty vessel' Sarah is lobbying the White House to be appointed ambassador to the country of Africa...

Oh, wait, Africa is a continent...

Never mind...

Sarah Palin 'did not know Africa was a continent', say aides - Times Online
another LIE by the liberal media
It's getting harder and harder with each passing day to pick out the "best" projection, the "best" hypocritical issue, the "best" embellished news story. The left does lack one very serious talent that the right has always enjoyed, and that's the ability to engage a completely gullible audience.

The rightwing and its propagandists have become zealous devotees to the concept of what someone once called 'partisan accountability', which means, essentially,

that you're only accountable to those who agree with you politically/philosophically. In that world, hypocrisy becomes a positive trait.

For the love of God......The left is the same as the right with your post.....the funny part is you just can't see it.

I'm on the left and I don't do it.

At least you agree that Prager and everyone who agrees with him here are doing it.
4. The right, with its beliefs in a strong military; in individuals, not the state;[/url]

Uh, anyone not see the comical contradiction in that statement?

The desire for a massive imperialist military, flung across the globe, is about as clear a belief in 'the state' as one can have.

Defense of the United States is required of the federal government in the Constitution. Also, a belief in a strong military is not the same as a "desire for a massive imperialist military, flung across the globe". You might want to actually discuss the points being presented, rather than rely on hyperbole.

Show me how many conservatives want to reduce the size, scope, and distribution of our military and we'll go from there.
Uh, anyone not see the comical contradiction in that statement?

The desire for a massive imperialist military, flung across the globe, is about as clear a belief in 'the state' as one can have.

Defense of the United States is required of the federal government in the Constitution. Also, a belief in a strong military is not the same as a "desire for a massive imperialist military, flung across the globe". You might want to actually discuss the points being presented, rather than rely on hyperbole.

Show me how many conservatives want to reduce the size, scope, and distribution of our military and we'll go from there.

The military is a Constitutional function of the Federal government and when you have a military big enough, well trained enough, and well equipped enough to defeat ANYBODY who messes with us, nobody dares mess with us. Or our allies. It is the best recipe for peace there is.

So reduce size and strength, no.

Scope and distribution we can certainly discuss. There is some wiggle room there.

But where Conservatives want to reduce the cost is in the waste, in the no bid contracts, in the graft, corruption, and purchased favors. We want a full audit and integrity restored to the process of spending and laws put into place so that no elected official or bureaucrat can personally benefit from spending the people's money.

When the liberals agree with us on that, then we can start making it happen.
The rightwing and its propagandists have become zealous devotees to the concept of what someone once called 'partisan accountability', which means, essentially,

that you're only accountable to those who agree with you politically/philosophically. In that world, hypocrisy becomes a positive trait.

For the love of God......The left is the same as the right with your post.....the funny part is you just can't see it.

I'm on the left and I don't do it.

At least you agree that Prager and everyone who agrees with him here are doing it.

No, I'm not agreeing to anything,
I'm calling you out on a bone headed remark.
For the love of God......The left is the same as the right with your post.....the funny part is you just can't see it.

I'm on the left and I don't do it.

At least you agree that Prager and everyone who agrees with him here are doing it.

No, I'm not agreeing to anything,
I'm calling you out on a bone headed remark.

His blindness to the fact that he is just as guilty of doing what he criticizes would be concerning if it were not so humorous.
THE OTHER SIDE of the Journolist scandal which does not absolve the leftist media who are still culpable, but may mitigate some of the most damning evidence or at least fleshes out some of the 'rest of the story':

Roger Simon writes:

Somewhere along the way, things have gone terribly wrong. Journalism has become a toy, an electronic plaything. I do not blame technology. The giant megaphone of technology has been coupled with a new, angrier, more destructive age. (Yes, you can find extremely angry, extremely partisan times in our past, but I always thought the goal was to progress over the centuries, not regress.)

Until recently, there was a semisecret, off-the-record organization called Journolist. It was a listserv, which is a bunch of people who sign up (if allowed) and then get the same e-mails and can reply to everybody on the list.

Journolist was founded by Ezra Klein in early 2007, when he was 22 and working for the liberal publication The American Prospect. Klein continued running it when he went to The Washington Post in 2009. The Post is a mainstream publication, but Journolist was limited to those “from nonpartisan to liberal, center to left.” . . . .

. . . .Recently, however, the conservative website The Daily Caller, run by Tucker Carlson, got hold of many Journolist e-mails and printed the most provocative, which to some gave every appearance of a left-wing conspiracy to slant news coverage in favor of Barack Obama. Journolist posts by Washington Post blogger Dave Weigel, who was helping cover the conservative movement, that were critical of conservative icons, including Matt Drudge, prompted Weigel to resign.

The result was explosive, and Klein closed down Journolist, while denying there was anything evil about it. “If people had been getting together and deciding on a message and then publishing that message, that would have been clearly unethical, and I would not have allowed it, and it didn’t happen,” Klein told me Tuesday.

Tucker Carlson e-mailed me: “What they did discredits journalism in general, and honorable liberal journalists in particular. I know plenty of progressives who have a healthy skepticism even of candidates they voted for. Most of the members of Journolist didn’t.”

In any case, the hubbub is now virtually over. The buzz is done buzzing, and the media have moved on from Journolist to WikiLeaks.

And yet some are still troubled.

Chuck Todd, political director and chief White House correspondent for NBC News, who was not part of Journolist, told me this:

“I am sure Ezra had good intentions when he created it, but I am offended the right is using this as a sledgehammer against those of us who don’t practice activist journalism.

“Journolist was pretty offensive. Those of us who are mainstream journalists got mixed in with journalists with an agenda. Those folks who thought they were improving journalism are destroying the credibility of journalism.

Read more: Journolist veers out of bounds - Roger Simon -
For the love of God......The left is the same as the right with your post.....the funny part is you just can't see it.

I'm on the left and I don't do it.

At least you agree that Prager and everyone who agrees with him here are doing it.

No, I'm not agreeing to anything,
I'm calling you out on a bone headed remark.

I stated a fact. What kind of person thinks facts are boneheaded.
Defense of the United States is required of the federal government in the Constitution. Also, a belief in a strong military is not the same as a "desire for a massive imperialist military, flung across the globe". You might want to actually discuss the points being presented, rather than rely on hyperbole.

Show me how many conservatives want to reduce the size, scope, and distribution of our military and we'll go from there.

The military is a Constitutional function of the Federal government and when you have a military big enough, well trained enough, and well equipped enough to defeat ANYBODY who messes with us, nobody dares mess with us. Or our allies. It is the best recipe for peace there is.

So reduce size and strength, no.

Scope and distribution we can certainly discuss. There is some wiggle room there.

But where Conservatives want to reduce the cost is in the waste, in the no bid contracts, in the graft, corruption, and purchased favors. We want a full audit and integrity restored to the process of spending and laws put into place so that no elected official or bureaucrat can personally benefit from spending the people's money.

When the liberals agree with us on that, then we can start making it happen.

You sound like you're speaking for alot of people who don't know you're speaking for them.

Most conservatives want more defense spending, more military. All I ask is, when it is ENOUGH?? When will conservatives ever say, okay, we have enough military, we can stop making it bigger now.

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