No, Liberals, Bill Clinton was Not Impeached for Having Affairs but for Perjury and Obstruction

President Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about sex - like Donald Trump.
In a thread on the Stormy Daniels mess, a liberal complained that while Republicans argue that Bill Clinton's private sexual immorality was a valid reason for impeachment, they dismiss Donald Trump's private sexual immorality as no big deal, irrelevant, etc.

Oh no, no. Clinton was not impeached for his private sexual actions but for lying about them under oath (perjury) and trying to obstruct justice when he was sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones (who, by the way, passed multiple lie detector tests). Here are the executive summaries of the four articles of impeachment that were approved by the House Judiciary Committee in 1998:

1. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

2. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony in the Jones case in his answers to written questions and in his deposition.

3. The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up, and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

4. The president misused and abused his office by making perjurious, false, and misleading statements to Congress.

Articles 1 and 3 were passed by the House and Clinton was impeached, but the Senate failed to remove him.

You can read the full text of the impeachment articles here: Special Report: Clinton Accused

This is the huge difference between Trump's affairs and Clinton's affairs: Trump has not lied about them under oath in any civil or criminal deposition or hearing. Nor has any evidence surfaced that Trump has tried to coach witnesses to give false testimony, whereas Bill Clinton summoned Betty Currie to the White House on a Sunday, a very unusual meeting time, to try to get her to testify that she was always there when Monica Lewinsky was there and that Monica and Clinton were never alone.

Clinton's own wheeling-dealing laid groundwork for his legal dilemma
Bill Clinton was forced to testify about allegations from Paula Jones

Why doesn’t Fat Donnie do the same?

He was forced because Clinton himself signed into law a bill that allowed a victim to to back and use the alleged perps priors to be used against him in a civil suit.

Now, Clinton had four options when he was testifying, the first option was to take the 5th, the second to tell the truth, the third was to say it was no one else's business or four, lie. I would have taken option three and then fallen back to option one. That was Clinton's big mistake.
Nosy Judges Should Be Impeached

Or, "If I had sex with Ms. Lewinsky, it would have been consensual and therefore irrelevant to this case."
In a thread on the Stormy Daniels mess, a liberal complained that while Republicans argue that Bill Clinton's private sexual immorality was a valid reason for impeachment, they dismiss Donald Trump's private sexual immorality as no big deal, irrelevant, etc.

Oh no, no. Clinton was not impeached for his private sexual actions but for lying about them under oath (perjury) and trying to obstruct justice when he was sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones (who, by the way, passed multiple lie detector tests). Here are the executive summaries of the four articles of impeachment that were approved by the House Judiciary Committee in 1998:

1. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

2. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony in the Jones case in his answers to written questions and in his deposition.

3. The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up, and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

4. The president misused and abused his office by making perjurious, false, and misleading statements to Congress.

Articles 1 and 3 were passed by the House and Clinton was impeached, but the Senate failed to remove him.

You can read the full text of the impeachment articles here: Special Report: Clinton Accused

This is the huge difference between Trump's affairs and Clinton's affairs: Trump has not lied about them under oath in any civil or criminal deposition or hearing. Nor has any evidence surfaced that Trump has tried to coach witnesses to give false testimony, whereas Bill Clinton summoned Betty Currie to the White House on a Sunday, a very unusual meeting time, to try to get her to testify that she was always there when Monica Lewinsky was there and that Monica and Clinton were never alone.

Clinton's own wheeling-dealing laid groundwork for his legal dilemma

Yup and anyone who was watching should have known that.

Clinton was disbarred.
jimminee cricket, why oh why are you so uninformed? Your beloved, right wing faux news has destroyed this's sad to see.... :(

President Clinton



His license was suspended for 5 years.....

Why don't you know that? Because you are fed lies all the time and have no desire to fact check and know the truth..... shame on all of you!!! :(:(:(

Oh and only a liberal idiot like you would defend Clinton.

Carry on clueless.
If You're Not in the Loop, It Becomes Your Noose

Partisans on either side are buttboys for the Big Shots. Americans have become cheerleaders, not players. The enemies of democracy lead both sides.
Spits the moron whose argument is that he'll be right if we all live long enough to see Hell freeze over.

Moron, nothing you say bears even a passing resemblance to reality. Take this latest nonsense of yours ... prove the FBI paid Steele........

Okay moron!
Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

"In October 2016, the FBI reached an agreement with Steele to pay him to continue his work"
Spits the moron whose argument is that he'll be right if we all live long enough to see Hell freeze over.

Moron, nothing you say bears even a passing resemblance to reality. Take this latest nonsense of yours ... prove the FBI paid Steele........

Okay moron!
Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

"In October 2016, the FBI reached an agreement with Steele to pay him to continue his work"
Hey, look everybody.... Rambunctious shows us again why he's the biggest retard on the forum. He claims the FBI paid Steele for his work -- but then, the biggest retard posts a link which says they didn't.

Biggest retard on the forum, did ya read your own link??

"Steele wasn't paid by the FBI"

Hey, look everybody.... Rambunctious shows us again why he's the biggest retard on the forum. He claims the FBI paid Steele for his work -- but then, the biggest retard posts a link which says they didn't.
Hey look everybody... just another hard headed chick that will not admit when she is wrong....argument are sick....never have been right yet but you do try hard....good for you doll....
Hey, look everybody.... Rambunctious shows us again why he's the biggest retard on the forum. He claims the FBI paid Steele for his work -- but then, the biggest retard posts a link which says they didn't.
Hey look everybody... just another hard headed chick that will not admit when she is wrong....argument are sick....never have been right yet but you do try hard....good for you doll....
What's that you said?

The FBI paid Steele???

How can you possibly think that when you've already posted 2 links saying the FBI didn't pay him?

    • it reached an agreement with Steele to pay him to continue collecting information, but the release of the dossier to the public stopped discussions between Steele and the FBI, and, according to Congressional testimony by Simpson, "Steele wasn't paid by the FBI
Don't you read your own links?? Or is it that you can't understand what you read?

In a thread on the Stormy Daniels mess, a liberal complained that while Republicans argue that Bill Clinton's private sexual immorality was a valid reason for impeachment, they dismiss Donald Trump's private sexual immorality as no big deal, irrelevant, etc.

Oh no, no. Clinton was not impeached for his private sexual actions but for lying about them under oath (perjury) and trying to obstruct justice when he was sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones (who, by the way, passed multiple lie detector tests). Here are the executive summaries of the four articles of impeachment that were approved by the House Judiciary Committee in 1998:

1. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

2. The president provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony in the Jones case in his answers to written questions and in his deposition.

3. The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up, and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

4. The president misused and abused his office by making perjurious, false, and misleading statements to Congress.

Articles 1 and 3 were passed by the House and Clinton was impeached, but the Senate failed to remove him.

You can read the full text of the impeachment articles here: Special Report: Clinton Accused

This is the huge difference between Trump's affairs and Clinton's affairs: Trump has not lied about them under oath in any civil or criminal deposition or hearing. Nor has any evidence surfaced that Trump has tried to coach witnesses to give false testimony, whereas Bill Clinton summoned Betty Currie to the White House on a Sunday, a very unusual meeting time, to try to get her to testify that she was always there when Monica Lewinsky was there and that Monica and Clinton were never alone.

Clinton's own wheeling-dealing laid groundwork for his legal dilemma
And all of it was a GOP financed Witch Hunt and disgrace. That's what they do, they have bogus investigations that go on forever. Because all they care about is tax cuts for the rich and deregulation so they can rob us and the country blind again... Corrupt bubbles every time with following bust. And misinforming the dupes of course...

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