No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump

My issue wouldn't be about me baking a cake, its my issue with your glee at forcing others to do it,. unlike you I am not a narcissistic twat who wants everyone to follow their rules, and live their way, and have fun their way.

And you knowing this makes you such a fucking martyr. like most of your progressive friends, you probably sniff your own farts when you gleefully say things like this.

If you don't want to bake a cake for the icky gays, you can always sell your bakery and do something else. Or wait for the community to turn on you and you have to close your shop...

But the laws are kind of sensible. YOu have the right to be an asshole. Your business does not.

Why does that have to be the only option? Why does a gay person's butthurt override always a religious person's butthurt?

And you keep using selling something as an excuse to curtail a person's civil rights, which only works when there is actual harm being done to people, not hurt feelings.
Why does that have to be the only option? Why does a gay person's butthurt override always a religious person's butthurt?

Mostly because our laws should protect consumers, not merchants...

Caveat Vendor, baby, not Caveat Emptor.

They went into a business. It was incumbent upon them to know all the laws and legal obligations to running that business.

And you keep using selling something as an excuse to curtail a person's civil rights, which only works when there is actual harm being done to people, not hurt feelings.

No, they totally have the right to be homophobic assholes in the privacy of their own home. ONce they put out a shingle, though, then they are subject to all those pesky laws meant to protect consumers from abuses by businesses, which in my mind can NEVER, EVER be strong enough.

Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....
None of the GOP'ers just crawl out from under your rock?

So you have no one who did or advised on major decisions involving the job saying your candidate can actually do it...

This is not political for a lot of these... Trump has praised some of these guys...

Trump is a strange man but the Hildabeast is a stranger woman. Trump has no blood on his hands and as near as I can tell is NOT part of the GOP establishment. That's really the driving factor here, I'd have preferred Cruz but I'll have to settle for the man who McConnell et al hates. You are witnessing a reckoning.
Trump is a strange man but the Hildabeast is a stranger woman. Trump has no blood on his hands and as near as I can tell is NOT part of the GOP establishment. That's really the driving factor here, I'd have preferred Cruz but I'll have to settle for the man who McConnell et al hates. You are witnessing a reckoning.

So do you burn down your house to get rid of a mouse?
Why does that have to be the only option? Why does a gay person's butthurt override always a religious person's butthurt?

Mostly because our laws should protect consumers, not merchants...

Caveat Vendor, baby, not Caveat Emptor.

They went into a business. It was incumbent upon them to know all the laws and legal obligations to running that business.

And you keep using selling something as an excuse to curtail a person's civil rights, which only works when there is actual harm being done to people, not hurt feelings.

No, they totally have the right to be homophobic assholes in the privacy of their own home. ONce they put out a shingle, though, then they are subject to all those pesky laws meant to protect consumers from abuses by businesses, which in my mind can NEVER, EVER be strong enough.


More arguing the mechanics and not the justification behind it. I'm surprised you go there. usually you wear your bigotry like a badge, arguing mechanics is for people who feel bad about being fascist cocksuckers.

So basically you think consumers are idiots. got it.
More arguing the mechanics and not the justification behind it. I'm surprised you go there. usually you wear your bigotry like a badge, arguing mechanics is for people who feel bad about being fascist cocksuckers.

So basically you think consumers are idiots. got it.

Well, no, I just don't think most of us have the expertise to know when big corporations are abusing us, or the ability to fight back on our own when we catch them doing it.

PA Laws are based on a simple principle... if you offer a service for sale, you have to provide it to someone regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

ONce you start allowing for "carve outs" on that, such as "My Magic Sky Pixie really hates the homos", then you can get to "My Magic Sky Pixie really hates the darkies" and "My magic sky pixie really hates your magic sky pixie!"

PA laws are masterfully simple. YOu sell a service, you sell it to everyone who can pay for it. With a big dopey smile.
More arguing the mechanics and not the justification behind it. I'm surprised you go there. usually you wear your bigotry like a badge, arguing mechanics is for people who feel bad about being fascist cocksuckers.

So basically you think consumers are idiots. got it.

Well, no, I just don't think most of us have the expertise to know when big corporations are abusing us, or the ability to fight back on our own when we catch them doing it.

PA Laws are based on a simple principle... if you offer a service for sale, you have to provide it to someone regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

ONce you start allowing for "carve outs" on that, such as "My Magic Sky Pixie really hates the homos", then you can get to "My Magic Sky Pixie really hates the darkies" and "My magic sky pixie really hates your magic sky pixie!"

PA laws are masterfully simple. YOu sell a service, you sell it to everyone who can pay for it. With a big dopey smile.

PA laws were designed to fight systemic discrimination, and actual harm. Not to figure out who's butt hurt is better than another's. That is where we are at right now, and it is stupid and divisive.

You don't lose your civil rights automatically when you sell something, there has to be a compelling government interest. Using PA's against movie theaters and restaurants was part of a bigger struggle to create economic and political equality between blacks and whites after Jim Crow laws were made unconstitutional.

Considering gays are on average more affluent, and currently have more political power in most areas than blacks did back then, the two situations are not comparable.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

Although I'll not be voting for Trump, if what you claim is true, that's a damn good reason to vote Trump.

Allow me to restate: The asshole politicians and bureaucrats that got us into this mess don't like Trump? That's a sign he's doing something right.

Now off you go collectivist boy!
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

Of course not. They're the ones who screwed things up in the first place. They all - every one - are every bit the globalists Carter, the Clinton's and Obama are.

So you now think that Globalism is the problem....

So your solution is to TAX imported goods...

Could you explain this to me?

No, no, and I doubt it.
Fed loves you so much they let the banks run wild and then stole your money to " fix" it,,,,,yeah let's vote for more of that
And anyone that is happy about the direction that America is headed, can listen to those who have put US on this course.

The rest of US will vote for change.
Did you cast one or more votes for Scrub?

Fuck off.
I take that as a "yes".....

Why are you dispensing advice?

NO, you can take that as I didn't feel like answering a question filled with partisan rhetoric.

SO, Fuck off.

If you want to get an answer, ask the question, less like a dick.

It seemed like the mot juste when addressing a squealing little twat....

So how about we cut to the " yes/no" part...

How about you ask the question like less of a dick, or you can fuck off?
I don't know how anyone can take Trump seriously....

The guy is accused of screwing over countless numbers of people that he
has done business with...The Trump U scam.The spending of The Trump
foundations money to benefit Trump personally...The childish insults he throws at people on a daily basis.
Trump needing to be embarrassed into finally handing over money to the Vets.

If this guy was running for office in another country we would be laughing our asses off at him...

The guy says things and then contradicts or swears he never said it....

How the fuck did this guy get this far....

Deport the Illegals, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

STOP fucking with Russia, thus increasing safety for Americans.

Those policy positions made him an unstoppable juggernaut is the Republican Primaries.

I hope that helps you understand.
Reminds me of a Dice Clay line....

"You can blindfold these people with dental floss."

Reminds me that liberals are unable to challenge Trump on the issues, so they play little asshole games instead.
A member of a dying dynasty, the Kennedys, had to trick a 90 year old man into an unverified provocative statement so that the left had something to talk about. Career political appointees don't like Trump? Isn't that good news?
I don't know how anyone can take Trump seriously....

The guy is accused of screwing over countless numbers of people that he
has done business with...The Trump U scam.The spending of The Trump
foundations money to benefit Trump personally...The childish insults he throws at people on a daily basis.
Trump needing to be embarrassed into finally handing over money to the Vets.

If this guy was running for office in another country we would be laughing our asses off at him...

The guy says things and then contradicts or swears he never said it....

How the fuck did this guy get this far....

Deport the Illegals, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

STOP fucking with Russia, thus increasing safety for Americans.

Those policy positions made him an unstoppable juggernaut is the Republican Primaries.

I hope that helps you understand.

Trump has not recently said since his softening anything about deporting illegals. He is even talking about the wall less. Limited to one statement every other appearance. Republicans love illegals as much as demacrats do and have zero interest or intention of deporting any of them. Trump is the same.

Manufacturing jobs that are over seas will never come back. Not the big three auto makers, not Apple, not carrier, not any of them. Those jobs now belong to 8 year old kids in shit hole countries. What would be nice is if 99% of generation cupcake would die so we could replace them with a better generation who are free thinkers to develop new stuff to be made here creating new jobs.

100% agree on Russia, but I feel we should challenge them when they do shit like buzz our ships and shit. When they pulled that shit before we got right up in their face and backed them down. A purge in government and the military would help here a ton since daddy booosh, slick will, Bush Jr and Bammy have inserted limp waisted people to be in charge. This country is in no shape to deal with Russia now.

As far as policy in the primary, Trumps only policy was to run down the clock and get the hell out of there. He never answered a question with anything more then "that's terrible, we make stupid deals, we are lovers, I'll build a wall mexico will pay for it, and trust me. Only now has Trump been seriously talking policy and itsnreally nothing more then talking points handed to him by Mitch McConnell.

If we don't let those asshole who use "8 year old kids in hellholes" to build their shit, to sell that shit in the world's largest market, they will move their manufacturing jobs back or lose their market to someone who did.

And "Free thinkers who create new jobs" don't help if they fill those jobs with cheap work visa labor.
Why would ESTABLISHMENT George Soros Globalists endorse the Donald??

If they did, they'd be Idiots.....

Just gauge the intelligence of our local T-rump enthusiasts.....

His sweet spot begins 2 standard deviations to the left of the intelligence distribution mean....

You keep saying stupid shit without backing any of it up.

Because you can't.
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....
No DC insider likes Trump?
I guess that locks in my vote for Trump.
Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?

Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson

Have you found that Trump supporters are unable to tell you why they support Trump?
Correct me if I am wrong but no living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorses Trump..

These are the people who know what the job on President is about and not one of them said Trump can do it...

Sorry this looks like evidence and we know how the Trump side just hates facts and evidence....

And anyone that is happy about the direction that America is headed, can listen to those who have put US on this course.

The rest of US will vote for change.

But that is the thing I don't think you are getting...

America is in this position because it took a course too far to the right... Americans work harder and have a lower quality of life than Europe... Look at the evidence...

This started under Reagan and continued...

The GOP sold the lie it was all the Democrats fault when they blew up the economy. They have been running this campaign of negativity and warmongering for decades and now someone has just gone more extreme than them...

Trump is not conservative... He is a false conservative... He is an authoritarian which is the opposite to a libertarian... He opposes freedom and believes in high government control... Just look at his policies...

  • The Wall is going to be one of the biggest land grabs in modern US history.
  • The deportation plan will involve the compulsory carrying of ID for all citizens. No Id you will be locked up as a suspect illegal.
  • All foreign goods will investigated and taxed.
  • Women will be asked to leave there job if they are harassed by men.
it goes on....


Your position is that conservatism got US into this mess and since Trump is no conservative, he is not the one to get US out of it.

YOu should maybe walk me though that slower, and with less off topic asides.

Cause at first glance, it doesn't make sense.

Trump is an Authoritarian after that he swings wildly, truth is he doesn't seem to know himself... We see him spending big with tax cuts...
That will drive the deficit wild.. He is not a fisical conservative but is appealing to the low taxers people, he also gives lip service to the social conservatives while being no great christian...

He is basically the worse of both houses.. That why there is no details... Have you got a creditable econmist to back his economic plan...

Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

Credible economists have failed. OUr bi-partisan economic policy has failed to deliver.

Trump is not an Authoritarian.

Deporting illegals, and limiting immigration so that the Law of Supply and Demand will improve jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans is a real plan.

Bringing back manufacturing jobs is a real plan.

NOT fucking with RUssia is a real plan.
Yes. And what does that have to do with this post?
The "taking seriously" bit....

Rozman said he doesn't take Trump seriously.

I replied, but you do take Hillary seriously? Seriously?

You came in with "Aren't you the Gold Standard guy?"

Again, WTF are you talking about? What does what I said have to do with the gold standard? It's a complete non-sequitur. Are you arguing Hillary supports the gold standard? You can't be doing that. No idea what you're talking about. Clarify
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson

Have you found that Trump supporters are unable to tell you why they support Trump?

No, they support him because he's an anti-free market capitalist

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