No living President, Secretary of State or FED Chairman endorse Trump

Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy. are describing has nothing to do with "free market capitalism", and has a solid record of consistent failure......the experiments enjoy shorter lifespans than its communist cousins...
Nope, I am describing free market capitalism within the US economy, no economic isolationism, replacing multilateral trade agreements that drive US jobs to less developed countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations and replacing them with bilateral trade agreements such as we had before the Clintons.

Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man

Having Free Trade internally and recognizing that your international trade partners will NOT play fair, is not an oxymoron.

YOu can be free to decide what business you wan to engage in domestically in the terribly limiting market of 300 million people and the largest economy on the planet, while being prevented from colluding with nations that are actively looking to fuck US.
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Unlike Trump supporters who can tell you that they support Trump because of his positions on various issues, typically, Clinton supporters have no idea why they support Clinton, so they have to bail out of any serious conversation about the issues.

Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy.

Bull crap. Explain how you know more about economics than economists do. What was responsible for that insight?
In the 1990's global free trade was a popular idea, but today few economists believe it has benefited the US, and if you had been paying attention, you would know that even Hillary, formerly one of the staunchest advocates for trade agreements like NAFTA now acknowledges it was a mistake because it didn't deliver the benefits she had expected it to.

Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.
Deport the Illegals, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

Bring back manufacturing jobs, thus increasing jobs, wages and working conditions for Americans.

STOP fucking with Russia, thus increasing safety for Americans.

Those policy positions made him an unstoppable juggernaut is the Republican Primaries.

I hope that helps you understand.

That he won selling simple minded solutions to the simple minded, KKKorrell? We got that part.

We just don't think it's a good thing.

Fuck you, you race baiting asshole.
Um ... learn to read. I am mocking the idea that they are not equivalent, not the idea that they are. They are both jokes who don't belong on a White House tour much less living there.

Seriously, you couldn't read that? Rozman said Trump is a joke. I replied but Hillary isn't? I said they ARE equivalent, not that they are not. What is wrong with you? Too many years in government schools being babysat?
I said they ARE equivalent,

Hence my suggestion that you cannot be taken seriously....but we knew that already...

I see, so you were just a partisan, Hillary loving hack. Still not seeing the connection to the gold standard.

I said both can't be taken seriously. Your reply, you thought I supported the gold standard. What does that have to do with two candidates I don't support, don't take seriously, won't vote for and neither of whom support the gold standard?

You trying to just deflect at this point until you can run away?
It is a recognition of objective facts......that Hillary is more qualified for the job is Indisputable........ Whether you hate her, love her, or are indifferent....

Personally, I'm not very enthused about Hillary......but that doesn't blind me to the obvious.

Define "qualified"

There's relevant professional experience....... Also the intangibles, such as intelligence and temperament.....

And to think libs whine at us trump supporters about "details", LOL!!
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy. are describing has nothing to do with "free market capitalism", and has a solid record of consistent failure......the experiments enjoy shorter lifespans than its communist cousins...
Nope, I am describing free market capitalism within the US economy, no economic isolationism, replacing multilateral trade agreements that drive US jobs to less developed countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations and replacing them with bilateral trade agreements such as we had before the Clintons.

Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man

Having Free Trade internally and recognizing that your international trade partners will NOT play fair, is not an oxymoron.

YOu can be free to decide what business you wan to engage in domestically in the terribly limiting market of 300 million people and the largest economy on the planet, while being prevented from colluding with nations that are actively looking to fuck US.

What a load of crap. If they don't want to deal with us, they won't. They can't make us make a deal. You're just rationalizing and repeating the mantra that somehow our government can best decide when we should be allowed to make deals. It's anti-capitalist and anti-liberty.

We (American business) are the best in the world. Fuck off and leave us alone
His positions on issues?

On which day of the week?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Agreed. I can tell you why I don't support Trump, he's not a free market capitalist. That's why I support Johnson
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy.

Bull crap. Explain how you know more about economics than economists do. What was responsible for that insight?
In the 1990's global free trade was a popular idea, but today few economists believe it has benefited the US, and if you had been paying attention, you would know that even Hillary, formerly one of the staunchest advocates for trade agreements like NAFTA now acknowledges it was a mistake because it didn't deliver the benefits she had expected it to.

Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit
But no one says anything that both the Communist Party of America, and the Socialist Party of America endorse the Hildebeast!!!

Oh, let's not forget the current head of the KKK endorses her and sent $20K to her campaign!!!
But no one says anything that both the Communist Party of America, and the Socialist Party of America endorse the Hildebeast!!!

Oh, let's not forget the current head of the KKK endorses her and sent $20K to her campaign!!!

The Communist party doesn't just endorse Hitlary. She is their candidate
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy. are describing has nothing to do with "free market capitalism", and has a solid record of consistent failure......the experiments enjoy shorter lifespans than its communist cousins...
Nope, I am describing free market capitalism within the US economy, no economic isolationism, replacing multilateral trade agreements that drive US jobs to less developed countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations and replacing them with bilateral trade agreements such as we had before the Clintons.

Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man

Having Free Trade internally and recognizing that your international trade partners will NOT play fair, is not an oxymoron.

YOu can be free to decide what business you wan to engage in domestically in the terribly limiting market of 300 million people and the largest economy on the planet, while being prevented from colluding with nations that are actively looking to fuck US.

What a load of crap. If they don't want to deal with us, they won't. They can't make us make a deal. You're just rationalizing and repeating the mantra that somehow our government can best decide when we should be allowed to make deals. It's anti-capitalist and anti-liberty.

We (American business) are the best in the world. Fuck off and leave us alone

I'm not sure how that addresses my points.

Free Internal Trade is pretty big area to play around in. We can have all the competition and innovation you want right here.

As an American businessman you don't have a right to deal with nations that are looking to fuck US.

Chine might be willing to sell you a mountain of steel below cost. You would make a ton of money if you resold it in the American Market.

But it would fuck America steel makers.

WHy should we, as America let you and the Chinese benefit at the expense of the nation as a whole?

Why do you want to?
If you had been paying attention, you would realize they are the same positions everyday and the same proposals for dealing wi
Trump supports free market capitalism within our economy but not in the global economy because while it is good for the global economy, it is not good for the US economy.

Bull crap. Explain how you know more about economics than economists do. What was responsible for that insight?
In the 1990's global free trade was a popular idea, but today few economists believe it has benefited the US, and if you had been paying attention, you would know that even Hillary, formerly one of the staunchest advocates for trade agreements like NAFTA now acknowledges it was a mistake because it didn't deliver the benefits she had expected it to.

Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit

NOt at all. I'm sure that you personally benefit.

BUt America as a whole gets fucked.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that if the Trade is supposedly Free, and Lord Knows America has a lot on the Ball, that we always lose?

To me, I strongly suspect hidden Fuck Yous in the supposedly Free and Fair and Open rules and regulations. are describing has nothing to do with "free market capitalism", and has a solid record of consistent failure......the experiments enjoy shorter lifespans than its communist cousins...
Nope, I am describing free market capitalism within the US economy, no economic isolationism, replacing multilateral trade agreements that drive US jobs to less developed countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations and replacing them with bilateral trade agreements such as we had before the Clintons.

Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man

Having Free Trade internally and recognizing that your international trade partners will NOT play fair, is not an oxymoron.

YOu can be free to decide what business you wan to engage in domestically in the terribly limiting market of 300 million people and the largest economy on the planet, while being prevented from colluding with nations that are actively looking to fuck US.

What a load of crap. If they don't want to deal with us, they won't. They can't make us make a deal. You're just rationalizing and repeating the mantra that somehow our government can best decide when we should be allowed to make deals. It's anti-capitalist and anti-liberty.

We (American business) are the best in the world. Fuck off and leave us alone

I'm not sure how that addresses my points.

Free Internal Trade is pretty big area to play around in. We can have all the competition and innovation you want right here.

As an American businessman you don't have a right to deal with nations that are looking to fuck US.

Chine might be willing to sell you a mountain of steel below cost. You would make a ton of money if you resold it in the American Market.

But it would fuck America steel makers.

WHy should we, as America let you and the Chinese benefit at the expense of the nation as a whole?

Why do you want to?

Still looking for your explanation how you know that you know more about economics than economists.

If you want to discuss this, I'm up for that. I'm an MBA in finance (a branch of economics) and spent my career in management and management consulting for international businesses and you're telling me that the field of economics is wrong and everything I experienced the last 25 years in business is wrong.

In March, I finished 9 months in the Netherlands working for the Dutch subsidiary of a US company. Not my first overseas project. I was always working for US companies. I've also offshored a lot of IT support to India.

You're not asking questions, you don't want to understand. It's just dull when you tell me my education and experience are wrong and you can't explain how you know that
Bull crap. Explain how you know more about economics than economists do. What was responsible for that insight?
In the 1990's global free trade was a popular idea, but today few economists believe it has benefited the US, and if you had been paying attention, you would know that even Hillary, formerly one of the staunchest advocates for trade agreements like NAFTA now acknowledges it was a mistake because it didn't deliver the benefits she had expected it to.

Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit

NOt at all. I'm sure that you personally benefit.

BUt America as a whole gets fucked.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that if the Trade is supposedly Free, and Lord Knows America has a lot on the Ball, that we always lose?

To me, I strongly suspect hidden Fuck Yous in the supposedly Free and Fair and Open rules and regulations.

You're full of shit and parroting lawyers and ignoring economists ... in economics.

Offshoring work and reducing costs is good for our economy. I know you believe lawyers are Gods who know all and Vulcans who cannot lie, but the fact is that lower costs overall help our economy by lowering costs for consumers making them richer and making our companies more cost competitive providing other jobs.

You go ahead and parrot the lawyers who you worship that they know more about economics than economists do. But know this. They are full of shit. And since you believe their crap, so are you.

Here's the 411, they are lying to you for power. And it's working
Bull crap. Explain how you know more about economics than economists do. What was responsible for that insight?
In the 1990's global free trade was a popular idea, but today few economists believe it has benefited the US, and if you had been paying attention, you would know that even Hillary, formerly one of the staunchest advocates for trade agreements like NAFTA now acknowledges it was a mistake because it didn't deliver the benefits she had expected it to.

Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit

NOt at all. I'm sure that you personally benefit.

BUt America as a whole gets fucked.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that if the Trade is supposedly Free, and Lord Knows America has a lot on the Ball, that we always lose?

To me, I strongly suspect hidden Fuck Yous in the supposedly Free and Fair and Open rules and regulations.
Lawyers are Gods, you believe them blindly, blah, blah ... got it
Nope, I am describing free market capitalism within the US economy, no economic isolationism, replacing multilateral trade agreements that drive US jobs to less developed countries with cheaper labor and fewer environmental regulations and replacing them with bilateral trade agreements such as we had before the Clintons.

Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man

Having Free Trade internally and recognizing that your international trade partners will NOT play fair, is not an oxymoron.

YOu can be free to decide what business you wan to engage in domestically in the terribly limiting market of 300 million people and the largest economy on the planet, while being prevented from colluding with nations that are actively looking to fuck US.

What a load of crap. If they don't want to deal with us, they won't. They can't make us make a deal. You're just rationalizing and repeating the mantra that somehow our government can best decide when we should be allowed to make deals. It's anti-capitalist and anti-liberty.

We (American business) are the best in the world. Fuck off and leave us alone

I'm not sure how that addresses my points.

Free Internal Trade is pretty big area to play around in. We can have all the competition and innovation you want right here.

As an American businessman you don't have a right to deal with nations that are looking to fuck US.

Chine might be willing to sell you a mountain of steel below cost. You would make a ton of money if you resold it in the American Market.

But it would fuck America steel makers.

WHy should we, as America let you and the Chinese benefit at the expense of the nation as a whole?

Why do you want to?

Still looking for your explanation how you know that you know more about economics than economists.

If you want to discuss this, I'm up for that. I'm an MBA in finance (a branch of economics) and spent my career in management and management consulting for international businesses and you're telling me that the field of economics is wrong and everything I experienced the last 25 years in business is wrong.

In March, I finished 9 months in the Netherlands working for the Dutch subsidiary of a US company. Not my first overseas project. I was always working for US companies. I've also offshored a lot of IT support to India.

You're not asking questions, you don't want to understand. It's just dull when you tell me my education and experience are wrong and you can't explain how you know that

I've seen that the national consensus of economists over the last 40 years have failed to deliver it's promised results.

I remember what was supposed to happen.

I can see that it did not.

In that, I know more than the economists who are ignoring reality and still insisting that the theory is sound.

What "question" do you think I need to ask?
In the 1990's global free trade was a popular idea, but today few economists believe it has benefited the US, and if you had been paying attention, you would know that even Hillary, formerly one of the staunchest advocates for trade agreements like NAFTA now acknowledges it was a mistake because it didn't deliver the benefits she had expected it to.

Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit

NOt at all. I'm sure that you personally benefit.

BUt America as a whole gets fucked.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that if the Trade is supposedly Free, and Lord Knows America has a lot on the Ball, that we always lose?

To me, I strongly suspect hidden Fuck Yous in the supposedly Free and Fair and Open rules and regulations.

You're full of shit and parroting lawyers and ignoring economists ... in economics.

Offshoring work and reducing costs is good for our economy. I know you believe lawyers are Gods who know all and Vulcans who cannot lie, but the fact is that lower costs overall help our economy by lowering costs for consumers making them richer and making our companies more cost competitive providing other jobs.

You go ahead and parrot the lawyers who you worship that they know more about economics than economists do. But know this. They are full of shit. And since you believe their crap, so are you.

Here's the 411, they are lying to you for power. And it's working

You did not answer my question.

Is it not odd to you, that America always loses? With bigger and bigger trade deficits every year?
Calling it free market and saying no free trade is an oxymoron. Either we decide what business we want to engage in or the government does. That you can go out in the yard an hour a day in your prison doesn't make you a free man

Having Free Trade internally and recognizing that your international trade partners will NOT play fair, is not an oxymoron.

YOu can be free to decide what business you wan to engage in domestically in the terribly limiting market of 300 million people and the largest economy on the planet, while being prevented from colluding with nations that are actively looking to fuck US.

What a load of crap. If they don't want to deal with us, they won't. They can't make us make a deal. You're just rationalizing and repeating the mantra that somehow our government can best decide when we should be allowed to make deals. It's anti-capitalist and anti-liberty.

We (American business) are the best in the world. Fuck off and leave us alone

I'm not sure how that addresses my points.

Free Internal Trade is pretty big area to play around in. We can have all the competition and innovation you want right here.

As an American businessman you don't have a right to deal with nations that are looking to fuck US.

Chine might be willing to sell you a mountain of steel below cost. You would make a ton of money if you resold it in the American Market.

But it would fuck America steel makers.

WHy should we, as America let you and the Chinese benefit at the expense of the nation as a whole?

Why do you want to?

Still looking for your explanation how you know that you know more about economics than economists.

If you want to discuss this, I'm up for that. I'm an MBA in finance (a branch of economics) and spent my career in management and management consulting for international businesses and you're telling me that the field of economics is wrong and everything I experienced the last 25 years in business is wrong.

In March, I finished 9 months in the Netherlands working for the Dutch subsidiary of a US company. Not my first overseas project. I was always working for US companies. I've also offshored a lot of IT support to India.

You're not asking questions, you don't want to understand. It's just dull when you tell me my education and experience are wrong and you can't explain how you know that

I've seen that the national consensus of economists over the last 40 years have failed to deliver it's promised results.

I remember what was supposed to happen.

I can see that it did not.

In that, I know more than the economists who are ignoring reality and still insisting that the theory is sound.

What "question" do you think I need to ask?

Yes, obviously of lawyers tell you that, it must be true. All praise the great and all knowing lawyers!
In the 1990's global free trade was a popular idea, but today few economists believe it has benefited the US, and if you had been paying attention, you would know that even Hillary, formerly one of the staunchest advocates for trade agreements like NAFTA now acknowledges it was a mistake because it didn't deliver the benefits she had expected it to.

Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit

NOt at all. I'm sure that you personally benefit.

BUt America as a whole gets fucked.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that if the Trade is supposedly Free, and Lord Knows America has a lot on the Ball, that we always lose?

To me, I strongly suspect hidden Fuck Yous in the supposedly Free and Fair and Open rules and regulations.
Lawyers are Gods, you believe them blindly, blah, blah ... got it

I'm not sure where you get the idea, that I have respect for lawyers.

And I don't see a reply to my point either.
Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit

NOt at all. I'm sure that you personally benefit.

BUt America as a whole gets fucked.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that if the Trade is supposedly Free, and Lord Knows America has a lot on the Ball, that we always lose?

To me, I strongly suspect hidden Fuck Yous in the supposedly Free and Fair and Open rules and regulations.

You're full of shit and parroting lawyers and ignoring economists ... in economics.

Offshoring work and reducing costs is good for our economy. I know you believe lawyers are Gods who know all and Vulcans who cannot lie, but the fact is that lower costs overall help our economy by lowering costs for consumers making them richer and making our companies more cost competitive providing other jobs.

You go ahead and parrot the lawyers who you worship that they know more about economics than economists do. But know this. They are full of shit. And since you believe their crap, so are you.

Here's the 411, they are lying to you for power. And it's working

You did not answer my question.

Is it not odd to you, that America always loses? With bigger and bigger trade deficits every year?

Loaded question fallacy.

It's also begging the question and a big steaming pile of shit.

But lawyers told you, it must be so!

So do you think lawyers are immortal? Were they born in virgin births? What do you think makes them so genius?

Think Einstein was secretly a lawyer?
Having Free Trade internally and recognizing that your international trade partners will NOT play fair, is not an oxymoron.

YOu can be free to decide what business you wan to engage in domestically in the terribly limiting market of 300 million people and the largest economy on the planet, while being prevented from colluding with nations that are actively looking to fuck US.

What a load of crap. If they don't want to deal with us, they won't. They can't make us make a deal. You're just rationalizing and repeating the mantra that somehow our government can best decide when we should be allowed to make deals. It's anti-capitalist and anti-liberty.

We (American business) are the best in the world. Fuck off and leave us alone

I'm not sure how that addresses my points.

Free Internal Trade is pretty big area to play around in. We can have all the competition and innovation you want right here.

As an American businessman you don't have a right to deal with nations that are looking to fuck US.

Chine might be willing to sell you a mountain of steel below cost. You would make a ton of money if you resold it in the American Market.

But it would fuck America steel makers.

WHy should we, as America let you and the Chinese benefit at the expense of the nation as a whole?

Why do you want to?

Still looking for your explanation how you know that you know more about economics than economists.

If you want to discuss this, I'm up for that. I'm an MBA in finance (a branch of economics) and spent my career in management and management consulting for international businesses and you're telling me that the field of economics is wrong and everything I experienced the last 25 years in business is wrong.

In March, I finished 9 months in the Netherlands working for the Dutch subsidiary of a US company. Not my first overseas project. I was always working for US companies. I've also offshored a lot of IT support to India.

You're not asking questions, you don't want to understand. It's just dull when you tell me my education and experience are wrong and you can't explain how you know that

I've seen that the national consensus of economists over the last 40 years have failed to deliver it's promised results.

I remember what was supposed to happen.

I can see that it did not.

In that, I know more than the economists who are ignoring reality and still insisting that the theory is sound.

What "question" do you think I need to ask?

Yes, obviously of lawyers tell you that, it must be true. All praise the great and all knowing lawyers!

No, I remember what was supposed to happen thanks to Free Trade.

It did not happen.

What "question" do you think that I need to ask?
Bull shit, you're making that up. If you literally took the first economics course at the college level you'd know that free trade is great for the economy.

The more government regulates and the worse it gets, the more you people call for more regulation because the free market didn't work. It's idiotic and defies all empirical evidence.

Your trust in politicians and bureaucrats that they will act in the interest of the people is staggeringly naive

Your trust that the Trade that we engage in with others, that they call Free Trade, but that we ALWAYS lose, is actually Free Trade, is staggeringly naive.

So American businesses make deals where we lose without the all wise direction of politicians and bureaucrats to take us by the hand and tell us when a deal's in our interest. That's very helpful. Clearly lawyers and bureaucrats know better than we do how to conduct business. You're full of shit

NOt at all. I'm sure that you personally benefit.

BUt America as a whole gets fucked.

Doesn't it seem odd to you that if the Trade is supposedly Free, and Lord Knows America has a lot on the Ball, that we always lose?

To me, I strongly suspect hidden Fuck Yous in the supposedly Free and Fair and Open rules and regulations.
Lawyers are Gods, you believe them blindly, blah, blah ... got it

I'm not sure where you get the idea, that I have respect for lawyers.

And I don't see a reply to my point either.

You don't know where I get that? Seriously? Despite that I've told you like 20 times?

You think that lawyers know more about economics than economists do. In fact, lawyers are directly contradicting the field of economics about economics. Are you even reading my posts or just writing of your enormous love of lawyers?

What do you think a doctor would think of you writing that the field of medicine is wrong without being able to explain how you know that?

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