No Longer David:*The State of Israel As Goliath

The Truth is the IDF has been destroying greenhouses in Gaza for years, in military strikes predating Cast Lead even.

And this devastation is recorded forever in satellite images

Imaging Notes Magazine ||

"Israeli troops pulled back from Tel al-Sultan on May 21. Over the next few days, the most extensive property destruction was at two large agricultural areas full of greenhouses, both more than one kilometer from the border and not near any settlements. ‘ Ala al-Din Faiz Buraika watched the destruction from his home adjacent to the western-most agricultural area when it began on May 20.*"
"No one could get out or in, tanks were surrounding the area,” he told Human Rights Watch. “They surrounded Tel al-Sultan and cut it from the town. They used bulldozers and tanks, with Apaches [helicopters] protecting them from above. They spent three days destroying the greenhouses, which grew onions, melons and flowers.” Human Rights Watch inspected both agricultural areas in Tel al-Sultan. Both were devoid of any greenhouses; only ruptured earth littered with metal and glass remains.*"

This article includes satellite images before and after the destruction by the IDF of greenhouses in Gaza.

Figure 3 contrasts before and after satellite images of the agricultural area west of Tel al-Sultan, recording this damage.

Imaging Notes Magazine ||
Satellite images record the Truth about the IDF destruction of greenhouses.

[ame=]Rachel Corrie - Interview - YouTube[/ame]

She got what she deserved. Stand in front of a bulldozer and you are begging to be killed, particularly as she knew the controller was not able to see her.

The Israeli army's report [seen by The Guardian], said:

The army was searching for explosives in the border zone when Corrie was "struck as she stood behind a mound of earth that was created by an engineering vehicle operating in the area and she was hidden from the view of the vehicle's operator who continued with his work. Corrie was struck by dirt and a slab of concrete resulting in her death.... The finding of the operational investigations shows that Rachel Corrie was not run over by an engineering vehicle but rather was struck by a hard object, most probably a slab of concrete which was moved or slid down while the mound of earth which she was standing behind was moved. (The Guardian, April 14, 2003).[11]

On June 26, 2003, The Jerusalem Post quoted an Israeli military spokesman as saying that Corrie had not been run over and that the operator had not seen her:

The driver at no point saw or heard Corrie. She was standing behind debris which obstructed the view of the driver and the driver had a very limited field of vision due to the protective cage he was working in.... The driver and his commanders were interrogated extensively over a long period of time with the use of polygraph tests and video evidence. They had no knowledge that she was standing in the path of the tractor. An autopsy of Corrie's body revealed that the cause of death was from falling debris and not from the tractor physically rolling over her. It was a tragic accident that never should have happened.

The classified IDF report made no mention of the pathologist's conclusion.[50]

Howard Blume told that IDF stated:

[a bulldozer with 2 crews] was engaged in "routine terrain leveling and debris clearing", not building demolition. Quoting from the IDF report, Corrie died "as a result of injuries sustained when earth and debris accidentally fell on her.... Ms. Corrie was not run over by the bulldozer," he added, IDF also claimed she was possibly "in a blindspot for the bulldozer operators and "behind an earth mound", so they did not see that she was in harm's way.[51]

Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"...Every single one of those 1400 Gazans Israel killed in Cast Lead is nothing but bones today..."
I'll bet their ghosts are wishing that Hamas hadn't started lobbing rockets again, yes?

"...Israel took their lives from them."
A 100-to-1 kill-ratio vis-a-vis Israeli casualties is pretty doggone impressive, isn't it?


Super mooch, Israel, has all the latest weaponry where the Palestinians are a virtually defenseless civilian population.

It is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Brave the IDF are.:lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, given that they've kicked Arab ass on multiple occasions, against very long odds - yeah, they are brave.

And, Hamas, et al, have enough automatic small-arms, RPGs, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, and enough short and medium-range rockets to choke a horse.

They are far from defenseless... they just don't have or operate the heavy stuff.

And yet, they're foolish enough to keep launching rocket-barrages against a nearby military power that DOES have the heavy stuff.

Not the brightest crayons in the box.

Don't want to be in the barrel?

Don't fire the rockets.


Their choice.
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"...Stand in front of a bulldozer and you are begging to be killed, particularly as she knew the controller was not able to see her..."
Bad break for a sweet, well-intentioned but misguided and politically-arrogant young woman.

Nature de-selected her.

You will notice that every time they bring up Rachel Corrie, they never see fit to mention that an armed terrorist was hiding in the offices of the ISM, the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged. This terrorist then went and blew himself up in a restaurant. I guess the people that he managed to kill and wounc mean nothing to the crowd who always spit out about Rachel Corrie.
Since you are so good in math, could you tell us the ratio of the people killed so far in Syria compared to the people killed in the Cast Iron incident?
And that's Muslim killing Muslim.

They hate each other even more than they do Jews and Christians, sometimes.

They are their own worst enemy.

Let's hear it for all those Christians killing each other in Mexico.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Those are Godless drug-gangs fighting each other; most of whom haven't seen the inside of a church since they were baptized - if then.

The fighting in Syria, on the other hand, is primarily between factions of Muslims in good standing, and even carries some hint of Sectarianism in the range of motives and backers for that fighting.

Entirely non-viable equivalency. There are others, to be sure, but they're few and far between, and infrequent enough so they are not rendered as stereotypical, as it the case with Sunni and Shia. But, this one? Fail.

Oh, and, BTW, Tinny... although I had no problem in noting the Muslim-killing-Muslim bloodbath in Syria, I did not see fit to serve-up 'clapping' iconography alongside the observation. Just sayin'.
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"...Stand in front of a bulldozer and you are begging to be killed, particularly as she knew the controller was not able to see her..."
Bad break for a sweet, well-intentioned but misguided and politically-arrogant young woman.

Nature de-selected her.

You will notice that every time they bring up Rachel Corrie, they never see fit to mention that an armed terrorist was hiding in the offices of the ISM, the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged. This terrorist then went and blew himself up in a restaurant. I guess the people that he managed to kill and wounc mean nothing to the crowd who always spit out about Rachel Corrie.
I was not aware of that. I've never been sufficiently interested in the wrap-around details to go looking, quite honestly, but, if that's the case (and I have no reason to doubt you on that score, then) that is, indeed, an interesting sidebar-fact about the case. Thanks.
Bad break for a sweet, well-intentioned but misguided and politically-arrogant young woman.

Nature de-selected her.

You will notice that every time they bring up Rachel Corrie, they never see fit to mention that an armed terrorist was hiding in the offices of the ISM, the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged. This terrorist then went and blew himself up in a restaurant. I guess the people that he managed to kill and wounc mean nothing to the crowd who always spit out about Rachel Corrie.
I was not aware of that. I've never been sufficiently interested in the wrap-around details to go looking, quite honestly, but, if that's the case (and I have no reason to doubt you on that score, then) that is, indeed, an interesting sidebar-fact about the case. Thanks.

Years ago there was a poster whose young cousin was in this restaurant with her parents, and the young girl had to have her leg amputated, undergo several surgeries, but unfortunately died. There was also an American documentary maker in their filming. He was severely injured, but wanted to go back to the States for rehabilitation. There was a thread on a Bronx Board asking for donations for him from those who knew him from the Catholic High School he had attended. My computer is acting up this morning, so just Google Mike's Place Bombing, and you can read all about it.
I'll bet their ghosts are wishing that Hamas hadn't started lobbing rockets again, yes?

A 100-to-1 kill-ratio vis-a-vis Israeli casualties is pretty doggone impressive, isn't it?


Super mooch, Israel, has all the latest weaponry where the Palestinians are a virtually defenseless civilian population.

It is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Brave the IDF are.:lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, given that they've kicked Arab ass on multiple occasions, against very long odds - yeah, they are brave.

And, Hamas, et al, have enough automatic small-arms, RPGs, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, and enough short and medium-range rockets to choke a horse.

They are far from defenseless... they just don't have or operate the heavy stuff.

And yet, they're foolish enough to keep launching rocket-barrages against a nearby military power that DOES have the heavy stuff.

Not the brightest crayons in the box.

Don't want to be in the barrel?

Don't fire the rockets.


Their choice.

Crock of crap post.

anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles

How many tanks (and bulldozers) and airplanes have Hamas taken out?
You will notice that every time they bring up Rachel Corrie, they never see fit to mention that an armed terrorist was hiding in the offices of the ISM, the radical group to which Rachel Corrie belonged. This terrorist then went and blew himself up in a restaurant. I guess the people that he managed to kill and wounc mean nothing to the crowd who always spit out about Rachel Corrie.
I was not aware of that. I've never been sufficiently interested in the wrap-around details to go looking, quite honestly, but, if that's the case (and I have no reason to doubt you on that score, then) that is, indeed, an interesting sidebar-fact about the case. Thanks.

Years ago there was a poster whose young cousin was in this restaurant with her parents, and the young girl had to have her leg amputated, undergo several surgeries, but unfortunately died. There was also an American documentary maker in their filming. He was severely injured, but wanted to go back to the States for rehabilitation. There was a thread on a Bronx Board asking for donations for him from those who knew him from the Catholic High School he had attended. My computer is acting up this morning, so just Google Mike's Place Bombing, and you can read all about it.


We have heard about this Zionist fantasy revolving around Mikes Place from you for years, and never do you have a link, you never do and some things never change.
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Super mooch, Israel, has all the latest weaponry where the Palestinians are a virtually defenseless civilian population.

It is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Brave the IDF are.:lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, given that they've kicked Arab ass on multiple occasions, against very long odds - yeah, they are brave.

And, Hamas, et al, have enough automatic small-arms, RPGs, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, and enough short and medium-range rockets to choke a horse.

They are far from defenseless... they just don't have or operate the heavy stuff.

And yet, they're foolish enough to keep launching rocket-barrages against a nearby military power that DOES have the heavy stuff.

Not the brightest crayons in the box.

Don't want to be in the barrel?

Don't fire the rockets.


Their choice.

Crock of crap post.

anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles

How many tanks (and bulldozers) and airplanes have Hamas taken out?

I don't know... how many? You remind me of my youth-----way back in
1967-----the Egyptian army was ARMED TO THE TEETH ---by the USSR.
ALL KINDS OF STUFF-------hundreds of shiny new tanks------some sort of special
on the shoulder rifles that could take down elephants and planes-----even
special Russian Military experts RIGHT THERE IN THE FIELD with the egyptian

Thus it was not all that surprising when the Egyptian news source claimed
HUNDREDS OF ISRAELI PLANES DOWN -------if I remember correctly---Israel
claimed only two. I was young------and into COMPROMISE----so I assumed
-----well-----about 100 Israeli planes down

well---it turned out that with all them SHINY NEW SHOULDER THINGS that shot down
elephants and planes-------only a few Israeli planes went down------some people
blamed it on the fact that the Russian military guys could not speak arabic ???

maybe Mr tin ----knows-------what are the gazans doing with all those
weapons? They certainly know how to launch baby brain smashing nail
bombs---------but they are good for nothing other than smashing baby brains
She got what she deserved. Stand in front of a bulldozer and you are begging to be killed, particularly as she knew the controller was not able to see her.

The Israeli army's report [seen by The Guardian], said:

The army was searching for explosives in the border zone when Corrie was "struck as she stood behind a mound of earth that was created by an engineering vehicle operating in the area and she was hidden from the view of the vehicle's operator who continued with his work. Corrie was struck by dirt and a slab of concrete resulting in her death.... The finding of the operational investigations shows that Rachel Corrie was not run over by an engineering vehicle but rather was struck by a hard object, most probably a slab of concrete which was moved or slid down while the mound of earth which she was standing behind was moved. (The Guardian, April 14, 2003).[11]

On June 26, 2003, The Jerusalem Post quoted an Israeli military spokesman as saying that Corrie had not been run over and that the operator had not seen her:

The driver at no point saw or heard Corrie. She was standing behind debris which obstructed the view of the driver and the driver had a very limited field of vision due to the protective cage he was working in.... The driver and his commanders were interrogated extensively over a long period of time with the use of polygraph tests and video evidence. They had no knowledge that she was standing in the path of the tractor. An autopsy of Corrie's body revealed that the cause of death was from falling debris and not from the tractor physically rolling over her. It was a tragic accident that never should have happened.

The classified IDF report made no mention of the pathologist's conclusion.[50]

Howard Blume told that IDF stated:

[a bulldozer with 2 crews] was engaged in "routine terrain leveling and debris clearing", not building demolition. Quoting from the IDF report, Corrie died "as a result of injuries sustained when earth and debris accidentally fell on her.... Ms. Corrie was not run over by the bulldozer," he added, IDF also claimed she was possibly "in a blindspot for the bulldozer operators and "behind an earth mound", so they did not see that she was in harm's way.[51]

Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's bullshit! They were trying to bulldoze down the house of a Palestinian doctor. The operator had a conversation with her just moments before he deliberately ran her over. Then he stopped and backed up onto her one more time.

God-damn, the shit you people come up with.
Yeah, given that they've kicked Arab ass on multiple occasions, against very long odds - yeah, they are brave.

And, Hamas, et al, have enough automatic small-arms, RPGs, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, and enough short and medium-range rockets to choke a horse.

They are far from defenseless... they just don't have or operate the heavy stuff.

And yet, they're foolish enough to keep launching rocket-barrages against a nearby military power that DOES have the heavy stuff.

Not the brightest crayons in the box.

Don't want to be in the barrel?

Don't fire the rockets.


Their choice.

Crock of crap post.

anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles

How many tanks (and bulldozers) and airplanes have Hamas taken out?

I don't know... how many? You remind me of my youth-----way back in
1967-----the Egyptian army was ARMED TO THE TEETH ---by the USSR.
ALL KINDS OF STUFF-------hundreds of shiny new tanks------some sort of special
on the shoulder rifles that could take down elephants and planes-----even
special Russian Military experts RIGHT THERE IN THE FIELD with the egyptian

Thus it was not all that surprising when the Egyptian news source claimed
HUNDREDS OF ISRAELI PLANES DOWN -------if I remember correctly---Israel
claimed only two. I was young------and into COMPROMISE----so I assumed
-----well-----about 100 Israeli planes down

well---it turned out that with all them SHINY NEW SHOULDER THINGS that shot down
elephants and planes-------only a few Israeli planes went down------some people
blamed it on the fact that the Russian military guys could not speak arabic ???

maybe Mr tin ----knows-------what are the gazans doing with all those
weapons? They certainly know how to launch baby brain smashing nail
bombs---------but they are good for nothing other than smashing baby brains

I'm afraid that for tinny, and the other haters, life for them will always be a series of disappointments, failures and regrets that their jooooo hating fantasies aren't fulfilled.

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